Grey Star the Wizard

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Grey Star the Wizard Page 15

by Ian Page

  The crude battlefield remedy has cost you 1 ENDURANCE point, but the treatment is effective, and the injury heals without complications, although you will have a livid scar on your shoulder for the rest of your life.

  You are pushed up a long flight of stone stairs and into a small antechamber. An old woman sits at a wooden table, her shrunken flesh lit up by the dim yellow light of the crystal ball before her.

  Turn to 289.

  [38] Keep note of your Backpack Items in case you should find your Backpack again later.


  You have found the Guard room. Six Shadakine warriors overcome their initial surprise and pounce on you, killing you.

  You have failed to escape the Hall of Correction, and your quest is over.


  Reaching out with your senses, you probe the minds of those seated near you. Your Power reveals to you that the cloaked character in the corner wishes to help you. Indeed, it seems he is waiting for some sign from you. He is a member of a holy order known as the ‘Redeemers’, pilgrims devoted to a life of silent prayer and the study of the healing arts.

  The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  Turn to 209.


  You hurl the ball of energy into the Kazim Stone at the cost of another WILLPOWER point. Immediately, the assault on your mind stops. The glow of the Stone erupts into a blinding, white light as your ball of power penetrates it. Mother Magri raises her eyebrows and shrugs confidently. She pulls the charged mass of energy towards her and throws your ball of energy back, only now it is greater in strength. As it envelopes you, you lose half your current ENDURANCE points total.

  If you wish to use 2 WILLPOWER points to duplicate her attack, turn to 320.

  If you do not want to do this, you must use 2 WILLPOWER points to extinguish the deadly circle of light that engulfs you. Turn to 226.

  If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points for either of these options, turn to 150.


  Bravely, you wreak a trail of destruction with your whirling Staff, but it is already too late. The swarm of worker Mantiz behind have reached you. You are dragged to the ground, and screaming in agony, you are torn into a thousand pieces.

  Your life and your quest come to a terrible end here.


  You slip and fall into the waters below. As you hit the water, you try to scream, for the water is burning your flesh. Water pours into your open mouth; there is no hope of escape. You sink, unconscious, to the bottom. You have been poisoned by Lake Shenwu.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You expend a great amount of energy in attempting to move the heavy body of the dead Quoku. Within seconds, you fall paralysed to the ground: the poison that covers the Quoku's warty skin is lethal. You will never know if Shan survived or not.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You plunge into the waters of Lake Shenwu. You begin to swim when suddenly you feel as if your flesh is on fire. Your body weakens, and you start to sink. The waters of Lake Shenwu are poisonous, and even its vapour can kill in a matter of hours. Within a few seconds, you have drowned.

  Your life and mission end here.


  Half dazed with fatigue, you stumble in the darkness and fall headlong down a slope of loose shale, finally coming to rest at the bottom. (You lose 1 ENDURANCE point in your fall.)

  You are in a wide, shallow basin, on the banks of Lake Shenwu, and you peer around, straining your eyes to see in the darkness of the night.

  Turn to 43.


  To the amazement of Mother Magri, the light of the Kazim Stone is suddenly snuffed out. You slump forward, exhausted by your exertions, and Mother Magri jumps to her feet, howling curses and abuse.

  ‘You dare to resist!’ she screams. ‘Guards! Throw this one into the dungeons. It seems that sterner measures are needed to wring the truth from our fledgling wizard,’ and she smiles wickedly.

  You have exerted 4 WILLPOWER points and 4 ENDURANCE points39 in this duel with the Kazim Stone.

  Now turn to 187.

  [39] These losses are in addition to any you may have already sustained in your duel with the Kazim Stone.


  You have entered the gaoler's private chamber. He turns and sees you, letting out a startled cry. He draws a small Dagger and charges at you.


  You may evade this combat at any time and head for the other flight of stairs by turning to 137.

  If you win the combat, turn to 37.


  You cleave a chaotic path of destruction, clearing the way ahead with only seconds to spare. The swarm of raging worker Mantiz are snapping at your heels, and gouts of acid burn into the tunnel walls.

  You hurry through the exit of the tunnel and turn the corner to run into another passage, the worker Mantiz barely a few feet behind.

  Turn to 267.


  You throw the ball of energy at the Kazim Stone at the cost of another WILLPOWER point. The Stone flares, turning an angry red as the attack hits home. The energy field of your attack lingers and then, to your surprise, is absorbed by the Stone which glows even brighter.

  ‘So it's a fight you want, is it?’ Mother Magri snarls. She flings the ball of power back at you, now doubled in strength, and as it envelopes you, you lose half your current ENDURANCE points.

