Collision Control

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Collision Control Page 20

by C. A. Szarek

  Jared froze just inside the room from her attached bathroom. “Something wrong?”

  The night came flying back.

  Her lover on her doorstep. His touch, his kiss.

  Making love.

  “No.” Mel shook her head and relaxed, her shoulders bumping the headboard.

  Jared smirked, his eye focused lower than her face.

  Mel blushed to her toes. She was naked and popping to a sitting position had caused the comforter to pool at her waist. He was staring at her breasts.

  Her detective stalked to the bed and crawled the rest of the way to her as soon as his knees hit the sheets.

  She gulped.

  “I’m not going to apologize for waking you,” Jared growled.

  “No?” She gasped when he grabbed her waist and tugged.

  “No, ma’am. I don’t like to lie.”

  Mel giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Met his kiss when he dipped his mouth down. Her heart and stomach fluttered at the same time when Jared settled his weight on top of her, but she was already burning for him.

  She felt feminine, vulnerable, but not in a bad way. A moan fell from her lips when he flicked his tongue over a nipple.

  As he trailed kisses down her breasts and tummy, she threw her head back into her pillow, biting her bottom lip to keep the whimpers in check.

  Jared dragged calloused hands over both of her breasts, kneading and caressing as he went. He brushed her belly then applied just the right pressure as his touch continued downward. Massaging, soothing. Turning her on even more.

  Mel’s blood sang and she squirmed. Unfortunately, her detective was in no hurry as he explored her body. She whined when he kissed below her navel.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck got her nowhere. Jared dislodged her hold, lavishing kisses on her wrists and knuckles then planted her arms to the bed.

  He gave her a stern mock-glare before releasing her. His eyes dared her to grab him again.

  It took willpower, but Mel ordered herself to lie still and let the feel of Jared—his kiss, his touch—roll over her form.

  She wiggled when he caressed her hips. His fingertips rubbed her inner thighs. Then he was there, teasing her sex. His thumbs made lazy circles above, below and on her clit.

  Applying pressure, taking it away, until Mel was so hot she could die. If he didn’t get over his unusual patience, she just might.

  Pleasure rolled over her whole body, and it was difficult to split her focus on the multiple sensations.

  An orgasm built and receded.

  She ached.



  Mel needed him.


  “Jared…” His name was a groan.

  She lifted her hips and her man finally covered her again. Mel rubbed against him like she was in heat. The friction on her throbbing sex was a relief but it wasn’t enough.

  Jared chuckled, his lips hovering millimeters above hers. “Baby. Something wrong?”

  “You’re killing me…”

  “Oh?” But his voice was too thick with desire to have Mel buy the innocence he’d been going for.

  “Kiss me,” she ordered.

  He flashed a grin before complying.

  She eagerly shoved her tongue against his when Jared slanted for a deeper kiss.

  His hands never stopped moving, brushing her with the same torturous pressure. Mel was going to climax before he even joined their bodies at this rate. She felt hollow, pulsing for him to push inside her.

  “Please…I…need…” Mel begged, as their kiss continued.

  Jared got the message. He slipped his hand between them, guiding his erection to her.

  Mel arched when he filled her with one stroke. He wasted no time, thrusting hard and deep. It was exactly what she wanted—needed—and she wrapped her legs around him. To get as close to him as she could.

  She moved with him, under him, her hands buried in his hair then on his shoulders, and finally on his ass, urging him even faster.

  Mel had never been this bold, but she burned for Jared. To feel him more—completely. She panted as her orgasm roared, her pulse pounding in her ears as he moved even faster. Her body stiffened and she could feel her core spasming.

  Pleasure rolled over her in waves. She panted his name, holding Jared even tighter.

  He groaned and hid his face in her neck. His arms tightened around Mel. A shudder racked his powerful frame as his arousal kicked and he came inside her.

  Jared lifted his head and kissed her.

  Then their gazes fused.

  They didn’t talk.

  Rough breathing was the only sound that greeted her ears.

  They were still joined, and he held himself above her but hovered. Her breasts heaved against hard pecs and her head spun as her vision cleared. Mel was conscious of every inch of her skin touching his.

  His heart pounded against hers, but it started slowing from its frantic pace.

  “Wow,” Jared whispered.

  Heat licked her cheeks.

  Oh God, I’m probably bright red.

  She chided herself from the sudden embarrassment. After the intimacy they’d just shared, it was ridiculous. “Good wow?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her, twining his tongue around hers and exploring her mouth until heat unfurled low in her belly and her limbs melted even further into her sheets.

  When Jared ended their kiss and slipped from her body, Mel felt a sense of loss that flipped her stomach.

  He rolled over and hauled her into his arms.

  The contradiction of desire and emptiness warring made her shiver. She snuggled into him, hiding her face. Mel needed to touch him. Have as much of her skin against his as she could manage. She wanted to clutch him and never let go.

  She should say something, but words wouldn’t form.

  What’s wrong with me?

  Jared sighed and started to rub her back in long strokes that made her feel tingly and content. Warmth licked her whole body and Mel closed her eyes, resting her arm across his middle.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  No. “Yes.” She lifted her head, smiling when their gazes met. “More than okay.”

