The Last Celtic Witch [Celtic Series Book 1]

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The Last Celtic Witch [Celtic Series Book 1] Page 10

by Lyn Armstrong

  Macquire shook his head, and O'Malley stepped forward. “He did not leave the keep, my laird."

  "Very well, be on your way."

  "Is something amiss?” Lady Torella asked. Her hand pressed against his groin, and his body thrummed with a voracious need for more than just her touch.

  "Nae.” He tightly closed his eyes and shifted back into the chair, pulling away from her hand and the overwhelming sexual power she weaved into his mind and body.

  "Then let us away to our chamber."

  Adela's sparkling eyes flashed before him and his chest assailed with a terrible sense of loss. “I must find her!"

  "Who, exactly, do you need to find?” Lady Torella's eyes narrowed with jealousy.

  "It matters not.” He rose from the chair without looking at his betrothed. “I will see you in church on the morrow."

  "I look forward to our alliance."

  With a curt nod, he pivoted and left to find O'Malley. His thoughts cleared when he increased the distance between himself and his betrothed. He snaked his way through the crowd with a single hope.

  Gatekeeper O'Malley would know where Adela had gone.

  * * * *

  The dungeon door slammed against the wall and Adela woke with a jolt. She was amazed to have fallen asleep on the dank floor covered in rotten rushes. The overwhelming stench of rat droppings made her eyes water. Rising gingerly, she winced at the soreness her sleeping conditions had brought to her muscles. She rubbed her eyes to better see in the dark then groaned, wishing she had remained asleep and oblivious to her visitor.

  The lady's crimson gown rustled while she paced back and forth in silent fury like a caged animal. The irony was not lost on Adela, since she was the one who sat caged in a dungeon.

  Abruptly, Torella stopped and stared at her. “Never has anyone refused me."

  Gradually, it dawned on Adela what her captor was talking about. She tried to suppress a satisfied smile, but failed. Her heart leapt at the thought of Phillip rejecting Torella's advances. “Perhaps you are not as enticing as you think."

  Fury burned within green eyes of the sorceress, and Adela's smile faded.

  Torella flicked her hand, and an incredible sharp pain tore through Adela's abdomen. Her face twisted with agony and she crumpled to the ground, her arms clutching her stomach.

  Standing above her, Torella peered down with contempt. “Think you are woman enough to keep a man like that interested?” She flicked her hand again, and Adela's head pounded, as if someone smashed a large stone into her skull, over and over again.

  Adela refused to plead for her to stop. She would take this all day if she had to, but she would not beg.

  After a long pause, Torella scoffed, “You bore me."

  The pain vanished and Adela pushed herself upright, sweat beading on her forehead, her breathing labored.

  She lifted her hate-filled gaze to find Torella's back turned and her focus on the empty chalice by the doorway. Adela swallowed, if she only had the strength to attack the sorceress. Even without the curse on the dungeon, she would still not have the ability to defeat her.

  Torella had the power of all the murdered Celtic witches, along with the skills mastered by serving dark magick. If that was not enough, the enchanted vial on her necklace protected Torella. Adela's spells would be useless against her as long as she wore that necklace.

  "At least you did something right,” Torella purred, her fury dissipated.

  Adela rose slowly to her feet and leaned against the wall for support. “I will do anything you want with nary a fight, just do not hurt my baby or Phillip."

  "Laird Phillip? Now why would I want to share Gleich Castle and the Highlands with him? This is the strongest fortress in all of the land, and it will soon be mine.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Besides, the noble chieftain would not remain passive when I teach the dark arts to our baby,” Torella smirked. “Well, your baby."

  Desperate fury peaked to shatter the last of Adela's control. She pushed herself away from the wall and scratched Torella's surprised face, leaving four red welts across her flawless cheeks.

  Torella's shocked eyes widened, placing a hand to her wounds. Adela reached for the vial, but an invisible force shoved her against the wall and the breath was knocked from her lungs. Her arms were pushed above her head and held tight, bound by invisible chains.

