Colorado Christmas

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Colorado Christmas Page 15

by C. C. Coburn

  “Because I nearly died in an avalanche.”

  Becky felt the blood drain from her face. “You…you nearly…died?” She touched his arm, as though by touching him she could assure herself he was real. Alive. “What happened?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “I want to hear it.” She slid her hand down his arm and caught his hand in hers.

  And so he told her.

  WHEN HE’D FINISHED, she placed her hand against his cheek. Her voice hoarse with emotion, she said, “Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it took a lot of courage.”

  Will covered her hand, apparently unable to speak.

  Nicolas wandered up to them, his gaze taking in their joined hands. Hers gloved, Will’s bare.

  “Ready to go and do that last-minute shopping, sweetie?” she asked, needing to distract him.

  Will hefted the chairs into the back of the truck. “Don’t feel obligated to buy presents for the family. There are way too many of us. Besides, your presence is gift enough for Mom.”

  “That’s very kind, but I wouldn’t dream of spending Christmas with your family without bringing something.”

  Will took down the bale Dugald had been sitting on earlier, clipped the wire and put it out for the elk. The little dog was so exhausted from running around in the snow, he was curled up on the front seat of the truck, fast asleep, as they drove away from the grazing elk.

  THAT EVENING WILL STAYED for dinner. He and Nicolas prepared spaghetti Bolognese while Becky luxuriated in the bath.

  Throughout dinner, Will couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He’d tried so hard to maintain a professional distance, but it wasn’t working. She avoided his eyes and kept up the chatter with Nick, who was bragging about having beaten him at Trivial Pursuit.

  Finally, she met his eyes and said with a smile that warmed his soul, “You do realize he’s memorized all the answers, don’t you?”

  “I realized it the first time we played, so I went and bought the latest edition. He pretty much knew those answers, too.” Will pulled a mock frown and Becky laughed outright. He loved it when she forgot she was his boss or the town judge and was just Becky. A mother, proud of her son. A sexy woman…

  Whoa, there! he warned himself. Gotta keep that professional distance.

  But his plans went haywire as soon as Nick was tucked up in bed.

  He’d brought a CD and left it playing during dinner and was humming along when Becky returned from saying goodnight to Nick.

  “Thank you for suggesting I adopt Dugald,” she said, coming into the kitchen. “That little dog has made such a difference to Nicolas. And so have you. He’s a different child these days,” she said and kissed his cheek.

  For a moment, they both stood frozen, as if equally shocked by her gesture. And then Will did the only thing he could think of to defuse the situation. He drew her to him and spun her around, dancing her into the living room.

  Bad move, he decided when he saw how dimly lit the room was. And now Dean Martin was singing his favorite song! Really bad move.

  “Sing to me,” she whispered against his throat.

  Will’s mouth was so dry, he wasn’t sure he could even hum it without faltering, but he gave it his best shot.

  Becky rested her head against him, which made him miss a note. He cleared his throat and continued, concentrating on the lyrics to take his mind off what he really wanted to do with Becky.

  “I could listen to you sing all night long,” she sighed wistfully as the song ended.

  Night. She shouldn’t have said that. It conjured up all sorts of erotic images.

  When he didn’t respond, she stepped back. He could see, even in the lamplight, that she was blushing. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out that way.”

  “Hush,” he murmured, still holding her loosely, holding her gaze, daring her to look away.

  When she didn’t, he traced her bottom lip with his thumb. She expelled a breath and her eyes closed.

  “Look at me,” he said, and when she opened her eyes, he knew she wanted this as much as he did.

  He cupped her cheeks and touched his mouth to hers, tentatively at first and then deepening the kiss when her fingers increased their pressure on his arms.

  He was surrounded by sensations: her taste, her scent, the tiny whimpers that escaped her, the softness of her lips and, most especially, the urgency implied by the way her fingernails dug into him, drawing him closer.

  But this couldn’t go any further, not with Nick upstairs.

  He took her upper arms and gently pried her hands away.


  Confusion filled her enticing green eyes. He hated doing this to her. To him. Fighting to control his breath, he said, “I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  “I didn’t mind.”

  He touched a finger to her lips and said, “I know.”

  Unable to bear the hurt and confusion in her eyes, he released her and turned away, brushing his hand through his hair.

  When he’d gotten his breathing under control, he looked back at her. “I’d better go. I’ll see you in the morning.”


  “I’m going, because if I stay, I’ll never be able to leave. You don’t want that. Good night, boss,” he said, to reinforce to both of them that they needed to get their libidos under control, at least until he was no longer her employee.

  He closed the door behind him.

  STUNNED AT WILL’S SUDDEN departure, Becky stared at her front door for several minutes, forcing the tears that threatened not to fall. At first she’d thought he was rejecting her, but his parting words allayed that fear.

  A tiny smile curved her mouth as she headed upstairs to bed.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Is it really okay for me to stay at the ranch tonight, Mom?”

  Becky and Nicolas had joined the O’Malley family in the town square to participate in the annual Carols by Candlelight event. Afterward they’d all gather at Two Elk for dinner.

  Becky smiled down at her son. “Yes, sweetie, if that’s what you’d like.”

