by Eric Vall
“I know that you’re trying to guide me away from the idea,” Josephine murmured. “But have you considered that a fresh start is what I want? Maybe I don’t want to remember the life that I’ve lived? If I go through with the experiment, I won’t remember that I was born a woman into a world where men are treated so terribly, or that my mother has gotten so sick from tuberculosis that I’m no longer able to visit her because I might contract it too? Maybe I don’t want to remember the things I’ve seen when I put on the hood, mask, and dive deep into the tunnels of the underground black market. There are so many reasons why I would want this to happen, and you are the only people that can give it to me. Please, change my life and make me into your newest monster-girl. That’s the only thing I want.”
The blond aristocrat’s reply stunned my women into silence, and I finally knew that it was my turn to speak up. I wanted to give the heiress what she wanted, I really did, but right now, it would’ve been too much to handle all at once, and I needed to explain that to her.
“Josephine,” I uttered. “I understand that this world is too much. I understand it more than you will ever know, but this isn’t the solution to your problems. In fact, if we did transform you and make you part of the family, it would only cause more problems for us.”
“No, it won’t,” the blonde pleaded. “I… I can write a letter, saying I ran away because I’m a harlot or something like that. Or… Or we could make it look like another suicide, and I sign over all of my earthly treasures to you and your family. There are so many options or routes that we could take to cover this up. Please, Charles, I need this more than you know… I need some sort of relief.”
“But transforming you into a monster-girl won’t solve any of those things,” I replied. “Yes, it might take away all of the memories, but once you become a monster-girl, there is no going back. Your hardships will be even worse. You will come into this world as a new being with absolutely nothing, no ties to a wealthy, known family, but not only that, you won’t be accepted into society as you are now. Daisy is the only one of my monster-women that can go out into public with me because her ears and tail are easily hidden under clothes and bonnets. Rian and Valerie… they can’t. The only reason they were able to go to your party was that it was a masquerade and people were expected to wear elaborate costumes. When Daisy and I go into town for anything, Rian and Valerie have to stay here. There are no exceptions. The aristocrats would take one look at them and know that they aren’t ‘normal.’”
“So, you’re saying that you won’t do it?” Josephine whimpered, raised her eyes, and wiped away a single tear. “You won’t allow me to join your family? I see the love that you have for each other, and I long for it, Charles. I saw it before I even knew the whole situation. The first time I witnessed it at my mines, I wanted it for myself. Please… I just want to be loved by you and your women… allow me into your family, that’s all I ask.”
“If you’re still asking to be turned into a monster-girl, no,” I stated. “I can’t do that in good conscience, not now of all times. Ortensia committed suicide barely a week ago. Don’t you think it’d be a little too shocking for another well-known aristocrat to kill herself?”
“That’s why I said I could write a letter,” the blonde heiress assured me. “I’d write a letter, as you did with the Chief Constable. I even have proof that I’m part of the HU, we could leave that out in the open for the Duchess to find. No one would bat an eye if I were gone.”
“But don’t you see?” I asked. “It all falls apart after that. Not only was Edony still suspicious that I was involved with Ortensia’s death, if you went missing or ‘died,’ all of the blame would be placed on me again. Josephine, I don’t think you understand the amount of power you hold in your hands, and no, I’m not talking about your actual abilities. You’re a high-powered aristocrat, I believe at this time with Delphine gone, and your mines, you could soon be the richest and most powerful underneath the Duchess herself. You do know… you could do something with that ability. You could make some changes in this city if you really wanted to, and you have. You’ve saved hundreds of lives in the black market, but there is always more that you could do.”
“What are you trying to say, Charles?” Josephine sobbed. “That you’re rejecting me from your family? You won’t allow me to be a part of this even though I want to be so bad?”
“I never said that,” I shook my head. “I simply refused to turn you into a monster-girl.”
