ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1)

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ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1) Page 3

by Selena Bedford

  Does mushroom grow in the winter? I’m a city girl so I have no clue at all. But I guess the weather is a bit too rough for the poor mushroom. Lots of mushrooms are poisonous anyway. Better not try any, even if I do find them.

  Or maybe I shouldn’t worry that much. Either I die of hunger, or die of poison. Dying with some food is surely a better option.

  It takes much longer than I think to reach the trees. To my surprise, they are not trees. They are bamboo. Awesome. Maybe I can find some bamboo shoots?

  Yeah, I know, trying to find bamboo shoots in the dead winter is a silly idea. But some might have been left untouched since the spring.

  I roam among the bamboos, kicking the snow. All I need is one bamboo shoot. Look at the bamboo. It’s so big. The shoot must be huge too. It will be a nice dinner for all the girls.

  I try to keep my spirits high. This is the only way I can keep looking. I begin to sing, imagining that I’m Madonna.

  Suddenly my body is lifted high into the air. The world turns upside down. I look up and see a thick rope holding my foot. The other end of the rope is tied to the top of a big bamboo.

  Oh, great, Leila. Now you’re close to intelligent creatures—in a hunting trap.

  I struggle, trying to free my foot. However, the harder I struggle, the tighter the rope becomes. I stop struggling, looking at the upside-down world swinging back and forth in front of me.

  Maybe I can free my body with my self-defense skills? I try to bend my body upwards. Unfortunately, all my training is about attack and defense. I’ve never learned to bend my body like this. Now I’m sorry I ever laughed at people who do yoga.

  I give up, allowing my limbs to drop down they way they like. All my blood is rushing to my head, making me feel that it’s going to explode.

  I’m still dangling in the trap when moon appears from the top of the valley. It’s much bigger than the one we have back on Earth.

  The wind is terribly cold. I’m dying. This is my third time today. Yeah, I’m dying alone. But it’s better than being swallowed alive by the monster bear, right?


  It’s getting dark. But I have to patrol the valley before turning back. Rumor has it that the enemy tribes are planning an attack on us. They want to turn our men into slaves and our women into their wives.

  The fight for women has been going on for decades. For unknown reasons, more baby boys are born each year than baby girls. We’re having a woman crisis. And the solution has never worked well. The tribe chief had allowed men to share a wife. But soon, the tribes are raiding each other, attacking the villages and stealing off with women at night.

  Tribe battles have been going on for so long. But still, there are not enough women to mate despite the fact that the number of men has been drastically reduced by battles. The total population is going down fast. The way it goes, there won’t be any people on this planet soon.

  Luckily, the Puebjorians began to ship girls to our planet. They are a gross and greedy bunch. But the girls are always pretty. They said that the girls are from Earth. They bring the girls by the dozens. Girls there must be dirt-cheap. But they charge for so much they are definitely ripping us off.

  Rip off or not, I don’t fucking care. I’m only a warrior, a tribe soldier. There is no way I can afford an Earth girl. My only hope is to win a big battle. Then hopefully the tribe chief will award me a girl.

  Any girl is perfect for me.

  This year’s winter came so early. The snow in the valley is too deep. My socks are getting wet. It feels like hell. But I am a warrior. I have to fulfill my duty and finish my patrolling.

  Yup, the bamboo grove is right ahead of me. That’s the end of my journey. I don’t think I see anything abnormal. Maybe I can turn back now?

  Chapter Eight


  Or maybe not. What if some enemy soldiers are hiding behind them? I better check out to make sure.

  Hell, I’m all sweaty from treading through this knee-deep snow. I will take a hot bath when getting home.

  Wow, something is hanging high there. I’m sure it’s a deer. Or is it a goat? The hunter is going to have some fresh meat tonight.

  Maybe we are going to be invited? Our hunters are generous. They share everything with the tribe. Boy… meat and wine. I can’t wait to enjoy them.

  Maybe I should hurry back to the tribe and tell the hunters the good news?

  Wait a sec… The animal in the trap doesn’t look like a deer or a goat. It has no horns. It’s a… Oh, shit, a girl! I’m sure it’s girl!

