Hot Billionaire Sex (Billionaire BDSM Short Story Collection)

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Hot Billionaire Sex (Billionaire BDSM Short Story Collection) Page 10

by Honey Taylor

  “You sure you don’t just want to get me alone in some more bathrooms,” she teased.

  “That thought did enter my mind,” he laughed. He reached out a hand and when Stacey took hold he pulled her back to her feet. “Maybe we should go back to the bar and see if anyone smirks at us.”

  “They will if I walk out into the bar in just a pair of heels,” Stacey said. She grabbed her clothes and went into a cubicle to clean herself and get dressed. When she came back out the billionaire let out a low whistle.

  “You look gorgeous in the afterglow of sex,” he teased.

  “So it’s something you will want to see again?” she shot back with a grin.

  “Again and again,” he corrected Stacey and pulled her into an embrace to kiss her. “Well I owe you some drinks and a meal,” he continued when the kiss ended.

  “Lead on,” said Stacey as a smile crossed her lips. “I think I have earned it, don’t you?”

  The Billionaire’s Seduction

  Sharon frowned as she walked to the small kitchen area of the estate agent’s office. Her two co-workers were standing with their heads close together and she could barely hear their whispered voices. “Something interesting?” she said and laughed as the two women jumped.

  “Jeez,” complained Lydia as she turned to look. “Stop sneaking up on…”

  “Didn’t you see?” Patricia cut in quickly before Lydia even got the chance to finish her sentence.

  Sharon frowned again. “See what?” she asked.

  Patricia rolled her eyes and laughed. “It’s no wonder you can’t get a man in your life,” she teased.

  “Hey, I can too get a man,” protested Sharon defensively.

  “Yeah, yeah,” went on Patricia. “And your last date was…” She left the comment unfinished and stood with a cheeky grin on her face as she waited for the answer.

  “Never you mind,” Sharon blustered on, but could feel her face reddening a little at the thought of how long ago her last date actually had been. “Anyway, what didn’t I see,” she went on quickly, trying to get the topic of conversation away from her love life or lack of it.

  “The man,” hissed Lydia, “the one that’s now sitting with Mr. Walker in his office. I can’t believe you didn’t see him.”

  Sharon stood with a blank look on her face. “Who is he?” she finally asked.

  “That’s what we want to know,” Lydia continued.

  “Maybe he’s a new client,” Patricia said. “I hope he’s handed to me if he is. I’ll do my very best to keep him satisfied.” She and Lydia burst out laughing and Sharon stood looking at them. The sudden sound of Mr. Walker’s office door opening caught the attention of the three women.

  “Sharon,” the boss’s voice sounded. “Can you come here please?”

  “Oh you little…” started Patricia quietly, but Sharon was already on the move and didn’t hear the end of the sentence. She assumed it wasn’t exactly complimentary and grinned. As she moved towards her boss she wiped the expression from her face and put on a businesslike appearance.

  “Yes Mr. Walker?” she asked as she got to her boss.

  “Come in my office will you,” he said. “I’d like you to meet a new client and see if you can help him out.”

  “Sure,” said Sharon and followed Mr. Walker as he turned to move back to his desk.

  “Take a seat,” instructed her boss. ‘This is Mr. Scott.”

  “Call me Corey,” the man said and turned to hold out his hand as Sharon sat in the seat next to his. She suddenly understood the interest of her two co-workers as she took in the handsome face of the man. Sharon couldn’t help feeling a touch mesmerized by the bright blue eyes and almost too perfect smile and automatically held out her hand to greet the new client. Her voice squeaked a little as she said hello and she coughed to cover her embarrassment, but still felt the flush of heat in her body as the smile on Corey’s face widened. The room suddenly shrunk to no more than the man holding her hand and she almost jumped as Mr. Walker continued talking.

  “Mr. Scott has just moved to town on business and is looking for a place to stay for the next six months,” her boss said. “I’d like you to see if you can help him in his search.”

  “My preference is for an apartment,” Corey added. “But I’m not against renting a house if that isn’t possible.”

  “OK,” said Sharon. She could feel her heart racing a little and breathed deeply to try and get a semblance of composure. She slowly pulled her hand away and couldn’t help noticing that the client seemed in no hurry to let go. “What sort of budget are you looking at?” she asked.

  “No limit,” Corey replied with a smile. “I want something luxurious enough that I can enjoy my time there, but also businesslike so that I can easily entertain clients at home if I need to.”

  “Do you have any particular area in mind?” Sharon went on. She could still feel her heart beating fast, but tried to focus her mind on work. This wasn’t easy as each time she looked in Corey’s direction she saw that the piercing blue eyes were on her and she felt like she was being appraised. She couldn’t help wondering if his apparent interest was for her work skills or something more, but chided herself to keep things professional.

  Corey shrugged his shoulders at the question. “It’s my first time in town so I really have no idea,” he said. “I’ll leave myself in your capable hands.”

