Three Men and a Woman: Haidee (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Three Men and a Woman: Haidee (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16

by Rachel Billings


  She let it happen. She didn’t say no, but just let Vashi slowly, endlessly, fill her ass with his cock. “Oh, God.” Like it was a prayer, a cry for salvation.

  But it wasn’t. Not really. Or, at least, not all the way.

  She didn’t feel wrong, not as she thought she would. Vashi’s hand covered one breast now, not pinching her tender nipple but just gripping her, making his possession known. He was gritting out instructions to Danny, who followed them like it was natural. Like it was normal to move his fingers to her clit, to stroke the woman who was about to be dealt an ass-fucking by his brother.

  Not normal, maybe, but not wrong, either. Somehow, Danny’s gaze on her, his lips on hers, his fingers touching her clit, and Vashi’s cock up her ass, stroking now, his hand clutching her breast, his hot breath and his teeth at her ear…all seemed right.

  Their combined awareness, their seemingly inbred Haidee-knowledge worked against her, overcoming any reluctance deep in her mind. Soon, it was not just right, but glorious.

  Vashi’s cock thrust into her, increasingly roughly, taking and incredibly intimate. As he fucked her, the awareness that it was Danny’s cum that slicked his way rose to titillate her consciousness, not just a tantalizing little fun fact, but a wildly erotic symbol of their shared claim on her. It was Vashi’s hand on her tit, his teeth finding hold at her neck. And Danya’s fingers at her clit, his mouth possessing hers.

  They drove her, overwhelming her with their combined wicked, illicit stimulation. Behind her, Vashi was breathing roughly, urging Danny to do…something. She couldn’t fathom it, couldn’t process the words, until she became aware of his hand sliding down her thigh. Danny lifted her leg, grasping her knee and pulling it up over his side. Vashi could fill her harder then, banging deeper into her, and Danny could…Danny could put his cock there, too. Hard now, erect again, he pressed into her cunt. He lifted up and, without thinking, she raised her other thigh to his waist, nestling him between. And then they both laid waste.

  Fingers gripped both nipples now, past that latent achiness Danny had left her with straight into rough tugging and pinching that had her wailing. Both cocks thrust into her, filling her incredibly, inconceivably. Vashi’s rough thrusts into her ass were gritty and compelling. His fingers were at her clit now, driving her close to the edge and then over it.

  Too much, too much. She chanted it in her head and maybe outside it, too. It was. It was too much. But it was also magnificent—rapturous, overwhelming, and unbelievably seductive.

  They all three came together, a wildly physical shared orgasm that Haidee could only ride, no more in control than surfing a tsunami. They grasped her with every hold they had on her, no doubt leaving bruises to remind her of the claim they’d just established. They fucked hard, thrusting in tandem now, ravaging her. And they blasted their cum into her, hot climaxes that sounded as near the edge of pain as her own was.

  They shuddered together, the guys’ hard-muscled bodies battering against hers, all of them collapsing in a heap at the end, like spent sailors storm-tossed on the shore.

  It was glorious. It was crazy. It was so not her, and, yet, there it was. All her.

  Chapter Ten

  Vashi left sometime during the night. Danya was reasonably certain he’d crawled out of bed without making further use of Haidee’s incredibly fuckable body. He was pretty sure that wouldn’t have gotten by him.

  Which was just fine by him, though it left him alone to deal with whatever girl fallout there was going to be.

  But it turned out he didn’t have to worry about that, because the girl was playing possum.

  He had an early flight, so he was out of bed and showered while she was still snoozing. That was pretty usual, given his typically early hours and the workout he tended to give her at night. His baby needed her rest.

  What wasn’t usual was that she stayed in bed even after he was dressed and sat next to her to kiss her awake. He’d gotten so he enjoyed having her in the kitchen in the morning. It felt homey and sweet when he could talk her into fixing eggs while he made his coffee or even just chatting about their day.

