Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection Page 212

by Kerry Adrienne

  Chapter 21

  By Light of Candles

  Beon clenched his jaw as he watched Seth inch his way through the sea of men with his horse and cart. It was taking so long, he noted the knights who had gone after Sir Percy return from the hunt empty handed and he wasn’t surprised in the least.

  He was learning that only an order of vampire knights like Seth could have accomplished the task. This thought brought Seth’s offer to mind yet again. Seth truly did need more knights on his side to successfully fight against these powerful beings. Vampires had an unfair advantage. But was he ready to become a vampire too? Beon still wasn’t sure.

  “We march for Alnwick post haste. Ready yourselves for battle!” Lord Gall barked, “He’s on foot for now, but could easily acquire a horse along the way. With any luck, we’ll beat him there and launch a surprise attack.”

  “No chance of that.” Beon turned his head to find Seth beside him atop his cart.

  “No chance of what?” Beon asked.

  “They’ll make it to Alnwick before Sir Percy.”

  “Right,” Beon said, still feeling shaken by his encounter with Percy and numb from his fear of this plan working. And although it would seem the extraordinary turn of events had worked in their favor, it had done nothing to ease his tension.

  They were completely alone at the gate now. Seth handed him a monk’s habit, and he ducked behind the wall to throw it on. After taking the seat next to Seth in the cart, they rode off, turning north on the main road.

  “No one pays any mind to two monks, do they?” Beon asked.

  “Not in my experience,” answered Seth.

  “Is it something you have a lot of experience with, then?” Beon asked, teasing now.

  “Indeed. I’m an expert on such matters.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Can we get out yet? I’m developing a cramp,” asked Eva.

  “We haven’t traveled far enough to be safe, my lady. I’m sorry,” answered Seth, his eyes searching the forest around them.

  Beon thought he’d heard Eva sigh, but the sound was muffled by the wood. And Sophia’s silence troubled him after witnessing that tumble the barrels had taken. From the corner of his mouth, he asked in a whisper, “Do you think they’re both all right?”

  Seth nodded, and Beon exhaled in relief.

  Silence sat between as he began to process all that had happened.

  Seth interrupted his thoughts by saying grimly, “I see no other way but for you to turn. Percy will come for our women and for us.”

  “I know,” Beon said.

  “It is a strange feeling to be riding in the opposite direction of the battle. Seems to go against my nature,” Seth said.

  They’d been traveling for a while, and Beon kept imagining what it must be like for the ladies inside the barrels. “Do you think it’s safe to set them free now?”

  Seth glanced toward the sun that still rested in the sky. It was sinking toward the horizon, however, and both knew their situation would change as the sunlight diminished. “I do.”

  Beon turned and stepped back into the cart. “As you were saying, I believe our fight is here now, with the women we love. Our duty is to them. We need to leave this other life behind and start anew.”

  After taking his dagger from its sheath, Beon pried the first barrel open and then the other.

  Reaching a hand out for each of the ladies, he hoisted them out of the barrels. Having completely forgotten they were dressed as boys, Beon was shocked at the sight of them.

  Eva thanked Beon earnestly and then joined Seth up front. Still holding Sophia by the hand, they looked at each other with weary smiles as they knelt in the back of the cart.

  “Bumpy ride?” he asked her.

  She laughed. “Bumpy is one way of describing it.”

  “Is there another?”

  “Bruising,” she grumbled as she rubbed at her knees.

  “And harrowing?” he offered.

  “That too,” she agreed.

  “Just watching was harrowing for me, I must confess.”

  “I survived it, I guess.” With a heavy sigh, Sophia looped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his shoulder.

  Wrapping her into his embrace, he dropped his chin against her hair and watched as the sun began to set.

  Beon had thought long and hard about where they should hide. He had desperately wanted to return to Brentworth, but bringing his mother into this mess was out of the question. She had suffered enough. Besides, Newcastle was south, just like Alnwick and they did not want to be traveling the same direction as Gall. Holy Island seemed the only choice. It was certainly remote. They could take sanctuary there for as long as needed. Hopefully, the brothers and sisters wouldn’t mind, or notice, a vampire or two amongst them…for Beon had in fact decided Seth was right. He must turn so he could join this fight.

  They stopped in Middleton along the way, at the tiny village of Elwick. After arranging for two rooms, the ladies went to change, enjoy a hot supper, and rest.

  As Seth cared for the horse, freeing the beast from the cart, Beon watched the sun sink closer to the horizon, and he worried he’d again find Sophia gone in the morning. The fear prompted a question, “Sir Percy won’t find us tonight, will he?”

  Shaking his head, Seth said, “Did you forget about the garlic hung all over the cart?”

  “I did forget about that.”

  “How could you forget with that stench?”

  “You still have faith in...something so, well, so simple?”

  “You’ve lost faith?”

  “You make it sound like I’ve lost faith in God. Are we still talking about garlic and its vampire repelling properties, because I thought we already established that it wouldn’t work?”

  “I was. And I said it might.”

  “You’re doing that ‘irony’ thing on me again, aren’t you?” Beon said as he rolled his eyes.

  “You make it far too easy.”

