The Frenchman's Revenge

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The Frenchman's Revenge Page 7

by Taylor Lee

  Damn, she thought with a flippant smile, what did he expect? It wasn’t her fault. She was beautiful. How many times and in how many ways did he tell her that? Though she enjoyed the attention from other men, she didn’t openly seek it. Men had always looked at her like that; like they would eat her alive if they could.

  She stood up and slipped off her dress and threw it over the back of the chair. She tried to decide if she should leave on her sexy underwear, knowing how much Bai enjoyed undressing her. She had begun wearing outrageous silky lacy ensembles when she and Bai became lovers. Lei had introduced her to the ass hugging drawers and lacy camisoles that Bai lusted over. She blushed as she stripped off her lacy garters, hearing Bai’s chuckle when she dared to kick up her leg, knowing that every man and woman in the room had seen her bare legs covered only by the sheerest silk stockings available. She felt a tremor of excitement, remembering him calling her his naughty little whore and threatening to paddle her ass.

  Bai was meeting with her father and grandfather after the party and she wasn’t sure when he would return, but decided she had time to bathe. Reveling in the warm water laced with rose petals and honeysuckle, Elena ran her hands and probing fingers over her body, imagining Bai’s sinful touch. After long, languorous moments of soaking in the fragrant water, she stood by the side of the enormous tub and let the water rivulets run over her naked body. She smiled at herself in the wall length mirror, as the water dripped over her full breasts. It clung to the tips of her rosy upturned nipples, then trickled down to her bare mons. Bai insisted that she use a special sugar wax on the soft fleshy mound so that he had an unobstructed view of her most private parts. She had been startled at his request and, even now, she blushed at the sight of her intimate folds, unprotected, open. With a soft cotton towel, she rubbed the moisture off her taut belly, long slender legs, and curvy ass. She loved the way her skin warmed and flushed from the rough friction. With one last appreciative look over her shoulder at her lush body, she slipped on one of the sheer nightgowns and robes that Bai loved and went back to the bedroom to wait for him.

  She was sitting at her dressing table brushing her gleaming hair when the door opened and Bai walked in. She jumped up and started toward him, a glorious smile lighting her face. She hesitated, surprised to see he was dressed in the fitted gi pants he wore when he sparred and a white silk shirt. He gave her a curt nod. Striding over to the liquor cabinet, he poured himself a shot glass of bourbon. He threw it back in one swallow and poured himself another. Leaning back against the elaborately carved parson’s table, resting his ass against the edge, he glared at her.

  Elena frowned when she saw the hard grimace on his face and inched toward him. He shook his head and held up his hand stopping her.

  “Not now, Elena,” he said and turned to refill his glass.

  Elena looked at him surprised, unable to hide her hurt.

  “What’s wrong, Bai?”

  He shook his head and scowled at her.

  Elena had seen that level of hard anger on his face before and knew it masked an undercurrent of rage. She didn’t know why he had arrived so late at the party, but suspected that something bad had happened. She had felt the tension in his body and had seen the serious expressions on both her father and grandfather’s faces when they went to Bai’s office after the dance. She assumed Bai would tell her about it when they were alone.

  She stepped back, knowing from experience that it was better not to push him. But when he didn’t speak, instead just glared at her from under hooded eyes, she took a deep breath and said quietly, “Where have you been, Bai?”

  He took a large swallow of the potent liquor, emptying the glass, and quickly poured another. He toed off his boots and kicked them against the wall. He rose up on his toes and flexed his bare feet, the way he did before he fought. He raked his eyes insolently over her body. She resisted the protective urge to cover her taut nipples and the vee at the apex of her thighs, clearly visible through her sheer gown. He leaned back against the table, resting on his hands, a move that emphasized his hard muscular thighs and equally hard erection. His eyes narrowed and a sneer curled his lips when he saw her eyes dart to the prominent bulge in his trousers.

  Ignoring her open gaze, he answered her question with a dismissive nod.

  “Where have I been? Beating the shit out of your brother, why?”

  Elena was startled, then stammered, “Bai…uh…I…Really?”