  Sharon saw the grin on his face as the words came out and felt her pulse jump again. She wasn’t altogether sure it was an innocent comment and wondered if Corey was teasing her. The grin quickly left his face though so that she wasn’t entirely sure and she tried to keep her mind on work by going on with some more basic questions to get an idea of what type of accommodation he was looking for. “OK,” she finally said to finish. “I think I have enough to be getting on with for the moment. I’ll start the search and let you know when I have some properties for you to look at.”

  “How quickly can you set something up?” asked Corey.

  “When do you want to move in?” Sharon responded.

  “Well yesterday if possible,” he joked, “but failing that as soon as possible. I’m living in a hotel at the moment, but I much prefer to be in my own place.”

  “I want you to concentrate one hundred percent of your attention on this Sharon,” Mr. Walker jumped in. He turned to Corey. “I’ll make sure she gets on to this right away and caters to your every need,” he assured.

  “That’s nice to know,” Corey replied as he looked at Sharon. She felt the heat rise in her face as she saw the grin that formed on his lips, but it quickly disappeared again. He stood to signal the end of the meeting and Mr. Walker led him out of the office and to the elevators in the building. When her boss returned to his room Sharon was still waiting at his desk.

  “OK,” Mr. Walker started as he sat down. “This is one client we definitely want to keep in our good books. From the little I already know he is seriously wealthy and not against splashing out for what he wants. He must have some good business contacts too that we might be able to tap into if we do this job right for him. Just make sure you find some good properties for him and do whatever he asks to make him happy.”

  “Sure,” said Sharon. “Is there anything else I need to know?” When her boss shook his head she stood to leave. As she walked out of the office she again wondered if it was just her work skills that Corey Scott was interested in. She quickly shook the thought free that there might be something more to it though and decided it was best to keep things on a purely professional footing. As she crossed the room she saw the expectant faces of her two co-workers.

  “Well?” Patricia asked.

  “Well what?” teased Sharon as she went to sit at her desk. She knew exactly what they wanted to know, but remained silent.

  “Come on don’t leave us hanging, spill the beans,” Patricia encouraged.

  Sharon shook her head, but knew that her co-workers wouldn’t leave her alone until they knew who the ne
w client was. “His name is Corey Scott,” she started. “According to Mr. Walker he is a wealthy man, in town on business and looking for some rented accommodation to live in while he is here. I’ve got the job of finding it for him.”

  Patricia dived for her computer and quickly brought up a search engine on the screen. She typed in the name and let out a low whistle as the hits came back. “A billionaire,” she said shaking her head. “No, make that a divorced billionaire,” she added with a grin. She continued to scroll through the hits and open web pages to look at information about Corey.

  Lydia moved behind her to stare at the PC screen. “Oh jeez, look at that gorgeous face,” she said as some pictures popped up on the computer. She turned to Sharon. “Are you sure you can handle this job?” she asked. “I mean, I don’t mind taking over if you feel it is too much for you.”

  “I’ll manage just fine,” Sharon replied with a laugh. Her mind was suddenly in business mode as she set about looking for some appropriate properties that would appeal to a billionaire businessman. By mid-afternoon she already had the search narrowed down to three properties and picked up the phone to start arranging to go and see the apartments. By the time she finished, Sharon had set up a viewing for the following day and two for the day after. Dialing Corey’s private cell phone number she waited for the call to be answered.

  “Hi, Corey Scott speaking,” the voice finally came on the line.

  “Oh hi Mr. Scott,” she started. “It’s Sharon here. I’m calling about the rented accommodation you are looking for.”

  “Ah…, the young lady from he estate agent,” he said. “I told you to call me Corey.”

  “OK,” Sharon went on, but again decided it was best to keep things on a professional footing rather than getting too familiar. “I have a viewing arranged for tomorrow and then two for the day after. I’ll email the details to you tonight and we can meet up tomorrow for the first viewing if that’s OK for you.”

  “Perfect,” he replied. “What time?”

  “The viewing is at ten in the morning,” Sharon continued. “The details will be in the email I send and I’ll meet you there tomorrow.”

  “Sure,” said Corey. “I’ll look forward to it.” The call was ended and Sharon replaced the phone handset in its cradle. She jumped as the voice sounded close to her ear.

  “So you’re going to be alone with a handsome, divorced billionaire,” teased Lydia. “That’s almost a date for you Sharon. Don’t let him take advantage of you.”

  “Oh ha, ha,” she deadpanned in response. “This is business, not pleasure. It will be a case of in to see the property and out again. You’ve been to enough viewings to know how they work.”

  “Not with a gorgeous billionaire,” Lydia went on. “I would be keeping him in there as long as I could to see what happened. He’s divorced remember.”

  “So?” Sharon said. “That doesn’t mean he’s not attached.” She thought back to their meeting and the apparent interest he showed in her, but quickly shrugged it off. She planned to keep things businesslike by showing him the properties and trying to secure a deal. Bringing her attention back to her computer screen she wrote the email, attached the details of the properties and sent them on to Corey. When Sharon finished the task she looked at her watch and seeing that it was after five decided to call it quits for the day. Standing up she slipped on her jacket and picked up her bag.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” Lydia called teasingly after her as she left and Sharon grinned.