  Beon shook his head and sighed, feeling exhaustion set in.

  “And entertaining,” added Seth with a chuckle as he turned and started back towards the inn. “And no, I think Sir Percy will have his hands full protecting his land from Gall’s ‘surprise’ attack. As for the garlic, I believe it did aid in masking the ladies’ scent during our escape.”

  Once they got settled into their rooms, Beon took one look at the bed and had to lay down for a moment or two. He must have dozed off instantly because he awoke to Seth nudging him in a most annoying way and saying, “Wake up, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise?” Beon asked sleepily. “Is it morning?”

  “No, you’ve only been asleep for a quarter of an hour.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t need to understand. Now stop dallying and get changed. You can’t come dressed as a monk.”

  “I can’t?” he asked, blinking in confusion. “Where are we going?”

  “Well, I suppose you could come as you are, but it would cause quite a stir, and you’ll look silly whilst standing next to me in my fine tunic.” Seth grinned broadly and ran his hands over the emerald green tunic he was wearing.

  “I fear I didn’t pack for a special occasion. And how could my being dressed as a monk cause a stir?”

  Pointing, Seth ignored his question and said, “Put that on.”

  Upon the bed lay a blue tunic and a pair of black trousers. “Where did you get those?”

  “Where else does one get clothing?”

  Beon rubbed the sleep from his eyes while he frowned up at the man. “Is it your aim to vex me with confusion?”

  “Yes, that is my goal.”

  “What?” Beon asked in surprise.

  “Get changed, posthaste...and do something about that pile of straw on your head that you call hair.”

  Once Beon was dressed, and he’d tamed his hair, Seth patted him on the back and remarked, “Rather astounding where one finds himself from day t
o day, wouldn’t you agree, Sir Everard?”

  “Yes indeed,” Beon said, still completely bewildered by Seth’s odd behavior.

  “Come with me to church.”

  “To pray?”

  Seth marched out of the room without another word so Beon had no choice but to follow.

  Once they stepped inside the sanctuary, Beon was greeted by the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Standing before him with stained glass windows, lit candles, and almost as many flowers as a May Day celebration for a backdrop was Sophia, dressed in a white wedding gown, her sable tresses plaited with little white flowers tucked in between the sectioned strands. Beon drank in the sight of her. She was mythical in his mind and he was indeed glad he wasn’t dressed as a monk any longer.

  It was impossible for Beon not to match Sophia’s smile as he went to her. Instinctively, he knelt down before the woman he’d dreamed of making his bride and took her hand into his, pressing a kiss to her fingers before looking up at her.

  “Rise, Sir Knight, and claim your bride,” Sophia said.

  “How I have prayed this day would come. I can scarcely believe it. I…haven’t even asked for your hand…forgive me…will you marry me, my lady…will you marry me a thousand times over?”

  “I will,” Sophia said and touched his cheek.

  Seth cleared his throat, and Beon turned to see that a priest was waiting at the end of the aisle. So enchanted by Sophia as he was, Beon hadn’t noticed anyone else was in the room.

  He noticed Eva who was also dressed in a white wedding gown, her hair styled similarly to Sophia’s.

  “Shall we?” Seth asked.

  Beon nodded, and the two couples proceeded to walk, side by side, toward the altar. Surreal and rather unexpected, Beon found it made the occasion all the more special.

  There, as the sun’s last beams were devoured in the west and spilled in through the windows of the small church, Beon and Sophia were married.

  “It’s dark outside,” Sophia whispered.

  Beon could hear the fear in her voice.

  “This will be different than the cottage. We have Seth with us. And we’re smothered in garlic, remember?”

  “What if that didn’t work?”

  “Seth is convinced it did.” Drawing her into his embrace, he cradled her head to his shoulder and stroked her hair. “I trust the man with my life, and with yours.”

  “Percy is much older. What if he knows how to elude a new vampire like Seth?”

  It was possible, Beon thought. But she needed to get her mind off of these nightmarish thoughts. Glancing toward the door adjoining their rooms where he knew Seth would be on high alert for any danger, Beon let dread and doubt slide free of his mind. This was their wedding night, and he was keen to focus on what mattered now, in this moment. Making Sophia his wife was what he’d wished for these long years and now it was a reality. Loving her completely, as only a husband can, and kissing her with the intensity he felt in his heart was what he’d dreamed about during their time apart. But now, finally, the fantasy had become life. No more waiting.

  “And what if—?”

  “Where should I start, do you think?” Beon said abruptly so she couldn’t continue voicing her worries. “Shall I first strip this gown from your body or should I pluck these lovely flowers from your hair?”

  Speechless now, she blinked up at him with those pretty blue eyes of hers.

  Smiling, Beon pulled one of the primrose flowers from her hair and took in the fragrance before dropping it to the floor, then reached for another. He bent forward to kiss her while he continued blindly unraveling the plaits in her hair, uncaring of where the flowers fell.

  He felt her fingers grasp onto his tunic and he smiled against her lips, knowing she was already distracted by the feelings stirring her blood rather than thoughts weighing on her mind.

  Drawing away, Beon watched as auburn tresses dropped down around her shoulders, the red strands catching the flickering glow of candles lighting the chamber and the fire warming it.

