The Tears of Unicorns

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The Tears of Unicorns Page 13

by Victoria Mercier

  ​Red Marks and Children of Entropy made a bet over who is going to kill me first.

  ​Lotian’s anger was a thing of beauty. Sunrise after a stormy night. Something made rage between dragons enticing. Maybe it had something to do with the way pure dragons mated on their homeworld. Right now, Lotian struggled to keep his rage from the outburst.

  ​How do you know that? He asked, but I could say that something else was on his mind. Perhaps, as grim as the clouds beyond the walls of this city.

  ​We ran into an ugly Red Mark, called Kirman who said that the entire standoff between me, Ves and Rust, wasn’t an accident and they wanted me. The next thing I know someone is carrying me toward the exit. Then the water bitch arrived and dropped us all like reeds. Oceania revealed to us that Watermane has some spies here and there, and someone told her about the bet between Children and Red Marks. Apparently, Tristran Fargo is a member of Children of Entropy. Isn’t there a way to arrest him? This would solve the problem! Rust wouldn’t need to join Fargo’s group.

  ​Children of Entropy isn’t an official faction. It’s hard to track them down. Without evidence, arresting Tristran Fargo is impossible. It’d set a precedence. No one is going to allow that.

  ​There must be something… I mean there is something I have in mind.

  ​Flare… Lotian growled, which set the spot between my thighs aflame. I purred in return. This is not a time for this. What do you have in mind? Don’t tell me that this involves that fairy?

  ​I chose to play a little with my angry dragon. Perhaps, my need for distraction was dictating my moves, perhaps, something else.

  ​I joined Lotian on the sofa absorbing his heat and smell. I could bath in that. He tried to stay serious and put a little distance between us, which didn’t work for long. I reached his thigh, my fingers gently tracing the fabric of his pants. At first, he moved to stop me, then the rage combine with lust hit him. Lotian had no chance.

  ​“Make your clothes disappear. I like that trick.”

  ​Despite making it as sexy as I could, Rebecca was on alert. Her squeaky voice grated in my ears dispersing the thick carnal atmosphere I’ve been trying to build. I considered sending her away, but Lotian stopped me. His full hot lips didn’t quite match mine, but that was even better. My senses usually had a solid threshold, but that kiss quickly overwhelmed my sensory perception. I gave up on punishing Rebecca. She was what they’d made her.

  ​Tell me about your idea, Flare, Lotian spoke in my head as our mouth exchanged liquids and more. His thoughts were persuasive, though I wondered how I could bargain with him. Maybe even get something more than oral sex.

  ​Once more Rebecca disrupted our romantic moment.

  ​“The Head and the vice-Head of Dragon House are on their way here. They’re expecting you to be presentable and behave accordingly.”

  ​Lotian growled while I snapped at her, knowing well this wasn’t her fault. “What the hell they want from me?”

  ​Rebecca didn’t have an answer for that. She was barely a messenger.

  ​“Tell Saaron we can’t meet them, as Lotian and I are about to fuck!” I knew it could cost me more than a few behavior points. Saaron and I were on the collision course. His self-importance and my stubborn streaks didn’t bode well for us.

  ​Lotian shifted on his seat. He hasn’t taken me seriously until now.

  ​“This is madness,” replied Rebecca, visibly disturbed. “No way. I won’t forward your message.”

  ​“They’re here,” Lotian said, then added in my mind. Tell me what do you plan about Fargo.

  ​I briefly explained to him the basics of the plan, his comment was interrupted by the knocking to the door.

  ​“It’s better to hear them out and have them off your ass, than butting heads with my brother. That fucker can be stubborn,” Lotian said when he noticed I haven’t moved.

  ​The spell that controlled the door was linked with me in some fashion. All I needed to do was allow the door to unlock. Not even a conscious thought. Right away, I steeled myself for the confrontation.

