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Prophecy Page 1

by Ian Haywood


  Book Two Of The Legacy Series

  Written By Ian Haywood

  © Copyright 2016


  Parts of this story are told from the main character Naomi’s point of view and to make this more obvious to the reader, these parts are shown in italics.


  Zephal is finally dead.

  And after what I had experienced over the last few days, anyone would think that I would be absolutely ecstatic knowing that he couldn’t put me through any more hell.

  Of course a part of me was happy that I had finally seen the back of him, but my good fortune had been replaced with bad as I have now discovered that the man who had helped me to escape Zephal’s clutches was only doing so for his own sordid reasons.

  My face still hurts from when Lucius struck me without warning on the beach and it sickens me to the pit of my stomach that I had foolishly fallen for his charms – even to the point of nearly surrendering my body to him.

  He seemed too good to be true and I have learnt a very hard lesson indeed and I now hate Lucius with a vengeance.

  But there is no chance for me to wallow in self-pity because even with Zephal dead, my life was still in danger, but this time the person seeming to be leading the attack on me was a woman who I had never seen before in my life.

  At least I knew her name to be Alana because that’s what Lucius called her a few moments ago when she suddenly appeared on the beach.

  And even though I knew nothing about here, it was clear to see that Lucius would do anything that she asked without question – just like some kind of lapdog.

  But as pathetic as he looked doing whatever Alana asked, Lucius was still able to cause some serious physical harm to me if I tried to do anything stupid.

  Gone was the protective and soft-spoken Lucius, now replaced by nothing more than a crazed monster and it was blatantly clear that he was enjoying the fear that he was building within me as I wondered what he would do to me next.

  And if he did decide to hit out at me again, I didn’t hold much hope that Alana would do anything to stop him.

  I was already being taken against my will from the beach on Lucius’s shoulders and no matter how much I screamed or kicked out in an attempt to break free from his grasp, he took the greatest of pleasure in demonstrating how weak I was compared to him.

  Daylight was now slowly turning into darkness as I was being taken through a long dark tunnel and with every step Lucius took, the less I could see.

  But the pitch black didn’t seem to deter Alana and Lucius in any way and a strong feeling of claustrophobia started to take over my body as I had no idea where we were right now and where we were heading to either.

  Lucius must have picked up on how I was feeling right now and he gave out a laugh before tightening the grip that he had on me – so much so that I found it incredibly difficult to continue breathing normally.

  He knew damn well what he was doing to me right now and even though I couldn’t see his face right now, I knew for certain that he was smiling away as he silently tortured me.

  Although I couldn’t see where we were right now, I did manage to pick up the damp smell that surrounded us and I even wondered when this tunnel would actually come to an end because it seemed like we had been walking through it for eternity.

  But a brief moment of relief came over me as we suddenly turned left and the darkness was suddenly replaced by light once again.

  The welcoming source of light came from flaming torches strategically placed along stone walls and it became obvious to me that wherever we were heading to must be getting closer, but try as I might to maneuver myself into some kind of position to see what was in front of us became impossible as Lucius quickly forced me back down.

  Within seconds of giving up the fight, we suddenly came to a halt and I could make out the sounds of shuffling feet ahead of us - as if someone else had joined us.

  Lucius was stationary and the shuffling I heard was from more than one person and I was pretty confident that it was only Alana who had begun the journey through the tunnels with Lucius and myself.

  The eerie silence that had filled the tunnels was now replaced by a booming echo of what sounded like huge heavy doors being opened and as Lucius began moving again, I was greeted by the sight of two impressive wooden doors being guarded by two armed soldiers who were just as large as Lucius.

  And they even seemed to hold the same amount of contempt for me because as they closed the doors, they both gave me a look that would have killed me on the spot if it was possible to do so.

  As soon as the doors shut, Lucius immediately loosened his grip on me, instantly sending me crashing down onto a hard marble floor.

  I looked up towards Lucius and as I did so, suddenly heard a sound very much like a number of wooden chairs being dragged across a floor and I quickly turned around to discover a number of robed men standing around a table staring at me with bewilderment.

  I had no idea whatsoever who these men were who had their gazes firmly fixed on me, but I could immediately tell that they all held some kind of authority.

  Alana broke the silence by addressing them loudly.

  “Gentlemen, I know that a good number of you had noticed Lucius’s absence for a little while and I am also aware that there have been a few secret whispers going around the ranks as to where his whereabouts may be. Many have even questioned his allegiance to our cause without one tiny shred of evidence to support such an allegation – but as you can plainly see right now, he stands before you at my side proving his doubters wrong and displaying his true allegiance. While many of you took great enjoyment in helping to fuel these rumours, Lucius took on a secret mission for me – the importance of which was so great that I chose not to let anyone know but myself. And he hasn’t let us me down. He has managed to succeed and because of his actions, we know have the greatest weapon we could possibly have in our fight against Gereziac!”