  “Yes!” Nicolas punched the air.

  “You’ll need to pack your pajamas and some clothes for the morning.”

  “And your toothbrush,” Will put in.

  “Wow, my first sleepover!” he cried and high-fived Luke’s daughters. Then he sobered. “Are you sure you won’t be lonely without me tonight?”

  Becky’s heart filled with love. Nicolas was such a sweet, considerate child and she was so lucky to have him. She hugged him and said, “Of course not. I’ll have Dugald for company.”

  Nicolas frowned, as though debating whether this was a fair exchange. During the past week he’d learned to ski—strictly on the kiddie slopes. Will claimed he was one of the fastest learners ever, earning Becky’s gratitude for saying so in front of her son.

  An outing to the Denver Museum of Science and Nature was also a huge hit, not least because Sasha and Daisy had tagged along. And Luke was teaching him to ride. Her son’s days were filled with activity—and some intellectual pursuits sprinkled in for good measure.

  Light snow began to fall as they walked back from the park. By the time they got to Becky’s, it was coming down in fat, lazy flakes.

  “Looks like we’ll have a white Christmas,” Will remarked as he held open the door and hummed a few bars from “White Christmas.” He grinned. “Snow’s forecast all through the week.”

  “Oh, boy!” Nicolas cried. “My first white Christmas in the mountains and my first sleepover! Life doesn’t get any better than this.” He tore upstairs to pack an overnight bag.

  BECKY TURNED AND WATCHED the lights of the ranch fading into the distance as they drove back to town after dinner. Snow was still falling, but Will negotiated the roads with practiced ease. “Having second thoughts?” he asked.

  She turned to face forward. “Not about the sleepover. I’m so happy for him, but also a little sad that this is the
first night we won’t be together.”

  He reached over and gave her knee a comforting pat. “It’s a perfectly natural reaction. I loved seeing the excitement in his eyes. This is about the happiest I’ve seen that little guy.”

  She was about to cover Will’s hand to impart her gratitude for all he’d done for Nicolas but he took his hand away to make a sharp turn.

  “I know I keep saying this, but I really want to thank you. Nicolas is a different child in so many ways and I know a lot of that’s due to you.”

  Will smiled across at her. “You’re welcome. Spending time with him has enriched my life.”

  The admission surprised her. “How so?”

  “The first time I met him at the pool, he was such a spunky little guy. He came right up to me and said, ‘Hi,’ like he was so self-assured. But I sensed a vulnerability and I…wanted to protect him.” He shrugged. “I know it’s natural for parents to feel protective toward their children, but something about Nick reached deep down inside me. I wanted to help him live life to the fullest. He’s so courageous and he’ll grab every opportunity with both hands and do the best he can.”

  Becky’s heart swelled at Will’s insight and his desire to help her son. In a moment of uncharacteristic impulsiveness, she took his hand, brought it to her mouth and kissed it. And then, unable to resist, she turned his hand over and placed her lips on his palm.

  WILL NEARLY STEERED the vehicle off the road. The sensation of her moist lips touching his palm had his body responding instantly. He fought the wheel, trying to bring his SUV back in control—or at least under more control than his hormones.

  “Ah, sorry about that. Slight lapse in concentration,” he said and glanced across at Becky. She was grinning at him.

  She knew exactly what she was doing! He grabbed her hand and laid it on his thigh. Then moved it lower, toward his knee, not wanting her to know how serious that lapse in concentration really was.

  Not yet.

  “YOU SAID YOU WEREN’T having second thoughts about Nick’s sleepover,” Will said as they pulled up outside her house. He switched off the ignition. “So, what are you thinking about?”

  “Inviting you in for a nightcap.” There it was. She’d as much said she wanted him in her bed. Because wasn’t that what the question implied when it was posed in the movies? A nightcap was a euphemism for sex.

  Becky couldn’t believe her audaciousness, but for too many nights she’d lain awake dreaming of Will.

  When he didn’t say anything, she reached for the door handle, feeling like a fool, but Will caught her elbow and drew her back to face him. “Are you sure you know what’s usually meant by a nightcap? Because it often means, ‘Come inside and let’s make love.’ However, it can also mean, ‘Come inside and have a brandy or a cup of coffee.’ I want to be absolutely sure of what you’re asking.”

  She swallowed. Cursing the quaver in her voice, she said quietly, “Which one would you say yes to?”

  “Both,” he told her, without hesitation.

  She couldn’t hide her happiness. “Really?”

  “Yes. Really.”

  Suddenly self-conscious, she turned away. “I was so afraid you’d say no.”

  He grasped her chin and turned her to face him again. “I’ve wanted to make love to you since the moment we met.”

  With shaking hands, she fumbled with her door handle. By the time she’d managed to open it, Will was there to help her out. Unable to meet his eyes and the intensity of his gaze, she forced strength into her legs and marched up her front path.

  As soon as they were inside, Will kicked the door shut and pinned her against it, his hands cradling her face, his lips working their magic, convincing her this was right. His take-charge attitude, combined with tenderness, excited her. His kisses melted her. He wrapped his strong arms around her. And she loved it.