  “Yes, really. And don’t tell me the little fucker didn’t deserve it,” he said glaring at her.

  “Bai, he’s jealous and he’s worried about me.”

  “Yes, and he’s a little spoiled prick. Like someone else I know. He deserved to have his ass kicked.”

  Elena turned away, hiding her concern for Alex, trying to decide how to respond to Bai’s anger. She waited for a moment.“Bai, Alex is just trying to protect me.”

  “Yes, and if he wasn’t your brother, he’d probably be trying to fuck you like every other goddamn man was tonight,” Bai said, his voice shaking with a quiet fury.

  Elena shuddered, knowing he was taunting her, purposely exacerbating their argument, but she couldn’t hold back a sharp retort.

  “Bai, stop! You know that isn’t what this is about.”

  “Ah, what is it about, Elena? What’s it about? I come to our party tonight and see my fiancée -- the woman I’m going to marry three days from now -- surrounded by what would you say, maybe thirty men? Is that about right, Elena? Or were there more? Too many for me to count? What was it? Forty? Fifty?”

  He shook his head in disgust, his face tight with anger.

  He added with a snarl, “And then I have to listen to your goddamn brother complaining about how I make a living…”

  Elena broke in, “Bai, I’m not going to listen to this. You obviously need to be alone. I’m going to go to another room for the night.”

  She turned and started toward the door.

  Bai laughed, a ruthless taunting laugh. He stepped in front of her.

  “Like fuck you are. You’re not going anywhere except right here.”

  He moved toward her with a menacing growl.

  Elena kept her voice as calm as she could and said in a harsh whisper, “Don’t touch me, Bai. I’m leaving and you can’t stop me.”

  She turned away from him and ran out to the side garden, slamming the French doors behind her.


  Bai growled a low primitive sound. Tossing his glass against the wall, he shoved through the doors and chased after her. She was fast, but her long gown and robe hampered her escape. Within seconds, he was on top of her, grabbing her, holding her struggling body against his rigid chest.

  Breathing hard he rasped in her ear, “Damn you, Elena. I told you to stay.”

  She twisted fiercely, trying to break his hold.

  “I am not a goddamned dog, Bai. No one tells me to ‘stay.’”

  He laughed a harsh ugly sound.

  “Hmm. No one except me, oui, mon amour?”

  They struggled for a minute and Elena almost escaped his hold. Bai tightened his grip pinning both of her arms behind her back with one strong hand. With his other arm tight around her chest, he hauled her over to a nearby stone bench and bent her over the back. She shrieked and tried to break free, but he held her firm, pressing her stomach against the rough stone. He muttered to her to hold still, then jerked her gown up over her hips and pressed his groin against her bare bottom.

  She strained against his aroused cock grinding against her ass and hissed furiously, “Bai, for God’s sake, what are you doing?”

  “What am I doing? I will tell you what I’m doing, bebe. First, I’m going to bend you over like this and then I’m going to rip this goddamn nightgown off of you and when you are naked, I’m going to fuck you! Any other questions?”

  “Bai, let me go. Someone will see us. Damn you! We can’t do this here!”

  “We can’t, Elena? Why not? I told you to stay. But no, you wa
nted to run outside--to the garden. I think you like the idea of an audience, don’t you, cherie? You want to drive all those men crazy? Taunt them? Tease them? You might be right, ma putain méchante petite, my naughty little whore. Rather than putting a brand on your ass, perhaps I need to fuck you in front of the world. That may be the best way to claim you. Make it clear that you are mine!”

  She twisted hard and managed to roll away from him. She stood up to run, but her feet tangled in the hem of her gown and she stumbled. He reached out for her and caught the back of her robe. The sound of tearing fabric mixed with angry grunts filled the air as he trapped her. He threw her to the ground, bracing her body with his, breaking her fall.

  With a quick motion, he flipped her over to her back and with both hands tore the flimsy robe and gown down the middle. Shoving the tattered fabric aside, he bared her naked body. Grunting, he ripped open the placket on his trousers and freed his engorged prick. With a deft twist of his hips, he shoved his pants past his knees and kicked them off. He shrugged out of his shirt and loomed up over her, his bare torso straining with hard delineated muscle. His raging cock pressed up against his gut, the swollen head flaring, purple and swollen.

