Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1) Page 6

by Simone Leigh

  Anxiety marches across her face, her whole body shaking. But she doesn’t panic, containing her fear.

  “Can I have a few minutes to think about it?”

  Of course you can….

  “Of course. That’s only fair….”

  Spell it out again. Reinforce the words….

  “… I will stress; if you agree to this, you will be tested to the limit, but you won’t be permanently hurt. I won’t let anything serious happen to you. I will be in control, and I will control what happens. It’s your choice.”

  She nods her understanding.

  Let her think on it….

  “I’m going to leave you alone for a while. Give you some space to think. I’ll be in the auction chamber. Come through when you’re ready.”

  There's a set to her jaw that says she's already decided. She's just screwing up her courage to carry through.

  …. but she has to say it herself…. to make it her choice….

  I leave her, walking through to the auction chamber where the next ‘lot’ is just finishing. It’s another youngish girl. Not so innocent-looking as Charlotte, but the man leading her away is the short fat man I knocked out of the bidding earlier. He has a curl to his lip that I don’t care for, and I spare a moment of pity for the girl.

  Don’t be what you despise in the others….

  She’s billed as the last sale of the day, but I catch the Auctioneer’s eye. “A moment. Another sale for you.”

  The audience is already breaking up, but some on the front couple of rows hear me and sit down again….

  Does this happen often?

  …. others, further back, see them sit and also resume their seats.

  “Yes, Mr Alexanders. What can we do for you?”

  Then I spot them, the small pile of her clothes, tumbled to the side of the podium, and I remember that I have left her naked.

  I hold up a finger. “One moment, if you please.”

  Quickly I gather them up and pushing open the door, toss them through to the side chamber where I have left my green-eyed beauty.

  “And put your clothes on, Charlotte. I own you now, but you are in charge of what happens in the next few minutes.”

  Back in the auction chamber, I talk quickly to the Auctioneer.

  “Charlotte is I think, willing to offer some further…. services…. to the bidders here. I’d like you to run another auction on her behalf, but I will take the details of the top…. oh, dozen bids. She may be willing to co-operate in…. sharing. Anyone who is interested may bid, but the bids do not automatically imply that I will accept them. If I don’t care for the look of the bidders, they will be rejected. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Mr Alexanders. We have from time to time had similar, um…. extras, on previous occasions, and we have a standard format for such proceedings built into our House Rules.”

  “Gentlemen,” he announces. “If you would care to examine Appendix 5A to the House Rules, we have a final auction falling under this section.”

  Most of the original audience is still here, waiting. Finchby tries to catch my eye. I make a point of ignoring him, along with some of the others that I felt looked less than reputable. They can bid if they wish, but it will get them no-where. I am in control now….

  And where is Charlotte?

  I don’t have to wait long. Within less than five minutes, she steps through the door, fully dressed once more, and her head held high. Stepping on the podium again, she stands straight, holding her hands together.

  Her voice trembles, but she looks me in the eye and then the Auctioneer.

  “I’ll do it. Let’s get on with it.”

  Brave Girl. Good for you….

  The bidding resumes, but now I hold the reins. Regardless of the money bid, only those I allow will have access to her. Certainly, the likes of Finchby will be coming nowhere near her while I have any involvement.

  I watch her face as the bids mount again, as she watches the monitor. I think she’s confused, unsure of exactly what is happening, but that’s fine. I’ll deal with it. I am not now just her Buyer, but her Protector.

  As the gavel comes down again, I step immediately to her side, hooking my arm through hers to lead her to the office where, almost as the bidding was happening, a new additional contract, an addendum to the original, was being typed. I speed-read it, but it says what I want it to.

  “Sign there and there, Charlotte. I’ll handle everything else. Don’t worry. I’ll look after you and your interests.”

  “This is unusual but not unknown, Mr Alexanders.” says the Auctioneer, quietly, and just out of her hearing. “Does the young woman…?”

