
Home > Other > Destructive > Page 13
Destructive Page 13

by Jessica Prince

His shoulders droop as he looks at the ground. “I’m sorry, Marley.”

  I’m not prepared to forgive him, so instead of telling him it’s okay I simply ask, “What are you doing here, Gabriel?”

  “I was waiting for you.”

  “What? Couldn’t be bothered to break in like the last time?”

  The corner of his lip twitches like he’s trying to fight back a smile. “I figured that would be frowned upon. Judging by the look on your face right now, you might actually have shot me this time.”

  Now I have to fight my own laughter. Why can’t I stay mad at this guy? I need to stay mad. If I let him off the hook, he’ll think he can walk all over me. That’s not going to happen again. Ever.

  “Gabriel, it’s been a long day. I—”

  Holding up his hands, he stops me before I can finish asking him to leave. “I fucked up,” he states earnestly. “I know that. But before you try to pull the plug on this…” his hand moves back and forth in the empty space between us, “…please, just let me apologize.”

  Looking into his stormy gray eyes, I want to give him what he’s asking for. Does this make me weak? Am I making a mistake by not ending things here and now? I don’t know, but I’m tired of always being so cautious, of always over thinking ever single decision I make. Looking at Gabriel, I want to throw all of that away. I deserve something good in my life, and a part of me thinks that Gabriel might be that something. I let out a heavy sigh and turn to unlock my door before stepping back and letting him in.

  He wants to give me an apology, and I want to take it. Because, despite what happened earlier, something inside me just isn’t ready to give him up yet. I want to continue feeling the way he makes me feel. Gabriel steps to the side once he’s crossed the threshold, making room for me to come in and close the door behind me. I turn and head for the couch, sitting right against the arm, making sure to keep a good amount space between us. I might want to forgive him, but I’d be damned if I’m going to make it simple. I am no one’s doormat.

  Gabriel sits in the middle of the couch, close enough to reach out and touch me, but still far enough away to be respectful of my need for space. Neither of us speaks for a while, and the discomfort is starting to get to me. Fiddling with my hands in my lap, I begin picking at my cuticles—one of my many bad habits. It’s either this, or smoking, and I think my landlord might frown upon me lighting up a cigarette in such a tiny apartment.

  “I’m sorry for how I acted on the phone with you,” he says, finally breaking the silence. “I have…control issues, you could say.” That statement causes a knot of dread to build in my stomach. I can’t possibly handle another controlling man in my life…I just can’t.

  Opening my mouth, I speak before he can continue. “I won’t let anyone control me, Gabriel. There are—” I have to swallow down the lump in my throat at what I need to say. “—things…that happened in my past that have made this a rule I live by. I’ll never be with a man who tries to rule my life.”

  Placing a knee on the couch he turns to face me fully. “What happened in your past, Marley?”

  I pull both legs up on the couch and wrap my arms around them, curling into a protective ball. “I don’t want to talk about that. Ever.”

  His brows furrow as he studies me. “Is that why you keep that gun on you?”

  “Gabriel,” I say, my voice a warning.

  He holds up a hand in surrender. “Fine, I’ll drop it, for now.”

  The “for now” isn’t lost on me, but I choose to ignore it. “You don’t need to know what happened to me. I just need you to understand that that’s a deal breaker for me. I won’t tolerate it, no matter how much I might like you.”

  At that, a self-confident smirk tilts one corner of his mouth. “Might?”

  I can’t hold back my eye roll at his arrogance, but I still have to bite my lip to keep from smiling. “Is now really the time for you to act cocky?”

  His head tilts back in laughter before his eyes meet mine once again. “Okay, okay. You’re right.” He lifts his hand from the back of the couch and gently traces the line of my jaw. “I’m sorry for upsetting you.” I find myself instinctively leaning into the warmth of his hand as he cups my cheek. “Forgive me?” His voice is low and husky, causing my eyes to snap open. I hadn’t even noticed I’d closed them, I was so absorbed in his touch.

  I release a shaky breath and lick my lips, causing his gaze to shoot to my mouth. “You promise not to do it again?”