  When they finally came up for air, he said, “What’s next?”

  Yes, what was next? Becky slipped out of his arms. She’d never seduced a man and wasn’t sure of the protocol.

  “Would you like coffee or a drink?” she asked to hide her nervousness and strode into the kitchen.

  “Neither,” he murmured, stepping up behind her, setting all her nerve endings on alert.

  The light of the lamp on the table in the hallway created an intimate mood. “Now, where were we?” he asked, lifting her hair and kissing the nape of her neck, sending delicious sensations shimmying through her.

  Becky sighed. She wanted this so much. Wanted Will so much. He made her yearn for things she couldn’t have. But maybe, just for one night, she could.

  He pulled her back against him, nuzzling her neck.

  It felt wonderful to be held so close. So close that she was aware of Will’s very male reaction.

  She turned, slid her arms around his neck and said, “Make love to me, Will. Please?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Are you sure about this?”


  He smiled at her enthusiasm.

  This man is too good to be true, a tiny voice kept nagging her. She recognized it as the Voice of Experience and pushed it away, thinking, But he loves my son. He cares about people, about this town. About me. They were powerful affirmations.

  “I can sense you’re still not positive,” he said, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Okay, I’m scared,” she admitted, her shoulders sagging with defeat.


  “Of being hurt again.”

  He kissed her temple and murmured, “Don’t be afraid. You’re safe with me. I’ll always keep you safe. You…and Nick.”

  She stroked his cheek. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

  Will kissed her. A gentle peck to the end of her nose, a touch of his lips to her closed eyelids and then tender kisses to her mouth, exciting her, making her crave more. Ever so slowly, he drove the last of her inhibitions away. His tongue teased her mouth, then gained entry.

  She gasped when he slipped his hand beneath her sweater, touching the bare skin of her back, stroking her—driving her wild with want, with need.

  When he unclipped her bra and cupped her breasts, she delighted in his grateful sigh as they fell into his hands. She felt empowered, beautiful, desired. And still he continued to kiss her.

  The exquisite sensation of his callused thumbs caressing her breasts made them swell beneath his touch.

  Will smiled against her mouth. “You like that?” he whispered.

  “You need to ask?”

  With a growl of male satisfaction, he grazed her throat with his teeth.

  She’d never experienced anything so sensual before. Will’s lovemaking made her want to feel wanton, to let her defenses completely down and succumb to whatever pleasures he wished to bestow.

  Desperate to touch him, she reached beneath his sweatshirt and ran her hands over his back.

  “Take it off,” he said against her throat.

  She complied, pulling the sweatshirt over his head, then at the sight of his half-naked body in the lamplight, she pressed a kiss to his chest, savoring his male scent and the warmth of his skin.

  “I LIKE THAT,” HE GROANED and held her close, enjoying her feminine softness. He needed Becky and told her so as he dropped moist kisses on her throat. She rewarded him with a sigh that spoke of her need and sent his libido into overdrive.

  If they kept on like this, he wouldn’t make it to the bedroom.

  He loved caressing her, teasing her, taking her higher with each kiss. “You feel beautiful,” he murmured and pulled up her sweater, exposing her to him. He kissed her breast, too impatient with need to strip her sweater off all the way.

  “Oh!” she gasped as he drew an erect nipple into his mouth, driving himself nearly crazy with need. He had to put a stop to this now!

  With more self-control than he believed he possessed, Will pulled her sweater back down, took her hands in his and said, “We need to get a room.”

nbsp; “I happen to have one upstairs,” she said, thrilling him with her eagerness.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked again. “I don’t want any morning-after regrets.”

  “I’ve tried so hard to resist you.” She sighed against his chest, unable to meet his eyes. “And I can’t find one good reason to resist you anymore.”


  She grinned up at him. “Why were you so persistent?”

  “I fell in love with your red hair and green eyes. And your freckles.” He kissed the tip of her nose a second time.

  “I…” Becky was flustered. “You’re teasing me.”

  “Nope. I knew you were worth fighting for the moment you looked at me over the top of your glasses.” He winked and offered her a smile. “I had one of those naughty librarian fantasies and it needed exploring.”


  “The fantasy about the button-down, highly intellectual, sexually repressed woman who hides a smoldering sensuality.” He held her chin. “Guess I was right about you from the start.”

  She gave him a playful swat.

  “You’ve starred in lots of my fantasies, but the naughty librarian is the only one I can tell you about in polite company.”

  Becky swallowed, recalling a few of her own fantasies regarding Will. They were definitely X-rated.

  He kissed his way from her forehead down her nose to her mouth, then across her cheek to her earlobe. She giggled, loving the fact that he kept kissing her, as though he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Tell me about your other fantasies.” She gasped when he nipped the side of her throat.

  Will gazed into her eyes. “All right, but I’d rather we continued this discussion in the bedroom. Naked,” he said, lifting her into his arms and carrying her up the stairs as if she weighed nothing. “Because you’re a woman who should be made love to and often, Scarlett, and by someone who knows how.”

  “Oh.” Becky brought her hand to her chest. “I seem to be having one of my Rhett-Butler-ravishes-Scarlett fantasies.”


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