Blue Moon

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Blue Moon Page 14

by Angela Colsin

“So how are you comin’ along? I know you haven’t had the best start. Mike helped me out tremendously, and once you get used to it, it gets good.”

  She thought her answer over. Cade told her earlier she was doing fine, and she did feel more at ease than before. “I hated it at first for obvious reasons, but ever since Leo found me, and I met you guys, I can see something better coming from it. It’s made me wanna try at least.”

  Nicole smiled, a sweet expression that gave Ashley the feeling that she was going to make a great mother. “That’s good. Gettin’ used to the instincts can be tough, but having people around to help makes it a lot easier.”

  Ashley hoped she was right, inquiring, “How did you and Mike meet anyway?”

  “At a place across town I was waitressing at called the Brickhouse. It used to be a popular hangout for lupines before Blue Moon opened. He came in just to see me a lot of times, and we hit it off.”

  “But there had to be friction when you found out the truth, right?”

  Nicole chuckled as if that was an understatement. “Oh yes. I was shocked to say the least, and called everything off. But eventually I came around, and asked him to turn me. Best decision I ever made. Definitely not for everyone, but I love him, and wanted kids eventually, so it worked.”

  Ashley pursed her lips curiously over the statement. “You couldn't have kids with him as a human?”

  “Oh, no, lupines aren't fertile unless they're marked.”

  Something else new to learn. “I'm guessing that marking is a bite?”

  “Yeah, on the left side of the neck. It sounds crazy, I know, but it's really not that bad. Afterward, the scent you give off tells others you're taken, and you're considered married by the pack.”

  That made sense in a mystical fashion, but it raised a question. “Wait, if marking you is biting, isn't turning a human the same thing?”

  “Sort of,” Nicole responded. “But it's the right side of the neck that's bitten as a wolf to turn a human, not the left. I don't know why, I'm just glad it works. It's nice having that kind of connection to someone.”

  Ashley tried to imagine it, asking, “Is it much different from dating?”

  Nicole considered her response thoughtfully. “It's stronger if that makes sense. You're bonded with them, and you can feel it.”

  That didn't sound so bad. Ashley remembered what Cade said about the hunt and wolves seeking their mates, wondering if she'd ever find someone to have that kind of connection with, which she mused aloud.

  Nicole grinned, leaning in conspiratorially to mention, “Joe seems to like ya a lot.” She hit her elbow against Ashley’s arm playfully and snickered.

  “If it has breasts, Joe likes it a lot,” Cade interjected, still tallying his inventory.

  “Touche,” Nicole laughed. “But you have to admit, Ashley and Joe would be cute together. When she was hassled earlier, he was ready.”

  Cade settled his clipboard down on the bar and gave Nicole a bland look.

  She pursed her lips. “What!”

  He didn’t respond, just went to write in his totals with a shake of his head.

  “Joe’s nice, but he needs to learn some timing,” Ashley pointed out, then thought she heard Cade grumbling in irritation. What's his problem?

  “Very true,” Nicole agreed. “Not a great time for you.”

  Cade's expression was now completely sour, and Ashley decided it was from doing stock work and inventory, which was just generally boring.

  He turned and lifted the crate of drinks he’d tugged out to restock their cooler and began carrying it into the back. Ashley stared at him as he left, and her look must have been telling because Nicole suddenly whispered, “You know, Cade's a good guy too.”

  The comment broke through Ashley's daze, and she wanted to ask what Nicole meant, but was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and four people walking inside.

  Both of them glanced over, and Nicole smiled at the new arrivals.

  It was easy to tell which one was Mike because he didn't have a double like the twins. Mike was the same height as Cade, but a bit slimmer with dark blond hair, resembling a younger version of Leo.

  Nicole stood and went over to hug him as he asked, “Hey Nikki, you ready to go?” and placed an affectionate kiss on her cheek.

  “Yeah, I’m properly worn out,” Nicole joked just before Cade got their attention.

  “Mike,” he called from the back, “congrats, Dad.”