  "No one has ever struck me!"

  "No one has struck you. You have never been refused in bed. By Jupiter, you are not having a good day,” Adela taunted.

  "You just insist on being punished, don't you?” Torella stepped closer, and ran her hand over her wounded cheek, the welts disappearing. Her pink lips puckered while her gaze roamed over Adela's body. Her eyes changed in color from green to red, glistening with sexual superiority.

  "If torture does not break you, perchance your desires will."

  Adela did not like the sound of that. Why could she not learn the quality of silence?

  Torella licked her lips and began to unlace Adela's gown.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I am intrigued to see what Phillip finds so appealing in you."

  "Stop that!” Adela struggled against the unseen binds.

  "Perchance you taste sweeter than cream?"

  "'Tis not my body that keeps him from yours."

  The sorceress continued unlacing the gown until it fell from Adela's shoulders. She cupped Adela's breast in her hands, feeling the weight of them.

  "Then pray tell what is it?"

  Adela gulped, her body reacting on its own accord, her nipples hardening with the caress.

  "He loves me. That is why."

  "He loves me too. Thanks to your potion.” Torella dipped her head and her pink tongue darted out to flick Adela's erect bud.

  "Stop that!” Adela growled, incensed that her traitorous blood flowed with arousal. Torella's soft hands were so warm, shooting an exquisite, wicked pleasure throughout her body.

  Torella rubbed both Adela's nipples between her thumb and forefingers then ran her tongue up the side of her neck, sniffing Adela's hair.

  "Mmm, you smell of berries."

  Adela could no longer fight the enchanted feelings of ecstasy. Torella's warm breath tickled her ears, sending an unbearable ached between her thighs.

  She bit hard into the sensitive skin on her neck, and Adela groaned with pleasure.

  Torella gripped Adela's chin in her hands and pressed her body closer. “Your sexual energy is pure,” she declared, and then captured her mouth, pushing her tongue pass Adela's lips.

  Adela used the last of her will power and shifted her face to the side. “I will never submit to you."

  Torella cackled and lifted Adela's skirt, plunging two fingers into Adela's aching entrance. Adela's body jerked with a sexual craving, but she remained silent. She would not submit. She would not submit. Oh Goddess, it felt so good!

  Lifting her fingers to her mouth, Torella sucked on them with relish. She stood so close to her, Adela could smell her own musky scent.

  "You do taste sweeter than cream."

  Adela closed her eyes, willing her body to resist the sexual spell the sorceress welded.

  "Look at me."

  Adela tightened her eyes shut.

  "Look at me!"

  The soft body against hers stepped away, leaving her blood heated and unsated.

  A rich, masculine voice softly spoke, “Look at me, Adela."

  Her eyes flew open to find Phillip standing before her, completely naked. He reached for her, but Adela jerked against her binds. “You are not Phillip."

  "Aye, I am.” He nibbled at her lips and ran his hands over her breasts. The unique scent of him invaded her senses and Adela wished with all her being that it was he. In dire need to be caressed, she would have given anything for him to be standing in front of her.

  "Kiss me, Adela. I have missed you so.” Phillip reclaimed her lips, urging her to open them up. “Kiss me."

  The h
eat from his body clouded her resistance, demanding she surrender.

  "I have missed you too.” She opened her lips to him and received a long, drugging kiss.

  His hands were all over her, roughly groping her body as if his life depended on their lovemaking. Adela no longer cared. She needed him with a passion that scared her.

  Phillip lowered to his knees before her and regarded her with tempered eyes of longing. “Spread your legs for me."

  Without inhibition, Adela obeyed. Her body was in pain. She needed release from the pent up passion.

  Tilting his head, he plunged his tongue into her tender, moist heat. He swirled it with skillful ease, taking his time. Adela's breathing increased, burning her lungs. Everything around her disappeared, all her senses focused on the pleasure Phillip's tongue brought to her body. She wanted to live in this moment, this time and place of suspended ecstasy.

