Angel 1089

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Angel 1089 Page 20

by CC Bridges

  He’d stayed online long enough to hear that the angels were leaving. News of the brief battle spread throughout Old Trent, the feeds full of chatter and shaky video. Jeff looked for Gabe, unable to find him in the network once the angel left the demon monitoring devices.

  “Your boy has some serious balls, Jeff,” Hank had said, before they’d slipped back out of Gabe’s prison. “Taking on both angels and demons.”

  Jeff could only wait now to see if Gabe fulfilled his promise to come back. Even after all Jeff had done, Gabe had forgiven him—forgiven and understood the deal Jeff had made. Gabe couldn’t have chosen to go back to Heaven after all that—could he?

  No sooner had the traitorous thought crossed his mind, a golden speck appeared, getting larger as it grew closer. Jeff couldn’t bring himself to venture out, not yet, so he just watched as Gabe glided in, his wings unfurled to their full length. His angel stepped gently onto the earth and greeted a bouncing Trixie.

  Then Gabe hugged Kayla, holding her close to his chest for a moment before moving on and bringing his wings in tight. Ronnie stood there, her arms crossed over her chest and her head bowed. Gabe touched her cheek. Jeff could read the words I’m sorry on his lips. Only then did the tears start to fall from Ronnie’s eyes. She turned away.

  Gabe looked directly at Jeff now, their eyes meeting across the junkyard. Jeff missed their connection in the net, how he knew exactly what his angel was thinking and feeling. He flexed his fingers, missing even more the way Gabe felt beneath his hands. With a half smile, Gabe moved toward the workshop. Jeff’s heart beat faster with every step Gabe took. Finally, when he was close enough to touch, Jeff took him by the arms and pulled Gabe toward him, unable to keep from pressing their lips together.

  Jeff moved, hauling the angel back with him. Gabe turned away just long enough to shut the workshop door behind him. He paused with his back against it, bare chest heaving as he took a deep breath and stared at Jeff. Desire coiled in Jeff’s gut. He approved of the lean muscles, the smooth skin that Jeff ached to slide his hands against.

  “I’m sorry.” Jeff held his desire in check, needing Gabe to understand. More than that, he needed the former angel’s forgiveness.

  Gabe pressed a finger against Jeff’s lips. “I know. But what choice did you have?”

  “I didn’t know you yet.” Jeff took Gabe’s hand from his lips, massaging the palm gently. “I didn’t expect this. You came into my life and turned everything upside down.”

  Gabe chuckled. “Now you know how I felt when I woke up in your living room.”

  Jeff couldn’t begin to imagine it—being lost in an outlandish world and at a stranger’s mercy. “Will you stay? With me? Us?”

  Gabe nodded, a smile transforming his face. “Heaven isn’t my home anymore.”

  “Come here,” Jeff growled, tugging at the waistband of Gabe’s pants. He’d been patient long enough. How stupid of him to have ever preferred riding the net to this pure connection, this intimate meeting of flesh against flesh. Even when their minds had been linked, it couldn’t compare to how it felt to be pressed against Gabe, to breathe him in, lose himself in the miracle of his body.

  Gabe laughed as he tucked his own hands under Jeff’s shirt, the coolness of his fingers shocking at first. Jeff determined to warm them both up. He unsnapped Gabe’s pants as he brought his mouth to lick at the angel’s collarbone, savoring the salty taste. Gabe smelled like the open air, his body a tribute to flight and freedom.

  “Jeff.” Gabe’s lips dragged along Jeff’s jaw, mouthing at the heavy stubble there. “Want you.”

  Jeff moaned in response. As much as he wanted Gabe, he wanted more than humping against the wall. Jeff backed up, removing himself from Gabe long enough to tug the tiny cot from its hiding place beneath the worktable. He hadn’t used it in ages. Once, Jeff hadn’t needed to put it away, so involved in projects that he could only snatch a few hours of sleep here and there. Things had changed. The cot was barely big enough to hold him, but it would serve its purpose. Jeff wanted their bodies to touch, to join from chest to toes, and he needed a sturdy surface for that.

  Gabe didn’t speak. They were already in sync, like they were mentally joined again. He shoved his pants down his hips and off, kicking them away along with his shoes. Jeff struggled to catch up, shrugging off his shirt and unbuttoning his fly. Gabe caught him, sliding his hands around the band and tugging Jeff’s pants down angrily, as if he was personally affronted by them.

  Jeff had to laugh at that, standing stark naked with his cock bobbing toward Gabe. Already on his knees, Gabe leaned forward and licked a stripe up Jeff’s dick, turning his laugh into a strangled groan. Gabe’s mouth was sinful, wet and warm and just enough suction to take Jeff right to the edge. Then Gabe pulled off.