  If you wish to use 2 WILLPOWER points to turn the attack against her, turn to 299.

  If you do not wish to do this, you must use 1 WILLPOWER point to extinguish the energy field that surrounds you (or you will lose further ENDURANCE points). Turn to 226.


  Too late you realize that he is standing in the doorway of the Guard room. A group of Shadakine warriors pour out of the doorway and bear down on you from above, mercilessly hacking you to pieces.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The limestone towers — with their tall, ragged peaks — cast lengthening shadows across the broken floor of the gorge. Silhouetted in the orange glow of the evening sun, they unnerve you with their brooding silence.

  A strange creaking sound echoes above the muted rush of the Shenwu Falls. It sounds like an old, rusty door being opened very slowly. It must be the noise of an animal, although it is quite unlike the cry of any beast that you have ever known. You hear the sound again over to your right, and then again, ahead of you, as if in answer.

  A sense of grave danger washes over you, and Shan, infected by your disquiet, has paled with fear. With slow, careful steps, you move forwards. The hairs on the back of your neck prickle, and you have the distinct feeling that many eyes are watching you.

  Turn to 136.


  Warily, you agree to accept the dead priest's offer.

  ‘So be it,’ drones the Shade. ‘For my part, I will give you the help you seek, since I now perceive that you are a servant of the great Shianti race, as once was I. You must turn right beyond the door of this cell and, when you reach the end of the corridor, take the left stairway. Thereafter always turn left and always ascend, until you reach the surface. In this way you will come to the inner courtyard where the gate to freedom stands. Take no other route, for death awaits you any other way.’

  ‘What then is the price I must pay?’ you ask.

  ‘You must free the dead of this place. Step outside the pentacle and speak the forbidden tome that will release the wronged souls that have died here. The dead desire their revenge on those who cruelly murdered them. Deny them not, for your soul will be forfeit if you do.’

  You are filled with dread. It is forbidden by Shianti law to free the dead upon the Earth, for once freed by the ‘forbidden tome’, they can never be controlled. They will roam the Earth eternally, able to act in any way they choose, whether for good or ill.

  If you agree to speak
the tome, turn to 87.

  If you deny the dead, turn to 220.


  You head south across the desolate plain, but after a few minutes Shan stops, shielding his eyes with his hand as he peers eastwards. ‘Can you feel it?’ he asks.

  At first you are not sure what he means, but then you notice that the atmosphere has changed. A wind has started up, and tumbleweeds and pools of fine brown dust eddy in busy spirals. Shan points towards the horizon and you spot a great cloud of dust rolling towards you.

  ‘Dust storm,’ says Shan. ‘Looks like a mean one.’

  If you wish to head back to the shack and take cover, turn to 78.

  If you would rather keep moving on towards the Azanam, turn to 283.


  You hit the line of the river and pick your way south. Owing to your long exposure to the scorching sun, you must lose 2 ENDURANCE points. When at last you come to the point where the Yaku plants grow, you resolve to stay with the river and overcome the difficulties of the dense undergrowth, as best you can.

  Turn to 104.


  Your Staff burns a great hole in the nearest Yaku plant, killing it instantly at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point. Unfortunately, it was not an attacker, and still the two Yaku plants pull at you with an ever-tightening grip. You grit your teeth against the pain. Your right leg is being wrenched from your body and you must lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 42.


  As the Quoku dives towards you, you suddenly change direction, sprinting towards an overhanging rock-face that will shield you from attack. As you dive into the hollow space beneath the overhang, you turn to see the creature screech with horror as the low curve of its high speed dive brings it on a collision course with the ceilinged wall behind. It flaps its wings desperately, climbing at an acute angle and only just gaining enough height to clear the wall. Shan gives a shout of delight. ‘Quick thinking,’ he says, laughing through his fear. ‘Maybe these bird-brained frogs are a bit stupid, eh?’

  You smile and give him a reassuring nod. Privately, you are not so sure that they are.

  Turn to 256.


  A deft blow with your Staff wounds the Quoku, making a long slash across its soft underbelly which you can see as it flies over your head. The Quoku clutches at its wound and tumbles to the ground, but it quickly recovers and launches itself once again into attack, crying with the fury of an animal in pain.

  If you wish to fight the Quoku, turn to 307.

  If you would prefer to evade combat, turn to 182.


  With fear surging through every nerve, you dart into the east tunnel. The insect horde sweeps towards you, and a soldier Mantiz, faster than the others, reaches out and claws at your leg, raking a crimson weal of pain along your calf. With a howl of agony, you stumble and — half diving, half falling — roll along the ground, twisting to face the creature as it rears up before its prey.