  “There’s no doubt that I’ll do something to piss you off, but I promise, bella, I’ll try my hardest to control myself. But I can swear that I’ll never do anything to hurt you.”

  That’s really all I could ask for. I release a sigh of relief and smile for the first time since seeing him sitting on the ground outside my apartment door. “Then you’re forgiven.”

  A week had passed since Gabriel showed up at my apartment to apologize. After making up, we’d spent a few minutes in a heavy make-out session that I’m sure would have led to something else if he hadn’t received a call from work. That phone of his had an annoying habit of killing the mood between the two of us.

  There hasn’t been an opportunity for the two of us to see each other since that night, but we’ve somehow managed to text and talk on the phone whenever we can. He’d said he had something for work that needed to be taken care of—I didn’t ask what it was—and I’d been busy with school and work myself.

  Between Matt and Carmen, I’ve been able to make it to my shifts at Fletchers and to classes, but I’m really starting to stress about having to spend the money on a new car. It’s just not something I’ve been able to budget for. Gabriel has brought up helping me a few times, but I keep shooting him down. I know he’s just trying to be helpful, but I don’t feel right about it. I’m already in a hell of a lot deeper with him than I ever thought I’d be with a man. The last thing I want is to let myself become dependent on him.

  He’s grumbled about me being difficult—which seems to have become our “thing”—but I’m sticking to my guns.

  “So you’re seeing lover boy tonight?” Carmen asks from her spot next to me. Carmen, Matt, and I are on the same shift today, and Carmen insisted on having “girl talk” so Matt’s currently stuck behind the bar while I take my smoke break with annoyingly nosy company.

  “Yeah,” I say on an exhale. We’re doing dinner at his place tonight. I’m a little nervous about it. I mean, he’s seen where I live and everything, but I’m sure his place is going to be about a thousand times nicer than mine.”

  “Pfft. Who gives a shit how nice the dude’s place is. He’s the one lucky to have you there. He could have all the money in the world, but it wouldn’t matter for shit. You’re worth more than all of it. He’s the one who should be nervous, not you. Remember that.”

  Her words move me to the point that I step over to give her a hug. She ducks out of my grasp and side steps me. “Hey, I might think you’re the shit and all, but you still stink right now. Don’t touch me with those nasty cigarette fingers.”

  “Oh, come on,” I taunt as I wiggle my fingers at her. “You know you want this.” I take a step toward her, laughing, and spread my arms wide. “Bring it in. Let’s do this.”

  “Get the hell away from me,” she screeches as she bolts for the door. I toss my cigarette in the ashtray by the door and follow after her. “And wash your damn hands before coming around the bar!” she hollers as we head back to work the rest of our shift.


  After another, less heated argument the night before over how I was getting to Gabriel’s place, I finally conceded and allowed him to send a driver to pick me up instead of taking a bus or having a friend drive me. But this was only received the personal information I deemed necessary on the man who was picking me up and delivering me to Gabriel’s door. I made sure to relay all of this information to Carmen incase she didn’t hear from me in an appropriate amount of time. In my life the term ‘better safe than sorry�
� held immeasurable meaning.

  Since we’re just doing dinner in, I decide that dressing for comfort is the way to go. I pair my dark skinny jeans with a fitted green sweater that hits right at my hips, and a pair of tan ballet flats. I wear my makeup like I do most days, just a little bronzer, mascara, and gloss. I hadn’t given myself time to flat iron my hair, so the long black locks hung down my back in waves.

  There’s a knock at my front door at exactly seven announcing the arrival of Gabriel’s driver. Butterflies take flight in my stomach, and I fidget nervously As I make my way to the door. Even with all of the excitement I’m feeling at seeing Gabriel again, I can’t help but wish I still had my own car. Maybe I wouldn’t be so anxious if I didn’t have the added stress of riding alone with a man I’ve never met before.

  Pulling the door open, I see a handsome man in his mid-thirties, if I had to guess. He wasn’t quite as tall as Gabriel, but still towered over me. He was dressed in a black suit with a white button down and black tie which did nothing to mask the fact that this man was packing some muscle. My anxiousness starts to build stronger, causing my skin to prickle as I look over this man who could, no doubt, cause some serious harm. But what I see in his face causes all of those fears to take flight.