  “Thanks, been hearing it all day long and it still hasn’t gotten old.”

  “Probably won’t any time soon,” one of Cade's twin brothers mentioned.

  Ashley wasn't sure which was which, but she had to do a double take—or was it a quadruple take? The twins were both as equally handsome as Cade, and there were two of them. One had longer hair, hanging past his shoulders, a bit more brown in it than Cade’s, and the others' was cropped shorter and wilder at the top.

  They both shared a handsome set of amber eyes, and the twin with the short hair sported some scruff on his face, looking a bit more rugged than the other.

  The fourth person with them was a woman with dark olive skin and pretty black hair in a ponytail that curled all the way down her back. Her eyes were such a dark brown they looked onyx.

  Because she stood next to the twin with longer hair once she’d stepped back from congratulating Nicole on her pregnancy, Ashley guessed they were Conner and Joslyn, making the wilder looking twin Caleb.

  Cade walked over to shake Mike’s hand when he emerged from the back of the bar again, and then saw the two of them out, locking the door behind them. While he’d stepped around the corner, Caleb glanced at Ashley and pointed.

  “You’re Ashley, right?”

  She nodded her head. “Yeah, and I’m guessing you’re Caleb, Conner, and Joslyn,” she motioned to each with their names spoken.

  “That’s us,” Joslyn smiled, walking over to the bar.

  When she got close enough and saw the bruises marring Ashley’s face more clearly, she reached out to shake her hand while frowning.

  “I’m so sorry someone did this to you without consent. It’s hard enough being born a lupine sometimes.”

  Ashley smiled and reassured her, “I’m a lot better now that I’m here. Everyone's been really good to me.” Then she related, “I hit a guy on the head with my tray tonight for slapping my ass, but Joseph got away without being hurt, so I think I'm doing well.”

  Joslyn started laughing, and when Cade came walking back from the front doors, she told him, “Cade, I think she’s gonna fit in perfectly.”

  Conner was grinning, and he politely greeted Ashley with a handshake. Then Ashley automatically turned to Caleb and offered her hand.

  He took it in a firm shake, commenting, “Girl’s got a good grip, Cade.”

  “Behave,” Cade told him sternly.

  “What? I meant it!”

  Joslyn rolled her eyes while sitting next to Ashley at the bar. “Meet the Hodgins Boys, I think I took the only one that was worthwhile.”

  Ashley laughed when Cade and his brother gave her a disbelieving look.

  “Now you've insulted their male pride,” she warned Joslyn.

  “I know, I do it cause it's fun.”

  “It looks like fun.”

  “It's not fun,” Caleb interjected. “It makes Cade cry.”

  “Makes who cry?” Cade shot back.

  “You, and I always have to get you a tissue.”

  “You're gonna need a whole box when I get done with you,” Cade retorted.

  “Bring it!”

  As if completely used to the talk, Joslyn idly commented, “Okay guys, if you're gonna take this outside, serve some beers first so Ashley and I can have a decent conversation.”

  Cade smirked, then mentioned that he needed to turn the computers off in the back office, asking Conner to grab the drinks. Caleb followed his older brother on the way into the back, so Ashley started chatting with Conner and Joslyn
, figuring she'd been successful in having her good day.

  It was almost over, so what could go wrong?

  Chapter 17

  “Cade, you lied.”

  Caleb caught up with his brother in the back office, confusing him with the accusation. Hunched over the desk shutting the computer down, Cade asked, “About what?”

  “About Ashley. You said she wasn't worthwhile,” he replied, glancing back toward the dining area as if he could see her through the walls. “But that girl is definitely worthwhile.”

  Normally, Cade would've just chastised his brother about being a general hound dog—again—but this time, he wasn't as forgiving. “Caleb, don't start with her.”

  Caleb quirked a brow as if he hadn't expected such a reaction. “Then I can’t—”

  “No, Caleb,” Cade interrupted. “She’s had a rough time as it is, and I don’t wanna see her smacking someone else across the head with a blunt object, especially family.”