  If you have 2 or more WILLPOWER points with which to use your Wizard's Staff, turn to 96.

  If you do not, turn to 9.


  You are walking along a steeply sloping passage that grows darker as it heads deeper. It is almost pitch black when you come to a vast open cavern. With fear in your heart, you step into the cavern, your feet squelching on the filthy, black mud that is the floor.

  Turn to 259.


  You reach the end of the sloping passage. It opens into a larger tunnel that divides and curves away to the left and right. As you look around, you realize where you are.

  You have entered a Cave Mantiz nest. The Cave Mantiz live in colonies below ground in much the same way as their smaller cousins, the ants. They burrow their nests out of hard stone, dissolving the rock with a potent acid stored in their bodies. If you can find your way through the maze of the nest, you should be able to reach the surface above the Wall of Azakawa and enter the Azanam.

  If you wish to take the left passage, turn to 222.

  If you wish to take the right passage, turn to 234.


  You realize that there is no hope of Shan's survival. You have lost a valued friend, and now you must continue your journey alone. You pick your weary way around the ravine and press on towards the Shenwu Falls.

  Turn to 294.


  The Suhnese are rushing in all directions as the Shadakine rain sword blows on anyone unfortunate enough to be standing too close. Quickly you survey the scene. You note that there are two exits from the harbour area: one is the main entrance, but this is blocked by the cruel Shadakine who seek to control the riot; the other is a narrow street.

  If you wish to leave the harbour by the narrow street, turn to 40.

  If you wish to leave the harbour through the main entrance, turn to 50.


  You leap into attack, causing the Quoku to release the unconscious Shan.

  Wounded Quoku: COMBAT SKILL 14 ENDURANCE 18

  If you win the combat, turn to 44.


  You head down the corridor with Shan following close behind. Two stairways lead from the corridor, and you must choose which to take.

  If you have the Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 92. (Note down this section number as you will need to return to it later.)

  If you wish to take the left stairway, turn to 137.

  If you wish to take the right stairway, turn to 212.


  As you approach the bar, the innkeeper booms out in a loud voice, ‘Greetings, young stranger. What is your pleasure?’

  You order a mug of ale, which costs 1 Noble. (Remember to mark this from your Action Chart.)

  If you wish to begin a conversation with the innkeeper, turn to 217.

  If you do not, turn to 105.


  Running west along the empty corridor, you notice that the tunnel begins to slope upwards. As it narrows, you see a group of worker Mantiz ahead, intent on some task. Sunlight streams down through a shaft above their heads. You see that they are boring into the rock in front of them, and suddenly you realize that this passage is unfinished.

  A swarm of crawling soldier Mantiz lies behind you, their pace and numbers increasing; you are trapped between them and the wall of the unfinished tunnel. Your only hope is the vertical shaft above the burrowing workers, for you are sure that the surface lies beyond; but first, you must pass the workers.

  If you wish to attack them with your Wizard's Staff before they have had a chance to see you, turn to 298.

  If you wish to try to jump onto the back of a Cave Mantiz standing directly below the opening of the shaft, turn to 287.


  Without once missing your footing, you reach the other side of the Azan River. You head towards the cliffs but your reactions are slow, and you are becoming increasingly uncoordinated. You slip and fall to the ground. (Lose 1 ENDURANCE point.)

  By the yellow light of the mists of Lake Shenwu, you survey the cliffs once more. The cliffs on this side of the lake are jagged and pitted with myriad cracks and crags.

  You decide to try to climb the cliffs at this point. With groping hands, you reach for the small crevices and crannies of the cliff-face. After climbing for a while you see a small cavern directly above your head. Kicking with your feet, you scramble in.

  Turn to 8.


  40With an immense effort of will, you haul yourself up and over the edge of the precipice, scraping your body over the razor-sharp rocks and tearing the flesh of your hands and arms, leaving bloody weals of pain. Blood courses freely down your limbs from these wounds, and you must lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 74.

  [40] There is no choice that leads to this section of the book. This appears to be an oversight which is not easily correctable.


  You walk along the banks of Lake Shenwu. The easiest point to cross is where the Azan River starts, for Lake She
nwu is its source. The waters here still glint a dirty yellow colour, although the luminous mist is less dense. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point as a sleepy feeling begins to overtake you.

  If you wish to try to wade across the River Azan, turn to 17.

  If you would rather try to jump across the stepping stones, turn to 242.


  Soon, you come to a wide basin below the Shenwu Falls and the Great Wall of Azakawa. You are standing by the banks of Lake Shenwu, and in the eerie darkness it is a strange and disturbing sight.

  Illustration XVII—You come to a wide basin below the Shenwu Falls and the Great Wall of Azakawa.


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