Hot Billionaire Sex (Billionaire BDSM Short Story Collection)

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Hot Billionaire Sex (Billionaire BDSM Short Story Collection) Page 13

by Honey Taylor

  “Relax Cassie,” Mr. Anderson said and she turned to see the dean of the college walking towards her.

  She smiled in his direction, but her eyes kept surveying the room. “I just want everything to be perfect for the arrival of our guest,” she replied.

  Mr. Anderson moved to stand beside her and joined her in looking around. “I can’t see a thing wrong with the room,” he went on. “I’m sure Mr. Parker will be more than impressed when he gets here.” He looked at his watch. “Talking of which, I better get going. He is due to arrive any minute.” Cassie watched as the dean walked to the door of the room and disappeared from view. Finally satisfied that everything was in order, she walked out and made her way to the restroom. Standing in front of the mirror, Cassie pulled at the band holding her ponytail in place and let her long hair cascade over her shoulders. She grabbed a comb from her bag and worked it through the brunette curls until she was happy with the look. Makeup came next and she applied a little blusher and lipstick. It enhanced the appearance of her pretty face and when finished, the nineteen year old girl made her way back out into the hallway and along to the reception area. It was already full of students and professors enjoying a pre-meal drink and Cassie grabbed a glass of orange juice from a passing waiter. Her mind was still fixed on the preparations, but when she heard the noise level suddenly increase she guessed the guest of honor had finally arrived. There will be time to meet him later she thought, putting her empty glass on a nearby table and making her way back into the main room.

  The event was a resounding success, with the rest of the evening passing off smoothly. She was thanked in the speech by the dean and asked to stand up and take a bow. Slightly embarrassed, she did just that, but sat again quickly. Cassie liked to organize, but she preferred to be backstage rather than in the limelight. As the meal and speeches ended, the room began to empty. Cassie stood to join the crowd of people heading back to the reception area, but stopped as she heard her name being called. She turned back to see Mr. Anderson beckoning her towards him. She recognized the handsome features of the man standing next to the dean as she approached and saw that Edward Parker was watching her intently.

  “Mr. Parker just wanted to give his thanks to the organizer of a splendid evening,” the dean said. He walked towards the door and as Cassie looked around she saw that she was pretty much left alone with the billionaire. She turned her attention back to Mr. Parker and held out her hand.

  “I hope you enjoyed yourself,” she started. “It really is generous of you to contribute so much towards the fundraiser. The college is very grateful.”

  Edward smiled as he took Cassie’s hand. She was aware that even after they finished shaking hands, he held on. “The event was perfect,” he said. “I can’t thank you enough. I really need to find a way to repay you for your hospitality.”

  “Oh there’s no need for that,” Cassie replied.

  “It would be my pleasure though,” Edward went on. “I could say…, take you out for dinner sometime.”

  Cassie gently pulled her hand free of Edward’s grip. “Umm…, it’s nice of you to offer, but like I say there is really no need. It’s me that should be grateful to you for making the fundraiser relatively easy to complete by offering to donate so much of the money.”

  The smile widened on Edward’s face. “Maybe you should take me out for dinner then,” he teased.

  Cassie started to feel a little nervous at the obvious attention the billionaire was suddenly showing in her. It was hard to tell if he was just teasing or being more serious, but either way she found the interest of the older man in her a little off putting. “Umm…, maybe we should join the others in the reception area,” she said.

  “OK,” he replied. “Although spending time alone with such a pretty girl is something I could get used to.”

  “Oh…, thanks,” said Cassie hesitantly, her face flushing a little at the compliment. She felt the hand of the billionaire rest on her lower back and guide her towards the door. The hand seemed to slide a little lower as they moved, but before it touched onto her butt was pulled away. She grabbed at the door handle and opened it, feeling a little relief at moving into the crowd of other people. The dean stepped across to them and started talking, but Edward continued to focus his attention on Cassie. He held out his hand and she could do nothing but take it.

  “Thanks for a lovely evening,” he said. “Hopefully it will be the first of many more.” He turned to talk to the dean and Cassie let out a quiet sigh as she moved away. The first of many what she wondered, sure that the billionaire wasn’t talking about more fundraising events. She got the distinct impression he was talking about private meetings between just the two of them, but as the crowds finally dispersed and the event ended she put it to the back of her mind.

  With most of the money for the fundraiser already secured, Cassie’s involvement was required less and less in subsequent weeks and she got back to her normal life as a college girl. The meeting with Edward Parker gradually faded from her memory and she guessed he was just teasing her about more meetings. The idea that he might not be came back to the forefront of her mind though when he suddenly turned up unexpectedly at college one day. Cassie was thinking about coursework as she moved out of the college gates into the street and didn’t even notice the sleek, black car parked next to the curb. She looked up and frowned as she heard her name being called. Moving across to the car, she ducked her head down to look in the open window and saw the smiling face of Edward Parker.