  Emotion barreled into her and rocked her to her soul. Tremors chased each other down her spine and she prayed he didn’t notice her trembling.

  I’m falling for him.

  Mel swallowed.

  “Are you sure?” Jared cocked his head to one side, his dark eyes scanning her face.


  Scenes of lying in bed with David flashed into her mind, a movie on fast-forward that made her heart sink to her stomach. Then stages of their relationship. The innocence of high school, full of chaste kisses and holding hands.

  Then college. Their first time when she was nineteen and he’d been twenty. Supposedly, he’d been a virgin, too.

  Endless dates and dinners and holidays.

  His proposal and the modest fourth of a karat ring, since it was all he’d been able to afford.

  It hadn’t mattered, because she’d loved him.

  They were supposed to get married. Mel would have been content with David for the rest of her life.


  Our relationship was a lie.

  For. Six. Years.

  He’d been with another woman. Got her pregnant. Never bothered to tell Mel. What a fool he’d made of her. Watching her plan their wedding. Helped her, even. Gone as far as booking the church and hall himself. They’d ordered the cake together. He’d been measured for a tux. Had seen her excitement when she’d finally picked a gown.

  David hadn’t come to the church.

  The coward had left a note—a note—when Mel had been there, at the church full of their family and friends waiting. And waiting.

  He hadn’t answered any calls.

  His father had found the note. David hadn’t shared his plans to marry the mother of his child—children now—instead of Mel wi
th anyone.

  Not even his parents found out until much later, from what she’d heard. The note had just said he couldn’t marry her. David hadn’t even apologized, not really. He’d just said he needed to do what was best for him.

  He’d moved to Dallas and stayed there. Seeing him at school with his son and pregnant wife had been the first time in almost two years.

  Val had wanted to kill him on her should-have-been-wedding day.

  Mel should have let her.

  She’d wasted years on David.

  “Mel? Baby, talk to me.” Jared cupped her face, caressing her cheeks with both thumbs.

  She blinked. Stared into his beloved dark eyes.

  Jared is not David.

  They were night and day.

  Dark and light.

  David’s eyes were blue, his hair sandy. He was handsome, sure. But not as gorgeous as the cop holding her in his arms and studying her like he knew what was wrong.

  Okay, so he wouldn’t know what, but he wasn’t a detective for nothing. He was reading her.

  God, don’t let him see my feelings for him.

  She was liable to blurt that she loved him. Especially with him looking at her like that.

  “Mel.” Her name on his kiss-swollen lips was a mixture of concern and demand.

  “I’m good. Promise.” She scooted up and kissed him.

  Jared buried his hand in the thick waves at the back of neck, holding her to him and slanting his mouth to deepen his exploration of hers. Their tongues tangled and Mel started to melt all over.

  Her body prickled, her core throbbing despite the multiple orgasms. She would never get enough of Jared Manning.

  He broke the kiss on a pant, wrapping his arms around her. “As much as I would love to have you again, six a.m. is gonna suck.”

  Mel glanced at the clock on her nightstand and flashed a lopsided grin. 3:02 stared back in bright green. “You’re right. Do you care?” She dragged her hand down Jared’s chest, paying special attention to the dark strip of hair that led to his sex.

  She was feeling unusually brave and despite the fact they both had to wake up in three hours, Mel was going to go with it.

  He watched her and a thrill shot through her that she could give him pleasure. Jared’s dark eyes were half-lidded and he sucked in a breath when she encircled him. He wasn’t hard, but was stiffening by the second, his penis jumping against her fingers.

  His skin was so soft. She wanted to caresses every inch. And she would. Mel pumped him and Jared moaned.

  When she glanced back at his face, her detective had his eyes closed, his head tilted back, resting against the wooden headboard.

  Mel scooted down his body, still making slow, shallow strokes until he was granite in her palm. She increased her pace a little, watching the thick head disappear and reappear in her grip.

  Jared made the most delicious noises, squirming a little. He jolted when she kissed his inner thigh.

  She lifted her head and their eyes locked.


  Ignoring the question in his eyes, Mel lowered her head and licked him.

  Jared groaned. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to.” And she did. Mel wanted to make him feel good with her mouth and hands like he did to her.

  She hadn’t admitted to him she’d never given a blow job in her life, but she had told him she’d only been with one man other than him.

  Evidently Jared had correctly gauged her inexperience.


  Mel dipped down and sucked him into her mouth, running her tongue around his tip before slowly moving up and down.

  Her name fell from his lips and she noticed Jared’s arms were planted to her bed. He was making tight fists of her sheets.

  “Is it not good?” Heat seared her cheeks.

  Stupid, stupid girl, Melody Nash.

  She just wanted to make him feel good. Never having done it before, how could she assume he’d like it?

  Mel went to sit up, but she didn’t release her grip on Jared’s arousal.

  “It’s awesome. You’re driving me crazy,” he panted.

  “Then why—?”

  “You make me want to thrust into your mouth. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Her cheeks burned even more. “Oh.”

