The Last Bride (DiCarlo Brides #6)

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The Last Bride (DiCarlo Brides #6) Page 3

by Heather Tullis

  He mumbled something about not finding the right woman as he turned away to put the plates in the dishwasher.

  Jonquil shared a smile with Delphi, who was covering the last of the salad with plastic wrap.

  “Are you supposed to pick up Angela tonight?” Delphi asked.

  “Yeah. She keeps saying she’ll start getting rides from the other actors, but since that first night, she’s been calling me.” Jonquil tried not to be irritated about the rides. It hadn’t been that big of a deal so far, but Angela had needed someone to drop everything at work and run her to practice in the afternoon and come back for her in the evening. She ate the food in the fridge and didn’t clean up after herself—which was annoying Delphi to no end, and Jonquil had to hear about it. Jonquil wondered why Angela had picked Juniper Ridge unless all she wanted was free room and board—hadn’t she indicated that the job came with a free room anyway?

  Jonquil stopped herself. Who was she to begrudge her sister a chance to do summer stock? Angela was in college still, studying drama—at the moment—and this opportunity would be invaluable experience. George, Jonquil’s birth father, had always made sure that Jonquil had opportunities like this for her own studies and interests. It wasn’t like Jonquil didn’t have more than enough money to provide food for both of them. She was paid well at her job, still had some money left from her sign-on bonus and would be getting an enormous inheritance in a matter of months. Not being happy to share some of her good fortune with her younger half-sister was selfish. It wasn’t like her parents could help—not with their father’s mounting medical bills and the dead-end job her mother had been forced to take to put food on the table.

  Jonquil had sent money home to help with expenses, but she had the feeling most of it had gone to help keep Angela in college that year.

  “It’s nearly time for her to get out. Let’s swing by to see if she’s almost ready. We need to pick up some groceries anyway.” Delphi put the salad in the fridge and turned to Al. “It was good to see you. Make sure my man doesn’t fall off the roof and hurt himself, will you?” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “See you tomorrow.”

  “See you then, dear.” Al grinned as Jonquil said goodbye too and they left the house.

  “I love that man. Too bad he doesn’t have another son,” Jonquil said.

  “I think half-sisters is close enough, you probably don’t have to marry my husband’s brother to keep me from ignoring you when the year is up,” Delphi said.

  “It wasn’t about you, you dork. It was about him. If only he were twenty years younger.” She sighed dramatically. She still had her eye on Gage, but since that was going nowhere, and Al was definitely too old for her, she’d have to see what else was available. Even with her crazy schedule she sometimes got asked out for dates, but she was tired of the old round of getting-to-know-you events with men she barely knew.

  She thought of the way Gage had gotten up to hold his conversation outside, the grim set to his jaw when he returned and the sincere apology he’d given Jeremy. She liked that he left everything to check on his mom when he thought she needed help, even though it sounded like she was a bit of a hypochondriac. Or maybe that was just Jeremy’s take on things.

  Jonquil stopped at the theater and stuck her head in. The place was empty. Tomb-like almost. They must have finished rehearsals early, and Angela had gotten a ride home. Hallelujah.

  She returned to Delphi in the car. “They’re gone. Let’s make that grocery run and head home. I need to start cooking. Rosemary gave me a recipe for the chocolate soufflé she made at work the other day and I want to give it a try. I just need to find a few hours to try it out.”

  “You work too much.” Delphi pulled back onto the main road.

  Jonquil rolled her eyes.

  “I’m serious. Tara is completely capable of handling the floral center for a day or two without you looking over her shoulder. You should give her some space to show what she can do and give yourself a break now and then.”

  “Pot, kettle.” Jonquil had heard the lecture before and really didn’t need it now.

  “Hey, I’m making time to get away more—and you should too.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” But Jonquil was glad when they pulled into the grocery store parking lot and Delphi changed the subject to their shopping list.

  An hour later they finished shopping and turned onto their street. Several strange cars were parked along the road in front of the house, figures moved behind the curtains inside and when they opened the garage, three strange cars were parked inside.

