Carrie gasped, crying as she raced to Charlie. “I’m so happy!”
Andre kissed his bride. “As am I! I am to be a father! I thought this would never occur!”
Elinor shook her head. “If the Council learns…couples must have been granted the blessing of the Council prior to—”
“You have the full permission and blessing of the Queen, my friend.”
Carrie’s words melted any anxiety from Elinor’s expression.
“I beg your pardon, Nyrobie…did you say, he?” Andre’s beaming smile had the room smiling with him.
“Perhaps…my apologies.”
“Are you certain?”
“I am, Andre. He is strong…healthy within your bride.”
Elinor erupted in tears of joy. “A baby boy? Am I dreaming? I could actually be a mother?”
The couple embraced, shedding tears as the idea of potentially raising her own youngsters had Carrie’s thoughts racing.
“This changes so much, Andre.”
“Yes…it does, Nyrobie.”
Charlie walked to the happy couple from the kitchen. “What if…I mean…will you be…?” Charlie scratched his head—his hair was incredibly messy. “What if he’s like me?”
Andre offered a curious grin. “Like you?”
Rocking on his heals—his face flushing—Charlie cleared his throat. “What if he’s just…regular? What if he’s like me?”
Andre stood, still smiling. He moved to Charlie, placing his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Charlie…you, my friend, are anything but regular. I would be honored to raise a son with such integrity and morals.”
The men shared a glance before offering one another a masculine hug, complete with a back slap. The reality of the situation began to settle. Andre was correct—they were one—they were all human.
Chapter 18
The Council Hall was buzzing with excitement. The entire Kingdom appeared rejuvenated and ready for the new era.
Seated at the Council table was Andre, Jerrek, Nyrobie, and nine new faces to the Hall. Carrie watched them mingle briefly before approaching.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the Council…I am pleased to have you with me today. I believe this union will be prosperous and in the interest of our Kingdom.” She swallowed hard, pacing slowly in front of the table.
“I’m new to the Crown…this you know. Many of you are new to the Council. Yet our lack of experience leaves us ambitious…eager for answers and action.” The smiles and nods confirmed her statement.
“As we move forward, we must do so collectively. There are many questions left to be answered. How did we get here? How long have we been here? Perhaps we’ll never know. If the crystals feed our immortality and provide our magic, do they also feed our desire to aid and protect the humans of the earth above us? These legitimate enquiries should have been answered many an age ago…and yet they were left for us to unriddle. How exciting is that, my friends?”
Carrie anchored herself centered of the table, her hands behind her back, she peered down upon her newly elected Guiding Council.
“There is value in the secrecy of our existence. I will not debate that. Our home is lavished in natural gifts that would be completely depleted in a day’s time if the world above learned of their existence. However, we must get back to what we so desire, to what is ingrained in each of us. We must get back to the art of aiding our fellow humans above—acting once more as guardians.”
Her comment had each member of the Council grinning largely.
“Through training, education, and perseverance, we can once again become what we were so long ago…the protectors of those that walk the earth.” Carrie began pacing once more. “Such a task will be delicate and require much collaboration. This is why you sit before me. The stringent Council selection regulations of old, no longer apply. An eclectic alliance of ancient and young alike will lift this Society to places we’ve never been.”
Andre’s face beamed with pride as he looked to Carrie.
“I am humbled to serve alongside each of you. I know without a doubt that Evrastill will blossom and grow and I look forward to being with you centuries from now as we perfect our passion and expand our reach. So now, let us rise—we have rested too long. Let us stretch the ache from our bones and shake our stale minds free of the ways of yesterday. Let us rally, form committees, have intellectual debate, and take in the wisdom of our earthly-human allies. Let us celebrate in knowing that we have the tools and the mindset to accomplish our desires…and that is to act as the protectors…the guardians of those above. Stand with me now, my Council. Let us leave this quiet Hall for the boisterous voices of our people. They crave something loud; they crave something different. The time has come. Let us give it to them.”
Several Years Later
Tears—thick and sappy—streamed his face, trailing their way to his quivering chin. The cowering sun set not only on the day…but on the remainder of his fading hope. He hurt. It was a physical hurt looming in his core. Turning once more toward the sun, he shouted with all he had through the snow-covered trees. “Alyssa!” His breath left him and danced in the chilled air.
The incoming storms had hindered the efforts and reach of the search parties. Two nights with the temperatures reaching sub-zero was basically a death sentence for an inexperienced twenty-four-year-old hiker. Blake knew this, yet he couldn’t bring himself to walk away—to descend the mountain.
Hitting his knees, he cried violently. “Why? Why the hell did I bring…bring you…why? I can’t…I can’t live without you!” His cries carried across the still atmosphere, only the crows for company.
The previous evening, he’d gone to collect firewood among the surrounding trees. Even with years of outdoors experience, he lost his way back to her. When he finally reached their camping quarters hours later—she was gone...the note she left said she was looking for him.
Married two years prior, Blake cherished his wife more than life itself. Thoughts of going through life without her had him longing to merely lie down and rest indefinitely.
“Please…I know I…I haven’t prayed in forever. Please don’t take her from me.” His soft cries were nearly inaudible. His aching throat begged for something other than the bitter, biting air he inhaled.
“I’ll do anything…take me. Take me right now…just…don’t take her. Please, she’s already fought so hard. You know how hard she’s fought! Don’t…Please don’t take her away from me.”
Crouched with hands clasped, he continued his desperate plea—his face stung with nearly frozen tears. An intense, nauseating reality overtook him. He had to leave the mountainside…he had to leave now…and he had to leave without her.
Standing to his feet, using a tree for support, he slapped himself in the face. “I hate you. So, stupid! I hate you!” Two steps later and he was vomiting the coffee and water he’d drank earlier. His nerves shook through his snowsuit as he worked to place one foot in front of the other.
As he walked, his tears fell to the snow below him. Her hypnotic laugh, the way she looked in the morning light just seconds before she woke up. She was his perfection. Thoughts of her being frightened, cold, and alone had him crashing to his knees once more. “Dammit! Please! Ally!” His voice cracked and nearly gave out on him as he called for her.
His tears continued melting the snow as the sun said its final goodbyes. Wolves called in the distance—part of him hoped they’d surround him and make short work of him. He inhaled deeply, coughing a few times as he did so. “You will always…always, be my everything, Ally Taber. You are the most inspiring, courageous, strongest human being I have ever known and you will always be in my heart…I love you…for…forgive me.” Resting his head and fists against the compacted snow, he continued crying. Knowing his mother and father would miss him dearly should he perish too, he lifted himself from the snow, and continued down the mountain.
Nearly an hour later—after each dream and near-future plan blatantly replayed in
his mind—his eyes settled on the two-lane black-top, curving and hugging the mountainside as he cautiously maneuvered his way through the few remaining trees.
The sky was now pitch-black. The wind was picking up and the snow was falling heavily. The distant motor of a road plow could be heard.
Removing his glove, Blake took his phone from his snowsuit pocket. He now had one bar of service…and eighteen voicemails—the majority being from his mother. He sighed as he walked to his icy Jeep across the road. The frozen handles made it nearly impossible for his aching fingers to open the door.
Inside, he prepared himself to deliver the news…he’d failed them. He’d failed her. He’d failed everyone. Alyssa was gone. The thought of saying something so cruel seemed surreal.
The thought of his mother’s comforting voice on the other end of the line had him hesitantly pressing call on his touchscreen.
“Oh, my God! Blake! Baby?”
Even at twenty-five, Blake was a proud momma’s boy. His mother’s voice was all it took to send the man cratering. “Ma…Mamma!” He cried out into the phone—incapable of holding it to his ear.
“Blake? Blake!”
Nearly twenty seconds later, he’d gained enough composure to press the phone to his ear and deliver the dreadful news.
Shaking, his phone met his face. “I…I lost her, Mamma.”
Soft cries on the other end had him resting his head to the steering wheel.
“No, baby boy, you didn’t. She’s okay…she’s here.”
His mother’s words made no sense, but had him sitting straight up. “What? Mom! What?”
“Blake! Ally is okay. We’re at Memorial in the Intensive Care Unit now. She’s…she’s gonna be okay, baby boy.”
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God! How? How, Mom? I’m coming now! Right now!”
“Blake! You listen to me, young man. You better drive sensibly on these roads! Don’t think you’re too big for me to bust your little ass!”
His cheeks hurt he was smiling so hard. “Mom…she’s really there…she’s really okay?” He cried as he asked.
“Yes…yes, Blake. She is sleeping now. She is okay. You are okay. We are all okay.”
“I love you so much, Momma. I’m on my way now.”
The thirty-minute drive to the hospital felt like an eternity. Blake’s heart was happy, his foot danced nervously atop the gas pedal as he neared the hospital.
He didn’t walk briskly, he ran through the front door, tears streaming—his eyes as wide as his smile. Tearing down the hall and through the double doors and to the first nurse he came to. “Ally Taber?”
“Alyssa Taber?”
“Oh…and you are?”
“Her husband.” His happy proclamation had the kind nurse leading him to room eighteen.
Rushing through, past their parents, he took her hand, collapsing to his knees and wailing at the bedside. “I…I’m so sorry! I love you so much! I’ll never…I’ll never let you go again!”
“It’s okay. Hey, boy. It’s okay…I’m good.”
“How? How did they find you? When? I’ve been searching all day.”