  I looked up at Lucius and immediately noticed the smuggest grin I have ever seen in my life and it became even more prominent as Alana continued speaking.

  “It seems that our good fortune continues to shine brightly upon us! We have already managed to acquire the Great Book from under the Great Council’s noses and by doing so, discovered that Gereziac had a daughter who secretly existed hidden away from harm. Gentlemen, we found out her whereabouts and Lucius managed to bring her here to us without Gereziac or any of his men stopping him from doing so. The girl you see in front of you is in fact Gereziac’s daughter.”

  One of the men around the table spoke.

  “Then, Lucius deserves our congratulations on the success of his mission!”

  Alana immediately laughed and turned towards Lucius.

  “Do you hear that, Lucius? It seems that you are now worthy of the praise of your fellow Generals! Only now do they see you fit to stand amongst them for managing to do what neither of them would ever be capable of! As far as I recall, was it not me who managed to obtain the Great Book without getting caught? Was it not you Lucius who single-handedly manage to bring Gereziac’s daughter from the mortal world? Was it also not you who managed to kill the best General in Gereziac’s army?”

  The gasps of astonishment that came from the men around the table echoed around the room at what Alana had just told them.

  The same man who had spoken a moment ago did so once again.

  “Zephal is dead?” he asked, almost in a state of shock.


  Alana nodded her head and walked towards the table, stopping inches away from General Azaac.

  “I know it is hard for you to believe, but Zephal is indeed dead. His body lies at this very moment on
the beach near the portal. As you are all aware, Zephal was not only the best soldier that our opposition possessed, but he was also Gereziac’s best friend. I can’t wait to see the expression on Gereziac’s face when he sees for himself that we not only have his daughter, but we also have the dead body of the one person who he had sent to protect her in the first place. That will break him for sure and his army will fall soon after!”

  No matter how much he tried, it was plain to see that General Azaac was incredibly nervous that Alana was standing so close to him and after what felt like an eternity to him, he gave an inaudible sigh of relief as Alana moved towards an empty seat at the head of the table.

  All the Generals around the table watched her attentively as she sat down and patiently waited for Alana’s signal for them to also take their seats.

  Lucius however did not join everyone at the table, even though there was an empty seat available, but the reason for him remaining at my side was to keep guard over me just in case I made a sudden bolt for freedom.

  It doesn’t embarrass me one bit to openly admit that I am feeling absolutely terrified right now, but something inside my head kept reminding me that I was worth much more to Alana and Lucius alive right now rather than dead like Zephal.

  But the tension that was running through my body right now was nowhere near as strong as the tension that was beginning to fill the air across the room from Lucius and me.

  Everyone around the table were the elite of Alana’s army and in being so held incredible power – not only in giving out orders to their soldiers, but also possessing physiques that showed strength that could easily destroy anyone in moments if they were stupid enough to want to get into a fight with them.

  Even the oldest man around the table, General Azaac, sent a chill up my spine – but one thing was blatantly clear.

  They all feared Alana.

  And ever since she had taken her seat, not one of the Generals had dared to take their glance away from her.

  I moved ever so slightly to make myself as comfortable as I possibly could be on a cold marble floor, but as I did so, Lucius turned to me and chillingly gave me a warning.

  “Keep still bitch or I promise I will break every bone in that puny body of yours so you won’t be able to move again!”

  I instantly thought that maybe I was wrong to think that I was worth more to them alive, but Alana’s response to Lucius from across the room built my hopes up a little more.

  “Lucius, we must be more courteous to our guest! Perhaps we should offer her a seat until I am finished here? You know how long and tedious these meetings can be sometimes.”

  And true to Alana’s word, a disgruntled Lucius picked me up from the floor by my hair and unceremoniously pushed me down onto a wooden seat that was only a couple of feet away from me.

  I knew the best thing for me to do was to remain silent – Lucius did not look too happy right now and after a few seconds, Alana continued speaking again.

  “Gentlemen, the time is nigh for us to use our battle skills against Gereziac’s army and we must all be fully aware that anyone who dares to stand in our way must be destroyed – whether they are soldiers or not. But before we go into battle, I must be sure that every one of my Generals are loyal to the cause!”

  All the men around the table nodded their head in unison and as they did so, Alana rose to her feet.

  “I need to know that the men I lead into battle with me are willing enough to do whatever it takes to be victorious – even if it means sacrificing their own lives to do so.”

  Once again, the men nodded together and Alana slowly began to walk around the table, making everyone seated incredibly nervous.

  “You have all been greatly rewarded for your loyalty to me in the past, but it is the present and the future which concern me right now. Actions speak louder than words gentlemen – and it is clear to me that there is only one person in this room right now who has shown any sign of unquestionable loyalty towards me and I’m sure that everyone around this table agrees with me that he should be aptly rewarded for doing so.”

  This time the nods of agreement were not as forthcoming as the other ones had been, but Alana continued speaking regardless.