  “I’ll look after her interests,” I say, “my main stipulation is that the top bidders provide their name and contact details to me. There are some parties I will not allow near her.”

  The auctioneer glances around the room. “I quite understand, Mr Alexanders. There are men here that I would not choose to allow near a young woman either.”

  I should move, take her to the hotel I have booked. The less time she can dwell on things, the better.

  “Come on, Charlotte. Let’s get you out of here. You have an exciting week ahead of you.”

  For a moment, I think she’s going to baulk, refuse to come with me….

  Is her nerve failing.…?

  …. but then she follows me, her expression shell-shocked.

  Hailing a taxi, I bundle her in to get her back to the apartment. It’s a good suite. Since this is my ‘Contract Celebration’ I didn’t hold back on the expenses. If I’m doing this, then I’m doing it right.

  Of course, if I’d not won the bidding for her, it would simply be a very expensive week’s holiday for me, but as it is….

  As we make our way through the hotel to my apartment, the Penthouse, she’s looking around, wide-eyed again.

  “Not my home, Charlotte.” I explain. “I’ve just rented it for the week, but the Auction House knows where I have brought you.”

  She nods, but she’s trembling, her face now not just pale, but sallow with fear.

  You might be scared of me, Charlotte Green-Eyes, but you don't know what the alternative was.

  Let’s take a break….

  “Relax,” I say, “we’ll have a meal first I think. Calm you down a bit….” She’s staring at me, like a rabbit looking into the headlights.

  …. am I so terrifying to her….?

  “…. and perhaps some wine inside you might help? Do you like champagne?”

  “Um, not sure. I’ve never had it.”

  I try to stay casual. “Excellent. I can introduce you to it, then. What kind of food do you like?”

  “Err... Don’t mind really…. Italian?”

  “Fine. We’ll go to Luigi’s around the corner then. I’ll reserve a table for us. Why don’t you have a look around. Have a bath or a shower perhaps? Make yourself comfortable. If you look in the wardrobes you will find bathrobes and…. other clothes. Look them over.”

  I tap in the number for Luigi’s, booking a quiet table away from prying eyes, then retrieve the champagne from the fridge where I’d been keeping it on ice.

  She’s in the bedroom, her back to me as I enter, glass in hand. As she turns, holding a bathrobe, seeing me, she startles and all but screams.

  Jeez… She really is scared….

  Come on, Jade-Eyes. You’re stronger than this….

  “Calm down, Charlotte. I promise I am not going to hurt you.” I put down the glass, to hold her my arms. Trying hard to make the contact as non-sexual as possible, I rock her back and forth. “I won’t hurt you,” I repeat.

  What does she see when she looks at me?

  Her Purchaser? Her Master?

  …. Her Attacker?

  How do I defuse this….?

  “Have your bath. Afterwards, try the dresses for size. They should fit. Your measurements were listed in the auction ad. I think the black one would suit you well, but you choose.”

nbsp; She’s trying to smile, but it’s forced. Picking up the glass, I push it into her hand. “Please drink that. I want you to enjoy yourself….”

  Got it!

  I grin at her. “…. Think of this as…. The Adventure of a Lifetime.”

  Her smile grows a bit more convincing, and she gulps down some of the champagne, swigging it like lemonade. “You know, it really isn’t meant to be drunk like that,” I say. “Champagne should be savoured. Come and have some more.”

  I pour her some more. I don’t want her drunk; necrophilia is definitely not my thing. I like my women alive and kicking, but the champagne works its magic.

  I don’t think she’s too used to alcohol as after only a couple of glasses, her barriers are breaking down rapidly and she is much more relaxed, a smile on her face as I talk. She’s an attentive audience over our dinner, listening carefully to what I say, but she doesn’t speak much herself.

  The food is good, and I make sure she has a good meal without bloating herself out. I want her relaxed and responsive, not over-stuffed and needing to sleep. And I want her spirit of adventure to the fore, and her sense of fun.

  I want you to enjoy this Jade-Eyes….

