The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare

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The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare Page 1

by Shannon Hale

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either

  products of the authors’ imaginations or, if real, are used fictitiously.

  Text copyright © 2018 by Shannon and Dean Hale

  Illustrations copyright © 2018 by LeUyen Pham

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted,

  or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means,

  graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and

  recording, without prior written permission from the publisher.

  First electronic edition 2018

  Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2018953805

  ISBN 978-0-7636-8827-1 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-5362-0805-4 (electronic)

  The illustrations were done in watercolor and ink.

  Candlewick Press

  99 Dover Street

  Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

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  For all the teachers who help kids love science

  S. H. and D. H.

  To Vivienne, Roen, Sloane, and Hunter,

  future scientists of the world

  L. P.

  Chapter 1

  Today was the Interkingdom Science

  Fair. Princess Magnolia had never

  been part of a science fair before. She

  was excited! Also nervous. Feeling

  excited and nervous at the same time

  made her want to wiggle.


  She grabbed her science-fair project,

  a poster that showed how seeds grow

  into plants.


  She did not grab her monster-

  alarm ring. The Goat Avenger was

  watching the goat pasture today.

  He’d stop any monsters that attacked

  while she was gone. She was all set

  for a monster-free day!

  Princess Magnolia walked to the

  train station.


  The train was crowded.

  A man squished her on one side.

  A woman squashed her on the


  In the middle, Princess Magnolia

  held her poster.

  She was excited to share it at

  the fair. And she was nervous it

  wouldn’t be good enough. But first,

  she had to keep the poster from

  getting squashed. Or squished.

  Chapter 2

  The Interkingdom Science Fair was

  crowded. Princess Magnolia worried

  that she wouldn’t fit in. She squeezed

  between the tables. She scrunched

  between the people.

  At last she

  found her



  “Hello, Princess Honeysuckle!”

  said Princess Magnolia. “Your mole

  habitat is amazing.”

  “Thank you,” said Princess Honey-

  suckle. “Moles are my second favorite

  animal. After wolves.”


  “I like unicorns best,” said Princess

  Magnolia. “My second favorite used

  to be bunnies. But now it’s cats.”

  “I like dragons best,” said Princess

  Snapdragon. “Also hedgehogs.”


  Princess Snapdragon was pouring

  hot water into a bottle. When she

  placed an egg on top of the bottle,

  the egg got sucked right in!


  “That’s amazing, Princess Snap-

  dragon!” said Princess Magnolia. “I

  don’t know how you got an egg to fit

  through the opening of that bottle.”

  “I used a trick with air pressure,”

  said Princess Snapdragon.


  “Hello, Princess Sneezewort!” said

  Princess Magnolia. “Your blanket

  fort is . . . so tall!”

  “I used a lot of blankets,” said

  Princess Sneezewort. “And twine.”

  “I’m amazed it doesn’t tip over.”

  “Yes, I worked hard to distribute

  the weight evenly.”

  “Wow, Princess Orchid,” said

  Princess Magnolia. “Your project

  looks amazing!”

  “It’s a seesaw that can lift buckets,”

  said Princess Orchid. “I call it the

  Bucket Boosting Teeter-Totter!”

  “There are so many good projects,”

  said Princess Honeysuckle. “I wonder

  who will win first prize.”


  Princess Magnolia hugged her

  poster. It felt small and silly next to

  the mole habitat. And the egg in a

  bottle. And the blanket fort. And

  the bucket lifter.

  And Tommy Wigtower’s talking


  Wait, what?

  Chapter 3

  Excuse me,” said Princess Magnolia,

  “did your volcano just talk?”

  “Uh . . . no,” said Tommy Wigtower.

  “EAT,” said the volcano.

  “I think your volcano just talked,”

  said Princess Magnolia.


  “No, it didn’t,” said Tommy


  “EAAAAT,” said the volcano.


  “But I’m quite certain —” said

  Princess Magnolia.

  “It’s not supposed to talk!” said

  Tommy. “It’s supposed to erupt! I

  should have tried it at home first.”