  And he liked when they kissed her good-bye, any of the brothers who were there.

  He especially liked that.

  But she was having none of it today.

  “Haidee,” he said again, nibbling—and then nipping—at her ear. “Wake up, sweetheart.”

  “No,” she said, turning her face away from him.

  He grinned at her little pout but couldn’t leave her to it. He was sure it wasn’t right to leave her alone without having some response out of her about the new frontier of sexual relationships they’d crossed into during the night. He got up, walked halfway around the bed, and then threw himself down so he was on his side, facing her. He slid a hand into her hair, moving it back so he could see her face, and holding it there so she couldn’t turn away again.

  “Haidee,” he tried once more. “Are you okay, baby?”

  There might have been some reluctance as she opened her eyes to him. “Yes.”

  He studied her, uncertain. In his experience, women didn’t talk about either sex or relationships in monosyllables.

  Not even if they were mad.

  “I mean…about what happened.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Two words, but he was pretty sure that still wasn’t right. He dropped his head down and gently held her face with both hands. “Haidee,” he said again, this time a slight chastise in it.

  She took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know what to say, Danny.” Her gaze met his but only for a moment.

  He sighed and kissed her forehead. “Tell me we didn’t do that against your will.”

  She gripped his wrist, a signal of reassurance, he hoped.

  “It wasn’t against my will. You know it wasn’t.”

  He kissed her again, wishing she’d let him see her eyes. “But?”

  “But…well, it’s kind of a big deal, isn’t it? This idea that I could be with…with all of you.”

  He nodded. It made sense, he supposed, that it would fall easier on him and his brothers than it did on her. They had the family history. They had decades of experience in sharing their jobs, their home, their…lives. What they were looking at was no doubt a lot closer to normal behavior for them than for her.

  He tucked her against his shoulder and ran his hand along her back. “It’s whatever size deal you want to make it, sweetheart. You don’t have to decide everything at once. You don’t have to figure it all out today.” He was pretty sure Lev had already told her something like that, but he was a bit at a loss. As strange as it might seem to her to let herself be shared among three men, it was strange to him, as well. A month or two ago, he’d had laughed at any suggestion that he’d offer a woman he loved to anyone else, brothers included.

  She moved her head against his shoulder, a slow nod—not entirely reassuring.

  But, he had a flight. “We can talk about it more. All you want.”

  She tilted back to look at him. “I know. You have to go.”

  He kissed her. “It’s okay for me to leave you?”

  “Yes,” she said, her eyes looking back into his, innocent and guileless.

  But her eyes lied. When he got home that evening, she was gone.

  * * * *

  “What the hell did you guys do to her?”

  Lev thought he had a pretty good idea. Both Vashi and Danya had been quiet that morning in the kitchen, making their own breakfasts and coffee. A mumble from Danny about her sleeping in was the only explanation for Haidee’s absence.

  He was suspicious at the time, and his natural expectation that his brothers would muck up a good thing turned out to be fully justified when he got home early and found her gone.

  They’d retrieved her car for her when she’d started feeling better and up to a little running around. She owned a decent SUV that had room for her to load up a bunch of her belongings. It h
ad a lot of miles on the odometer but he knew it was in decent shape—he’d had Van’s mechanic check it out before he left it with her.

  It was gone now. He’d sort of gotten used to finding her in the kitchen working on dinner when he got home, but that wasn’t happening, either. He took the stairs by twos and found her stuff still in Danny’s room but no Haidee.

  She didn’t answer her phone, either.

  So when Vashi and Danny walked in the door together, he wasn’t entirely polite.

  Danny had flowers in his hand, a pretty mix of…some shit. Vash held a small, flat box that was wrapped all girly—it made even him look stupid.

  In fact, they both looked like idiots, their mouths open as they worked out the implications of his question and one SUV missing from their driveway.

  “Where is she?” That was Vashi, going to the heart of the matter right off.