  His brother grinned, “She wasn’t joking?”

  Cade stood straight from leaning over the desk as the computers shut down. “No, she wasn’t. So just leave her alone.”

  The line earned a scrutinizing look. “This wouldn't be because you're interested, would it?”

  Cade rolled his eyes, ready to debunk that theory when he saw Conner heading down the hallway. Stepping out of the office and locking the door, Cade let the question go when Conner asked one of his own.

  “Cade, why haven’t you told Ashley why she was attacked yet?”

  “Why, did she say something?”

  “Just that you suspected but wasn't sure.”

  Cade grumbled. “I didn’t wanna tell her until I knew how she’d react to the news.”

  “Then why don’t you do it now, when we’re all here,” Conner suggested. “It’ll help soften the blow.”

  Cade supposed he was right. If Ashley blew up over the news now, at least there were four people there who could help, so it was probably the best chance he'd get.

  “All right,” he agreed. “Let's get this over with.”

  On the way back into the dining room, they saw Ashley and Joslyn settled at the bar, looking up to take notice of their return. Conner sat next to his mate, and Caleb tried to sit next to Ashley, but Cade grabbed his shoulder and turned him away so he could have the seat for himself.

  Caleb simply kept walking as if nothing had happened, and Ashley gave the both of them a confused look.

  Once Caleb was standing on the other side of the bar across from Cade, Joslyn snickered out, “Oh Caleb, you poor thing.”

  “I know. No one loves me.”

  “Stop bein’ a drama queen,” Cade retorted. “No one loves you, but you always leave off that it’s within reason.”

  They started snickering, except Caleb who settled his elbow on the bar for a wrestling match. “Settle this like men?”

  “Oh god,” Joslyn drew out. “Why don’t you act like men instead?”

  “They’re tryin’ to show off for Ashley,” Conner chimed in. “Just let ‘em.”

  Ashley lifted a brow, and the brothers glanced over at Conner first, then her. Caleb rolled his eyes. “You take the fun outta everything, Con.”

  “I try,” Conner chuckled.

  Cade was smiling despite Conner's insinuation. But as lighthearted as their talking was, he knew he had to let the wolf out of the bag, and didn't want to delay it.

  So he turned to face Ashley, getting her attention with the movement.

  “Ashley, we need to talk about a few things.”

  “That sounds ominous,” she pointed out warily. “Like what?”

  Cade took a moment to think about his words before replying, “Like the reason why you were turned, what you asked me earlier. Conner suggested telling you everything with all of us here, and I agree.”

  Ashley stared at him for a long moment, as if preparing herself for what he would say, then gave him a nod to continue.

  “Okay, so what is it?”

  Cade began explaining as gently as he was capable of. “We’ve heard of it before, and it’s not a completely common situation, but it happens. Everything you’ve told us suggests it, and the way we found you does too. We think you were turned to be used as a fighting wolf. It's the only explanation for it.”

  Stopping long enough to let that sink in, Cade added, “Some lupines we haven't been able to catch yet have been turning humans who have no idea we exist in order to pit them against each other in fights. They do it because it's easy to make newborns change with fear and physical abuse, like you suffered.”

  He paused to watch Ashley and make sure she wasn't about to snap. But so far she only seemed wary, which he couldn't blame her for. So he continued, hoping she would stay this way.

  “They get others to place bets, gamble on who'll win or lose. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but rumors say that any wolf who doesn't win is killed, and honestly, you're the first lupine we've ever found who's survived an escape.”

  Ashley didn’t respond visibly at first, just sat there taking the words in. Then she inquired, “So I was being used as an animal in something like dog fights, and killing other people who'd been turned against their will just like me.”

  Cade nodded, his expression grim. Ashley was quiet while he wondered what she was thinking, readying himself for anything.

  Then she mentioned something he wasn't expecting to hear.

  “That’s what that redneck meant when he said I was runty, but still the best he’d ever seen. He must have meant the best fighter.”

  “Who said that?” Cade's tone was urgent.