  Before Jeff could protest, Gabe pushed him back toward the cot. Jeff obeyed the unspoken command, lying down so Gabe could straddle him, chest to chest, cock to cock. He arched up against Gabe, feeling heat from his lover’s skin for the first time.

  Gabe reached down, catching them both in his hand, his saliva slicking the motion. They rocked together, fighting to reach completion. Jeff grabbed Gabe’s upper arms, holding on so tightly he knew there would be bruises. He couldn’t help himself, unable to do anything but let Gabe control the movement, hitching their thighs together so close it felt like they were one person.

  With a gasp Gabe came first, spilling hot over Jeff’s cock and belly. That set Jeff off, moaning as he gave in, pleasure coiling in his groin. Gabe hid his face against Jeff’s chest, and Jeff buried his hands in his soft curls, petting them gently.

  “Thought I lost you forever.” Jeff pressed a kiss on the top of Gabe’s head.

  “Almost did,” Gabe said, his voice a bit shaky.

  Jeff knew that. He still couldn’t believe that Gabe was here in his arms, that his deal with Luca hadn’t destroyed them both.

  HANK AND Ian returned a few hours later, after the sky had gone dark and the bright junkyard lights had come up. They’d retrieved Mattie’s body, which Ronnie took charge of. She led the covered hovercart away, into the heart of the junkyard.

  Gabe didn’t know how they dealt with death here in Old Trent. Angels fallen in battle were mourned, but their bodies were brought back to the labs to be recycled. He stayed back and observed, still unsettled from the day. The angels had retreated, but he couldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t be back. Gabe knew Luca would lick his wounds for a while, but he was probably pissed off at losing his one chance at the God AI and at Gabe for costing him that opportunity.

  He kept those thoughts from Jeff and Kayla right now but knew he’d have to bring them up eventually. They weren’t safe here anymore, but Gabe didn’t know what to do. Where could they go?

  “Come on.” Kayla took him by the hand and led him to the open clearing in the junkyard where the others had gathered.

  They all circled a long hovercart covered by a dark tarp, Ian with a protective arm around Hank, Ronnie with her head bowed, and Jeff fiddling with a control box. Gabe couldn’t imagine Mattie beneath the tarp. The last time he’d seen her she’d been laughing, her mouth stretched into a wide grin. He’d missed his one chance to say goodbye. He could pay his respects now.

  Each of them took a turn around the body. Kayla was the first. She murmured, “I’ll miss you, Mattie,” before moving back to them. Jeff squeezed her shoulder, and she wiped at her eyes.

  Gabe followed, unsure what to say. He thought of the vibrant woman who’d defended herself so handily at Lick, how she had fed him dessert at Ronnie’s, how she’d smiled and laughed. He remembered how unhappy she’d been, looking for something brighter and better.

  “Be at peace,” he decided on, because Mattie deserved to finally rest.

  Jeff moved into place next. He didn’t say a word, merely placed his hand on the tarp and bowed his head. When he returned to the group, his eyes were red.

  Hank and Ian walked over together. Ian spoke for them both.
“It’s not going to be the same without you here. I’ll always keep looking for you. We’ll never forget what you did for us.”

  “You didn’t deserve this.” Hank’s voice came out hoarse and raspy.

  Ronnie went last. She put both hands over the tarp, tears streaming from her eyes. “You’re not there,” she said. “I know it. But it’s the only way I can say goodbye.”

  Gabe put an arm around Kayla, tugging her close. Trixie lay at their feet, catching on to the subdued mood, her head between her paws. When Ronnie finally drew away, Jeff stepped forward with the control box. Gabe didn’t know why until the hovercart began to rise, moving high into the sky. He had to strain his neck to keep it in sight.

  Ronnie nodded at Jeff, who touched a button. With a silent spark the cart exploded, instantly vaporizing everything it contained. There would be no ashes, no body to bury. Mattie had gone, and there would be no remains.

  After a moment, Ian stepped up to Jeff, and Gabe guessed he’d come to say goodbye, go back to where they lived. Instead he held out something on a long chain.

  “Ian?” Jeff took the object. Gabe moved closer and recognized the data chip. “What is this?”

  “You can’t stay here, Jeff. You know that.” Hank stood next to his lover. He held his own chip and offered it to Gabe. “But with these you guys can get out of here. Leave Heaven Corp, up to USC, hell maybe even out to Texico. I got enough money on there. You should be fine.”

  “Hank,” Jeff protested. “I can’t accept this.”

