Blind Date with the Spare Heir

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Blind Date with the Spare Heir Page 5

by Yahrah St. John

  “I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to,” Elyse responded, placing her purse and the bags on the countertop. “You need food.”

  “I’m your father. I should be taking care of you, not the other way around,” he said, leaning against the door frame. She unpacked the groceries and began putting them away.

  “I’m well past the age of needing you to look after me,” Elyse stated. “I do quite well for myself at the PR agency.”

  “It makes me proud to see you doing so good given I made your life a living a hell growing up.”


  He held up a hand. “Don’t, Elyse. Don’t make excuses for me. I was and am a terrible father. It’s why you left and went to that fancy boarding school.”

  Elyse paused in her task. “I did that for me as well as for you, Daddy. You weren’t capable of taking care of me after Mama died, and I wanted something more from my life. I don’t blame you. I blame the Locketts. Josiah Lockett in particular. He did this to you.”

  “Yeah, well I made it easy for him, I suppose,” her father said, going to the refrigerator and, to her dismay, pulling out a bottle of beer.

  Her stomach churned to see him twist off the cap and chug it. “Daddy, you don’t need that stuff.”

  His bloodshot eyes stared back at her. “Yeah, I do. It takes the edge off, baby girl. It helps me forget all that I lost because I was stupid enough to gamble away my shares of the Atlanta Cougars. They’re a good team now, though back when Josiah and I purchased them, they were considered a joke in the league.”

  “But Josiah knew about your gambling habit, didn’t he?” Elyse responded.

  “Yeah, he did. I already had some debts with some loan sharks he’d covered, but that’s what friends do, right? Anyway, he exploited my weakness for the numbers. You’d think he would have stopped the game, considering we grew up together and were as thick as thieves. Instead he joined and encouraged me to bet my half of the team. But Josiah was always ambitious, greedy.” He swigged his beer. “He saw an opportunity when I was down-and-out over seeing your mama wither away one day at a time. Josiah took advantage to swindle me out of the team.”

  “And he will pay, Daddy. I promise you that. I will make him pay for what he did to you, what he did to our family.”

  Her father regarded her. “I don’t need you to avenge me, girl. You need to let sleeping dogs lie, Elyse. You hear me? No good will come of you sticking your nose where it don’t belong.”

  “But, Daddy—”

  He interrupted her. “No!” He left the galley kitchen and Elyse followed him. She didn’t like to see him upset. Who knew what harm he was capable of doing to himself if left to his own devices?

  “Daddy, please,” Elyse pleaded. She grabbed his arm, trying to pull him toward her. “I’m doing this for you, for us. Josiah Lockett owes you.”

  “And you think you’re going to collect?” Her father snorted and it made his face become ugly. The saying “a drunk mind speaks a sober heart” came to Elyse but she shrugged it off.

  “Yes. You’ll see.” She knew her father wasn’t innocent in losing his shares of the Cougars to Josiah in a poker game, but Josiah had been like a brother to Frank. They hadn’t just been business partners; they’d been family, and family was supposed to look out for one another. Instead, Josiah’s actions had been self-serving. It was time for payback and she was just the person to deliver it.


  “You found her,” Julian said when Nico walked into his office midmorning on Wednesday, a smug smile on his face. Nico was known for getting information no one else could, though Julian suspected finding Elyse Harper had probably been one of the easiest assignments he’d ever had.

  “It was pretty easy.” Nico slid a file across Julian’s desktop. “Elyse Harper, thirty years old, works at King Public Relations here in Atlanta. Currently single, lives alone in Midtown. There’s more in that file about her background, such as her family, where she went to school, ex-lovers and more.”

  Julian slid the file back to Nico, who, as usual, was wearing all black as if to make sure no one could see him coming. “I don’t need all that. Just her phone number and address, please.”

  “You sure?” Nico quirked a brow as he plucked one sheet of paper from the manila folder and handed it to Julian. “Knowing someone’s past can help you predict their future behavior.”

  “Did you come up with that all by yourself?” Julian asked with a smirk.

  “Hey!” Nico pointed his finger at Julian. “Don’t shoot the messenger and don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  He left the room, leaving Julian blessedly alone and with the info he needed to end his obsession with Elyse. Since the moment they’d met, he’d been unable to get the petite beauty with the pixie cut and sharp tongue out of his mind. The chemistry between them had been tangible and Julian suspected she’d wanted him as much as he’d wanted her.

  Instantly, he reached for his cell and thought about dialing her, but from the little he knew of Elyse, she would probably hang up on him. She hadn’t given him her number or taken him up on his offer to come home with him; she’d been playing coy and hard to get.

  Julian suspected Elyse wanted him to chase after her. And chase he would. He pressed the intercom button on his desk phone for his assistant. “Clear my afternoon schedule. I have an errand to run.”

  Within five minutes, he was easing his Bugatti Veyron away from the Atlanta Cougars’ headquarters and toward downtown. He had a lady to say hello to.

  * * *

  “Elyse, can you come into my office?” Pierre asked.