  “I don't know,” Ashley replied quietly, reaching up to rub her eyes as if in thought about it.

  Cade was starting to think that she wasn't going to have as bad of an outburst as he expected, watching as she lowered her hand and added, “But I wish I did.”

  When she looked back up, her eyes were glowing, and Ashley quickly stood from her seat, heading to the door.

  “Shit, here we go,” Cade muttered, getting up behind her. She was already on the cusp of change, which her eyes gave away.

  Things were about to get ugly.

  “Ashley, stop.”

  “Leave me alone, Cade, I–let me go!”

  Though swift, Cade caught up to Ashley, grabbing her just as she'd reached the front door and stopped to unlock it. He pulled her away without much effort while she jerked to try to escape his grasp, but it was too strong for her to break.

  Despite her struggles, Cade lifted her off her feet, walking back through the dining room with her in tow at his side. Ashley was growling the entire way, kicking her legs, which knocked over a table in passing.

  “Put me down!” she shouted angrily, but her struggles were fruitless. Cade wasn't relenting no matter how hard she fought.

  Ashley felt used and pissed off to the point that she was ready to find the bastards who'd turned her all by herself if she had to. She wasn’t born a lupine, but even she could see the disgrace in being used as a game animal to be bet on, let alone stealing a human's life to begin with.

  And now, that seemed like the least offensive thing they'd done.

  She’d killed people—innocent people like herself—because of that pack. Blood would be on her hands forever, regardless of whether she could remember it or not—though she'd never forget waking up with that coppery taste in her mouth.

  Rage consumed her, and it was visible in her hazel eyes which were now glowing, suggesting she'd change at any moment. Furthermore, her canines had sharpened into fangs which she clearly noticed, another tell-tale sign that control was teetering on the edge.

  Caleb almost moved to try to help, but Cade warned him, “Just wait.”

  His younger brother listened, but still looked ready for anything.

  On a lowly growled voice, Cade told Ashley, “Calm down! You’re not goin’ after ‘em!”

  She twisted in his grasp, trying to get away. “Let go of me goddamn

  “Ashley, focus!” Joslyn urged, her tone as soft as she could make it while still being firm. “You can do it. Just breathe slow. I know you're fighting the change.”

  Ashley was, in fact, fighting it, gripping Cade's arms fiercely as she felt herself tensing, her body going through tremors she'd never felt the likes of before—except when in that basement, collared, naked, and beaten down.

  The thought almost got her to lose it completely, and she thrashed again.

  But at her ear, she heard the words, “Listen to her, Ash, just breathe deep, think about something nice.”

  Cade's voice broke through her anger, and she latched onto it. She didn’t want to change, didn't want to black out and hurt someone else—especially the people with her now.

  So she tried to think of something, anything that wasn't related to the situation, and the effort it took to get control had her sobbing. But that wildness began steadily falling away, leaving her feeling more like herself again, though her emotions were still running high.

  Anger turned into heavy sadness while her eyes stopped glowing and her teeth dulled. Ashley went limp, but was still a human in Cade’s grasp. Her breathing calmed, control returning—depressed as she might have been about the situation.

  She also noticed that Cade was murmuring soothing words against her ear, and somehow, his voice seemed to help her a great deal. His scent does too. Having him close is soothing.

  “That’s it,” he finished, “there’s other ways to deal with this, sweetheart.”

  With shaky hands, she let go of his arms to wipe at her eyes. Joslyn walked over and grabbed some napkins from a nearby table, offering them with a comforting hand placed on her shoulder.

  Ashley took them while Joslyn added, “Cade’s right. It'll be taken care of even though it's hard to deal with.”

  “It’s impossible,” Ashley spoke from behind the napkin, dabbing at her eyes. “They took my life, hurt me, made me kill people! I hate them so fucking much!”

  Joslyn seemed to understand completely, and even the twins looked sympathetic—though in a more angered fashion. Cade tightened his hold around her, trying to offer support.

  Without thinking, Ashley turned and hugged him, silently crying against his chest. I really am fortunate to have met them.


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