  As Jonquil opened her car door, she heard the low pounding of bass coming from the kitchen door. She and Delphi shared a look. “Sounds like Angela’s having a party.”

  “Yeah.” Delphi frowned. “Did she talk to you about it first?”

  “Nope.” Jonquil decided to reserve judgment until they got inside. She hadn’t seen many people through the windows—but the drapes had been shut so there was no telling how many people had come to relax at their place.

  They each grabbed half of the grocery bags and moved inside.

  The music assaulted their ears the moment the door opened into the kitchen. Food was spread across the counter: chips, sodas, beer, cookies, and sandwich makings filled the space. A couple stood in front of the sink, entwined and kissing as if there weren’t at least twenty other people in the large open room with them. The big dining table hosted several chatting people and held yet more beer and the living room was filled with people talking and laughing. Angela was the center of attention—as usual.

  She glanced up at Jonquil and flashed a grin. “Good, you’re home. I tried to call you but it went to voice mail. I hope you don’t mind me having a few friends over.”

  “A few?” Delphi asked in a low voice.

  “My phone never rang.” Jonquil held her tongue on whether she minded about the deluge of visitors. They had always had a fairly open door with all of the sisters and their friends and significant others coming and going—even when the other sisters had married and moved out. Jonquil liked to entertain, but it bothered her that her sister didn’t respect her enough to ask before bringing this many people over.

  Delphi made her way through the crowd to the stereo and turned it down several decibels. “Just be sure you clean up after yourselves.” She pursed her lips and disappeared down the stairs to her room.

  Jonquil focused on putting the new food away in the fridge. She was going to have a nice chat with her sister about house rules. She paused, hardly believing they were going to have to come up with house rules now when the only ones before had to do with everyone cleaning up after themselves. She chatted a little with the actors from Angela’s play and accepted compliments on the house, then went downstairs to where the bedrooms were located. It looked like she was going to do paperwork instead of making the soufflé after all.

  Delphi’s door was open and she called to Jonquil as she passed by. “Hey, can you come chat?”

  This was not good. “Yeah.” Jonquil went in and shut the door behind her. “I think we may need to set up some house rules.”

  “Oh, yeah. She’s not going to be happy. But I’d be fine to kick her out and forget it. Since she’s your sister, it’s not so easy for you.” Delphi crossed her arms in front of her. “This can’t happen again.”

  Jonquil’s lips twitched. “You always act so tough, like you don’t care about anything, but I know better.” She tipped her head in concession. “Maybe not with Angela, though. Everyone else seems to think she’s fabulous.”

  “They don’t have to live with her.” Delphi shut her eyes and held up a hand as if she regretted the sour words. “Look, I’m fine with her staying here. She’s got a chance to do something she loves and is actually getting school credit for it. Good for her. I know it’s an internship so she’s getting paid almost nothing. I’ll give her a ride now and then if I need to because she’s your sister and all that, but I’m not okay with noise half the nig
ht or two-dozen strangers in the home without her checking to see if it’s okay. We may not have a wedding tomorrow, but I still have that conference I have to be up early to check on.”

  “I’m right there with you. I’ll tell her no more than three friends over without checking in, and quiet after ten. And she will clean up after her friends if I have to drag her out of bed to do it.” Jonquil sank onto the bed and twined her fingers together and said the words that had been sticking in her throat. “More than once this week I’ve wished she hadn’t come. It makes me feel like a jerk. What kind of sister am I if I don’t want her around?”

  Delphi smiled in commiseration. “Family is complicated, isn’t it?”

  “I never thought so until after Dad died.” Jonquil had known where she stood with her family before. After a few months of living in Juniper Ridge she had felt secure and happy with her life here as well. Then Angela arrived, upsetting the balance again.

  Delphi chuckled. “Whoever thought things would turn out like this, though? I thought we’d end up killing each other.”

  “Dad knew. Not that I’m complaining. I like it here. I’m glad I came, but sometimes I wish my path were as clear to me as it seemed to be to him.”

