Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1) Page 20

by Simone Leigh

  She’s enthusiastic, licking at his full length, swiping away foam and pre-cum in equal measure, using her fingers to help.

  You really love giving head, don’t you…

  Jeez, but you look hot….

  …. I’ve just gotta get inside you….

  Bending over Greg, her pussy’s beautifully presented to me, her peachy ass wriggling, wet and dripping with foam.

  Let’s get you wriggling some more….

  Easing inside her, I reach around to entertain myself with her clit. She responds beautifully, her cunt clutching at me as I play with her, and muffled squeals coming through her mouthful of Greg’s cock.

  Greg’s watching her, partly where he’s shoved into her face, partly where I’m fucking her to the rear. As I give an extra tweak to her clit, she sings out through her gagged mouth, and it tips him over the edge, spurting over her tongue. At the last moment, he pulls free, to twitch a final salvo over her face.

  And now, her mouth is free. She’s wailing her arousal, her flesh shivering around me. She’s loving it. Her four ‘guests’, seated around, watch as she trembles her way to climax.

  She’s poised, ready to pop….

  James moves to replace Greg. He’s done little but watch so far and he’s almost ready to blow, his cock huge and already streaming. He offers it to her….

  The expression on her face…. as she looks up at him….

  …. admiration…?

  …. devotion...?

  …. love?

  …. and she immediately takes it, sliding it in and out of her mouth, by the looks of things, as deeply as she can. But James seizes her head, holds her still….

  …. controlling her….

  …. and starts to thrust….

  …. and it triggers her….

  …. Almost instantly, she goes into orgasm, shrieking through her gagged mouth.

  Her pussy pulses and clenches around my cock, setting off my own climax. Tension released, I slam into her, hilting myself hard enough to feel my balls banging against her. My hands still wrapped around her, I feel the pulsing of her belly muscles and, my palms flat against her stomach, press hard, intensifying the physical connection between us as we both come hard.

  James is coming too. Through the haze of the Rush, I spare a prayer for him, that his climax is as good as mine….

  …. gasping from the sheer vehemence of my orgasm, I withdraw. Charlotte simply remains on her hands and knees, chest heaving, not moving, until between us, six grown men pull her up, sitting her down on the steps, dripping foam, wiping sweat and cum and bubbles from her face.

  She pants, “Oh, Guys. That was incredible. Thank you.”

  The group of visitors collapses into laughter.

  “Thank you, she says!”

  “Thank you, Charlotte.”

  “Anytime, Girlie. Say the word and we’ll be here.”

  James finally meets my eye, shaking his head in bemusement. Charlotte grins at me and I try hard to smile back at her.

  You’re incredible, Babe…. but I wish it wasn’t like this….


  Everyone dressed and ready to leave, I show them to the door. Paul passes me an envelope. “I’ve already paid,” he says, “but I think she deserves a bit extra. Call me anytime she’s in town.”

  “Sure I will, Paul.”

  As he steps out, he says, “You’re a lucky pair of bastards having that one on call.”

  Oh…. Babe….

  Back inside, I make coffee.

  James says, “Charlotte, if you check your bank account, you will find it looking a lot healthier again. This evening should have gone a long way towards getting you that car.”

  She stares at him for a moment. “They paid? They paid to see me again?”

  “Of course they paid,” he replies, with that head-tilt thing he’s got, his face expressionless. “Do you think I’d let them at you like that without your getting something out of it?”

  She looks at the floor….

  …. Embarrassed…?

  …. “Well, to be honest, I got quite a lot out of it anyway,” she admits.

  “Good!” says James, painting on a pleased expression. “Even better. But seriously Charlotte, if you are willing, if you want to do something like this every few weeks; visit me and Michael and play our games together, you will easily be able to earn enough to make your ride through college very easy indeed.”

  I see where you’re going with this….

  …. and yes, it works for us….

  …. but I still don’t like it….

  “Every few weeks?” she says, frowning a little

  “Say, once a month?” suggests James. “A weekend with us? Michael and I love your company.” He hesitates. “I think you enjoy ours?”

  “Oh yes!” she nods. “I came this weekend, didn’t I? And I do so want to see you both again.”

  “And play games with the other men?”

  “Yes. Not all the time of course, but it’s nice as a…” she hovers, choosing her words, “….as a …. treat.”

  We both burst out laughing….

  … Oh, Babe…. What are we going to do with you…?

  “Very well, then,” agrees James. “Once a month, you visit us for company and treats.”



  She’s dozy. It’s hardly surprising. She was already well exercised when we got back from the walk. Since then a combination of rum, the warm water and…. oh yes, not forgetting, she’s been ganged by six…. and her head’s drooping.

  She’s lying on the couch with Michael, he holding her in his arms….

  …. nothing nicer than a cuddle after mind-blowing sex….

  As her breathing changes, he slants his face around to see her eyes closing, then after a minute or two, carefully stands up from beneath her, lying her back and pulling a cover over.

  I hold up a bottle of scotch and he nods, joining me in the armchair next to mine by the fire.

  “So, what did you make of that?” I ask.

