Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition Page 14

by Ariadne Wayne

  That look on her face again made me grin even more. ‘So here are your things,’ I said. I tipped the box upside down and her sex toys went flying. The handcuffs hit the floor with a thud and I was pretty sure at least one dildo went bouncing under a desk. It would be fun picking it all up.

  Immediately there was silence and the only noise I could hear was her squawk as she frantically started to pick things up.

  I turned and walked out, throwing the box over my shoulder behind me. If she messed with me again she would be really sorry but I figured she would leave me alone now.

  By the time I got home Scott had already received the phone call. She hadn't told him what I'd done but she had made sure he knew she was not happy.

  ‘What did you say to her?’ I asked.

  ‘I said, that is what happens when you mess with my wife,’ he said, ‘what did you do to her?’

  When I told him what had happened he laughed but told me off. ‘I think you two need to stay apart, it's probably not a good look for my wife to be carrying on like that.’

  ‘If anyone makes any noise about it, blame it on me being pregnant and a bit nuts. That is what I am right now.’

  He laughed. ‘I love you like this Alisha, don't ever change. This is the woman I fell in love with, the one that doesn't take shit from anyone. I love you.’

  Chapter 35

  As the months went on I got over being pregnant very quickly. It wasn't that I didn't love the baby inside me, it was the uncertainty hanging over our heads about whose it was. Not that it really mattered, we had planned ahead for the parts we'd all play in the event that it was Dan's.

  I just wanted the whole thing over and done with. We hadn't even found out what we were having this time, the baby would not co-operate during the scan so the whole thing would be a surprise.

  This past year had been good for Scott's business, our business as it were now and I was a little shocked and amazed to find a very large sum of money in my bank account randomly one day.

  ‘It's your share, we have had a big year and will look to expand in the next 12 months,’ he said.

  ‘You have to be kidding, what do you want me to do with it?’ I asked.

  ‘Buy another car, redecorate the house. Whatever you want to do with it baby, it's fine by me,’ Scott said.

  I was completely overwhelmed and just left it there. I had never had a lot of money before and it was more than a little scary.

  When Kate came round for dinner one night it gave me an idea. ‘I was talking to one of the checkout girls who started after you did at the grocery store the other day,’ she said, ‘it sounds like Craig has gone into full on sexual harassment mode. No one complains because all he does is intimidate them into backing off.’

  ‘What an asshole,’ I said, ‘one day he will do that to the wrong person and end up in trouble.’

  I remembered well what Craig got up to, although he didn't scare me I had bought my way out of trouble several times by sucking him off out the back of the store. The thought of him making people too scared to do anything about it pissed me off.

  ‘Apparently the store is for sale, she said he's trying to get all the action he can now before he loses his job,’ she said with a laugh, ‘I hope he ends up out on his ass.’

  I nodded. ‘Unless the new owner turns a blind eye like the current one does.’

  She shrugged. ‘I hope not, it's bad enough as it is. It's difficult enough to find a job out there without having to deal with some asshole boss.’

  As soon as Scott walked in the door that night I pounced. ‘Would I have enough money to buy the grocery store where I used to work?’ I asked.

  ‘What the fuck would you want to do that for?’ he said, looking at me as if I had lost the plot.

  ‘Just to get rid of that piece of shit that runs it, apparently the staff there are really suffering.’

  ‘Alisha if you really wanted it you would have done it by now, I told you it's your money even if you do want to throw it away.’

  I grinned. ‘I have no idea where to start, can you help me?’

  ‘I'd do anything for you, my wild, crazy lady.’

  ‘Who are you calling crazy?’ I said.

  He wrapped his arms around me, groping my ass as he looked into my eyes. ‘You are crazy and I am crazy about you.’

  ‘Prove it,’ I said.

  ‘When Lily goes to bed I will,’ he said with a grin.