  “I told you its strictly business,” she called back over her shoulder and headed for the stairs to walk down to the ground floor.

  The following morning Sharon was up early to get ready. She’d already worked out that the bus trip to the property would take around thirty five minutes and wanted to be there first so that she didn’t make Corey wait. By the time she finished breakfast it was just after eight and she decided not to hang around. Leaving her home she made her way to the nearest bus stop and five minutes later was sitting looking out of the window at the view of the passing buildings. When she finally got off the bus she made the last part of the journey on foot and arrived at the apartment building by just after nine o’clock. Seeing that there was a coffee shop across the street she went and ordered a cappuccino to sit and wait. Time passed slowly as she sat looking out of the window of the café and when she finished her drink she saw it was still only 9.30. Sharon contemplated having another coffee, but finally decided against it and moved back across the street to wait. She saw the sleek black car drawing up to the curb at five minutes before ten and knew instantly it was her client. When the vehicle finally came to a stop the back door opened and Corey stepped out. He stooped to have a quick word with his driver and when he closed the door the car pulled away from the curb and rejoined the flow the traffic. Corey then turned and smiled as he approached Sharon.

  “Your car isn’t waiting for you?” she asked.

  “I sent the driver on an errand,” he replied. “He’ll come back in thirty minutes.”

  “Oh OK,” Sharon went on. “It’s this way.” She led Corey indoors and to the elevators. They stood silently waiting until the doors of an elevator finally opened and then moved inside. As the doors closed Sharon felt her nerves rising at being alone with the billionaire, but she tried to shrug them off and keep her mind on business. When the doors of the elevator opened again at their floor, she led the billionaire to the correct apartment and used the key to unlock the door and let them in.

  “So what are your first impressions?” she asked as she closed the door and led him to the lounge.

  “Of the apartment?” he asked with a grin and Sharon looked to see his gaze resting on her.

  “Yes, the apartment,” she said, but her nerves rose. Her mind cast back to Lydia’s comment about not letting a billionaire take advantage of her and she couldn’t stop the involuntary shudder. Keep it professional she chided herself and turned to start showing Corey around. As they walked from room to room and she pointed out the features of the apartment, she was aware that the billionaire was moving closer to her. By the time they reached the bedroom he moved right next to her.

  “It’s nice,” he said as he looked around. “Will the furniture remain in the apartment?”

  “Yes,” Sharon answered. “The place comes fully furnished.” She was aware of his presence standing right next to her and while it wasn’t exactly an uncomfortable experience, she still felt a little nervous. “Is there anything else you’d like to see?” she asked.

  “Oh I can think of something I would love to see,” he said and Sharon could almost feel his body touching against her own. Her pulse started to race as his fingertips suddenly traced along her slender neck and she shivered.

  “I think we should go,” she said and went to move away. The hand slid lower and took hold of her upper arm.

  “Are you sure?” Corey asked with a grin. “I seem to remember your boss telling you that you should cater to my every need.”

  Sharon turned to look at him and suddenly felt herself mesmerized by the piercing blue eyes. The billionaire moved forward as if to kiss and Sharon found herself unable to move. The sudden knock on the door of the apartment broke the moment before their lips touched though and Sharon took the opportunity to pull away. “That will be the apartment superintendent,” she said. “I asked him to call in.”

  “That’s a shame,” said Corey with a smile, but made no effort to stop Sharon as she moved away from him. They made their way back out to the main area of the apartment and Sharon opened the door to let the superintendent in. After a brief chat with Corey he left again, but Sharon made no attempt to close the door.

  “I think you’ve seen everything, so we should get going,” she said.

  “I haven’t seen everything I want,” Corey replied with a grin, but Sharon suddenly didn’t want to be the easy plaything of a teasing billionaire. She walked back into the hallway and turned to wait for him to follow. Wh
en Corey did this she closed and locked the door. “So what did you think?” she asked as they made their way back to the elevators.

  “It’s nice, but I’m not sure,” he replied. “I guess I should see the other two apartments tomorrow before I make up my mind.”

  Sharon felt her nerves grow at the prospect of being alone again with the billionaire and as the doors of the elevator closed she moved as far away as she could. Corey just stood silently though and she let out a quiet sigh of relief when the doors opened at the ground floor. The car was waiting for the billionaire as they stepped out of the building and he moved up to it. “Can I give you a ride anywhere?” he asked.

  “No, It’s OK,” she replied. “I have a few things to do before I make my way back to the office.” It was a lie and by the grin on his face she was sure he knew, but the billionaire simply said goodbye and got in his vehicle. Sharon watched as it pulled away from the curb and let out another sigh of relief. Keeping things professional was proving more difficult than she imagined. She really didn’t want to be the plaything of a billionaire, but on the other hand couldn’t deny that she was attracted to Corey and the more time she spent with him the more likely it was that she would succumb to his teasing charms. When the car finally disappeared from view she made her way back to the café opposite the apartment building to have a coffee. When she finished she rode the bus back to her office.


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