  Danny put the flowers down and touched a couple keys on his phone. His gaze went from one brother to the other when she didn’t answer. He started for the door, but Lev backed him off with a firm—very firm—hand on his chest.

  “Where’s her place?” he asked. He pointed a finger at Vashi to shut him up and directed his question to Danny again. “Tell me where she lives. I’m going.”

  He grabbed the flowers and Vashi’s goofy little package on the way out.

  * * * *

  However reassuring waking to Danny’s gentle kiss and concern had been, however much it helped to understand that he was aware how far outside her experience of normal the Vanchenko brothers’ proposition truly was, none of it was enough. Haidee hid unashamedly in his bed until she was certain the house was empty.

  Finally, she got up, ate quickly, and went for a long run. She turned west, out Rimrock Road, and got as far as farm country before she turned around. Back at the house, she showered and dressed, and then took herself to her doctor’s appointment. He gave her the go-ahead for returning to work the next week. So she went by the hospital, worked out her schedule with her supervisor, and had lunch with a couple nurse friends.

  She was in her SUV in the hospital parking lot and took the right turn that would lead her back up to Rimrock and the brothers’ home. But before she got there, she made the left turn that led to her own little apartment.

  She parked on the street, turned the engine off, and then sat there, feeling the clear fall light on her skin. After a few minutes, she climbed out and went into her place.

  Occupying herself with unnecessary cleaning, she ignored her phone the several times it rang. She ignored the little signal for texts as well. She didn’t want to think about what she’d done the night before, about what it meant. And she couldn’t think about anything else, so she did her very best to not think at all.

  It just didn’t seem like her, was the theme of all that she wasn’t thinking.

  And yet it was. It was her.

  That was the countertheme.

  It was inevitable that a Vanchenko or three would show up at her door. She knew she’d been expecting it when she didn’t jump at the sudden, determined knock.

  She saw that dusk had fallen and realized she’d been standing there looking at her pretty little backyard for she didn’t know how long. A few moments passed before she stirred herself enough to go to the door.

  It surprised her a little that it was Lev. He stood with one hand to the side of the door, his brow set every bit as imperially as she’d ever seen Vashi’s. There was a heavy implication on his face that she should open the door wide for him, but she ignored it.

  He wasn’t pleased. “Open up, Haidee. I’m coming in.”

  She just stood looking at him, her body blocking the small space she’d made.

  “Haidee,” he said once more, and there was a certain threat to it. Like maybe he wasn’t above yelling out his intentions loudly enough for her upstairs neighbors to hear easily and down the street folks to hear if they put some effort into it.

  She frowned her displeasure but stepped back and let him in. As he came in, she saw he had flowers in that hand he’d hidden beside the door. He offered them up. “These are from Danny,” he said. He reached behind his back and pulled out a small package wrapped in pink polka dots and frilly bows. “Vash,” he said, a world of muddlement in the one word.

  Almost laughing, she accepted both from him. Finding it better to do something than nothing, she went to the kitchen sink. She filled a vase and settled the flowers in. They were a pretty fall assortment—rudbeckia and asters and red spider lilies. When she’d fussed as much with them as she could, she slanted a glance at Lev. He leaned against the small island counter, watching her patiently.

  Still choosing avoidance, she picked up the little package from Vashi and carefully opened it. She kind of thought she might want to save the girly wrapping and ribbons. Then she opened the box and actually did laugh.

  “Socks?” Lev asked. “My brother got you socks?”

  She looked at him, holding them to her breast just like a…girl. “Really, really good socks.” They were exactly the pair that had pretty literally gotten toasted the day of the accident. High end, pure wool, light for summer hiking, in a pink and mauve geometric pattern.

  The man had put some effort into it.

  And that thought seemed to make her want to cry.

  Lev was there, then, his hands on the counter at either side of her hips, his gaze gentle when she looked up. His shoulder was just…right there. With a sigh, she dropped her head and nestled in, a thin inch away from tears.