  With that thought, her veins filled with liquid fire, and Adela called out Phillip's name, her body clenched with intense bliss. Her scream echoed around the dungeon.

  How could she take much more pleasure?

  She couldn't breath.

  Oh, but the pleasure ... when would it end?

  She must calm down to breath. Her body tensed, shattering again.

  She growled through clenched teeth, the man between her legs unrelenting, dancing his tongue around her sensitive bud. Dear Goddesses, she felt so alive.

  Keep going, she begged silently.

  Aye, that's it.

  Again her body shuddered, yielding to the burning hysteria.

  She stood panting, her chest heaving. Adela went to wipe her hair, slick with sweat, off her face, but could not move her arms.

  Reality of her vulnerable position washed over her like a cold bucket of water. Adela cracked open her eyes she held tightly shut from the sensations.


  He rose gracefully from the floor. His smile turned into a deep rumble of laughter. The peculiar sound changed to a feminine cackle. His image transform into Torella's sensual dark beauty.

  Torella wiped the juices from her mouth. “You were delicious."

  "Nae.” Adela struggled with feeble strength. “How could you torture me so?"

  "'Tis what I do best, lass."


  "—is not here,” Lady Torella gloated.

  "Phillip,” Adela continued, “will destroy you."

  The sorceress laughed. “How sweet. You really think he is coming to rescue you?” Torella sniffed, and walked to the darkened window. Her eyes glazed with malicious anticipation. “Beyond those hills my army awaits my word. If your lover tries to save you or denies me a wedding, I will have his people slaughtered and his village burned to the ground."

  Hopeless tears streamed down Adela's face. A chill crept over her body.

  Torella returned to Adela's side and kissed her lips. “Still think he would choose your life over the lives of his entire clan?"

  Adela snapped her head away. Her arms were promptly released, and she slumped to the floor.

  Torella opened the door with a flick of her wrist and strolled through it, calling over her shoulder, “Do die with dignity. I wish not to have my wedding disturbed by your screams."

  * * * *

  A knock sounded on the door and Phillip stopped his pacing.


  The door opened to O'Malley, and Phillip waited impatiently for the old man to shuffle into the chamber.

  "What news?"

  O'Malley coughed and then replied, “It has been two moons now, and we have not found either of them, my laird."

  "This is not like Dougal to disappear. And how did Adela leave without a single person seeing her?"

  "May I suggest, my laird, you try to forget about them and hasten to the church. Your betrothed looks to be a lady who is not used to waiting."

  "Aye, you have the right of it.” Phillip ducked his head and slid on a chest banner with the Roberts’ colors of black and green. Brushing down the thick material with his hand, his thoughts centered on his grandfather. Today he would solidify his pledge to the old chieftain and create a peace between the two warring clans.

  So why was he so miserable? This was what he had wanted after all.

  Distracted, he passed O'Malley standing in the doorway, then halted mid-step.

  "Send two soldiers to Adela's home again and another two to search for Dougal outside the keep."

  "Aye, my laird."

  * * * *

  The eve of All Hallows brought with it a crisp breeze. The wind whirled in a spine-chilling song outside the church. Within the holy walls, a restless clan sat on the pews, each vying for an advantageous view of the doorway and the missing groom.

  Phillip opened the double doors, and silence fell. His heels echoed upon the stone floor as he walked down the isle to stand next to his beautiful bride. Her exquisite gown of emerald velvet matched her green eyes. Torella's face was hard with annoyance at having to wait.

  Phillip's throat ached with sorrow, his stomach clenched with the sense of dread. Everything was wrong. He could feel it in his blood. How can he marry Lady Torella when his heart was with Adela?

  The priest began the ceremony with an open prayer, and his betrothed touched his hand. A sensual energy surged through his body, blurring his vision and distorting the words of the priest.

  He stared into her eyes.

  Time suspended while his mind slipped into a deep trance.

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  Chapter 14

  The sun had long since set, leaving a cool breeze to brush Adela's hair while she rested her face against the dungeon window. Did nobody notice the Campbells building a stake in the back of the bailey? Surely some questions would arise even if everyone were busy preparing for the wedding.

