Her Cherry

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Her Cherry Page 12

by Bloom, Penelope

  “That was my boob,” I laughed.

  He grinned up at me. “Shh. I’m trying to seduce you. Don’t ruin it.”

  “You had me seduced a long time ago. I think right around the time you stole my flowers.”

  He chuckled. “You sure? Because it looked more like I had you ready to kick me in the balls.”

  “Maybe that was just going to be the foreplay.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Kinky.”

  He seemed to be done with words, because he buried his head between my breasts, kissing me through my dress while pulling it down, clawing at my dress with increasing intensity. I tugged at his clothes, too, but men’s formal-wear was a lot harder to take off than a woman’s. Every surface was clad with buttons, ties, belts, and zippers. All I succeeded in doing was loosening his tie by the time he had my dress stripped completely away. I was completely absorbed in getting his tie loose when I heard a soft little splash of something hitting the water.

  I looked around, fingers pausing their work, and couldn’t find my dress anywhere. “William…” I said slowly.

  “Ooh. It’s so sexy when you say my name like that.”

  “Like I’m about to murder you?” I asked.

  “For what?”

  “Where is my dress?”


  He looked to his left, where the garment was slowly sinking beneath the water. “It’s right there, about to make some little girl fish’s night. Imagine how pretty she’ll look, Hailey. It’s—”

  I tried to swat at his cheek, but he caught my wrist and kissed it again.

  “Sorry about the dress,” he said. “Totally an accident. But look, I’ll make it up to you.” He stripped out of his own shirt and tossed it into the water. “See? Now we’re both in the same boat. Hah. Get it?”

  He looked divine in the moonlight. My eyes started at his waist and trailed up, devouring every inch of him as they did. I started with the sharp “V” of muscle above his waistline. He had dark hair on his stomach and chest, which created deep lines of definition outside his abs and on his chest. It wasn’t so thick that it was gross, but I also liked that he didn’t shave himself bare like some kind of male fashion models I’d seen in magazines. It was real. It was raw, and I could barely wait to run my fingers across every inch of that muscular, deliciously masculine torso of his. Each little movement of his body showcased muscles I didn’t even know existed, from a rack of diagonal lines below his ribs to the way his shoulders looked like they were carved from living, breathing rock.

  I glared. "If you were still giving me the first-timers tutorial, would this be the part where you try to tell me that bad puns are a critical part of foreplay?"

  He nodded, leaning back down and planting his hands on either side of my head. He reached back to his pants and pulled out a condom for me to see. "Let me answer your question with a question. What is the difference between a tire and three hundred and sixty-five condoms?"

  I raised my eyebrows and shook my head slowly.

  “One’s a Goodyear. The other is a great year.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “How about I make you a deal. Never tell that joke again, and I won’t jump overboard right now.”

  “Fair enough. I have plenty of fresh material where that came from, anyway.”

  “Great. So my only way to keep you quiet is to keep that tongue of yours busy?”

  He smirked. “Now you’re getting it.”

  I tugged gently on his neck, pulling him down. It felt out of character to be so forward, but it also gave me a quick rush of adrenaline. My dress was sinking to the bottom of the harbor along with his shirt, I was about to give up my virginity in the middle of a life raft at night to a millionaire, and this was all going to end with a half-naked romp back on shore and a desperate search for a car.

  It was the story I’d always wanted. The kind of night I imagined people walking outside my shop having. This was my movie moment, and I was delirious with happiness. I wasn’t sure if I could make things work with the bakery, or if Nathan was really done coming back to haunt me. But I knew I had found someone who could make me feel loved and excited. That was enough. No, it was more than enough. It was perfect.

  He pressed his hips into me, letting me feel the hard bulge of his arousal. I gasped and reached for it. I didn’t need sexual experience for that instinct. I felt a kind of hollowness between my legs, like a pulsing ache to be filled, and I knew exactly where I’d find relief.

  “I’m ready,” I whispered.

  “I know,” he said.

  “Cocky bastard,” I laughed, but even my laugh fell away. I could feel the weight of the moment crushing everything except lust, except need. Sexual momentum had us both in its clutches, and I knew there was no stopping it now. Instead of fear, the thought filled me with freedom, like a release. It was out of my hands. Instinct was in control now.

  “He peeled my panties away, then skillfully undid my bra. Thankfully, he was more careful with my underwear, which he laid beside us. He shimmied out of his own pants with one hand so he could still prop himself up and kiss every inch of me. My exposed nipples hardened at the warmth of his mouth and the attention of his tongue.

  I was suddenly glad I wasn’t a guy, because I thought I might actually climax before he touched me between the legs. My head felt thick with pleasure, with a pounding pulse of white ecstasy that was only getting stronger by the moment.

  “Now you get to find out why foreplay is the best part.”

  “I thought that was foreplay,” I said.

  He chuckled and locked eyes with me. The heat in his gaze sent a spear of fire through me. “This is foreplay.” He bowed his head, kissing down my sternum and past my navel, nearly tickling laughter out of me as he passed the sensitive skin there. My breath caught when he kissed just below my waistline. I said a quick “thank you God for making sure I showered before I came here” prayer and closed my eyes.