  “Don’t stress about it. There’s plenty of time to figure it out. Besides, I thought you liked what you’re doing.”

  “I do. It’s my dream job, in the best recreation area in the world. I couldn’t possibly ask for more.” But as the sound of the drum beats changed tempo upstairs, Jonquil wondered why she wasn’t completely happy—and that was something she couldn’t blame on Angela.

  Jonquil got up in the morning and sighed when she saw the empty cups and bowls, chips and drink cans littering the counters, table and floor. There wasn’t time to drag Angela out of bed before work—even though it was a “slow” Saturday in the florist’s center at the resort, she still had meetings. After the last meeting she stopped in to check on progress on the day’s arrangements for the luncheon, restaurant, lobby and upstairs suites. When Jonquil returned home after ten, she went upstairs to Rosemary’s old room and knocked.

  “Go away; it’s still early.” Angela’s voice was scratchy and muffled.

  Jonquil pushed the door open and walked in. She wasn’t surprised to find Angela under a pile of blankets, her head buried beneath a pillow. “You need to clean up downstairs, party girl.”

  “Go away, I was up until three.”

  “Yeah, I remember. It was noisy.” Jonquil almost went up and sent everyone home half a dozen times, but didn’t want to embarrass Angela.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize we were being loud.” Angela pulled the pillow off her head, stuffing it under so she could see Jonquil, then squinted at the clock. “It’s barely after ten.”

  “Yes, but you need to get the house back in order before Delphi comes in from work in a couple of hours or she’ll blow her top. Get up and I’ll make you a cappuccino.”

  Angela groaned. “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

  “Nope. If you’re not down in three minutes, I’ll come after you with a pitcher of ice water.” Jonquil forced a glare before going out on the landing, shutting the door behind her. She hated being the bad guy. There was no help for it, though. Angela was her “guest,” so for Delphi’s sake, it was Jonquil’s job to make sure Angela toed the line. In their house, anyway.

  She went back down the open stairwell to the kitchen and cleared a space to make Angela’s morning beverage. By the time Angela came down the stairs, Jonquil was stirring the espresso into the milk.

  “That is one awesome machine. How did you get it?” Angela asked. “It’s like out of a restaurant or something.”

  “Dad picked it up when he set this place up. We all decided it was to keep Rosemary from blowing up in the morning. She really needs her morning caffeine before she can be happy. Then again, she’s not the only one like that.” She set the mug on the counter. “Pull up a stool—that may be the only clear surface in the room.”

  Angela winced a little. “I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t realize what a mess everyone made. Next time I won’t invite so many people.”

  Jonquil grabbed another stool and sat on it across the counter from Angela. “We need to have a chat about that. Take a few swallows first, though, so that caffeine can start doing its job.”

  Angela did, then took on a defiant expression. “Are you going to treat me like a naughty teenager because I had a party? Seriously, nothing got broken or stained or anything. They were all adults, allowed to drink. It’s not like it was a rave.”

  “You’re right. It could have been worse, but we need to have a chat anyway. First: this is not your house. This is my house and Delphi’s house. You are a guest. A guest shows good manners by not inviting over three dozen friends to have a party. Especially since you never discussed it with us first. If you want to have a couple of friends over, you’re welcome to. If it’s going to be more than three, you need to speak with Delphi or myself before issuing invitations.”

  Her chin turned stubborn. “You want me to ask permission?”

  Jonquil felt like the meanest meanie ever, but she held her ground. “Yes, if you’re going to have a bunch of people over, I expect you to ask permission. This is what a good guest would do. Honestly, unless we’re having a family gathering, I wouldn’t have more than a few people over without checking in with Delphi anyway. It’s called good manners. We’re roommates, we have to be considerate of each other.”

  “You think I have bad manners and I’m inconsiderate? I’m sorry I’m such a burden to you. I’ll go move into the barracks with everyone else.” Angela stood and turned toward the stairs.