  Adela sighed, but it did not release the aching knot in her chest.

  She sat on the floor and pulled a chunk of rushes out from beneath her. Scrunching her face, she resisted the temptation to glance down at the stiff lump of fur she had moved. How could Phillip keep his dungeons in such a state? He obviously never came down here. However, after two days in the dungeon, the smell of old urine no longer bothered her. She wished she could say the same about her stomach. The only substance given to her was a tankard of dirty water shoved into her hands by a silent Campbell soldier.

  All Hallows Eve was upon her along with the familiar weakened state her body and soul suffered. Her powers were diminished. She could not even manage a spark for a candle to light the darken cell. Thoughts of Phillip came to her mind, including the insistent regret of all the things she wished she had said to him. Now it was too late.

  Too late for her, but it was not too late for Phillip or his people. She must find a way to tell Phillip that Torella is evil. Perhaps on her way to the stake, they would pass someone and she could yell to them to stop the wedding.

  Heavy keys scrapped in the lock and the door rattled. Adela pushed herself up against the wall. She would not meet her fate with sobs or regrets. She may be afraid of burning to death, but she did not need to show her captors. The cell door opened and a bright orange candle illuminated three Campbell soldiers with grim, bearded faces.

  One of the larger soldiers seized her arm and led her out of the dungeon. His deep voice sent a chill down her back. “If you come meekly, witch, I will kindly chop off your head after you are dead, so that you may go before God to be judged accordingly."

  She scoffed at his ignorance. Why fight stupidity? Let them do to her what they wished. It only mattered that she warn Phillip of Torella's plan before she died.

  The Great Hall was deserted and so was the bailey. Everyone within the village attended the wedding ceremony. Adela spent her whole life running from people, and now when she needed them around, they were nowhere to be seen.

  Adela walked around the castle wall to the bailey. Several Campbells circled the stake, no doubt eager to watch the witch burn. Her gaze trave
led the length of the tall wooden structure to the dry timber surrounding its base.

  Her heart fell into her stomach. Fear gripped every muscle in her body, paralyzing her completely, rendering her unable to take another step.

  The soldier shoved her onward and she fell, grazing her knees on the jagged stones. Rough fingers bruised her arm as Adela was pulled to her feet and dragged to the stake. The solider leaned his fat belly against her to tie her arms behind her back. The smell of onion on his breath made Adela gag and her eyes water. She forced her gaze upward to the starry sky while icy fear wrapped around her heart. No wonder the MacAye women had not been able to concentrate and use their powers. She was terrified!

  Despite how much she resisted them, tears streamed down her cheeks and her body trembled. Courage left her side the moment she saw the stake up close. Everyone had told her to accept fate, die quietly and with dignity. But she did not want to die.

  She wanted to live!

  She wanted to feel her soft baby in her arms, and to be safe within Phillip's loving embrace.

  She would not accept this fate. Her destiny was to love Phillip and have his child. Why else had she been led to him? The chosen one.

  "Do you have any words of redemption, witch?” the soldier asked, a flaming sconce in his hand held precariously close to the wood.

  "Aye,” she shouted. “I call to the ancestors of MacAye. Help me now to live! I beg of you!"

  The soldiers laughed and each one set light to the wood. The crackling of burning timber filled her ears, the flames licked hungrily towards her feet.

  Adela tightly closed her eyes and said aloud, “Stay calm, Adela. Stay calm.” She peeked down at her feet. “The fire is so close,” her voice rose with hysteria, “what tree burns that fast?"

  Heavy, black smoke filled her lungs, and she coughed. Her burning eyes watered from the smoke that curled around her like a heavy blanket.

  "Control your fear. Control your fear,” she chanted. She would not die today, no matter what she was taught by her mother. The thought of her mother brought images of her burning golden hair, her screams of pain vibrating in Adela's ears.

  Bile rose to her throat. She mustn't think of her mother. Not now. She would change her fate. She had one thing her mother did not.


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