Blake felt his mother’s hand upon his shoulder. “They found her at the base of the mountain…wrapped up, cozy and warm by an extravagant fire…delirious, but she’s coming around.”
“I’m not delirious, Mary. I told you…I was rescued. A young man, Andre. He spoke so eloquently with like a…British accent or something. He just…carried me through the blizzard down the mountain and waited until the snow crew saw the fire. He could run faster than our car, Blake.”
Her voice was scratchy, her eyes were sleepy; she was perfection…his perfection. “I’m sure he can, beautiful. I’d love to thank him someday. I…I thought I lost you.”
She chuckled. “Lost me? Nah boy. I beat leukemia’s ass…you think a goofy mountain is gonna keep me from you? I love you, Blake.”
“I love you too, Ally. I love you too.”
About the Author
Bradon Nave was born and raised in rural Oklahoma. He attended a small country school during junior high and high school, and graduated with only three people in his class. After graduate school, he decided to devote his spare time to his passion of writing. Bradon currently lives in Piedmont, Oklahoma, with his wife and two young children.
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D.A. Roach
Cross © copyright 2017 D.A. Roach
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All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
Ray Cross wasn’t a hero; he could die too easily. But some things are worth risking death...
Ray Cross was born with a genetic disorder, resulting in a fragile body; his organs and blood vessels will rupture with any hard impact, so standing up to his best friend's controlling boyfriend could kill him.
Ray's life in Midland, MI gets decimated when his parents reveal they are not his real parents and his real father, a king from a secret land hidden in the far north of Canada, is dying and wishes to meet his son.
With his doctor and newly-met twin, Ray travels to the forgotten village of Yardis, where magic, myth, and corruption are abundant. But the longer Ray stays in the village learning the truth of his past and reconnecting with his father, King Vintras, the more he discovers an evil force threatening the king and his village.
But there’s more than the king and a village tied to Yardis and Ray. He finds friendship and more from a band of brothers who are part witch, dragon, and healer. With new alliances and new abilities, Ray wars with himself on playing it safe or risking it all to save the ones he loves.
Can Ray rise above his fragile disorder to become the hero for once in his life?
Chapter 1
The bell rang, and I hurried out the doors, positioning myself in plain view where I could watch for Derek. Leo hurried over, urging me to let it go and let him handle it. Leo had always handled it, keeping the peace or laying the threats to keep me out of harm’s way. But I had had enough.
Derek, emerged from the school wearing a smug smile with Lauren by his side. “Well, if it isn’t Elmer himself! I heard you wanted to have a word with me.” He said in a mocking voice.
I hated when he called me Elmer. Derek had given me the shitty nickname after I had messaged Lauren, urging her to leave him. To this day I don’t regret sending that message. The controlling jerk had no right to cut me out of her life. In retaliation, he had heard the analogy I had told others about my genetic disorder. “I look normal but the glue, or collagen, that holds me together is faulty causing me to be fragile. It’s like comparing a house made with screws and nails to one held together with Elmer’s glue; they look the same but one can break and fall apart easily.”
Lauren shot me a sympathetic smile as she tugged at Derek’s hand, pleading for him to leave. He pulled out of her grasp and approached.
Leo came up on my left and quietly urged. “Cross, let it go. He’s not worth the risk. Let it go.”
“Yeah Elmer, better let it go. Like you always do. We wouldn’t want things to escalate.” He mock
ed. “You and your fake diagnosis have everyone fooled but me. I know the truth; you’re too much of a chicken shit to fight. You let your oaf fight your—”
I charged past Leo and clocked Derek as hard as I could across his jaw. The skin on my knuckles split open instantly, revealing the bone beneath and unleashing a river of blood. I didn’t care; I had landed a solid hit. Derek stumbled back, losing his balance and falling to the ground with a dumbfounded look. A crowd gathered to see the melee. I began to charge at him again, but Lauren and Leo grabbed me and pulled me away.
Beep, beep, beep! The alarm clock blared next to me, pulling me from the unbelievably realistic dream. My hand shook as it reached over to quiet the alarm. 6:45AM. I studied my hand, relieved it was intact. I hated being fragile, especially when I had to take crap from Derek Mavers each day. “Ignore him, reason with him, explain your disorder.” Yeah, none of it worked. I needed to borrow someone’s normal body for an hour so I could kick Derek’s ass and be done with him.
Today was my birthday, but unlike most kids on this planet, I did not enjoy celebrating getting another year older. With vEDS, another year older meant a step closer to an early death. I was still struggling with the tragic news regarding the death of my online friend, Nick Mitchell. We chatted often about vEDS, as we had that in common, and often compared notes. But he was gone and here I was, turning another year older.
After a quick shower, I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs where Mom flitted about the kitchen and Dad was reading the paper and drinking his coffee.
Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection Page 245