  He looks at me askance then shrugs, shaking his head. “You’re right, aren’t you? Well, if good sex keeps her coming back, I’m happy to oblige…”

  “I thought you might come around to my way of thinking….”

  He takes a sip from his glass, swills it around his mouth and then looks at the glass. “That’s rather good. What is it?”

  I hold up the bottle. “Springbank. Picked it up last time I was in Scotland.”

  “Mmm… nice stuff. Quite peaty, almost smoky….” Then he head-points our Sleeping Beauty, her foxy hair spilling around her, eyes closed, chest rising and falling gently. “So, what next?”

  “Next,” I muse, playing with my glass, revolving it in my fingers, “…. next, we have tomorrow, just the three of us, and…. I suggest we continue the same general theme….”

  “Keep fucking her brains out, you mean?”

  I nod, taking a sip. “Yes, that’s pretty much what I mean.” Then looking over the top of his glass at him. “What's that look for?”

  I hope her enjoyed her walk today.”


  “Because she’ll not be able to walk by Monday.”

  I huff a laugh. “You have a point.... Do you have a problem with that?”

  He shrugs. “Not if she doesn’t.” He takes another swallow. “So…. is there anything specific you had in mind for tomorrow?”

  “I’ve got an idea or two, yes….”



  James stands, leaning against the door frame, sipping tea from a cup and saucer, watching her.

  As she realises that he’s there, her face comes up, her expression changing….

  …. that feral, green-eyed wild-child look….

  I can almost see the wheels turning in her head….

  …. trying to decide what he wants….

  After only a few moments, she stands….

  How the hell does he do that?
  …. walks fluidly across the room to him….

  …. no stiff hips, then….

  ….. and then, shrugging her bathrobe away, letting it fall to the floor, drops down, head bowed, to kneel naked at his feet.

  For the shortest of moments, as he looks down at her, I see his soul laid bare, then the mask drops back into place and his expression blanks over.

  Looking at her, naked, submissive, beautiful; to me it looks hot as hell. But what does it feel like to a Dom like James, I wonder?

  …. like every dream he’s ever had….

  It's certainly pressing every button he has.

  What is it she feels for him? It's not a crush…. more like adoration….

  …I don’t think she’s a sub….

  …. or if she is, she's only a sub for him….

  …. How do I handle this…?

  She rises to kneel upright, then tentatively, kisses the fabric of his jeans, where he is beginning to bulge at the front. He sighs, put his cup and saucer to one side, then stands, looking down at her, his hands lightly pressed against the back of her head, winding his fingers through her hair.

  “Master, would you like me to...?”

  “Yes, I would, in a while. Thank you, Charlotte.”



  I look down at her, kneeling, head lowered in the classic submissive position….

  …. Oh, my Jade….

  …. and fighting to control my own reaction….

  If the cup rattles, she’ll know I’m shaking….

  She rises to kneel upright casting her emerald eyes up to me, then kisses my cock where it is starting to harden, through my jeans.

  Better get rid of this….

  I put his cup and saucer down on the dresser next to me, then lace my fingers into her hair.

  “Master, would you like me to...?”

  …. Master….

  “Yes, I would, in a while. Thank you, Charlotte.”

  My cock twitching awake, my balls tightening, I’d love to let her just get on with it; blow me until I cream over her tongue….

  …. But it needs to be a bit more exciting than that for her…


  I stoop, seize her wrists and pull her upright. Walking her backwards to the wall, I pin her there, the heel of my hand between her breasts as I watch her pupils dilate….

  Gotcha, Green-Eyes….

  She’s quivering already, so I back up my point by grabbing her wrists again, raising them over her head to press them against the wall. Michael, off to one side, watches, his face calm….

  …. he knows what I’m doing….

  “So, Charlotte,” I say, “we still have all of today. Michael here wants to fuck you, and I’m going to be watching, so….” I turn to Michael, hoping he will take the cue….

  He does. Jerking his head to one side, “Into the bedroom, Charlotte.”

  Through my hand on her chest, her heartbeat bangs a jungle-drum message….

  That’s it, Green-Eyes…. Let’s get you good and worked up….

  I release her. “You heard him. Off you go.”

  Obediently, she walks through to the bedroom, looking back at us as she pauses at the door. I raise brows, jab a finger to point her through and she vanishes into the room.

  Beside me, Michael says in a low voice, “You don’t think you’re overdoing it? That wasn’t exactly a classic seduction technique.”

  “I don’t think so. I could feel her heartbeat. She was definitely reacting….”

  He clicks his tongue. “Sounds good to me.” Then he follows her through.

  “Wine?” I call after him.


  I the kitchen I hover over white or red, then settle on rather a good Rioja I discovered while I was away. With three glasses on a tray, I go through to the bedroom.

  He’s not wasted any time. In the couple of minutes since I left them, he’s got her on the bed, about half-way along, flat on her back and, feet on the ground, but leaning in and over, he’s ram-rodding her while she bawls under him.

  So much for seduction….

  …. still, she’s enjoying it….

  He pulls back, pauses, then bangs in hard, and she sends out a yelp that jolts down to my groin.