  The lifeboat rocked underneath me with the gentle motion of the water and William’s kisses kept getting lower and lower. Just when I thought he was going to reach his destination, he slid past to kiss the insides of my thighs. The man was a goddamn tease, but I also couldn’t complain when every kiss was like fresh-bottled bliss.



  I hooked my arms under her knees and lifted her legs. She was spread out perfectly for me, and the dirty little baker had even shaved for the occasion. I was so far gone for her, I don’t think even a Bob Ross downtown afro would’ve stopped me, anyway.

  I kissed up her thighs as I got absolutely drunk on the scent of her. She even smelled sweet. I’d never really pushed her for details on her exact lack of sexual experience, so for all I knew, she’d done this before. It was more fun to think she hadn’t, so that was what I went with, and if it was her first time getting eaten out, I wanted it to be an experience she’d never forget.

  I started with the back side of my tongue against the top of her clit, and I ran it down the length of her slit with what I knew was agonizing slowness. From the way she shivered, I'd sent chills across her body. I cupped her ass and pulled her closer to me, burying my tongue in her entrance as I did. She gasped. I could tell she was trying to keep from moaning, which was only going to make it more satisfying when she reached the point where she couldn't hold it in any longer.

  I used every move in the book on her, and then I used the moves they didn't put in books. I ran the flat of my tongue against her, kissed every inch of her, and swirled my tongue inside her while I worked her clit with my fingers. I used my breath to blast her with a cool gush of air before melting it away with hot, heavy kisses. I read her body language as well as I could every step of the way, mentally cataloging her favorites and which ones curled her toes. In the end, I brought her to her first climax with three fingers buried in her tight hole while I flicked at her clit with my tongue. She clenched around me as she came, and she let out the most wonderfully authentic moans I'd ever hea

  I kissed her neck while she writhed, but kept my fingers inside her to enjoy the way her walls clenched around me as the tremors of her orgasm faded from her body.

  “Do you want me to… you know, return the favor?” she asked when she had finally stopped squirming and gasping for breath.

  “Bad news. I don’t have a pussy, so that’s going to be difficult.”

  She smiled a slow, lazy smile that was unbelievably sexy. “You’re obnoxious.”

  “If you think I’m obnoxious now, wait until I force you to compliment me before I give you what you really want.”

  She tilted her head, looking at me with something between a glare and mirth. “Wait… You’re serious?”

  “You said it yourself. I am obnoxious.” I slid my fingers out of her entrance and rested my hand against her, just to remind her how badly she wanted to be fucked by now.

  “Okay, fine. You’re—I don’t know. You’re gorgeous.”

  I shook my head. “Boring. Try harder.”

  Now the look she gave me was one hundred percent a glare without the side of mirth, but she scrunched up her forehead and studied the sky. “Well, you make me feel good. Like you never expect me to be anything but me.” She shook her head and laughed at herself. “That sounded stupid when I said it out loud.”

  “I didn’t think so. It’s actually one of the reasons I like you.”

  “I actually can’t picture you doing anything but being yourself. I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone as unapologetic about who they are.”

  “You’d be surprised,” I said. My cock throbbed with anticipation, but it was a testament to how I felt about Hailey, because I was in no rush. I liked talking to her. I liked learning about her, unpacking her. Oddly enough, I even liked when she wanted to learn about me.

  My finger twitched against her clit, and she let out a soft little moan as she writhed beneath me. Suddenly, patience wasn’t at the top of my list of virtues. Lust and gluttony came to mind, and if those weren’t virtues, I didn’t want to be virtuous anymore.

  “Are you ready?” I asked.

  She raised her eyebrows. “I don’t think I’ll ever be.”

  I made a show of casually shrugging and reaching for my shirt. “Damn. I was hoping to get luck—”

  She grabbed me by the arm and tugged me back down. “You really are obnoxious, you know that, right?”

  “I’ve been told.”

  “I’m ready,” she whispered. “I want this.”

  “Good. Because I’m like a vampire, I can’t come inside until you invite me. And now, you’re screwed.”

  She burst out a surprised laugh, which I smothered when I bent to kiss her neck and my shoulders muffled her laughter. Her fingers dug into my back. I reached for the condom and managed to open it and slip it on with one hand, which was mildly impressive given how dark it was.

  It might have been cruel, but I wanted to tease her with my cock a little before I gave it to her, so I let it rest against her while I kissed her and gently rocked my hips. Each movement slid my hardened length against her, lubricating us both and driving me wild in the process. I could feel her heat and arousal practically begging for me.

  I loved the way her hands felt so small against my back as she tugged at me, urging me against her. She pushed herself up against me, using her hands on my back for leverage, and I couldn’t take any more delay. I gripped the base of my cock and guided it down to her entrance.

  “You’re so damn tight,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “A tunnel would feel tight if you tried to shove a…” she bit her lip and clenched her eyes shut as another inch of my cock slid into her. “A train the size of your cock into it,” she finished.

  I paused, waited, and then laughed. “What?”

  I could see her blushing even in the moonlight. “Shut up. My brain isn’t working full speed right now.”

  I grinned, and couldn’t help thinking how much I liked her. “This might sting a little,” I warned.