  My belly was huge by now but we still had the most amazing sex life. I was horny all the time, my hormones working overtime and Scott knew just what I needed.

  When we got to the bedroom he kissed me and helped me out of my clothes. Stroking my breasts and down over my belly he murmured how beautiful I was and how much he loved me.

  I lay on the bed and waited for him, feeling his rock hard cock pressing against my back when he climbed in beside me. ‘Baby, I think you get more beautiful every day,’ he said.

  ‘I feel like a beached whale,’ I said.

  ‘Well then you're a very sexy whale,’ he said with a laugh.

  ‘Very funny Mr Peters,’ I said, and then his fingers felt their way into my pussy, ‘oh holy shit.’

  He laughed. ‘Does this feel good baby?’ he asked.

  ‘Fucking amazing, I would be happy if you fingered me all day every day at the moment,’ I said.

  He kissed his way slowly down my neck, his fingers moving in and out of me.

  ‘I love you so much Alisha, I want you to cum for me,’ he said.

  ‘That will not be a problem,’ I said.

  My body quaked as his fingers did as he wanted and I moaned as my climax hit. Everything seemed amplified while I was pregnant and I was weak, in his arms. His and his forever.

  Gently he raised one of my legs so he could get closer behind me and slid into my waiting, wet pussy. ‘Fuck Alisha, you always feel so good,’ he said.

  He moved slowly, not wanting to thrust too hard. The baby would be here soon enough, we did not want to encourage it arriving early.

  I could feel his hardness moving in and out of me and he gently pulled me over towards him so he could take my nipple into his mouth, gently teasing it with his teeth and tongue while his hand stroked my clit.

  When I came it was overwhelming, and I groaned making an almost guttural noise and panting from the effort. His lips left my breast and he nuzzled and kissed my shoulder and neck while pushing in and out of me. What I really wanted was to be fucked hard but he would not do that, I knew there was no way of talking him into it.

  Finally he came, his cock pulsing inside me and he held me close, still impaled on his length. ‘Oh baby,’ he murmured, ‘told you I was crazy about you.’

  Chapter 36

  It was nearly a month later when I pulled into the carpark at Scott's office. I was supposed to be at home with my feet up according to him at eight months pregnant but I had been experiencing a last minute rush of energy and needed to do what I was about to.

  Mary took Lily to fuss over while I found Kate. ‘You need to come with me now,’ I said.

  ‘I'm at work Alisha, just because you own the place doesn't mean you can take me out whenever you want,’ she said, teasing me.

  ‘It's all right, I have the OK of the big boss. There is something I need to do and I want you with me,’ I said.

  She looked at me, puzzlement on her face but followed anyway. I poked my head into Scott's door. ‘I'm just taking Kate for a little drive, Lily is with Mary if you want to somehow pry your daughter away.’

  He grinned and walked over to kiss me. ‘Are you going where I think you are?’

  ‘I am, might have to steal her a bit more permanently too.’

  Kate just looked bewildered and I laughed. ‘All will be revealed very shortly,’ I said.

  We got into the car and I drove across town to my old neighbourhood, Kate realised almost immediately where we were going. ‘Why on earth are we going to that shit hole?’ she asked.

��You'll see,’ I grinned.

  Walking into the grocery store it looked the same as it always was, the staff looked just as miserable as when we had worked there. Craig spotted us as we roamed the aisles and made a beeline straight for me.

  ‘You're not welcome here Alisha, neither are you Kate,’ he said.

  ‘Why's that Craig?’ I asked.

  ‘Do you really have to ask? You left me in the lurch and then took one of my best employees,’ he said.

  I laughed. ‘I doubt you ever said that to Kate when she worked here and I am pretty sure you would have taken me back if I had fucked you.’

  He went bright red as people turned to look at me.

  ‘You need to leave,’ he said.

  ‘What if I don't want to? Are you going to throw a heavily pregnant woman out on the street?’