  He’s smiling at me with total sincerity. There’s nothing malicious or dangerous behind his dark brown eyes. His polite expression has a way of instantly putting me at easy.

  “Good evening, ma’am,” he says in a deep, slightly accented voice.

  “Good evening,” I reply. His grin is infectious and I find myself smiling back. “Please, call me Marley.”

  He nods slightly, “Marley. I’m Mark. It’s lovely to meet you. You’re just as beautiful as Mr. Bertozzi described.”

  Flushing slightly at his compliment, I stare down at my shoes and mumble, “Thank you.”

  After locking up, Mark guides me from my apartment to the town car below. He opens the back passenger door for me and closes it once I’m inside. Even though he’s been nothing but polite so far, I keep a tight hold on my purse, making sure that what’s inside is in close reach at all times.

  “So how long will it take to get to Gabriel’s?” I ask once Mark is in the car and pulling away from my place.

  “It’s only about twenty minutes away ma’am,” he answers politely.

  “You aren’t going to call me Marley, are you?” I ask, feeling that I already know the answer.

  I can hear Mark chuckling under his breath and see his smile in the rear view mirror. “No ma’am. I’m afraid not.”

  I let out a little huff before sitting back against the leather seats and watching the city pass by out of my window. There isn’t any more conversation between Mark and me, but, fortunately, it doesn’t make for an uncomfortable ride.

  A quick glance at my watch tells me we should be to Gabriel’s soon, and when I look back out the window I can’t help but laugh. I recognize exactly where we are.

  “Is something funny, ma’am?” Mark asks.

  “No, nothing,” I giggle and turn my attention back to the window just as Mark pulls up in front of a stunning high rise.

  Turning off the car, he steps out and gets my door for me. “The door man will direct you to Mr. Bertozzi’s apartment.”

  My eyes are still trained on the building in front of me. Oh yeah, I was definitely out of place. I sucked in a deep breath and played Carmen’s words over in my head before turning back to Mark. “Thank you for the ride.”

  “It was my pleasure, ma’am. Enjoy your evening.”

  I walk up the steps to the glass doors leading into the lobby. Before I can reach for the handle, a man in a uniform opens the door and steps to the side to let me in. “Good evening. You’re Mr. Bertozzi’s guest, I presume?”

  Was it that obvious I was out of my element?

  “Uh. Y-yes.” I clear my dry throat and try to swallow down my nerves. “Yes. I’m Marley.” I reach out and shake the older gentleman’s hand.

  “Pleased to meet you, Marley. Mr. Bertozzi is expecting you. If you’ll just follow me.”

  My eyes scan the expensive décor of the lobby as I walk toward the elevators I’d noticed when I first came in. I’m so swept away by the luxury of this place that I’m not really paying attention to the man in front of me until I hear him clear his throat.

  “Ma’am. You’ll want to use this elevator over here.”

  I turn my head away from studying the art along the walls to see the man standing in front of an elevator to the right of where I’d been heading.

  I drop my head slightly in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I just thought...” I trail off pointing at the elevator bank I’d assumed I was supposed to use.

  “Oh, that’s quite all right,” he says with a kind smile. “Those elevators take you to the other forty-three floors, but you have to use this one to get to the penthouse.”

  Hearing that instantly stopped me in my tracks. “The penthouse?”

  “That’s right.”

  Of course Gabriel lives in the penthouse. The man drives a car that cost more money than I could make in a lifetime and wears designer everything. I shouldn’t be surprised. I try to compose myself and step into the elevator when the door opens. The man leans in and slides a little plastic card into a slot right above the key pad. There’s a faint buzz before he hits the button marked ‘P’ then he steps back out with a wave as the doors slide shut.

  As the elevator ascends, I close my eyes and try to calm my pounding heart. It’s so loud, I’m thankful there’s no one else in the elevator to hear it. “He’s the lucky one. He’s the lucky one. He’s the lucky one,” I mumble over and over, but Carmen’s words don’t seem to be doing the trick they were earlier today. Before I’m ready, the elevator comes to a stop, and the doors open.