  I stand to one side with my glass, savouring at the smoky-sharp flavour of the wine, watching the pair as my cock comes to life….

  …. My turn in a while….

  …. get my mouth around her….

  …. smoky-sharp and lemon-brine….

  …. a good combination….

  Wonder if either of them noticed I changed the bedding….?

  He’s really giving it to her, pistoning in hard, but she’s loving it. Her legs swing up and around him, locking around his waist as he adjusts his position to fuck her more deeply. She has her hands around his shoulders, her fingers making claws, nails digging small red crescents into his skin.

  Time to join the action….

  Michael’s eyes follow me as I move around to the head of the bed. She doesn’t notice because her eyes are squeezed closed.

  But she can’t fail to notice when I reach out to grab her again at the wrists, tugging her arms away from his shoulders. At the last moment, Michael withdraws as I tow her backwards up the bed, arms outstretched. Pulling rope from my pocket, I bind her wrists together, then tether her to the bars of the bedhead.

  Michael immediately moves in again, clambering onto the bed, pushing her knees apart, swinging them up and over, bending her to almost double back on herself, her legs splayed wide.

  And I’m ready. As he pushes her left ankle up, I snap a cuff around to shackle it to the bedpost. And again, with the right ankle.

  Her mouth is wide open. Her legs are wide stretched….

  …. and she stares at us, wide-eyed, as though she can’t believe what we just did….

  She looks delectable.

  Michael turns to me, speaking as though she is not in the room. “You first? Or me?”

  “Oh, my dear fellow. You first. I’m enjoying the view.”

  She can’t move, can’t do anything except quiver helplessly.

  “Nothing to say?” asks Michael, seated now beside her, running a fingertip between her breasts. His cock is twitching, but I don’t think he’s planning to fuck her again just yet….

  She shakes her head. “I did consider gagging you,” he continues, “just to up the ante a bit more, but I enjoy hearing you squeal too much….”

  Emerald eyes wide, pupils dilating, her chest heaves, and the sound of her panting whispers through the room….

  “…. and there’s other ways of getting a result….”

  Her eyes, if it were possible, widen even further. Trying hard to maintain ‘Dom severity’ I struggle to keep my face straight, but of course, I have a good idea of what he plans….

  He sits between her legs. He’s perfectly comfortable, and in her trussed and presented pose, he doesn’t even have to kneel, simply reach in.

  Her pussy and vulva are brilliant scarlet, engorged and glistening. He holds out a hand, one finger poised where she can see it. “Can you see what I’m going to do?” he says.

  Wordless, she shakes her head again. Glancing across to me, “James, prop her up would you, so she can see. Use a mirror if you need to.”

  “My pleasure….”

  I shove a pillow under her head, deliberately roughly, her breath catching as I knot fingers into her hair to lift her. She’s still not quite positioned right, so I add another. It’s straining her neck a little, but she doesn’t have to move, and the tension is increasing her arousal….

  “Perfect,” says Michael, then waving his forefinger at her again, dips it into her pussy. She’s whimpering as he pulls it out again, sucking it clean. “You’re nice and wet,” he comments, “but I think we can do better than that.”

  His face is calm, but I know it’s a front. His cock is straining, huge, trembling with his pulse

  “…. wonder how long he can hold off….?”

  …. but once more, he holds up the finger to show her, briefly fucks her with it and then winds it in a circle around her clit….

  It’s a delicate movement, like the dance of a butterfly, but her body goes into spasm, straining again her ropes and cuffs. The sound she makes by-passes her tongue and mouth, simply coming deep from her throat; a drawn-out wail that speaks of lust and sex and ecstatic torment. Against the pillows, she can’t fling her head back, but she presses hard backwards, eyes closed.

  Tensioned tight, the muscles of her thighs and arms stand out, contoured streaks in the half-light. Michael continues his spiralling of her clit….

  …. he’s gritting his teeth….

  …. having trouble with his self-control….?

  Inwardly, I chuckle, but am careful to keep it silent….

  …. Don’t want her hearing me….

  I see him look into her face, making sure that, her eyes squeezed tight, she won’t see him, then he nods me across to take his place. His finger still working her, she squeals and shudders as we change places. And, her body jerking, she doesn’t even feel the movement of our changeover as we exchange his finger for mine.

  As I take Michael’s place, he sits to watch, taking a couple of deep breaths as he does so….

  …. Regaining his composure…?

  …. then pours himself a glass of wine.

  I wriggle my fingers at him, nodding at my own glass. He frowns for a second, then grins, passing me the glass.

  “Would you like some wine, Charlotte?”

  …. and this is where red bedding is useful….

  Her speech is breathy and broken as she opens her eyes, then startles to see me so close. “Yes, Master. Thank you, I would.”

  “I thought so.” Carefully, I hold the glass to her lips which she takes a sip, then another. “Of course, that’s not the only way to take wine.”

  She gazes at me blankly, then as I reposition myself beside her yawning pussy, gapes. Tilting my glass, I trickle the fine red wine over her clit, letting it seep through her soft, wet folds….

  …. and she shrieks….


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