  I want to make you scream and laugh and cum….

  But let’s settle a few boundaries….

  “I don’t want to embarrass you, Charlotte. Here in public, you can call me James. In private, I am ‘Master’.”

  She nods compliantly. “Yes, Master.”

  Are you really a natural sub….?

  …. I don’t think so….

  …. I've paid for your obedience, but I’d give a lot for your real Submission….

  Don’t be a fool Man. She’s here for one reason only. She’s being paid a great deal of money….

  …. and don’t forget that….

  …. but you’re not a whore, Jade-Eyes…. you’re a girl with dreams of your own….

  I aim, and I think succeed, in ending the meal with her well-fed, but not overly so and just the slightest bit tipsy; enough to lower her shields without being falling-down silly.

  As we enter the apartment, I take her coat, then take her hand. Holding her eyes, I lead her through to the bedroom.

  I tried to make it beautiful for her and paid the hotel staff to have it ready for us when we returned. And as we step in, I’m glad that I did so. This is hardly the classic dream of a young girl’s first romance, but perhaps I can give her a convincing substitute….

  Candlelight washes its golden glimmer over her face, the light like embers in her fiery hair. Flickering shadows cast depths into the space that would not normally be expected in a hotel bedroom.

  Now…. seduce her.

  How did you feel, all those years ago, when she guided you through your first time.?

  Charlotte stands before me, her expression a little…. adrift…. Holding her by the waist with one hand, I stroke her face with the other.

  “I’ll tell you what’s going to happen now, Charlotte. Because this is your first time, you don’t know what to expect. No matter what you have seen in movies or read in books, you just don’t.”

  She’s trembling, but I don’t think it’s from fear. Rather, it smacks of the quiver of arousal.

  Does she understand that….?

  I continue. “I am going to undress you, quite slowly, because I am going to enjoy that. I saw you naked at the auction, but I didn’t like it, seeing you treated like goods. This time I want to undress you carefully, to enjoy your body and for you to enjoy it too. If you would like to undress me too, partially or completely, that’s fine, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Are you with me so far?”

  I hold her face in my hand, making her eye meet mine as she chews on her lip. After a moment, she nods.

  “After that, I want you to lie down on the bed and to be comfortable. You should be completely relaxed. If you like, I can turn the heating up or down for your comfort. Would you like me to make it warmer or cooler?”

  Her head shakes slowly from side to side. Her eyes are still wide, and her pupils oscillate between points and discs.

  “Alright. If you change your mind, tell me. Once you are comfortable, I am going to massage you, kiss you and enjoy your body. Then I will open your legs and kiss you between them. I will lick and suck you. That should arouse you to orgasm.”

  Has she ever…?

  “Have you ever had an orgasm, Charlotte? Perhaps by doing it yourself?”

  “Ummm, I’m not sure. I don’t think so.”

  She doesn’t think so?!?


  Ah, Jade-Eyes, then you haven’t….

  I can’t help but chuckle, but as I breathe, I scent her. She’s arousing at my words. And as I look at her, her pupils are enlarging, and her lips are parting.


  “If you’re not sure, then the answer’s ‘No’. When you orgasm, there is no mistaking it.”

  She looks glorious. whether she knows it or not, her body is responding to me. All I have to do is keep her from being afraid of me.

  Don’t be a Dom….

  …. Not too much anyhow….

  “That’s very good.” I smile. “I am going to be able to give you your first climax. But hopefully, not your last.”

  Almost as I watch, her arousal is flowering, blooming, unfurling….

  “After you have climaxed….” I continue, “…. I will penetrate you and will have my own climax. By then you should be aroused enough that your body will be ready for me and it won’t hurt you at all. Do you understand all that?”

  She’s flushing, a bloom of pink rising up her neck over skin now gleaming with perspiration. And under the fabric of her blouse, her chest heaves as her breathing grows heavier.

  She nods, now looking more as though she anticipates what is coming; is looking forward to it rather than dreading it….