  ​Saaron walked in first, behind him trailed Issa Verax. She looked immaculate and sharp, but her face couldn’t be harsher. Not an ounce of sympathy there. As for the green-haired demi-dragon, he seemed a little shaken. Strange. It wasn’t anything obvious, more like intuitive cues on his feminine yet extremely handsome face. And of course his body language. He’d never slouched, and yet his frame seemed diminished.

  ​“We need to speak to Flare,” Issa Verax said expecting Lotian to leave my room, which I wouldn’t allow.

  ​“Then speak,” I replied. She squinted at Saaron who nodded.

  ​“Well then. You’re one of the four dragon students present when the incident in the canteen occurred. We need a statement from you, which before it goes formal, we must review with you.” Her every word was formal and well-tailored. Things I wanted to say swelled inside me, then I pushed them away. Me going formal? Not a chance.

  ​“A lone werewolf tried to kidnap me. That’s all.”

  ​From their reactions I gauged that they knew what had happened in the canteen. Issa Verax’s eyes met mine. She had a hard stare. She was strong, but unfortunately for her I wasn’t going to bend under a dangerous stare.

  ​“Is this truly all?” she asked, poorly veiling a warning. Or maybe she didn’t veil it at all.

  ​“Yes. I’d offer you a coffee or a tea or some magical drink, but Lotian and I have things to catch up.” I considered winking to Saaron sensing his arousal in the air, then decided against it.

  ​“This will be all,” Issa Verax whirled not wanting to waste more of her time.

  ​“It’s not all.” Saaron’s low voice made her stop. A shiver, straight as an arrow, shot through me as his power rippled throughout the room. “I decided that special provisions must be applied to Flare’s education. Too many incidents in recent months have involved her. We can’t risk our student’s health and lives.”

  ​“If you trying to get Flare back, then I’m sorry to tell you, but she is mine.” Lotian’s statement impacted me on many levels. First, Lotian claimed me in a way that was melting my panties. Shivering was just the beginning. More than ever I wanted him to lay waste to my starving pussy. It was also the first time he admitted his intentions to officials. The Academy had rules in place to prevent dragon students from mating with each other. They weren’t exactly followed as I’ve seen many dragon students too close to each other to call it a friendship. This was actually food for thoughts. How was it I haven’t heard about incidents of rage spiraling out of control? Could it be true that they figured out a way to get rid of it? Hopefully not. Couples staying in celibate sounded like an unbelievable theory.

  ​Obviously, my knowledge of magic and traditions was next to nothing. Maybe they’ve found a solution the same way Lotian and I had?

  ​So, I didn’t expect Saaron or Issa Verax to make any issues.

  ​“The Academy prohibits relationships between dragons,” Saaron recited, stone-faced. Composed as he seemed, it was only a façade of the rage that thundered inside him. A part of me could sense it, hear it, feel it. And the same part wanted to join him. Shit, I think I woke up my rage for good now. It might mean no more sex with Lotian … no way this would happen. “Under no circumstances we’d allow this.”

  ​Lotian leaned back, his pose showed that his brother’s presence didn’t intimidate him. I could be wrong thinking that Lotian wasn’t provoking his older brother.

  ​“Demi-dragon Saaron,” Issa Verax said with a voice that bordered on reverence. “Please, leave them be. We can discuss this matter without their presence.”

  ​Saaron had none of that.

  ​His soft facial features hardened. “I’m the Head of Dragon House and my word is the law here.”

  ​A fucking arrogant bastard. Outraged, I shuddered uncontrollably. He had the nerve to use dirty tricks. I didn’t know when I’d made a step toward him. Too man
y things have cumulated until now. Dramer dragging me here, Selene’s spell that had done something to my powers, Elleria’s attempt at controlling me and Waterman at killing me, and the Shard of Delirium that had brought my worst nightmare true. But hey, that wasn’t all. Add two factions who made a bet who was going to kill me first, and on top of this a werewolf who tried to kidnap me. All of this in a mere six months. People shouldn’t judge a book by the cover, not that I cared anyway.

  ​I surged ahead, my fist appeared out of nowhere, faster than my conscious mind was able to process what was happening to me. Saaron has frozen… no not only him, everyone in the room have stopped moving, and the air … the air has stilled as well. A mix of adrenaline and rage, hungry and potent, surged in my veins. I found no time to wonder about the surroundings.