  “Sure you can,” Ian said. “Just leave us the junkyard. Fair trade.”

  “And I’m sure with your skills you’ll be able to make one up for Kayla.” Hank rubbed her hair, and she ducked away to avoid him.

  Gabe leaned against Jeff, letting his warmth seep into him. “Are you sure?” This would solve everything. They would be able to hide from the demons and Heaven both and yet leave the junkyard in capable hands. He’d never expected to have such loyal friends.

  “We’re never going back up.” Hank narrowed his eyes. “But I don’t want to just throw our chips away. You need them more than we do right now.”

  “And Trent needs this place.” Ian waved his hand, encompassing all of the junkyard. “Hank is hopeless with tech, but I might be able to pick up a thing or two.”

  “Hey.” Hank pushed at Ian’s shoulder. Ian just grinned and planted a kiss on Hank’s nose.

  Jeff turned to Gabe, his forehead furrowed. “But to leave….”

  Gabe understood. This was Jeff’s home. He’d loved and lost here. He took Jeff’s hand in his, rubbing the warm skin gently. “You know they’re right. Luca isn’t going to leave either of us alone.”

  Kayla stepped up, catching her father’s other hand. “We’ll be okay, Dad. As long as Trixie can come too.”

  Jeff laughed. “Wouldn’t leave her behind.”

  Gabe looked down at the ID chip. Names were such funny things. He’d thought his old one lost, but it had been shaken loose after Gabe had left the net. No one had called him Nathan in two hundred years.

  Jeff looked over at him, his eyes narrowed. Gabe gave him a smile to show that everything was okay. The man had given Gabe a new life and a new name. Gabe couldn’t just forget his past as an angel, so Gabe suited him—bridging his past and his future.

  “We’ll make it work.” Gabe cradled the ID chip to his chest.

  Together they had stood against angels and demons. Gabe knew it wouldn’t be easy leaving to make yet another new start. However, he wouldn’t be alone. Jeff and Kayla would stand with him for whatever the future threw at them.

  More from CC Bridges

  Heaven Corp: Book Two

  Henry “Hank” Abraham’s privileged status in the floating city of Heaven lets him flout Morality Laws that control the lives of others. But when he wakes up in the arms of another stranger, only bodyguard Ian Caldwell’s quick thinking saves his life.

  Though Ian’s from the low levels and the labor class, he’s used to dealing with the pampered society of Heaven. He’s assigned to protect Hank while angels, cybernetically modified humans who defend Heaven, investigate the assassination attempt. Doing his job means Ian must ignore his growing interest in Hank. Acting on their mutual attraction would certainly get Ian reprogrammed, something neither of them can afford.

  When Hank follows Ian to a popular BDSM club in Downside and his ID chip is lost during a nearly fatal mugging, he finds himself locked out of Heaven. As Ian fights to get them home, rumors of impending war begin to circulate—along with more troubling news that Ian is wanted for Hank’s murder. While struggling to keep the man he has come to love safe, Ian must find out who’s behind the plot and if it’s a catalyst for war or just a convenient excuse.

  The night Nick Henderson storms into Martelli’s Pizzeria, he’s just looking for something to eat. Along with dinner, he finds Lou Martelli—pizza cook extraordinaire and Jersey Shore native. Nick is renting a Shore house for the winter while taking classes at the local community college as he devises a way to escape the accounting major his father chose for him.

  When Lou offers to show Nick around, heat flares between them as they realize they have more in common than domineering families. But it’s not all fun and games on the boardwalk. Hurricane Sandy blows ashore, changing the place Nick was starting to think of as home. His peace is shattered, and it will take everything he has to keep his relationship with Lou from being torn apart by the storm brewing around them.

  CC BRIDGES is a mild-mannered librarian by day, but by night she writes about worlds of adventure and romance. When she’s not busy solving puzzles in an escape room, she can be found diving into comics or binge-watching superhero movies. She writes surrounded by books, spare computing equipment, a fluffy dog, and a long-suffering husband in the state of New Jersey. In 2011, she won a Rainbow Award for best gay sci-fi/futuristic novel.



  Twitter: @ccbridgeswriter

  Email: [email protected]

  By CC Bridges

  Love in the Time of Hurricanes

  Teddy Bear Christmas


  Angel 1089



  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Angel 1089

  © 2017 CC Bridges.

  Cover Art

  © 2017 L.C. Chase.

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or

  ISBN: 978-1-64080-041-0

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-64080-042-7

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2017912391

  Published November 2017

  v. 2.0

  First Edition published by
Samhain Publishing, 2010.

  Printed in the United States of America




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