  “Okay,” she said, eyes still closed.

  I pushed more of myself into her, constantly amazed that it was possible for her pussy to be so tight. I could feel her pulse through her walls as it pounded against me, and her heart was racing. After another inch, I felt a slight resistance that gave way without much effort. Hailey’s breath caught for a second, but a moan wiped the temporary discomfort from her face a moment later.

  I started working myself into her at a rhythm then, and I knew I wasn’t going to be the thirty-minute-man with Hailey. Not tonight. She felt too damn good, and I’d been waiting for this too long.

  “Oh God. Why did I wait so long to do this?” she gasped.

  I bent my neck to kiss her nipples, because they looked so irresistible standing at attention for me and shaking slightly with every movement of my body. She leaned her head back, eyes closed, and moaned. “Is it always this good?”

  “Only with me,” I said. “With other guys, it’s horrible. So you should never try.”

  She laughed, but the laughter slipped into another moan. “Oh my God,” she breathed.

  I bit down on my lip. Normally, condoms took most of the fun out of sex, like trying to enjoy a steak with a condom on your tongue. But I was either so over the edge with desire that it didn’t matter, or Hailey had a magical, condom-nullifying pussy, because it felt like my cock had discovered a temporary gateway to heaven, like a team of goddamn angels was inside there working miracles.

  I pushed inside her and then paused, trying to catch my breath. “Just need a little pause, or I’m going to cum too soon.”

  “No,” she said, hooking her legs around my waist and fucking me with her hips. “I want it now.”

  I raised my eyebrows and thought I knew what it felt like to be in love at that moment.

  I enjoyed the sexiness of her desperation for a few moments before my own took over and I was pounding into her, eyes squeezed shut and teeth clenched.

  She cried out and her legs squeezed tighter around me. I felt her already-tight pussy clench around me and start pulsing with her heartbeat. Her orgasm knocked down the last of my resistance, and I let my own come exploding through me. I bit down a groan as what felt like the never-ending orgasm.

  By the time I finally rolled off her, I felt drained. "I feel like there's a bad pun about seamen and semen here, but I'm too tired to find it."

  “So bad puns are part of the foreplay and the post play?”

  “I’ve never heard of post play…”

  “Sure you have. It’s what every guy does when he discovers porn for the first time.”

  “Wha—Oh. Wow. I think I may have accidentally injected some of my DNA into you just now. I think I understand how much of a struggle it is to put up with me after that.”

  “Good,” she smirked. “Now, seriously, how are we going to get off this boat and get back home in our underwear?”

  “The same way we would in our clothes. Just sneakier.”

  She sighed. “Don’t you have some kind of personal helicopter you can call in? Or maybe you know someone on the coast guard who can at least bring us some blankets?”

  “Even if I did, that would mean I don’t get to watch you scamper around in your underwear for the next half hour. So no.”

  “Half of New York is going to get to see it too. Don’t you get jealous?”

  I frowned. “Fine. You’ll wait in the boat while I go commandeer a blanket.”

  “Steal one?”

  “Commandeer. It’s a military term for—”


  “You and your labels.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe I like labels. Maybe I like knowing where I stand with a guy, too, especially after giving him my virginity. Maybe a certain label would actually be really comforting right about now.”

  “Hailey,” I said very seriously as I nakedly took to one knee—which was difficult on the rubber boat. I scooped up her panties and held them out like they were a ri
ng. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  She took the panties and slid them on, smiling. “God help me. Yes, I will.”

  Bruce knocked on the door of my office and then leaned in the doorway. “I heard you stole a lifeboat from the yacht party last night. Again.”

  “I heard you like to fondle bananas against their will.”

  He sighed. “I also heard you stole the boat with a girl.”

  “Maybe I did.”

  “You’re glowing like a pregnant woman. Did she knock you up?”

  I laughed. “Look at you busting jokes. And no. A gentleman doesn’t talk about his sexual exploits. Being that I’m not a gentleman, I will tell you that we used protection, she was amazing, and I’m counting down the hours until I can have her again.”

  “Well, well, well. My little brother is smitten. Natasha will be excited.”

  “She’s the laziest matchmaker in the world, by the way, if she’s trying to take credit for this.”

  “She’s not. I think she just knows if you get your attention set on something, you won’t be around to annoy us as much.”

  “You know little Caitlyn would be heartbroken if her favorite uncle wasn’t around all the time.”

  “You’re her only uncle, and I think she’d live. Oh, yeah, mom and dad were spotted in the lobby. I think they’re coming to see you.”

  “Already? Shit. They were just here a couple days ago.”

  Bruce shrugged. “Give a beggar money and he’s going to keep wanting more. I’ve told you a million times.”

  “And I’ve told you that you’re a stick-up-his-ass perfectionist a million times, but look at that, you haven’t changed.”

  “Congrats on the girl,” he said, ignoring my jab. “Seriously. It’s good to see you looking happy. And I think settling down would be good for you.”

  “Who said anything about settling down?”

  “That stupid grin on your face did.”

  I crumpled up a piece of paper I’d been doodling on and threw it at him, but he left before it hit him.


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