  “Can I give you a ride anywhere?” he asked.

  “Oh no…, that’s OK, I don’t have far to go and I wouldn’t want to put you to any trouble” she replied, wondering what he was doing at the college.

  “It’s no trouble,” he said. Cassie glanced around and could see others looking in her direction. She sighed as Edward asked her again to get in and finally decided to accept a ride home. She pulled the door open and slid into the back seat beside the billionaire and as soon as she closed the door the car pulled away from the curb. “So where to?” he asked. Cassie gave him her address and he pressed an intercom button and relayed the information to the driver.

  “Did you want to ask me something about the fundraiser?” asked Cassie turning to the billionaire.

  A smile broke out on Edward’s face. “No…, as far as I’m aware everything has gone through fine and the money is now donated.”

  “Oh OK,” said Cassie. “Were you at the college to see the dean?”

  Edward shook his head. “I came to see you,” he replied.

  Cassie frowned again. “Why?” she asked.

  The loud laugh made her nervous. “Didn’t I tell you that I hoped our first meeting would lead to more? I just wanted to ask you again if you would like to go out to dinner with me.”

  “Oh,” was all Cassie could think to say at first and sat in silence as she thought about how to respond to the offer. Edward said nothing and she finally went on. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. Don’t you prefer women closer to your own age?”

  The laugh sounded again. “My preference is for…, pretty women. The age doesn’t concern me so much. And you are a very pretty girl.” Cassie could feel her nerves kicking in. Edward turned to her and reached for her hand. “I really would like you to have dinner with me. Please say you will.”

  Cassie felt a shiver trickle down her spine at the intense gaze on his face. “I…, I don’t know,” she said. She tried to pull her hand away, but Edward continued to hold it. He moved forward as if he was going to try and kiss her, but the car rolling to a stop signaled the arrival at their destination and this was confirmed by the voice of the driver over the intercom. Cassie scrabbled for the door handle, trying to get out. She was nervous at the attention coming her way, but she couldn’t stop the flicker of excitement that rose in her body. She finally managed to get the door open and stepped out, pulling her hand free.

  Edward moved across the back seat so that he could look out at her.
“If I send the car tonight, will you come to my home for dinner?” he asked.

  Cassie felt the flicker of excitement rise, but was still unsure. She shook her head and turned to walk away.

  “I’m not one for giving up,” the call sounded after her. She was about to turn and look back, but decided to keep going and walked into her parent’s home. When she reached her bedroom and looked out the window the car was gone. The billionaire’s last words had made her nervous, but as the rest of the evening wore on she tried to put them to the back of her mind. In the following weeks it was impossible for Cassie to forget the words though as she was inundated with requests from the billionaire to meet him for dinner. Although a little overbearing, the attention was flattering and she began to consider taking him up on his offer. It seemed he wouldn’t give up until she did and when she saw his car waiting outside the college for her on yet another occasion, she declined the ride home, but agreed that if he sent the vehicle that evening she would have dinner with him.

  Cassie sat looking in her dressing table mirror as she got ready, wondering if she was doing the right thing. She knew that Edward was forty four and that made him more than twice her age. It seemed a huge gap and she again wondered just what his interest was in a college girl. She was no innocent and pretty much knew his intentions were more than just friendship. Whether what he wanted was something she was prepared to give she wasn’t sure, but her mind raced as she put on her makeup and got up to dress in a skirt and blouse. She tried to banish thoughts of what the billionaire’s intentions were to the back of her mind, but even as she sat in the car heading for his home they were still nagging her. The thought that she might be getting in over her head brought on a sense of nervousness, but Cassie couldn’t deny the flicker of excitement at what she was doing. The excitement grew as she approached the home and saw just how huge it was. Getting out of the car when it stopped in front of the property, she was met by Edward at the door.

  “Come in,” he greeted and when Cassie held out her hand, he lifted it to his mouth to kiss it. She felt the shiver run down her spine and it stayed with her as they moved inside and made their way along to a dining room. “I’m not sure the settings will be up to your exacting standards,” Edward teased. “But we did try.”

  Cassie looked at the layout of the table and smiled. “It’s nice,” she said. She was about to add the changes she would make, but held her tongue and choked back the words.

  “Some wine to start the evening?” offered Edward and Cassie accepted the glass handed to her. They chatted comfortably for a while about the college and the fundraiser, but the conversation turned more personal as they sat to eat. “So what do you think of my home?” he asked.

  “It’s big,” laughed Cassie. “But from the little I have seen is beautifully set out.”

  “Thanks,” he replied. “I’ll give you a tour after the meal and you can give me your critical opinion on how to improve it. The college dean said your eye for detail was second to none.”

  Cassie laughed again. “I think he’s giving me too much credit. I’m just organized, I always have been. My parents tell me I’m bossy.”

