The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Shadows

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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Shadows Page 15

by Delizhia Jenkins

  But didn’t Cain say—


  King’s voice snapped Sanaya out of her semi-trance in enough time for her to respond to a reaper’s attempt to snatch Maria. Sanaya moved like lightening, the Millennium Sword in her hand, and in a flash, it was blade against blade with a Dark Prince. She never thought in a million years she would ever encounter a Black Angel. They most definitely were in the end times.

  Loud pops from gunshots had dulled, no longer a distraction. King and Trent were working in tandem on a vamp that misted out of nowhere. Even under the cover of darkness, her team was using their gifts and working as a unit to fight on. Danny and Charlie functioned as one, sending perfectly aimed fire balls into the surrounding darkness, setting entities on fire. The smell of burning sulfur and blood thickened, increasing Sanaya’s adrenalin, which then propelled her team to fight harder.

  The Reaper landed a punch to Sanaya’s gut, but it did not faze her. The powerful rush of wind from his black wings almost knocked her off her feet, but she remained steadfast. Aklia said she could beat him, and that was what she was going to do. She back-flipped into a corner and used the wall of the abandoned building as leverage. The fallen angel pursued her, his blade barely missing her as she flipped out of the way once more. Two of her warrior sisters were hidden in the shadows near a Dumpster. Sanaya sensed them and led the Reaper into the trap.

  The two warriors sprang into action, catching the Reaper off guard. While Natasha and Raya landed blow after blow, Sanaya launched herself into the air with the blade high above her head, eyes burning white, and removed the Reaper’s head from its body.

  As the Reaper’s head rolled away, Sanaya landed on her feet with ease. “One down, how many more to go?” she asked, breathing hard.

  “As far as we know, there are two,” Raya said, pushing away a stray blond lock. “The Beast is not foolish enough to risk the others in his search for Cain.”

  “The Beast is not looking for Cain,” Sanaya breathed. “He’s looking for Selene because she was last seen in Louisiana, but she is not here. She’s in Ireland.”

  The older Slayers gasped. “How do you know this?”

  Sanaya shrugged. “I just do.”

  “You must tell us how,” Natasha demanded.

  “I ... don’t ... know ...” Sanaya said.

  “Yo, we need some help over here!” King’s voice cried out.

  Raya glanced at Sanaya. “We will discuss this later. