Three Men and a Woman: Haidee (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Three Men and a Woman: Haidee (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 18

by Rachel Billings

  He shook her, forcing her attention until she heard his words.

  “How many ways have I fucked you?” he demanded.


  “Haidee, how many ways?”

  “What? What?” She struggled to grasp his meaning. “Three,” she moaned when she finally understood.

  “How many cocks can you take?” He fucked hard into her, demanding again. “How many?”

  “Three!” she cried.

  “How many of us can you love?”



  She couldn’t help it then. She went over, bucking and screaming, entirely out of control. He went with her, matching her in volume and overmatching her in strength, thrusting in, shoving her up the bed with it. They clutched at each other, making themselves one as though they could crawl into each other’s skin. Legs and arms clenched, hands and fingers grappled. Nails scored. Teeth scraped.

  He shuddered as he emptied into her. She groaned as she accepted him.

  Moments that she couldn’t count, that she couldn’t account for, passed before she felt him withdraw from her. She was barely sentient when he slid the vibrator out of her, turned it off, and dropped it over the side of the bed. He lifted and rolled her over, tucking the sheet and blankets around her.

  Then he was there, his face close, his breath touching her cheek.

  “How many of us can you love, Haidee? Which of us can you say no to?”

  She moaned. “Lev.”

  “Find your courage, sweetheart. Find your courage and come to us tomorrow. We’ll wait for you.”

  He was gone then, gathering his clothes, dressing in the dark of her house, and letting himself out.

  She was sure he’d locked the door behind him. Was sure he’d left her safe. But alone.

  All alone.

  * * * *

  Haidee wasn’t sure she’d found her courage, but she did find an answer to one of Lev’s questions.

  None of them. She could say no to none of them.

  So, whether it was finding courage or releasing her last little fingerholds on sanity, she showed up on their doorstep at seven the next evening.

  She’d dressed for the deal, and when Lev opened the door, she was very glad she had.

  The Vanchenko boys had dressed, too. Oh, had they.

  Lev held the door for her. Vashi was at his shoulder and Danya just beyond. They were all three in suits. Not western jackets with nice jeans, but full-out, finely tailored, elegant suits. They wore them urbanely, pretty much like only sophisticated British secret agents could do.

  There wasn’t a cowboy boot in sight.

  She was grateful for her four-inch heels even as she took the step up from their pretty front porch and met them at their own level. She didn’t mind, either, the way their eyes moved over her. All three pairs of blue traveled slowly and synchronized from her girly sandals, up her legs to the opening of her wrap dress above her knees, to its jeweled cinch at her waist, and then to its plunging neckline. And finally, to her eyes.

  Without any noticeable communication or awkwardness, they’d moved back to make room for her. To welcome her, in a “we have you surrounded so don’t even think of escape” kind of way, into their home. The door was closed at her back, though she hadn’t seen it happen. If she leaned just a little, she could see around Danya’s shoulder to the floor-to-ceiling windows opening to their side garden. They’d placed a small table there. It was set with white cloth, tall, lit tapers, someone’s good china, and silver. There was a bottle of champagne in a silver ice bucket.

  There were four place-settings. Four crystal flutes.

  Pretty much, all indications were that the men were highly confident of her answer.

  But they waited in expectant silence for her to give it.

  “All right,” she said. “I’m willing to try it.”

  If she thought there’d be victorious grins and a cork popping, well, it paid to remember who she was dealing with.

  “You’ll be ours,” Vashi said.


  “All of ours.”


  “Only ours.”

  Well, that was a little offensive—and ludicrous. Like she’d have the fortitude to do anything but keep up with these three men. “Yes.”

  “What are your stipulations?” Vashi was unmoved by either her raised brow or Danya’s rolling eyes. He glanced at his brothers and then looked back at her. “This is your only chance to negotiate.”

  Fair warning, she understood. “I keep my job.”

  “Until you’re pregnant.” Vashi spoke bluntly. Lev smiled and wandered over to the kitchen island. He turned a stool to face the show and took a seat. Danya moved to her side and lifted a hand to touch her, but dropped it in the face of Vashi’s glare. “Which will be soon.”

  Haidee crossed her arms under her breasts and then had to bite her cheek to keep from smiling. The flare in Vashi’s eyes told her he wouldn’t be distracted. She was pretty confident it cost him, though.

  “Until I’m twenty-four weeks pregnant.”


  She started to object but he cut her off.


  Looking around, Haidee saw there was no sympathy to be had from the others. “Then you’re going to have to find someone to teach me to fly.”

  That made them smile, self-satisfied, smug bastards, one and all.

  “I can teach you to fly,” Vashi said.

  “No, you can’t!” Three other voices spoke as one.

  Vashi shot looks that promised retribution to his brothers, but held his tongue as Lev spoke. “Kristin, one of our sisters—half-sisters,” he clarified, “is an instructor.” He got up, sauntered over to the table, and took the champagne from the ice. “We’ll talk to her.”

  “You won’t fly when you’re pregnant, either.”

  Lev popped the cork and began filling the four flutes. Apparently, he thought the deal was done. But Haidee accepted what Vashi had said as truth. If she didn’t establish ground rules now, she might never have another chance. There were three of them, and they were…who they were.

  “Why not?” she asked Vashi.

  “It’s too dangerous.”

  “It’s not too dangerous for you all.”

  Vashi looked heavenward for a moment before his gaze came back hard to hers. “Do we really have to have a conversation about how some things will be different for you because you’re a woman?”

  “Do I really have to remind you who your grandmother was?”

  Vashi looked like he was trying not to fume. Not really afraid, she walked up to him, close enough that her head had to tilt a bit so she could meet his gaze, still two inches above hers. She looked into his eyes as they both took several breaths. His were harsh until, finally, he closed his eyes for a brief moment. When he opened them again, he was calmer.

  She understood what he was dealing with. “You couldn’t stand to lose me, could you?”

  He shook his head slowly, delaying his answer. “No.”

  “I couldn’t stand to lose you.”

  “There are three of us.”

  “Do you think that would make it any less?”

  Vashi watched her through a couple more breaths as he thought about it. “No, I suppose not.”

  “Then we’ll all have to be careful, won’t we?”

  He didn’t like it, but he held his tongue until she nudged him. “Agreed?”

  “All right,” he said finally, with a bit of temper. “Agreed.”

  But he wasn’t done. “You can marry one of us or all of us, or not. You can change your name or not. I don’t care. But our children will be Vanchenkos.”

  “Hey!” Both Danya and Lev raised an objection. Well, not about their children’s surnames, it was soon clear. But Danya wanted her married. Lev wanted her “bound” and waved away her protest at that wording. He started grinning as Danya and Vashi squabbled and occupied himsel
f with passing around champagne. In a moment, when they all realized they had a glass in their hand, silence fell.

  Lev spoke into it, his hand raised with the champagne. “I love you, Haidee Wells.” He motioned to his brothers with the glass. “We all do. We want you to be ours, but we will be yours, as well. Only yours.”

  Vashi and Danya nodded and lifted their glasses, too.

  “That’s what I want, too,” Haidee said. It seemed wrong to ask it, like it was expecting too much. But the fact was, she didn’t want to share.

  Vashi stepped close and clinked his glass against hers. “I love you. You’re the only woman I want, now, and for the rest of my life.” He swallowed down the wine then turned just enough to throw the glass, smashing it against the river stone of the fireplace. “That’s a vow.”

  There was a long stunned silence while three of them took in Vashi’s actions. Then Danya grinned and stepped in. “Stop thinking about who’s cleaning up the mess.” He touched glasses with her. “I love you, Haidee. And I will keep loving you every day of my life. You and only you.” He drank the wine and sent his pretty crystal on its way.

  Lev came last, shoulder to shoulder with his brothers. “I live with untamed heathens,” he said quietly. Lifting his glass to hers, he spoke intently, his gaze locked on hers. “You, sweetheart,” he said. “Only you. ’Til the day I die.” With a quirk of his lips, he emptied the glass and threw it.

  Okay, so her first thought had been about cleanup, but there was no way she could resist this crazy train. Haidee took a couple deep breaths until she could hope that her hand wouldn’t shake. She lifted her glass and looked from one pair of blue eyes to the next, each one more beloved than the other, even though that wasn’t possible. “I love you all,” she said to them. “Lev asked which of you I could say no to. The answer is, not one of you. Not without tearing out my heart. I will love you, all of you, only you, forever.”

  With a nod and a small, satisfied smile, Lev nudged over into Danya, clearing her line of fire. She drank the wine, grateful her father had taught her how to throw before he’d died. She wouldn’t want to embarrass herself here.

  “Your vow?” Vashi asked.

  She nodded her head. “My vow,” she said, and her glass joined the others, all splintered together in one fine, whole mess.

  * * * *

  Vashi figured there was no point in owning a jet if a guy didn’t use it to fly in French cuisine from Le Pigeon when he needed to impress his girl. He took Haidee’s elbow and moved her toward the table while Lev and Danya plated the food. There was more wine, and he poured a glass for everyone.

  When they were ready to sit, he put his hands at Haidee’s waist. “Let’s just…try this.” Her dress was a sexy wrap deal that had the appearance of being held in place by a single clasp. He took hold of it, unfastened it, found one more little hook on the inside, and, lo and behold, had her opened up like a pretty Christmas package.

  Underneath, things were mighty fine. She wore a bra and panty set that matched in fabric, color, and coverage—lace, pearly white, and minimal. He held the dress open and wanted to do a lot more than look. But they’d blown a tank of fuel to impress her, and he was going to have to figure out how to be happy sharing his woman with his brothers, so he did nothing more than slip the dress off her shoulders and take it away.

  The result was very satisfactory. She was gorgeous, all but naked, and surrounded by the three studly, fully dressed men who owned her. There was a lot about that which pleased him. But he looked closely at her, lifting her hair to inspect her neck and running a finger along the bruises at her hips. Bruises much like fingerprints.

  “Dude,” he said to Lev. “You damaged the goods.”

  Lev didn’t seem very contrite. His gaze ran heatedly over Haidee’s body and settled at her eyes. He shrugged. “Things happen.”

  Haidee smiled, and Vashi had to knuckle down to keep from bending her over the table and fucking her right then and there. Holding back, he nodded, entirely sure that “things” would happen again. That it would be his mouth the next time, his fingers.

  “Before Lev leaves the house tomorrow, sweetheart,” he said. “I want you to give him a hickey—up high on his neck where everyone will see it.”

  She grinned like she was totally game for that and sat in the chair he held for her. Vashi sat at her right, and Lev and Danya took the seats across from her and at her left.

  “I want one, too,” Danya said. He went on when Vashi looked at him blankly. “A hickey. Where everyone can see it.”

  Vashi rolled his eyes and shook his head but then admitted to himself with hardly any sheepishness that he’d likely be standing in line for her mark before they all went out the door again.

  Danya asked about Haidee’s clearance from her doctor and they talked about her work schedule. They’d have only the weekend with her before work got in their way, and already Vashi could see what a nuisance her job was going to be. He wondered for a minute why they couldn’t have hooked up with a bimbo who’d be happy doing nothing all day other than keeping her men satisfied, but he knew they loved Haidee for exactly who she was.

  Plus, Van’s was about to get a new pilot, and they couldn’t have bimbo high-warble in the left seat.

  Haidee as a pilot was a thing he hadn’t seen coming, but it pleased him to his bones. He looked forward to presenting her to Matsin as his sons’ woman and soon-to-be business partner. He was pretty sure Matsin was going to like Haidee.

  There was fuckin’ nothing not to like, after all.

  The food was great but, in the end, it just couldn’t compete. They all gave it their attention initially, everyone trying everything and sharing what was on each plate. But pretty soon it became clear that the main interest, from the male point of view, was the way a certain pair of tits played peek-a-boo when their owner leaned forward to take a bite from someone else’s fork. Lev got to be especially good at it, across the table from her as he was, and, innocently to all appearances, requiring her to lean further and further to reach whatever tasty bite he was offering.

  It took a couple minutes for Vashi to notice that Danya was eating with his left hand only, and then it became immediately obvious where his right hand was. Vashi wasn’t stupid, so in no time flat, his left hand was pretty much in the same spot.

  They each had a knee and they did the obvious thing with it—they spread her open. Vashi leaned toward her and offered a bite of duck breast. At the last second his fork slipped and little dab of sweet chili sauce was left at the corner of her lip.

  “Sorry, baby. Let me get that.”

  She wasn’t fooled. No one at the table was. There was an awful lot of interest as he kissed away the problem—especially from her. Or, no, perhaps—especially from his brothers. Haidee was smiling up at him when he was done.

  Then Danya took her attention, kind of cheating by going straight for dessert, and not even trying to be subtle about it when a dollop of crème brûlée landed on her breast, right up against the line of lace.

  “Sorry, baby,” he mimicked, obviously not sorry at all. With a wicked grin, he kissed her mouth first then went for the crème.

  Lev apparently thought he was too much out of the action, so, before Danny was done nuzzling her breast, Lev was standing behind Haidee. He tilted her head back and leaned down to take her mouth.

  That did pretty nice things to her tits. Vashi went to his knees beside her, slid lace out of the way, and suckled her. Danny had her bare on the other side, dabbed her nipple with crème this time, and licked it away again. Then he lifted his head and waited to get everyone’s attention. He scooped up crème with two fingers.

  “Tilt her back, Lev.”

  Lev rocked her chair back. Haidee’s legs were already spread, her thighs open, and Vashi got where Danny was going right off. Always willing to help out a brother, he hooked his fingers into that little bit of lace at her pussy and slid it aside.

  All eyes watched as Danny took his fing
ers to her cunt. He pushed up right inside, that big dollop of crème and even bits of the crunchy, caramelized sugar going along. She squirmed a little with the chafe of that.

  Danny did the whole thing once more, trailing his fingers along her clit to sweeten her there, too.

  “Hold onto that for me, will you?” he asked. “I’d like my dessert later.”

  * * * *

  “Really?” Haidee said, gaze locked on Danny’s. “I’d like mine now.”

  Danny’s eyes lit as he read what was in hers, and he smiled up at his brothers. None of them were stupid, so fast as lightning, they slid her chair away from the table and brought her to her knees. They ripped their clothes off, not in any way a strip-tease but highly erotic in their blatant urgency. Three gorgeous men tearing their way out of handsome suits in their need to get to her—it was an embarrassment of riches, and she just couldn’t look enough places at once.

  Faster than she could believe, they were gathered around her. Each held his lovely, hard, slathered-with-crème-brûlée cock out to her. Lev and Danny were at either side. One of them put an encouraging hand at the back of her head, and they both grasped a nipple.

  Vashi took advantage of their brief distraction and pushed his cock forward. Meeting his eyes, she opened her mouth and took him in. She had her tongue under him and, closing her lips around him, she gently brought him up against the roof of her mouth.


  His breath ratcheted out as a small layer of caramelized sugar broke into bits between his cock and her mouth. She stroked a little and moved the bits around with her tongue, gently abrading him.

  “Jesus Christ,” he swore again. “Good, fucking God. That is fucking good crème brûlée.”

  Haidee agreed. She swallowed a mouthful of the now Vashi-flavored dessert and slid her tongue around him a little more. The sugar was dissolving, sharp edges gone and just a mild, erotic coarseness left to it. She moaned, stirred by the way two of her men played with her nipples and by the profound pleasure she was giving the third. Vashi had her head in his hands and was beginning to pump into her mouth.


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