  Beon motioned for her to turn around and said, “I think I should start on those laces next, don’t you agree?”

  “No,” she said with half a smile touching her lips.

  “No?” he asked. What? She couldn’t be talking about consummating, could she?

  Sophia giggled and reached for the hem of his tunic. “You first.”

  Raising his arms as she drew the material up over his head, he said, “You just might be as good at dry humor as Seth.”

  “Am I?” she asked so seductively, he found himself quite intrigued.

  His breath hitched when she boldly reached for the drawstring of his trousers and Beon decided he was more than intrigued by this side of her, he was utterly spellbound. To him, she was as enchanting as any siren, so magical and mythical it was hard to believe she was real...and finally his.

  Once he was nude, he noticed a flicker of uncertainty on her face and her cheeks bloomed with color at the sight of him, proving her purity and innocence.

  “Now, may I start on the laces of your gown?” he asked. If she said no again, he would shamelessly beg.

  Smiling and biting her bottom lip, she promptly turned away from him. Reaching up, Sophia dragged her hair over her shoulder to uncover the lacing.

  Unable to stop himself, Beon ran the backs of his fingers down her neck before he started tugging the laces free. He smiled when a faint shudder worked its way over her body at his touch.

  Piece by piece, Beon freed her of every garment she’d been wearing until it all lay in a pile beside the flowers on the floor.

  A bit more bashful than before, Sophia didn’t turn to face him right away. Taking her by the hand, he said, “Let’s get under the covers before we catch a chill, shall we?”

  Even as he spoke, he saw goose pimples spring up over every inch of her skin. Drawing her towards the bed, she finally turned to face him. Beon caught his breath again and couldn’t help the smile on his face, which he was sure had to be ridiculously enamored.

  Without speaking another word, they snuggled in beneath the covers, and Beon savored the way they matched each other with the ardor of each kiss and caress they shared.

  Sated and more tired than he’d expected to be, Beon held Sophia close, realizing he loved her so much he would be lost without her. No, he thought, changing his mind. ‘Lost’ wasn’t strong enough. He’d be devastated.

  With Sir Percy still out there, Beon found he wasn’t able to hold onto the blissful feeling of peace he’d found lying with Sophia on their wedding night. She could be taken away from him far too easily unless he took Seth’s offer to create this new order of vampire knights. The risk was too great not to become a vampire.

  “Can we leave the candles lit?” she asked snuggling closer to his side.

  Beon knew they’d almost burned to the bottom and would be going out soon. Hoping the dwindling fire would be enough illumination to make her feel safe, he said, “Of course we can.”

  “I can’t get the image of Sir Percy rising from the shadows to steal me away out of my head.”

  “I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been. Sing something for me, my little songbird. Singing always makes you feel better.”

  Beon could feel her smile but she remained silent, so he added, “And remember, we have Seth now.”

  “A demon to protect us from a demon,” she said.

  “I can’t think of Seth that way.”

  “It certainly doesn’t fit the Sir Lyndon of our youth, does it?”

  After pausing, Beon finally made himself ask, “What if I were to make the same change by choice?”

  Chapter 22

  A Mythical Romance Begins

  Waking the next morning within the circle of Beon’s arms was a welcome change to the grim routine that had become Sophia’s day-to-day existence. With him, Sophia felt lighter and happier than she ever had. Life had seemed so uncertain and bleak just a day earlier, she was almost afraid to b
elieve this could truly be her new reality.

  By the grim look on Beon’s face, Sophia could tell he had something heavy weighing on his mind. She rolled to face him and asked, “Care to tell me what has you frowning after such a wonderful night?”

  “We should prepare to leave. We’re traveling on to a secret castle Seth purchased as he made plans to separate himself from Sir Percy.”

  Somehow Sophia didn’t think their travel plan, secret or not, was the thing drawing his eyebrows together. She rose to one elbow and scooted closer, so she was looking down at him, her hair draping over his shoulder. “Since we made it through the night without Sir Percy interrupting our much-needed rest, my mood is much lighter.”

  This brought a smile to his mouth, and she was reminded of all the passionate ways he’d kissed her last eve, her cheeks heating as the memories washed over her.

  Perhaps thinking about the same thing, Beon traced a finger along her jaw before drawing her closer for a kiss that caused her entire body to heat up.

  Pulling away, he looked into her eyes and said, “I confess that my spirits are higher too, but we still have some serious decisions to make.”

  Sophia knew exactly what he was talking about—becoming a vampire wasn’t something she wanted to talk about. Not last night, not now.

  When she said nothing, Beon pressed a kiss to her forehead, rose from the bed, got dressed, and started packing up their things.

  They’d only been able to obtain a second horse, so as they traveled, Sophia rode with Beon while Eva rode with Seth.

  Seth had been making his case for the three of them to ‘turn’ since they left the inn, and Sophia was beginning to dread the conversation to come because she hadn’t decided what she wanted yet. While the idea of feeling safe from Sir Percy was appealing, the thought of drinking blood was not. She just wasn’t sure if she was willing to make such a big sacrifice, especially since many things about this curse remained unknown to them.


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