  Jared smiled. “Mel, you can touch me however, wherever, you want. I love your touch. I love how you make me feel.”

  His use of the L-word made her heart pound. “Okay. I want to do this.”

  “I’ll tell you when I’m close.”

  Mel figured what he was getting at, even though he hadn’t said it. Jared was worried about her reaction to an orgasm. “I want all of you, Jared Manning.”

  Jared paused then caressed her cheek. “All right. Whatever you want. However you want it.”

  The need to speak faded as Mel pumped him again. She took him back into her mouth, adding kisses and licks up and down his length. She used her hand at the same time, varying her speed, since he seemed to like that the most.

  Jared moaned and groaned and with every sound that greeted her ears, desire rolled over her even more.

  She was doing this to him. She was making him feel good.

  He cried out when she cupped and caressed his sac, his hips rose off the bed. When his powerful thighs tensed and his erection jumped against her tongue, Mel buried his erection into the heat of her mouth and sucked hard.

  “Oh, God, oh, God,” fell from his lips as a chant when he climaxed.

  She felt the hot rush on her tongue, tasted saltiness but it wasn’t unpleasant.

  Mel caressed his thighs and abs as pleasure rolled over his handsome features.

  His body shook and Jared hauled her into his arms as soon as she’d released him, plastering her to his chest. He took her mouth without warning, but she kissed him back until need hit in waves and her core bloomed, throbbing in a demand Jared was already answering. He buried his hand between her legs.

  He rubbed her clit in circles. There was no shying away like before when he’d teased her. Jared touched her, the pressure of his fingertips increasing until she collapsed against his chest in a boneless heap, screaming his name as she came.

  They both panted hard.


  “Wow,” Mel echoed.

  “I have no words,” Jared whispered.

  She smirked, glancing up at him. “Those are words.”

  He kissed her forehead in answer and gathered her closer. “What am I gonna do with you, Melody Nash?” A tender smile curved his full lips and her heart jumped.

  Keep me forever was on the tip of her tongue, but Mel didn’t say it.

  She couldn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Jared frowned when he reached for his phone next to him on Mel’s dining room table. He looked at the screen, saw Cole’s name and number, then set the cell face down on the ivory tablecloth.

  “Don’t you have to get that?” Mel’s brow was furrowed and he wanted to reach across, smooth her forehead and kiss her there.

  “No, baby. Tonight is all about me and you.”

  Besides, something was up with his partner. He’d felt the tension all day, though Lucas hadn’t called him out on whatever was obviously bothering him. Carrigan had been unusually quiet, too.

  Mel covered his hand with hers and smiled. “I’m glad you let me cook for you.”

  He reclined in the chair and patted his stomach. “Any time. You’re awesome in the kitchen, as you are other places.”

  Her face went crimson, but she didn’t avert her gaze.

  Jared chuckled and kissed her knuckles. “God, you’re adorable.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  He laughed again. “Why do you always argue with me?”

  “Me? I didn’t say a word.” Mel fought a smile if her expression was any indication.

  Jared growled and hauled her off her chair, onto his lap. Right when he was getting lost in her kiss, his phone
screamed for the second time. When he confirmed it was Lucas, once again he ignored the call. He pressed the button on the side, sending it directly to voicemail.

  “Jared, you should get that,” she urged, panting against his chest. She didn’t ask who it was, though.

  He shook his head. “It’s after seven. I’m off the clock, and he knows I had plans with you tonight.”


  “My partner.”

  “Detective Lucas?”

  “The very one.” Jared kissed her nose.

  “Does he call you after-hours a lot?”

  He didn’t want to answer her. Cole was only persistent when it was important, but after the heavy conversation with Joe for the second night in a row, he needed the lightness of Mel’s company, her arms, her touch and kiss.

  “Did something happen between the two of you?” she prodded.

  Jared frowned. “No, why?” His partner—and whatever was bothering the guy—would have to hold until the morning.

  “You just seem really tense. Is something wrong?”

  “No, baby.”

  Mel studied him a moment before nodding.

  “Let’s go into the living room,” he said.

  “I need to clean up, and you should call your partner.” Her voice held admonition, but Jared ignored it and kissed her again.

  She moaned on his lap and his jeans tightened.

  Last night he’d had her three times. Held her, slept with her in his arms and it’d been perfection.

  Jared needed that again. He needed it every night.

  The thought should have been jarring, but it wasn’t. He loved her. Just couldn’t tell her yet.

  Mel pulled away, her cheeks flushed pink and her light brown hair disheveled. The smile she wore was tender and his stomach jumped, despite being full with her phenomenal ranch chicken.

  Her breasts heaved as she caught her breath, and Jared reached to undo the top two buttons on her pink blouse. He needed more than the tease of cleavage peeking out.

  She slapped his hand away, but she giggled. “Stop. I have to clean up. And you need to call your partner.”

  “I don’t do well with repetition.” Jared flashed a lopsided grin.

  “No? My kids do.”

  He shook his head, but he couldn’t stop smiling. He went to kiss her again, but Mel turned her cheek. “I’m not six,” Jared whispered.


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