“Then what are you trying to say?” Valerie questioned. “I mean, if you want Josephine to be a part of our family, then let’s do it? I understand that we can’t make her into a monster-girl, but… there has to be something.”
“Please, let me be part of your family…” Josephine repeated. “As a monster-girl with a new beginning, please. Charles, I beg of you.”
“No,” I uttered.
The single word resounded around the room like the crack of a whip. All of my women turned, stared at me with open mouths and wide eyes. Josephine shuddered, weaved in her seat for a second, and then fell forward. The blonde aristocrat buried her face into her hands, sobbed into her palms, and shook with desperation. I wanted to reach out and comfort her, but I knew right now wasn’t the best moment. Deep within me, I knew that I couldn’t turn the heiress into a monster-girl, all of the problems that we’d finally overcome would pop up in our path again with renewed strength.
“W-What?” Josephine gasped. “You won’t?”
“I’m not going to turn you into a monster-girl… yet,” I grunted. “It’ll happen eventually, but right now, it’s too soon. Once things have died down, I will happily do that for you, but I’ve just learned some new information about the Duchess’ plan. I would have too much on my plate with that and dealing with the repercussions of creating a new monster-girl from a well-known aristocrat, do you understand?”
“Y-Yes,” the heiress smiled through the tears. “Th-Thank you, Charles.”
“There’s no need to thank me,” I chuckled. “But since we’re not doing it now, I have an idea.”
“Oooooo,” Valerie squealed. “What is it, Charles? Tell us, tell us, tell us!”
“We all know that Josephine is a high-powered, popular, and wealthy aristocrat,” I smiled. “As I already said, her prestige is on the level to be comparable with the Duchess’. Josephine has the power to persuade people, an ability that you and I don’t have. Yes, Daisy comes from a ‘powerful’ family, but she doesn’t have any standing in Edenhart. She wasn’t born or raised here, so the people won’t trust her as willingly.”
“So, Josephine is our ally… and?” the feline-woman asked. “What else?”
“If she’s willing,” I chuckled. “Our tool. We can get more information from anyone we want with her on our side. Josephine… think of it as an extension of HU. We can work together to change the duchy for the better.”
“What…” the blonde aristocrat gasped. “What do you mean, Charles? What would we be doing?”
“I need more information from the Duchess,” I stated. “She’s told me her plan, but I don’t know when they’re going to start executing it. They haven’t tested it out yet, but I know they’re going to soon. We need to find out when.”
“So, I would be something like a… spy?” Josephine asked. “I’d be going into the duchy and finding out more information about the experiments?”
“Something like that,” I nodded. “I’m sure she wouldn’t be willing to tell you. She already knows that you have a close relationship with Daisy and me, but…”
“My power,” Josephine whispered. “I could force her to tell me everything.”
“I didn’t tell you earlier,” I grunted. “But we came to your party partly to get information out of Lucien with… a truth serum I concocted. Unexpectedly, the Duchess drank it, too, and I learned of their new plans. Edony and Lucien told me everything except for when they were going to start experimenting… I need that information. The Duchess
has to be stopped, Josephine, and we can do it together.”
“Do you think it’ll work?” the blonde aristocrat asked. “I know that my power works well, but… Edony is strong, stronger than anyone I have ever met. What if she resists me?”
“Can anyone resist you?” I chuckled.
“Well, no,” the stunning heiress smiled. “When I was growing up, my mother was willful and wanted me to do things the second she told me to, but I was stubborn. A lot of the time, I would use my power to trick her into thinking I’d done what she’d asked.”
“Will she remember that you questioned her?” Rian asked. “That’s what I’m most concerned about. Charles said that the truth serum would block the memories of the questioning if the dose was big enough. That’ll be more like a distant dream that she can’t fully remember. With your power, will she remember you asking her?”