  Ignoring the angry look on her face when he thrust his frenzied naked body over her, he grabbed both her hands in one of his strong hands and held them above her head. She writhed and twisted under him, but with his other hand he forced her knees apart and rose up above her, wedging his knees between her legs.

  Elena’s face was flushed with fury. The more he held her down, the angrier she became.

  “Damn you, Bai! Damn you. Get off me, now. I mean it! I’m angry!”

  She tossed her head from side to side, panting, groaning, struggling to free herself, but his grip was too strong, his hold too fierce.

  He looked down at her naked body shining in the moonlight and his already hard cock throbbed painfully, semen leaking from its engorged head. He was beside himself with lust. Her skin glowed like alabaster and he wanted to take her, crush her, but first he had to taste her. She arched up, trying to push him away, but only succeeded in pressing her breasts higher, closer to his hungry mouth.

  “Ah, oui, cherie. You want me to taste you? To suck on you? Is that why you are pushing those beautiful breasts up, trying to reach my lips? You want my tongue on your nipples? Like this?”

  He dragged the rough edge of his tongue across the tip of one nipple and grinned when it puckered and hardened. With agonizing slowness, he licked between her breasts, then grazed her other nipple with the hard rough edge of his practiced tongue. He blew against the hardened tips and smiled when she pushed her breasts up and cried out, begging for his mouth. He laughed and put his hand on her chest pressing her back down against the ground.

  “Ah, non, non, cherie. You want me to give you pleasure? Vous combler de plaisir? To lick you, bite you? Suck on these luscious breasts that make me weep with their beauty? Is that what you want, mon amie? To make you scream with desire?”

  “Please, Bai. Yes, please!” she moaned and thrust up against him. Her face was flushed now. Need had replaced anger.

  “Ah, but ma petite putain, what about your vagin? You want me to suck on your nipples and ignore your sweet little pussy?”

  She groaned at his shocking words, inadvertently lifting her hips, seeking his intimate touch.

  He laughed derisively, mockingly, “Ah, fickle woman. Now your breasts must wait while I tend to your pussy? What a greedy little minx you are!”

  “Bai, don’t tease me. I need you. I want you!” She trembled and reached up and tried to pull his head down to her groin.

  He took her hands away and held them over her head.

  “Non, non, bebe. I will decide what part of you I will feast on. And when. Right now, I want this.”

  He ran his wicked tongue over her taut abdomen, circling her navel, and then buried the probing tip deep inside the ticklish indentation, biting and sucking on the sensitive skin.

  Elena yelped. Panting hard, she begged him to let her come. Bai ignored her pleas. He traced a lazy path with his tongue from her navel down across the top of her mound. The closer he got to her mons, the more he longed to bury himself in her pussy, lap up her juices. He could drown in her smell, the sweet, spicy smell of her aroused sex. With a heroic effort, he pushed away, wanting to taunt her, torment her further.

  She moaned as he moved lower and lower, chasing his outrageous tongue over her squirming hips. She threw her head back in abandon, letting her knees fall apart.

  “Ah qui, ma belle putain. That’s the way to open for me. Like that, bebe. Spread your legs, higher, wider. Open for me, Elena. Show me your pussy.”

  She cried out. Her thighs were quivering and she arched her hips higher seeking, begging for his mouth on her swollen lips.

  He laughed. A soft male growl rumbled deep in his throat. His hands pressed her thrusting hips back to the ground.

  “Did you know your pussy lips are slick, shining? Gleaming in the moonlight? That is how wet you are, ma petite fille. Streaming wet. Ah, oui. How long have you been wet like this, Elena? Since you kicked your leg up in the air when we danced? Since you made sure that every man in the room glimpsed your bare thigh? This beautiful thigh that is dripping with your sweet juices?”

  He ran his fingers over the crease between her swollen lips and her thigh, sopping up her juices. He teased the ends of his finger over her folds, then stuck them in his mouth, noisily sucking off the sweet syrup.