  How come? A girl stepped on a trap? Why the hell did a girl come out in such a bad weather? Is she from another tribe?

  I better check it out, now!

  Fuck, running for five minutes in the snow is no joke. I’m breathless when I reach the trap. The poor thing is limp. She must have been here for ages. She is wearing the Puebjorian clothes. No, not quite. She is wrapped in those clothes. What the hell is going on?

  Well, I have to be careful. I draw my sword and call, “Hey, who are you?”

  I wait. But there is no response.

  What the fuck is going on? Is the girl dead? Maybe she has been trapped for too long?

  “Hello, are you still alive?”

  No answer.

  I’m sure she is dead.

  What a waste. She could have been a good mate.

  I swing my sword. The bamboo crashes down. The girl drops onto the snow, motionless. I step close carefully, sword pointing at the prone figure. I look around, making sure that there is no enemy ambush.

  Finally, I get in close, to examine the body. She is about the same size as the women the Puebjorian sold to us. I use the tip of the sword to remove the clothes covering her face. Yup, I’m sure she is an Earth girl.

  Too bad, she is dead.

  Unfortunately I can’t dig a hole to bury her now. The ground is solid ice. She will have to wait until the spring before I can bury her. In the meantime, the cold will preserve her.

  Time to leave.

  I turn around and walk. Suddenly I hear a tiny noise. My military training gives me quick response. I turn around, aiming my sword toward the source of the noise.

  Hell, it’s the dead body. But oddly, the body position has changed a bit.

  Is it a ghost? I never believed in ghosts but now my goose bumps are growing on my arms.

  I better leave now.

  I hear some noise again after just a few steps. The body is actually moving.

  The girl is still alive.

  I rush over and bend down. I put my fingers at her nose and feel a tiny breath. I push my finger down to touch her lips. They are soft and warm.

  Lord, she is alive.

  I hold the girl in my arms. She is so small and so pretty. I like her cheeks, her boobs, her… everything.

  I wrap my coat around her body and use my body to warm her up. “Wake up.” I kiss her face softly, again and again.

  After a long while, she opens her eyes. She looks at me, confused. After a while, she whispers, “Who are you?”

  I understand what she’s saying. We have so many Earth girls in the tribe we’ve had to learn their language.

  “Auzo.” I smile at her. “What’s your name?” I ask.

  “Leila.” Her smile is so pale and weak.

  “Leila, go home with me, okay?”


  “An Affendorian tribe.”

  “You’re an Affendorian?”

  “Yes. You know us?” I’m so pleased.

  She looks at me for a long time. Then she whispers, “No, you don’t look like an Affendorian.”

  “But I am an Affendorian.”

  She looks at me with greater care. “No, you aren’t.”

  Boy, her head must have been damaged. I give her a smile and ask, “Regardless, would you please go with me?”

  She smiles. “Do I have a choice?”

  “I promise not to hurt you.” I say.

  “You don’t have to pr


  “You could have let me there to die, right?” Her smile is turning warm. Her voice is full of trust.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I hold her body tight to mine and walk quickly. I can feel her warming up. She is flexing her arms and legs every once in a while. Her breathing is turning stronger.

  I have never been so close to a woman. My cock is seriously hardening now. I know this is wrong. And I shouldn’t think of having sex with her at the moment. But I simply can’t stop thinking that way.

  I’m hoping that she will recover with a hot bath. Then I will feed her a big dinner. I’m sure she will love the meat.

  Then, I will ask her to be my mate for the night. If she says yes, great. If she says no, then I’ll have to wait. I’m the best warrior of the tribe. I’m sure I can win her heart one day.

  I’m sweating all over. I seriously need a rest. But I want to rush back to my tent.

  Suddenly, I hear a voice from behind. “Auzo?”

  Holy shit. It’s the tribe chief Zapofillo. I’m doomed. He’s going to see the girl for sure. And then he is going to claim my girl as his new wife. The only thing I can do is obey. Elsewise, I will be the sacrifice on the wedding ceremony.

  Fuck! I almost yell. I take a deep breath and then turn around. “Yes, Zapo?” My smile is huge.

  The End of Book One

  Press Here to Read Book Two Now!

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