  “Did you add baking soda?” asked

  Princess Honeysuckle.

  “Yes,” said Tommy.

  “Did you add vinegar?” asked

  Princess Snapdragon.

  “YES,” said the volcano.


  “But it still didn’t erupt!” said

  Tommy. “So I added . . . some monster


  “MMM,” said the volcano.

  Or rather, said the goo inside the



  The goo growled. And it grew. It

  growled and grew. Now it was taking

  up all the space inside the volcano.


  “Hey, get out of my science

  project!” said Tommy.

  “NO!” said the goo.

  Tommy tried to pull it out. It stuck

  like the stickiest gum.

  “Oh, dear,” said Princess Magnolia.

  “Tommy hasn’t made a talking vol-

  cano for his science project. Tommy’s

  science project has made a monster.”

  Chapter 4

  It’s a monster!” somebody screamed.

  “I’ll go get help,” said Princess


  She squeezed through the crowd.

  She scrunched under a table.


  When she came out the other side,

  she was no longer Princess Magnolia.

  She was the Princess in Black!

  She made sure her mask was on

  tight. After all, no one knew that

  prim and perfect Princess Magnolia

  was secretly the Princess in Black.

  “I’m here to help!” said the Princess

  in Black.

  “So am I!” said another masked


  The hero jumped free of the blan-

  ket fort. She tripped on a blanket. But

  she hopped back up again.


  “Good to see you, Princess in

  Blankets,” said the Princess in Black.

  “This science fair needs heroes.”

  “Yes, I heard a monster took over

  Tommy Wigtower’s project,” said

  the Princess in Blankets. “And . . .

  uh, I happened to be nearby.”


  “Get out of my volcano!” Tommy

  yelled. From a safe spot. Behind a


  “NO,” said the goo monster.

  It growled. It grew. It growled

  and grew.

  “The volcano can’t erupt when

  you’re in there,” said the Princess

  in Black.

  “Also, you’re squished,” said

  the Princess in Blankets. “Find a

  bigger home.”

  “NO!” said the goo monster.


  Just then, the pressure from the

  baking soda and vinegar did erupt. It

  erupted the monster right out.

  Everybody screamed.

  “EAT SCIENCE FAIR!” said the

  goo monster.

  “You may NOT eat the science

  fair!” said the Princess in Black.

  The goo monster tried anyway.

  But it only ate one thing. Princess

  Magnolia’s poster.

  “That’s it!” said the Princess in Black.

  So the goo monster and the

  Princess in Black waged battle.

  The goo monster did not go

  back in the volcano.

  Chapter 5

  The goo monster poured itself into

  Princess Snapdragon’s bottle instead.

  “Behave, beast!” said the Princess

  in Black. “That is Princess Snap-

  dragon’s bottle.”

  “HOME NOW,” said the goo



  Princess Snapdragon tried to pull

  the monster out. But it stuck like the

  stickiest glue.

  “That’s not your home,” said

  Princess Snapdragon. “You don’t fit

  in there!”


  The goo monster had grown so big

  that it popped out of the bottle. And

  dived into the mole habitat.

  “HOME NOW,” said the goo


  “That’s not your home,” said Prin-

  cess Honeysuckle. “That’s the moles’


  The moles and the goo monster

  couldn’t all fit in there.

  The moles felt jammed. The moles

  felt crammed. The moles bit the goo

  monster. It yelped. It leaped out of

  the mole habitat.


  And dropped into Princess

  Orchid’s bucket.

  “HOME NOW,” said the goo


  “But I need that bucket for my

  project,” said Princess Orchid.


  “And a bucket isn’t a very good place

  to live,” said Princess Snapdragon.

  “Besides,” said Princess Honey-

  suckle, “you don’t fit.”

  “FIT,” said the goo monster. “FIT



  “Fit in? Noseholes and elephants,”

  said the Princess in Blankets. “I’ve

  got an idea.”