  ‘Just go, I don't need you or your attitude here today,’ he said.

  ‘Why today?’ I asked.

  ‘The new owner of the store is arriving and I do not need them hearing any little stories about me, I am sure I could still find a way to make your lives uncomfortable if I had to.’

  ‘Are you threatening me Craig?’ I asked. This time I made myself even louder and again people turned and looked at me.

  ‘Just go Alisha, I do not need this crap.’

  ‘What would you say if I was the new owner?’ I asked.

  A look of uncertainty crossed his face and for a moment he struggled to find words.

  ‘I would say that is highly unlikely so I think you should stop causing trouble and leave.’

  ‘I think you will be the one leaving,’ I said. Kate just stared at me. ‘I bought this place at a bargain price, told the previous owners I knew all about their dodgy manager and if they gave me a hefty discount I would take care of the problem. The manager's job is yours Kate, if you want it.’

  Craig went a funny colour, almost purple. I thought how difficult it was to put my finger on the exact shade. ‘You have got to be kidding me,’ he said.

  ‘I'm sure all the staff will tell me what you put them through, I know what you managed to extract from me and it is not going to happen anymore.’

  It was at that point that I realised a crowd had gathered, made up mostly of store staff some of whom knew me. They all had the same look of disbelief in their face.

  Reaching into my bag I pulled out the papers confirming my purchase and waved them in his face. ‘It's time to go Craig,’ I said.

  ‘Fucking bitch, I will sue you,’ he said.

  ‘On what grounds?’ I asked, ‘pretty sure I'll be able to get so much evidence of your misbehaviour.’

  He turned and walked away and I asked a couple of the workers to follow him to make sure he only took what was his.

  ‘What the fuck Alisha, is it true?’ Kate asked.

  ‘It sure is, I really hope you say yes to running the place now though because otherwise you completely fuck up my plan,’ I said with a laugh.

  She grinned. ‘I'd love to. Though I hope it comes with a big salary.’

  ‘You will not be complaining and we will look at what we can do with the place. For all his bullshit Craig kept a tight ship and the place was breaking even. Let's see if we can tidy it up and make some money.’

  I think she would have grabbed hold of me and hugged me had my huge baby belly not been in the way. ‘I'm sure I speak for all the staff Alisha when I say I fucking love you.’

  Chapter 37

  Next on the agenda was the birth of my baby, I was exhausted all the time now and Mom came to stay to help me out with Lily. It made things easier for Scott too, business was busier than usual and he had hired a couple more people to help him so that he would be able to spend more time with us.

  Things went smoothly and this time the baby went over the due date which made me more cranky and impatient than normal. My back ached and Lily still needed my attention but at least I didn't have to worry about much else.

  Two days after the baby was due my waters broke while we were having breakfast. I still felt fine and the doctor had said that we didn't have to rush anywhere for a while and to see what happened. By the afternoon he said it was time to go and I gave Lily a hug and kiss goodbye. ‘Next time I see you, you will be a big sister,’ I said to her. She blew bubbles at me and I laughed and kissed her again.

  The knock on the door caught me by surprise but Scott seemed to know what was going on when he opened the door. Dan was on the doorstep with Brooke.

  ‘Madam, your chariot awaits,’ he said.

  ‘What the fuck is all this about?’ I asked and stepped through the door. There was the ambulance waiting in the driveway. I laughed. ‘Seriously?’

  ‘We thought we would take you in style,’ Dan said, ‘but hurry up, I need to get it back I've borrowed it on a favour.’

  I have to admit it was more comfortable than the car would have been, I had more room to move. The contractions started while we were on the way and when I told Dan he turned the siren on. It kept me distracted though once they started they came thick and fast, at least that is what it felt like but Scott kept track of how far apart they were and assured me we had plenty of time.

  By the time we got to the hospital though the baby had other ideas and rather than me walking into the hospital, Scott scooped me up into his arms and carried me in the doors. ‘Looks like we got you in just in time,’ said the doctor.