“If I will it, then she won’t,” Josephine giggled. “The thing about my power is it isn’t all about controlling the mind. It’s more of… controlling the muscles and organs of the body, and what is the brain? Grey and white matter with a bit of muscle tissue thrown into the mix. It’s a bit difficult to explain. The mind is where my power manifests, but it’s almost as if I transfer my consciousness to their body and can use it as if it were my own. Every memory, every moment or word they’ve spoken, I know it all.”
“So…” I murmured. “When you moved my arm back in your tent at the mines…”
“Oh, you’re wondering if I peeked into your mind?” the heiress chuckled. “No, think of that as something like muscle movement. I didn’t control your mind, but only your body. If I wanted to control you, say the things I wanted you to say or do the things I wanted you to do, then I would have to dive deep into the confines of your mind.”
“I was worried for a second,” I laughed. “If you knew all of this information already, we wouldn’t have needed to tell you everything just now.”
“No,” Josephine smiled. “If I’d known then… I would’ve run to you with open arms and begged to become part of your family. I had no idea. I only thought you were a scientist that got on the Duchess’ bad side. I lusted after you, of course, and dreamed about being your Mistress, but even that isn’t real.”
“It’s only real when we’re out in public,” Daisy tittered. “At home, Charles and I are equals. He’s the one who created me, and I love him more than life itself.”
“It’s just kind of funny,” Rian commented. “Josephine fell in love with Charles, and she’s the only one here who doesn’t have a droplet of his blood in their veins.”
“That’s very true,” I nodded. “But attraction like this happens naturally. Of course, I thought Josephine was beautiful from the moment I laid my eyes on her, but in our society, I couldn’t tell her so or act upon my feelings.”
“Well, I’m glad that we’ve gotten past that point,” the blonde aristocrat grinned. “I’ve pined after you for long enough.”
“Awwww!” Valerie cried. “Isn’t that romantic? I’m so glad that you’re here, Josephine. I’m a little sad that we won’t get a new monster-girl, but you get to be my sister anyways! This is so exciting!”
“So, Charles,” Josephine uttered. “What do we do now?”
“I think you should become my Mistress,” I uttered. “Or something like a benefactor. Not unlike what Edony was to me for a long time.”
“What?” the stunning aristocrat gasped. “Y-Your Mistress? Isn’t Daisy already in that position?”
“Not if you buy her out,” I grinned. “Isn’t that the proper way to attain a consort? I know to buy out the consort directly is frowned upon, but if you ‘purchase’ me from Daisy Browning, none of the other aristocrats would ask questions.”
“That’s very true,” the heiress breathed. “But what would the meaning of this be? What would change except the person who ‘owns’ you?”
“Well, before when you begged me to change you into a monster-girl,” I started. “You offered me your money and your manor. If I become your consort, then they belong to me, too, well, not technically, but to us in secret, they will.”
“Or you could become something like a courtesan,” Josephine offered. “That way you won’t have to ‘sever’ ties between the two of us.”
“A courtesan?” I murmured. “I don’t think I’ve heard that term before.”
“Oh, yes,” the gorgeous aristocrat nodded. “It’s something new I learned about the last time I went to the capital. They’re male consorts shared by different aristocrats. They draw up contracts with two or more women, visit them on certain days of the week, and of course… ahem… service them. They even join their Mistresses out in public to parties, and other things like that. We could set it up to look as if you were a courtesan, but not only that, if the other aristocrats hear about it, they’ll be even more interested. Anything new from the capital spreads like wildfire. The best part of it is the men who are courtesans are paid three times as much as an average consort.”
“Consorts are… paid?” Valerie gasped. “I thought you set up a contract with them and then… they just did stuff for you.”
“Well, it depends entirely on the consort,” Josephine explained. “Some of them want protection, which is the guise I assume you used for you and Ms. Browning. Many of them use it for home and board. If it weren’t for their Mistresses, a lot of them would be homeless and jobless. Some of the consorts receive allowances, I’ve never owned any, but I did have an ongoing contract with a young man from a good family in the hopes that he would give me an heir. He’s lived in a small cottage on my property for about two years, and every month, he paid a visit to the manor house at a specific time of the month.”