  Her boss’s phone request shouldn’t have caused her anxiety, but for some reason today was different. Call it her Spidey sense, Elyse just knew something was up. Pierre didn’t usually ask to see her unless it was scheduled in advance.

  Rising, she glanced at Pierre’s office from her cubicle, but the door was closed and she couldn’t see inside. She’d been away for an appointment and had only just returned. Had something happened?

  Elyse started to move, but thought better of it and quickly dug into her desk’s bottom drawer. Pulling out her purse, she glanced in her compact mirror to make sure not a hair of her cut was out of place. She smoothed on a fresh coat of lipstick to plump her lips and looked down at her outfit.

  Today, she looked smart and professional in straight linen pants with a one-button jacket. She wore a shell underneath and her favorite snakeskin pumps.

  As she walked to Pierre’s office, she knew he wouldn’t find fault with her appearance. Elyse was unprepared, however, for the occupant sitting with Pierre in the office when she arrived.


  Both men stood as she approached.

  “Elyse, you didn’t tell me you were courting Julian Lockett’s business.”

  “Pardon?” She glanced at Pierre and then at Julian, who had a wide grin across that devilishly sexy mouth of his. Why, oh why, hadn’t she prepared herself for his counterattack? It was a given he’d find her. He was Julian Lockett, after all, but she hadn’t planned on him tracking her down to her place of business.

  “Julian was just telling me that the Atlanta Cougars’ first round draft pick, Curtis Jackson, is in need of someone to handle his media. He mentioned he met you the other day.”

  “Yes, I was impressed with Elyse and how well she handled Porscha Childs and Mike Ford.” Julian approached and Elyse couldn’t help the way her heart picked up in pace at his nearness. Or was it the sandalwood smell of his cologne?

  “Elyse is one of my star publicists and she would be an asset to any team.”

  “We’re still considering other candidates, but perhaps I could take Elyse out over lunch to discuss the opportunity.”

  “Of course,” Pierre gushed and Elyse could see her fate was sealed. Julian had outmaneuvered her. “You don’t mind, do you, E
lyse?” As an afterthought, he’d turned and asked for her consent.

  Elyse had no choice but to give Pierre her most brilliant smile while shooting daggers at Julian when Pierre turned his head. “Of course not, just give me a moment to get my purse.”

  “I’ll wait for you by the elevators.”

  Elyse was fuming as she walked to her desk, but then again, maybe Julian had done her a favor. If she could indeed work for the Atlanta Cougars’ team, she would have greater access to information in her quest to bring down the Lockett patriarch. Today’s events might work in her favor, after all.

  * * *

  “I presume you’re quite happy with yourself?” Elyse asked once they were in Julian’s car and on their way to lunch.

  He couldn’t help but grin wolfishly. “Oh c’mon, don’t be mad. You had to know after our date Friday night I was going to look you up.”

  She turned to face him. “You didn’t just look me up, Julian, you came to my job and sought me out.”

  “Yeah, I did,” Julian answered bluntly, glancing briefly in her direction. “Because, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted me to chase you. Why else would you leave without giving me your number after we had such a great evening?”

  “And you fell for it?” She couldn’t resist teasing him.

  “So you admit you were leading me on?”

  “If you do the same and say you enjoyed my cat-and-mouse game.”

  “I did and I do. I wonder what other games you have in store.”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” she purred.

  If Julian had his way, he would pull the Bugatti over now, take her face in his hands and taste those tempting lips of hers. Instead, he pulled into the parking lot of an upscale American restaurant.

  Julian quickly exited the vehicle and helped Elyse out of the car. He watched as she sashayed past him toward the entrance, admiring the view of her backside as she did.

  Once inside and immediately seated in a booth, they were handed menus along with glasses of sparkling water. While Elyse perused the menu, Julian used the opportunity to admire her beauty. From her arched eyebrows to her pert nose to her even, light fawn complexion, there wasn’t anything he didn’t like. He couldn’t help but focus on her lips, plump with blush gloss. She was quietly attractive without trying hard like some women. He liked her. A lot.

  “Are you done staring?” Elyse asked, looking up and fixing him with her gaze.

  Julian grinned. “Not quite, but did you find something on the menu you like?” The waiter had just approached their table.

  “Yes, I’ll have the grilled chicken and strawberry salad,” Elyse said, handing the waiter the menu.

  “I’ll have a salad, as well. The salmon with fresh field greens,” Julian said.

  Once their orders were taken, the waiter left them alone, and Elyse quickly started in on him. “I would think the Atlanta Cougars already have a PR firm in place. Was the job opportunity with the Cougars a ploy to get in the door and meet me? Or do I really have a shot?”

  “We do have a firm,” Julian answered honestly, “however, Curtis’s father is very particular about his image. I think it would be good for him to have someone who could help craft and maintain his public persona.”

  “Have you discussed this with your brother?” Elyse asked. “Isn’t he the General Manager?”

  “And I’m just the lowly sports doctor, right?” Julian responded with a frown.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.” Elyse reached across the table and touched his hand.

  A spark of fire ignited at her touch and Julian could feel the ripple pass through his body and straight to his groin. He glanced up to see if she’d felt that shock. When he did, he found a smile tipping her lips upward, and his heart accelerated again.