  “Good girl.”

  My hands clasped softly to her face, I draw her in. I want to kiss her. but more than that; I want her to kiss me back.

  I press my lips against hers, brush into her mouth with my tongue, trace her outline with the tip. She’s quivering, and the perfume of her arousal is strong now, but still….

  …. she doesn’t seem to know what comes next….

  Can she really be this unworldly?

  She knows what it means to be gay…. but she doesn’t know how to kiss?

  Is it all fear? Or something else?

  I pull away. “Don’t be frightened. I promise I am not going to hurt you. I want this to be wonderful for you.”

  “I’m not frightened, Master, just excited I think….”

  “Listen to your body.” I say. “You’re a grown woman and even if you don’t know it, your body wants this, wants to be touched. Let yourself go.”

  She’s gasping now. I kiss her beautiful body, down the neck and throat, her breasts; and as I stroke over her hair and her shoulders to her belly and hips, she is a-quiver.

  Her nipples are pebbled within her blouse. I nibble softly at them through the fabric of her clothes and as she moans, softly but unmistakably, my balls tighten, and my cock stiffens.

  How can I not smile? This beautiful innocent wants me. She may not, yet, understand how or why, but she wants me….

  I had suggested the dress for her, but (perhaps in a spirit of rebellion?), she wore blouse and skirt. And now, slowly, carefully, I unbutton the blouse. As it falls away, her eyes widening once more, I reach around her to unclip her bra, to leave her beautifully bare-breasted for me. Her breasts, large enough to be a little pendulous, swing free, the nipples bronze in the candle-light.

  She’s flushed and sweating, and as her eyes drop below my waist, “You’re alright, Charlotte. It’s perfectly normal. You are aroused. Listen to your body. It has a lot better idea of what is happening than you do. Just let it flow.”

  Her eyes meet mine, and then, with an air of inevitability, drop once more to the bulge in my pants.

  “It won’t
bite you,” I say. “It is going to fuck you, but not until you’re ready for it, which isn’t yet.”

  …. Oh, God, touch me, Girl….

  I take her hand, guiding it downward. “Touch me. I’d like you to, and I think you will like it too.”

  Her hand, guided by mine, moves tentatively down, but she jumps as my cock twitches under her touch. Then…. she moves with more assurance, smiling a little as her fingers caress the outline of my shaft, exploring me.

  As her confidence (in me?) grows, so does mine in her. Pressing my erection against her, I reach to unzip her skirt, slide it down to leave her in black lace panties and no more.

  And for the first time, she volunteers a movement, her fingers lacing up over my chest, roaming, caressing….

  “Take my shirt off, Charlotte.”

  She unbuttons me, with a clumsiness that argues complete inexperience, but as my shirt falls free, I see her nostrils flaring as she scents me. And clearly, she wants to touch, but hesitates….

  “It’s alright, Charlotte. Touch me if you want to.”

  Her eyes and lips and fingers roam me; my chest and belly, my shoulders. She traces the outline of my nipples, curls fingers into my body hair. She kisses my skin, then suddenly, withdraws, flushing.

  Give her free rein….

  “It’s alright, Charlotte. If you want to do it, then do it.”

  I try to encourage her, my hand to the back of her head, guiding her into me, without trying to seem to force her. I want her to choose to touch me….

  She kisses again, then her tongue tip laps at my skin as she tastes me….

  And now arousal spears through me, sharp and exquisite. It is ecstatic, but I gasp, trying to keep my control.


  “Fuck, Charlotte! I hoped this was going to be good, but….”

  Grabbing her by the shoulders, I pull her to me. “Ye gods, Girl! Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

  And she looks once more shy and uncertain, upset. “I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t mean….”

  Laughing, I take her chin in one hand. “That’s not what I meant. You definitely do not need to apologise. I’m just realising that I’m lighting fires that may take some quenching.”

  Give her some payback….

  Show her what she gets from this….


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