“Josephine…” Daisy murmured. “I must ask you, have you ever conceived?”
“Sadly, no,” the blonde smiled sadly. “It’s been two years, and I’m unsure if the issue is with my consort or… me. I had to let him go because it was pointless to keep him around if I couldn’t get pregnant.”
“I also have something to ask,” Rian uttered. “If… If you were to have a boy, would you have kept him or sent him away to the boarding schools that Charles told us about.”
“That’s a tough question to answer,” the stunning noble breathed. “I would like to think that, yes, I would keep my child if it were a boy, but… if the other aristocrats found out that I’d kept and raised a ‘brute’ in my home, I would be outed as a harlot. None of the other noblewomen keep their sons. They toss them away to boarding schools as soon as they emerge from their bodies. I like to think I would’ve kept it in secret, raised it as a stable boy or something like that, and watched over him. We all know if that were to happen… I could never be his mother. No man or boy in this world has a ‘mother,’. They are nothing more than birth-givers, and no one will see it otherwise. I know once I slipped up and called one of Lilliana’s children her son and all of them turned to me with such angry expressions. Thankfully, I covered it up like a slip of the tongue, but… if they hear me talking that way too much, I’ll be exiled or even worse, sent to an insane asylum for being a harlot.”
“Charles will spawn a child with you,” the red-skinned imp-woman boomed. “He has promised all of us marriages and children, and we wholeheartedly trust him. He wants nothing more than to make us his wives and spill fertile seed in our wombs.”
“I wouldn’t put it so plainly,” I chuckled. “But… it’s true. I have promised them that. In the future, I will marry them, make them my wives, and give them as many children as they want.”
“Jo-Josephine?” the feline-woman stuttered. “I actually have something I have to admit.”
“What is it?” the blonde chuckled. “I’m all ears.”
“I was there when they went to the mines,” Valerie started. “And… I kind of… sort of… snuck into your tent a few times.”
“You did?” Josephine grinned. “Find anything interesting?”
“Well, I may have… accidentally…
opened a trunk I found under your bed.” the ash-blonde murmured.
“Oh? Oh… Ohhhhh…” the aristocrat flushed three different shades of red. “So, you found my harlequin romance novels.”
“Your naughty books,” Valerie corrected. “I may or may not have… read all of them.”
“Did you like them?” Josephine asked.
The blonde heiress didn’t seem upset, in fact, she leaned forward in her seat, clasped her hands together, and grinned over at Valerie. I’d thought for a moment that she’d be upset, but the gorgeous aristocrat wasn’t that type of person. Though I did hope that Valerie wouldn’t tell her she’d read her diary, that probably wouldn’t go over well.
“I did!” the ash-blonde giggled. “They had so much romance stuff in it. None of the books Charles has in his library have any kissing or sex. I especially like the one with the girl named Verona and the man named Raphael. That one was so good and exciting!”
“Ah, yes,” the blonde-haired woman grinned. “That one is a classic, ‘Splendor in the Vineyard’ is what it’s called. All of those books have been passed down in my family for generations. They were originally my great-great-great-great-grandmothers. I have more in my library back home if you’d like to take a look at them.”
“Yes!” the feline-woman cried. “I’d love to do that! Maybe I could write some, and we can add them to your collection!”
“Of course!” Josephine clapped. “That sounds wonderful to me! Maybe when we have some downtime, we can write something out, but right now… I think we have something on our hands that’s a wee bit more important.”
“You’re right,” Valerie nodded. “Go on, Charles. I’m sorry I distracted everyone.”
“No, it’s quite alright,” I smiled. “So, we’ll say that I’m your courtesan, and I work beneath both you and Daisy.”
“When should I go see the Duchess?” Josephine asked. “To get the information that you need?”