  ​When my fist connected, I thought I struck the granite wall. The force pushed my punch forward. As the pain exploded in my hand, his head twitched and the next second he was flying toward the door. Something was different about this punch from the one in his office.

  ​I heard sounds of crushed and splintered wood and felt sorry for the door. A woman’s gasp, Rebecca’s squeak of terror and Lotian’s grunt of surprise. They all mixed together. I barely registered them. My gaze was on Saaron who shook off the effect of the hit and impact and was raising unbothered by the torn jacket.

  ​His red eyes looked like active volcanoes.

  ​“How?” he asked. “How did you do it?”

  ​I firmly believed he would charge me. He squinted at Issa Verax, murder flashed in his unnaturally calm gaze. Such a terrible cold calculation between death and life showed the true face of this place. Saaron would kill the vice-Head of his House if it meant that no one would learn of this incident.

  ​She realized it as quickly if not quicker than me. The dragoness knew that this was the man she couldn’t beat. If he wanted her dead, then all she could do was to die.

  ​Saaron touched the spot on his face where my fist had hit him. Not the slightest mark. His torn clothes morphed into a new set of a sharp jacket and pants.

  ​“Keep her close brother because the day I put my hands on her, would be the last you see her.”

  ​Issa Verax struck me as the predator. A woman who cared next to nothing about lives. She had her own agenda and the end would justify the means. But nothing prepared me to see her shaken that badly.

  ​“The Dragon House is mine and everyone here is beneath me. You have no allies here or out there. If you hope that Iron Head will help you, then your new ally will disappoint you.” He then turned to his vice-Head. “One whisper of this to anyone. Be it the board or your mother. You’ll find yourself in grave danger.”

  ​This asshole was great at making more enemies. If he pushed Issa Verax far enough, maybe she could help us overthrowing him? He was a psychopath.

  ​Saaron stepped through the shattered door, Issa Verax followed him. Behind them, the door started to fix itself.


  ​“This is worse than I thought,” Lotian admitted. “Wait a second.”

  ​He opened the door that had returned to their previous state, then came back.

  ​“The second soldier is gone. I don’t think we can count on Nix anymore.”

  ​It made no sense. It … what was going on?

  ​“I don’t understand.”

  ​Lotian took a deep breath, he didn’t look at me when he spoke. “Dramer, Nix, Saaron… I. We all want you. But we don’t want to share. Demi-dragons have always been greedy and selfish bastards. Our father has always promoted rivalry amongst us, the problem is he’s never stepped in to stop us if the things went overboard. This is how Dramer and Saaron have become enemies. Father urged them to become the new champions of this broken world. I was too young to remember details, but because the champion could only be one the competition soon turned deadly. Dragons have never recovered from their constant fights.”

  ​“So, why they let him become the Head of this House?” I caught myself derailed from the topic by Lotian. Did he say they all wanted me? “Wait. Don’t answer this.”

  ​I looked around, but obviously, Rebecca had fled. Despite the differences between us, I relied on her. Classes schedule, ordering food, clothes and navigating this fucking labyrinth they called the Academy.

  ​“Nix wouldn’t do anything to harm me.”

  ​Lotian’s massive frame reminded me of a lost war hero who looked upon the devastation left by the war and understood that there might be friends and family he wouldn’t see ever again.

  ​“He doesn’t want to harm you, but he wants you for himself. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d had a hand in sending Dramer away. I’m the only one who stands in his way and—”

  ​I put my hand over his mouth. I didn’t wish to hear anything else about Nix or Dramer or Saaron or any other fucking demi-dragon. I wished only to be comforted.

  ​“Please, allow me to believe that Nix isn’t like Saaron. Please. I can’t lose him too.”