  ‘Really?’ I said, ‘I knew things had sped up but am I really that close?’

  ‘I would wager any amount that it's not long until you feel the urge to push,’ he said with a grin.

  Sure enough, the sensation came shortly afterwards. ‘Whenever you are ready Mrs Peters,’ the doctor said.

  ‘What the fuck,’ I said, ‘you're making this sound like I can just make the baby come out.’

  ‘The second one's usually faster, this baby is very ready to come so when you want to push then push,’ he said.

  He knew I was being difficult and Scott, standing beside me rolled his eyes. ‘No cheek from you,’ I said, ‘if we ever have any more children you can push them out.’

  Scott laughed. ‘I would if I could my love but right now it's your turn.’

  I grumbled and then the next contraction took over my body and I cried out in pain. This was not fun. I remembered how I felt when Lily had been born, when she had finally made her way out of my body and how good that felt.

  This time it only took three pushes and we had our son. The DNA testing wouldn't take too long but in the meantime Scott and I delighted in our baby boy who we named Ryan, after my father. In my heart I knew whose child he was, he was so much like his father. Ryan had those piercing blue eyes just like his sister and just like Scott. I fell in love with him instantly.

  ‘Do you think Lily will like being a big sister?’ I asked Scott.

  ‘I can just imagine Lily and Ryan will be double trouble,’ he said, ‘so close in age together they will keep us on our toes.’

  He kissed me and nuzzled my cheek with his nose while I put Ryan to breast. ‘I love watching you with our babies, you look so happy.’

  ‘I am happy, happier than I ever thought possible. But I want you to promise me something,’ I said.

  ‘Anything,’ Scott said.

  ‘If we have any more children, you are definitely giving birth to them.’

  Dan took us home in the ambulance, grinning when he saw Ryan for the first time. ‘I don't know if there is any point in those tests, it's pretty clear whose child that is,’ he said, sounding relieved.

  A few months ago he might have felt different but this relationship with Brooke was turning into the real thing and I knew he had struggled with possibly having to tell her if the baby turned out to be his.

  ‘It looks like it,’ said Scott. He still wore the silly grin he'd had on his face since Ryan had been born two days previous. It would take a long time for that to wear off.

  Lily was so excited to see me, Mom had kept her from the hos
pital as she was worried about her reaction to leaving me again but I had sorely missed her and I held her tight, burying my face and smelling her. She still had that baby smell about her, even though she was nearly a year old and I found myself crying at the thought of her growing up.

  Scott brought Ryan over to us and showed Lily her little brother while she was in my arms. She held on tight to me as I thought she would and pointed at him, a big grin on her face. I didn't know if she realised he was here to stay but I knew in the not too distant future our home would be full of their laughter as they played together.

  Life was about as perfect as it could get, even more perfect when we got the results confirming Ryan was Scott's son. Was this our happy ever after?

  Chapter 38

  Twelve months later…

  The business had grown so much that soon after Ryan was born we had decided to move it into a much bigger building. I even got my own office for the rare occasion it was likely for me to be there but most of the time I would be at home with our children which I loved.

  Being married to Scott was amazing, I was sure we were happier every day and when we did argue we took it out on each other in the bedroom so the sex was still as hot as ever.

  Our mothers moved closer so they could be near the grandchildren which turned out to be so convenient, especially when I needed to be away from home like tonight.

  It was the last working day in the old office and when I arrived the party was in full swing. Knowing they would be working hard to move everything tomorrow, tonight the staff relaxed and drinks flowed. This was a monumental move, Scott's father had established his business in the building and it had been there for more than 20 years. This was an appropriate send off.

  I smiled as Mary pounced when I walked in, demanding to know where the children were. Our relationship had grown so much since I had started working for the company, she had hated me then as Scott had decided to employ me to her disgust. Now she was like another mother to me.


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