  “I think it’s time for a change in the hierarchy – out with the old and in with the new you could say. That is why I am promoting Lucius to my Head General.”

  All the men around the table gasped and General Azaac immediately sprung up from his seat and started protesting loudly.

  “But that is my position!” he shouted.

  Alana walked over towards him and raised her voice much louder than his.

  “I think you will find that I lead this army, not you Azaac! I told you that I wanted loyalty from my Generals, not secret mutinous whispers! Your sly attempts at undermining me behind my back have not gone unnoticed! You talk so bravely about my faults when I am not around, but you are too spineless to speak to me face to face! You also have referred to Lucius as my pet – ready to perform any trick I choose at a moment’s notice for my own entertainment! You dare to question my authority? From this second, your men are now assigned to General Lucius and they will follow his every order. Do I make myself clear, General Azaac?”

  But instead of agreeing with her, General Azaac once again foolishly spoke out of turn.

  “I really must protest, Alana!”

  Alana may be quick with her words, but she was about to prove to everyone in the room just how quick her sword skills were as well.

  Without anyone noticing, Alana had pulled her sword out from under her robe and without a second’s hesitation, she swung it through the air until it finally met its target.

  Everyone gasped in sheer horror as General Azaac’s head flew through the air until it landed on the marble floor, soon to be accompanied by the body that it was once attached to.

  I wanted to scream, but the realization that Lucius was within striking distance made me stop.

  I am now well aware of what Alana is capable of doing and as I look across at her, I notice her calmly wiping the blood off her sword with her robe before addressing the bemused remaining Generals as if nothing had ever happened.

  “General Lucius and his men will escort me to meet with the Great Council – we have enough of our men within its ranks to persuade the others to call such a meeting to avoid any bloodshed. It is during this meeting that I will inform them of Zephal’s untimely demise and present the body to them. I can positively say that Gereziac would be contacted immediately and he would be intent on finding out who was responsible for his friend’s death.”

  “And when he discovers that it was General Lucius who had killed him, Gereziac would want Lucius executed and in doing so give us a reason to declare war on him and his army?” asked one of the Generals.

  Alana stopped and looked directly at him, causing another moment of silent panic within the room.

  “That would be too easy General, but I do admire your initiative in that plan. But why put one of our own on the line when we could simply say that someone else was responsible for Zephal’s death? Surely that person would have to be sentenced to death under the Great Council’s own laws?”

  Everyone looked at each other confused for a moment, but soon Alana explained her plan further.

  “Gereziac and the Elders within the Great Council would immediately want to put the person responsible on trial for Zephal’s murder. Imagine the look on Gereziac’s face when the person we present to him is none other than his very own daughter! Lucius and I would stand as witnesses to Zephal’s murder and demand that justice is served. That would cause complete and utter disarray within the Great Chambers, therefore giving us the perfect opportunity for our army to attack.”

  I couldn’t hold the urge back anymore to remain silent after just hearing that I was about to be blamed for a murder that I didn’t commit for which I could be sentenced to death.

  “What the hell do you people want from me?” I shouted, not caring for
one second that Lucius could inflict some kind of punishment upon me at any moment. “You seem to have this crazy idea that I am the daughter of some guy you obviously have a hatred for by the name of Gereziac – but I can definitely assure you that my real father was no leader of an army, but a hard-working man who loved his family very much until he and my mother died in a car crash a few years ago! There’s nothing special about me! I keep trying to understand why everyone is so interested in me all of a sudden – even to the point where there’s nothing but death around me! It seems that everyone is fighting each other in order to use me as some kind of pawn in a stupid war that exists between each other!”

  I had to stop shouting in order to catch my breath and instead of receiving some kind of blow from Lucius, Alana just calmly walked towards me.

  “You really have no idea, do you?” she spoke softly into my ear, “They protected you and in doing so made you believe that the ones that looked after you were your real parents for your own safety. But the day your surrogate parents died was the day that all the protection you had was gone. Gereziac thought that you would be safe in the mortal world, but he was wrong as no mortal is strong enough against our kind. You were always being followed by the Disciples of Draig – a group that Gereziac thought had been wiped out many years ago, but they quite literally surrounded you by blending in as other mortals with some even becoming parts of your life. These people helped Lucius to find you and bring you here. I can sense that you are undoubtedly the little princess that they tried to hide, but I can also sense fear radiating from within you. I did envision you as being someone with a lot more fight and aggression, not the feeble weakling that I see before me! The time that you spent hidden in the mortal world has obviously taken its toll on you – where have those powers gone that you were supposedly born with? You are a prophecy within the Great Book, but I see nothing within you to even fear. You seriously won’t last five minutes in this world and if I’m being honest, I really think that I am doing you some kind of a favour by getting you executed. When Gereziac is finally dead and you are disposed of, that day would be the greatest day of my life and I will celebrate by claiming the throne for myself!”


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