  ​Lotian’s embrace was comforting but not as much as his lips. From there things escalated quickly. I threw away fears of losing control and unzipped his flyer. He didn’t protest nor he helped me. He kind of stood there watching me going lower until my face stopped at the level of his cock. His, rod hard and trembling, welcomed my touch. I inhaled the intoxicating aroma of him, kissed his delicate skin and let my tongue play with his head for a moment. Above me, Lotian groaned. “…she is mine,” and “we all want you … demi-dragons have always been greedy and selfish.” The words have repeated in my head like a pre-Titan war recorder. I belonged to no one and yet I loved hearing Lotian saying I was his. How confusing it all was, wanting to be shared and fought for and fucked and loved by them in that greedy selfish way Lotian had spoken of.

  ​His cock demanded my attention as my thoughts began drifting away. I gave it to him. My mouth embraced it with roughness. My strokes brought the powerful and mighty demi-dragon to ecstasy. His moans shook the walls, his rod has been trembling each time I went too far. My dragon’s rage was still there, but strangely inactive, strangely passive. Suddenly, Lotian’s strong hands grabbed my flame hair and he locked his grip.

  ​“You’re mine!” he yelled as he came into my mouth. He kept them there until he was spent. As he let go off me I coughed.

  ​“You’re very fucking romantic,” I said with a grin.

  ​“Now, let me make you scream.”

  ​My pussy clenched at the mere thought of his muscular tongue penetrating my core and suddenly his face appeared between my legs.

  Chapter 18

  Oral sex with Lotian was amazing but there were things I couldn’t escape from. After we took a shower, refreshed ourselves and eat lunch ordered by Lotian – apparently he didn’t need a personal assistant anymore, right runes and spells could make anything obsolete – the time has come to talk about the near future. I had two factions at my back and a psychopath. Nix was an unknown, Dramer had disappeared months ago and I didn’t even consider Watermane’s and Selene’s role in this whole circus.

  ​“Your friend may get himself into trouble. I don’t know Fargo very well, but he fits a profile of someone who doesn’t easily trust. We may need to help your supernatural friend.”

  ​“Wait a minute. What are you saying? Are you on board?”

  ​Lotian nodded. “But we must do some changes. That fairy…”

  ​“Vesalius Black.”

  ​“Black, exactly. His father is a high-profile businessman in the city. You can’t trust this sort of people.”

  ​I rather expected some sort of dirt from Oceania than Vesalius. Baffling, how appearance could be deceiving. Obviously, assuming that Vesalius was a scum.

  ​“Okay, what are our options then?”

  ​“Is your other friend involved in this as well?”

  ​“That’s the whole point. We want to destroy Fargo’s reputation so she doesn’t need to challenge him.”r />
  ​“That’s a lot of work to keep her from suicide.” Lotian meant as a joke, but the timing wasn’t right. His grapefruit eyes found only a cold stare.

  ​“She can be stubborn and it looks like she won’t let this one go. Fargo and his brutes want to make her life hell. Simona has only one choice. Stand up to them. That’s how we’ve solved problems in the Wastelands. We butted them in the face.”

  ​This was all he needed to know about her because I sensed his relaxed pose.

  ​“I like her. When this shit calms down, we all should meet together. But first things first. To get Rust into Fargo’s band he has to gain their trust. That’s the most important thing, Flare.”

  ​I had no idea how could we do this. The Wastelands were straightforward. Kill or be killed. No blurred lines between friends and foes. Suddenly, I wasn’t so sure about my plan. Rust only knew what we planned, while Vesalius and I didn’t go into details. How did one become trusted by a group of scumbags? The only answers which popped into my head filled me with horrid scenes. Would I allow Rust to go this far to save Simona? Who would save Rust then?

  ​“I have no idea how to do this.”

  ​“Very simple, listen…”

  ​Three days later I met with Simona after classes. Simona didn’t pick the place or the time, neither did I. It was all Lotian’s plan at this point. While I hated the possibility, he could have been right about Nix. Dragon Soldiers were ordered to stop guarding me. One would think that after the kidnapping attempt Nix was not going to let me out of his radar. I threw him out of my head. This wasn’t the time to think of the blonde demi-dragon.


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