  Edward smiled. “Don’t you think it’s good to let someone else take control sometimes though’ he asked, “and just do as you are ordered?”

  Cassie shrugged “I guess,” she replied. “Sometimes I think it would be easier than being in charge.”

  The smile on Edward’s face widened, but he didn’t elaborate any further and changed the subject. They continued chatting as the meal progressed and Edward stood once it was finished. “So…, let’s take that tour and see what you really think of my home.” As they walked around the rooms, Cassie pointed out where she would make little improvements, although the house was beautifully decorated and set out and there was little that really needed changed. They finally came to a room on the top floor and Edward took out a key to unlock it. Cassie frowned, wondering why it was locked, but said nothing. Edward turned to her. “And what would you change about this room,” he said with a grin. Opening the door he ushered his guest inside first and closed the door after following. Cassie’s eyes opened wide as she looked around and saw the fixtures and fittings. It was no normal room, with chains and shackles on the floor, wall and hanging from the ceiling. As she continued to look around she saw the collection of whips and floggers decorating a wall and she couldn’t even begin to imagine what the cabinets and chests around the room were concealing.

  The click of the door being locked again caught her attention and she turned wide-eyed to look at her host. He grinned. “This is the room where I am the…, boss,” he started, “where I like to dominate.” Cassie felt her nervousness rising as he walked towards her and she started to back away. “Since I first saw you, I’ve been wondering if you would let me take control.”

  “I think I’d like to go,” she replied, but as she spoke the words she wasn’t really sure whether she actually did want to leave. As she continued to back away, Cassie kept looking around and wondered what it would be like to be tied up, to be under control, to be used by the handsome billionaire as his…, she wasn’t sure quite what, but the flash of desire that suddenly swelled up was a sure sign she wanted to find out. She stopped backing away and as Edward got to her, he pulled her into a tight embrace and the feel of his eager lips on hers made the desire grow. As he pressed his body closer to her, she could feel the hardness growing against her midriff and it sent a shiver along her spine. When the kiss broke, Edward grabbed her arm and dragged her to a chest of drawers. He pulled the top drawer open and Cassie’s eyes grew wide again as she looked at the selection of wooden paddles. Edward grabbed one and closed the drawer again. Cassie gasped as she felt herself being pushed forward so that her upper body rested onto the top of the chest of drawers. The wooden paddle tapped against her butt and she could feel her muscles contracting. There was no real pain, but she suspected it would come. Her mind was in turmoil as she tried to decide whether to stay or run. She guessed she wasn’t really trapped and would be free to go if she asked, but couldn’t make up her mind what she wanted.

  In the end the decision was taken for her. She gasped again as she was pulled up from the chest of drawers and dragged across to stand under a chain hanging from the roof. “Lift your arms up,” Edward ordered. Cassie kept her arms by her side, but when the billionaire grabbed them and lifted them up she didn’t protest. He snapped the cuffs on the end of the chain around her wrists and then dropping to her knees secured the shackles on the floor around her ankles. Cassie suddenly panicked and struggled against the restraints holding her firmly in place, but there was no escape. Her nerves made her shiver as Edward prowled around her and when he stopped in front and reached to the buttons of her blouse she tried to pull back. The cuffs and shackles held her firm though and all she could do was look down and watch as her blouse was pulled open to reveal her bra.

  “Pretty,” said Edward as his fingers traced along the lacy top edge of the bra. The touch on her naked skin brought out another shiver and Cassie closed her eyes. Things were quickly running out of control and she was helpless to stop them. Her nerves were being overridden by a sense of exhilaration though and she suddenly didn’t want what was happening to stop. She felt the fingers push a little harder and they slid under the material of her bra. The shivers gripping her body came on stronger when she felt the touch onto her hard nipple. Edward grabbed at the breasts and pulled it out of the bra cup, exposing the erect nipple to his view. The pleasure of the touch ran through Cassie and she groaned as the fingers brushed over her soft skin. Her breathing was becoming heavier and when her other breast was dragged into view she could feel her excitement mounting.

  Edward looked in her eyes as he moved his fingers from nipple to nipple. “You like the sensation of the pleasure?” he asked. Cassie could do no more than nod her head. The billionaire grinned. “Let’s see how you like the pain then.”

  Cassie felt the flash of panic as he disapp
eared from view and tried to swivel around. She was held firmly in place though and couldn’t turn. The anticipation of the wait for what would happen next started to get to her. “What’s going on,” she asked. The sound of her squeal filled the room as the blindfold was suddenly snapped into place around her eyes. Suddenly being unable to see added to the sense of panic gripping her and she started to beg to be let go. The words were cut off though as the ball gag was forced into her mouth. She threw her head from side to side, trying to resist, but there was nothing she could do as the gag was forced onto her, the large ball spreading her mouth wide open.


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