  “I know what you’re thinking,”

  said the Princess in Black. “Let’s go.”

  The Princess in Blankets and the

  Princess in Black picked up the bucket.

  They ran toward the train station.


  Three princesses looked at one

  another. And then three princesses


  Chapter 6

  The train was crowded. Princess

  Honeysuckle was squished. Princess

  Snapdragon was squashed. Someone

  stepped on Princess Orchid’s toes.

  “HOME NOW,” said the goo



  “Not yet,” said the Princess in Black.

  “There’s not enough room here.”

  “It’s a monster!” said someone on

  the train.


  The people on one side jammed

  together. The people on the other

  side crammed together. Suddenly

  there was plenty of room for the

  girls and the monster.

  “HOME NOW?” asked the goo



  “No!” said the people on the train.

  The goo monster sighed.

  At last the train arrived at Princess

  Magnolia’s kingdom.

  The two heroes balanced the bucket

  on their shoulders. They carried the

  monster off the train. The people on

  the train sighed. Then the train sighed.

  It shuddered. And it rolled away.

  The goo monster pointed a blobby

  hand at Princess Magnolia’s castle.

  “HOME?” it said.

  “No, not there,” said the Princess

  in Black. “Definitely not there.”


  The goo monster started to climb

  out of the bucket.

  “Stay!” said the Princess in Blankets.

  “We’re almost to your new home.”

  “We’d better hurry!” said the

  Princess in Black.

  But the bucket was heavy. It was

  so heavy that the heroes couldn’t

  carry it and run.

  “I can help,” said Princess Snap-


  She squished in with the heroes.

  But there wasn’t room for three girls

  to hold one bucket.


  “I awish we had Princess Orchid’s

  Bucket Boosting Teeter-Totter,” said

  Princess Snapdragon.

  “Or some way to make carrying

  this bucket easier,” said Princess


  “If only we could all share the

  weight,” said Princess Honeysuckle.

  “I have an idea!” said Princess

  Orchid. “Princess in Blankets, do

  you have extra blankets?”

  “Great idea!” said Princess Honey-

  suckle. “If we put the blanket under

  the bucket —”


  “And we each hold on to the edge of

  the blanket —” said Princess Orchid.


  “We can distribute the weight

  evenly!” said the Princess in Blankets.

  Some say that princesses don’t run.

  But these five did. They ran very

  fast. And carried a monster between


  Chapter 7

  The goo monster was hungry.

  All it had eaten today was one

  small science-fair poster.

  One small science-fair poster was

  not enough food for a growing goo



  Every time it tried to eat some-

  thing, a princess shouted at it. And

  every time it tried to find a home, a

  princess shouted at it.


  Princesses were very confusing.

  And shouty.

  Now five princesses were giving

  it a ride in a buck
et. The goo monster

  enjoyed bucket rides. But it was still


  The goo monster leaned over.

  It tried to nibble on some princess

  head fur.

  “Behave, beast!” said the Princess

  in Black.

  The goo monster did not know

  how to behave. It did know how to

  eat fur. So it tried again.


  “You may not eat my hair,” said

  the Princess in Black.

  The goo monster sighed. It did

  not fit in with volcanoes. It did not

  fit in with bottles, moles, or buckets.

  It especially did not fit in with


  Where could a goo monster fit in?

  Chapter 8

  Back in the goat pasture, a purple

  monster had come out of the hole.

  The hole that led to Monster Land.

  “EAT GOATS,” said the purple


  “Not today!” said the Goat Avenger.


  The Goat Avenger enjoyed saying

  “Not today!”

  Also “Not on my watch!”

  And “Back, monsters! Back to

  your infernal pit!”

  Shouting battle cries was the best


  part of being a monster-battling hero.

  Sometimes the battle cries scared the

  monsters away. But mostly the mon-

  sters just wanted to eat goats.

  The Goat Avenger would not let

  monsters eat the goats! So the purple

  monster and the Goat Avenger pre-

  pared to wage battle.

  Waging battle was the second-best


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