  Jonquil rolled her eyes. Everything had to be drama with her sister. “Sit down and talk like an adult, Angela.” Jonquil huffed, disgusted with herself for even a little capitulation. “You’re not a burden, you’re just not thinking clearly. You had a ton of people over until late. We had you turn down the noise twice—not counting when Delphi turned it down when we arrived home. They kept turning it back up again. Your friends left this place trashed and you didn’t clean up. We have regular jobs. I had my usual meeting at eight this morning. So did Delphi. We need to be able to sleep at night.”

  “It’s the weekend.” Angela gestured with her hands now that she was more awake. “You worked like every day this week and you still had a meeting this morning?” Angela stared in surprise.

  “We have one every morning. Once in a while I let my assistant manager handle it, but usually it’s all me. Delphi and I both work nearly every day, with an occasional day or afternoon off so we don’t kill ourselves, but the resort is demanding. We can’t slack or things don’t run like they should. There will be days when I work until eight or nine at night after being at the office by seven. That’s how it works. You need to respect that and let us sleep at night.”

  Angela’s expression turned slightly contrite. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”

  “Well, now you do. And so you know, if you ever have a party again without getting permission first, I will kick everyone out.” Jonquil looked across the scattered garbage. “I’ll help you clean this up—mostly because I need to use the kitchen—but I’m not doing it all for you, and I better never see something like this happen again—or you really will be living four to a room in those tiny living quarters they offer the actors.” She took in a deep breath and tried to even her tone. “I’m glad to have you here. I want to be able to spend time with you and I’ll try to work my schedule around yours if I can, but you’ve got to work with us too.”

  Angela scowled into her cup. “You’re bossy.”

  “Only when you’re being a brat.” Jonquil let her lips twitch up into a smile.

  Angela took another long swallow and finished off her cappuccino. “Okay, let’s get this place cleaned up. Delphi scares me.”

  “She’ll be thrilled to hear it.” Jonquil pulled the box of garbage bags from under the sink, hoping that would b
e the end of that and things with Angela would run better from now on.

  After helping Angela get the house back in order, Jonquil made more food to take over to the guys at Al’s. Angela had begged a ride to rehearsal that day, and when she realized they would be stopping to see the men, asked to go along. “Come on, you said the third friend is hot, and he’s supposed to be there, right? I need to meet some non-drama guys. They’re all so… dramatic.”

  Jonquil shrugged to hide her discomfort with Angela’s interest in Gage. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s not like he’s anything special. And I haven’t seen him date at all since we moved here.” Not that she would necessarily know, but he hadn’t had a date for any of the bigger events she’d attended, and if he dated occasionally, surely she would have heard about it from someone.

  “Don’t believe her,” Delphi said. “Gage is terrific. They just haven’t managed to catch Dad’s vision yet.”

  Jonquil threw Delphi a dirty look. Their dad’s vision had been Jonquil and Gage together in happily wedded bliss, like he’d seen the other girls with their men. Bringing it up wasn’t very nice—especially since Angela didn’t know about any of that.

  Angela didn’t have a chance to ask what she meant though, since Delphi asked, “Cami’s bringing dessert?”

  She wore tan capris and a pale pink blouse—far more casual than her usual button-down business suits. Even her short cap of blond hair seemed somehow softer than usual. She checked the chicken salad sandwich filling Jonquil had made.

  “Yeah, courtesy of the grocery store bakery, I think,” Jonquil said. Cami was as useless in the kitchen as Delphi.

  “Good. Come on. You can drive.” Delphi led the way out to the garage.

  Jonquil wondered if the reason Delphi let her drive was because she was afraid some of the food would get spilled in her own car. Usually Delphi liked to be in control.

  When they arrived at Al’s, Gage, Jeremy and Vince were crouched on the roof, pounding nails and looking completely edible—or at least one of them was. When she stepped out of the car, Jonquil took a long moment to watch Gage and appreciate the flex of muscles beneath glistening skin. His dark hair fell over one eye as he lifted the hammer. Vince looked over and said something and Gage looked up, his brown eyes staring right at her, a little scruff darkening his chin. The familiar flutter in her chest started again and she made herself look away.


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