  She started to pull her hand away, but Julian placed his large one over hers. “Don’t...”

  Elyse raised a brow.

  “You feel it, too, the chemistry between us?”

  “I...” She started to deny it, but must have thought better because the expression on her face softened. “I can’t deny there is something here.”

  Julian appreciated her honesty. “Then we should explore it.”

  “I’m not sure mixing business with pleasure is a good thing.”

  “And it’s a not given you’ll get the job.”

  She chuckled and Julian had to admit he liked the sound of it. Elyse was different from other women he encountered. They usually fawned all over him. Elyse was making him work for it and he found that refreshing.

  “Touché,” she said. “It’s not a given. I know this opportunity came about because of our...affiliation...but I would hope I’m selected because I’m the most qualified candidate not because of what may or may not happen between us.”

  “Oh, it will happen,” Julian replied with an easy smile and a confident stare.

  “Are you always this arrogant?” Elyse asked. “Or is it just with me?”

  “When I want something, I’m not afraid of going after it.”

  And he wanted Elyse.

  So he intended to have her.

  * * *

  Elyse was unnerved by Julian’s sexy swagger. She’d thought her experiences with Lotharios in her work as a publicist would have prepared her for a man like Julian, but they hadn’t. Was it because, for the first time, she was attracted to one of them?

  For the most part, she was a woman who kept herself at a distance from others because she’d been focused on her education and on stepping up the ladder from poverty. Consequently, she’d suffered on a personal level in forming serious relationships with men.

  Elyse had been timid and shy. When she’d arrived at boarding school, all the girls had been well beyond her in terms of maturity. In college and beyond, she’d finally ventured out to date and all of those men had been forgettable, including the two lovers she’d had. None of them sparked her attraction until now.

  She was here with Julian Lockett, a man she both needed to get justice for her father and a man she feared for bringing out wayward emotions she’d never felt before. The way Julian smiled, leaning back in his chair to regard her as if he didn’t have a care in the world, was disarming. Maybe it came from the fact that in essence Julian Lockett probably never had to worry about where his next meal came from or whether he would have to pick up his father from the local bar.

  Elyse had to remind herself why she was there. She mustn’t take her eye off the prize, despite Julian’s charms. All she had to do was to string him along until she got enough info to bring down his father.

  Easy, right?

  “Elyse, are you okay?” Julian asked, breaking into her thoughts.


  “Seems I lost you there for a minute.”

  “I’m sorry, it must be the effect you’re having on me,” she said with a broad grin, attempting to flirt.

  Julian shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. You were deep in thought about something that was troubling you.”

  “After one date you think you know me?”

  “No, but I’d like to, Elyse. You don’t have to keep me at a distance.”

  Was that was she was doing? If so, a man like Julian would quickly become bored if she didn’t keep him engaged.

  “I’m sorry.” She gave a hesitant smile. “I wasn’t aware I was doing that. I appreciate you went through such an effort to find me. It’s very flattering.”

  “Is that all?”

  “What more do you want?”

  Julian was prevented from answering because the waiter arrived with their salads. Once he’d gone, Julian finally responded. “I’d like to get to know you better and for you not to fight me.”

  “Oh c’mon, what fun would that be?” she said coyly. She reminded herself she had a role to play.
Getting closer to Julian meant access to the Locketts.

  “Oh, something tells me we’re going to have a lot of fun together.”

  And they did.

  They spent the remainder of the lunch talking about Julian’s work as one of the team doctors. And, without revealing names, Elyse shared some of the hilarious stories from her job. Before she knew it, lunch was over and Julian was driving her back to the office.

  “I enjoyed lunch, thank you,” Elyse said, hazarding a glance in Julian’s direction once the car stopped outside her office building. Whenever she did so, she felt a tingle deep in the pit of her stomach and it made her uneasy. He was undeniably gorgeous and sexy, so he probably had the same effect on every woman he encountered. Somehow, she needed to keep her guard up but not push Julian away.

  “So did I. I’m hoping we can do it again,” Julian replied. “Say Friday night? I could pick you up after work?”

  “I don’t know...” Elyse swiftly reached for the door, but Julian was faster. When he came around and opened her door, Elyse made to go past him, but Julian stopped her by circling his arm around her neck. “Elyse...” He leaned his forehead against hers. He wanted her and suspected she wanted him, too. “Say yes.”

  She gave his ego a boost when she looked up at him, stroked his jaw and said, “Yes. You can pick me up on Friday.”

  Julian grinned and seconds later, he crushed her against his chest and his mouth fastened on hers. Her arms wound around his neck and she opened her lips to the pressure of his searching tongue. He tasted and teased her with his tongue, tracing the line of her mouth before plunging inside and taking up every available space and crevice in a slow and intense exploration so erotically charged Elyse thought she might pass out.

  Julian left no doubt as to what he wanted and what he was going to have. Elyse was on fire for him. It was as if a dam had broken. She shifted restlessly against him, every part of her treacherous body pleading for his touch. But just then, he broke the kiss and lifted his head.


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