  “Can you taste how sweet you are, bebe, how hot? Why I have to lick you, suck on you? Why you drive me crazy with the taste of you, the smell of you?”

  He pressed between her knees and pushed up against her thighs, opening her cunt to his greedy mouth. He leaned down and swiped his tongue across her slit and buried his tongue between her folds. She screamed and writhed under him clutching at his hair to hold his head in place, begging him not to stop. He licked up one side of her puffy outer lips and down the other side then drove his tongue deep inside. His experienced tongue sucked, licked, and bit along the sensitive inner folds as he worked his way up to her clitoris. Slowly, methodically he ran his tongue around the engorged bud, then grasped the swollen nub between his lips and gently bit down.

  She shrieked at the erotic assault and lifted her hips to press her throbbing clitoris against his ravenous mouth.

  “Oh, yes, God, yes! There, Bai. Suck me there. Please, I need to come! Oh, yes!”

  In a surprise move that wrung a choked scream from her followed by a dismayed sob, he flipped her over and covered her trembling body with his. Rolling her to the side, he spread out the tattered remains of her gown and lifted her up on the torn fabric. He pulled her to her knees, then pressed her shoulders against the ground. With a rumbling groan, he dragged her ass high in the air and knelt up behind her.

  “Non, non. Not yet, ma petite, not yet. I will tell you when you will come and how. Ah, oui, my naughty girl. This is how I want you. This is how I will take you. From behind--rutting in you, like an animal.”

  He pulled her glorious ass up in the air and marveled at the way the moonlight glowed on her pale, firm cheeks, begging for his touch. He smacked her hard on one cheek, leaving a bright red mark on her soft skin. She yelped and tried to duck, but he held her tight and smacked the other cheek.

  She moaned and arched her butt up for the spanks to follow. He laughed a soft lascivious laugh when she tried to stifle her excited response when he spanked her again. One cheek, then the other, until both globes were bright rosy pink, and hot. He leaned down and licked her burning skin, then blew cold air against her stinging cheeks.

  Elena shuddered and groaned, her ass trembling. She thrust up against him and begged, her voice strained with lust, “Please, Bai, please. Oh, God, darling, please, I need to come.”

  He spanked her again and growled when she cried out.

  “Higher!” he commanded. “Damn it. Put your ass up higher. That’s the way, ma petite puta
in, like that, just like that.”

  She pushed her ass up gasping, groaning, her breath coming in deep, hard pants.

  “Bai, take me. Goddamn you, I need you. I need you to fuck me!”

  Ignoring her demands, he snarled, “You love this don’t you, Elena? You like me to spank you because you know you’ve been naughty, encouraging those men to hover around you, sniffing you, their tongues hanging out like randy dogs?”

  The rage that had been building since the party rose to a crescendo. He was consumed with wrath at the thought of the men who crowded around her. He knew what they wanted. They wanted to touch her, to taste her. Christ, if they only knew how she tasted. Hot, spicy, a taste a man would kill for. But they never would, none of them ever would. He’d cut their tongues out first. Right after he cut out their tongues, he would cut off their pricks and shove them in their mouths.

  His fury raged. He pulled her ass high in the air and shoved her legs wider apart. He was going to fuck her like she’d never been fucked, drive her out of her mind.

  At that moment, he felt the rush of her cream run down his hand and heard her passionate groans, her sobbing pleas. She was trembling, her body shaking and he could feel the need in her rising to unfathomable heights.

  “I love you, Bai, I love you. Please darling, please, fuck me, fuck me now!”

  Hearing her voice pleading for him to take her, to love her, to fuck her, his rage turned to lust. His sweat drenched body slid against hers, the weeping end of his cock pushed against her swollen folds. With a guttural moan, he separated her puffy lips with eager fingers and pressed his cockhead past the lush opening to her pussy.

  He rested there for a moment, hearing her excited cries, feeling her welcoming thrusts. With firm, sure strokes he began to move, drive up in her glove tight cunt, echoing her passionate moans as he drove in, stretching her, opening her inch by inch.


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