  I step off into a small, closed off area with only one door straight ahead. An elaborate chandelier hangs from the vaulted ceiling above me and the floor is covered in shiny marble tile.

  I take the five steps between the elevator and the door and knock lightly. I don’t know why I’m shocked to see Gabriel lives in such a fancy place. If you’re one of the richest people in the country, why wouldn’t you live in opulence? I guess I just never stopped to think about it before. I never think about how much he’s worth when he’s around me. I’m too engrossed in how he makes me feel.

  The sound of a deadbolt turning snaps me out of my daze. The door is pulled open and Gabriel is standing in front of me in faded jeans and a light gray t-shirt that makes his eyes appear almost blue. His casual attire is like contradiction to the elegance of our surroundings. His eyes scan me up and down, taking in my appearance as I allow myself the same luxury. I let my gaze trace down his body, admiring the contour of his muscles through the soft fabric of his shirt. His jeans hang low and loose on his waist, and I have no doubt that the second he turns around, I’ll discover that they do amazing things for his ass. When my gaze hit his bare feet, I can’t help but think that I’ve never seen the man look so relaxed before. He’s always dressed to the nines. Right now he just looks completely…comfortable. I like seeing this other side of him. It feels like I’m being allowed a glimpse of a man the rest f the world hardly ever gets to see.

  His voice brings my attention back to his face, to that ever present cocky smirk “Enjoy what you see?”

  Embarrassment overtakes me at being caught staring, but I push it back. “Eh, it’s not too bad, I guess,” I reply with a tiny shrug, eliciting a full blow laugh from Gabriel.

  His arm shoots out and snakes around my waist, pulling me flush against his body. “You’re not looking too bad yourself, baby.” Him calling me baby, along with the hungry kiss he places on my lips, sets my body aflame for him. I let out a small sigh and open my mouth slightly, granting his tongue access as it traces the seam of my lips. He lets out a satisfied moan and pulls away, still keeping his arms around my waist. “Hi,” he says with that killer smile I’m starting to love.

; “You live in Satan’s Mile,” I blurt out on a laugh before I can think about what I’m saying.

  His brow arches in confusion. “Um, yes. That’s funny?”

  “It just seems…fitting.”

  He laughed a little, making his gray eyes sparkle. “Oh? And how’s that?”

  Running my fingers over the cotton on his shirt, I enjoy the ripples of the hard muscles beneath. “Because I haven’t decided yet if you’re good or evil.”

  Gabriel lets out a small groan and nuzzles his face into my neck, sending chills through my body. “I can be deliciously evil when necessary.”

  “I have no doubt about that.”

  Lifting his head and unwrapping his arms, he takes my hand and pulls me through the door, closing it firmly behind us. “Are you hungry?” he asks as he leads me from the foyer into the main part of his apartment.

  I’m awestruck by what I see in front of me. Huge floor to ceiling windows make up the entire back wall of his massive living room. I could probably fit my entire apartment in this space. The room is furnished with a light tan couch directly across from a gorgeous stone fire place with a large flat screen TV hanging above it. To the left of the couch sits a matching loveseat in a rich chocolate brown, and across from that is a chaise lounge is the same dark color. The built in bookshelves that frame the fireplace are filled, top to bottom, with books. Being a lover of books myself, I immediately hone in on those. Breaking from Gabriel’s grasp, I head over to the shelves and begin perusing his selection. The shelves hold a vast assortment of different books. I spot a couple of legal books and even some classics, but the majority seems to be murder mysteries. John Grisham, James Patterson, Lee Child, David Baldacci…you name it, all the big authors are on these shelves.

  “I’m seeing a trend here,” I call out, still looking over the shelves.

  “Yeah, I have a thing for suspense novels.” His voice startles me, causing me to shoot up straight from my hunched over position. I hadn’t heard him come up behind me. He’s so close I can feel the heat radiating from his body and smell the spicy scent of his cologne. “You enjoy reading?” he asks as he takes a step even closer. His chest meets my back and his hands come down to rest on my hips.


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