  His arms moved a little closer, not gripping her, really—his hands were still on the counter—but enclosing her. Surrounding her. Being there for her, allowing her to…well, just being there.

  There were just a couple tears, and she damped them against his shirt. It wasn’t the black Van’s tee but what passed for his business attire—a white-on-white striped western dress shirt with front and back yoke, snaps, and, inevitably, “Van’s” embroidered on the pocket flap. He wore it with a bolo tie clasped by a pretty moss agate and a suede, western-cut sport coat.

  He wore jeans, of course, but they were dress jeans.

  He was unbearably attractive. And almost unbearably gentle.

  “Find your courage, Haidee.” He spoke into her hair, his jaw resting against her head. “We know you have it. We’ve all seen it.”

  Haidee shuddered out a breath. She took a couple more that were steadier and then lifted her head.

  He was nodding his head slowly, watching her, and, when she held his gaze for a bit, he moved one hand to take the socks from her and set them on the counter. Then, carefully, giving her every chance to stop him, he put his hands on her and pulled her close. Her hands were caught between their chests, and he waited until she slipped them up around his shoulders. She did that with a little shiver, which didn’t keep her from feeling the quiet, satisfied sigh he let out.

  His eyes were the Vanchenko blue, darker than Danny’s but less intense than Vashi’s, and they stared into hers. After a bit, he smiled just a little and then took her mouth. He kissed her sweetly at first.

  She kissed him back. Oh, she couldn’t deny that she kissed him back.

  But she remembered that first night, remembered when he’d thrust himself into her while she’d already been impaled by Vashi. She knew that sweet little kisses were not the extent of what she should expect from Lev, were not his modus operandi. And so it came as no surprise when his hands started grasping her, clutching at her ass, sliding into the center seam of her cut-offs, chafing along her side and over her breast.

  Haidee could have stopped it any time from that first light kiss to this moment, when he brushed his thumb over her nipple until it peaked for him and he could squeeze it, tug at it through her cotton cami and the lace of her bra. She could have determined that it wasn’t courage but insanity to let this third brother do what he was about to do to her.

  But there were flowers and socks and…this endlessly appealing man. He was one of thr
ee men she found absolutely irresistible, and she had no more reason to refuse him, to deny herself him than she had the other two.

  So she let it happen. When his mouth became aggressive, when his hands roughly sought and found her every erogenous secret place, she went with it. She…offered it.

  Yet one more gigantic, hard Vanchenko cock rutted into her. He’d taken her hands behind her back and held them there with one of his. He stepped back then and looked at her—her tits pressing shamelessly up for him, her breath panting. With his free hand, he tore her top and bra to one side, baring that breast. He grasped her nipple, rolling it, his eyes flaring as she moaned with it. Then he nudged her chin with his knuckle, bringing her gaze up to his. Watching, not touching her now except for his hand still clasping hers behind her back, he moved his right hand down. “Open your legs,” he instructed.

  With a shudder of breath, she moved, both her feet taking a half step out. His gaze still on hers, he slid his fingers between her legs, pushing her cut-offs and panties aside, and shoved them up her cunt.

  He was deep inside her, stretching her. His fingers weren’t small.

  “You’re wet,” he said. He stroked in and out of her a couple times, as if to prove his point.

  As if it needed proving.

  She didn’t answer him. She just held his gaze as he fucked her again.

  “Show me your bed.”

  Haidee stood and looked at him until, with the smallest acknowledgment, he let go of her arms and pulled his hand from between her legs. Pulled his fingers from inside her.

  She turned away from him and walked to her bedroom, marshalling every bit of resolve to keep her head up and walk steadily. He was close behind her, silent except for the speaking heat of his gaze on her backside.

  She went to the foot of her bed and obeyed when he told her to turn around. One breast was still bare, and his hot gaze went from there to her crotch and back. Then he grabbed her, fisting his hand into her clothing at both places, snugging her up against him. His mouth foraged into hers, teeth and tongue savaging her.


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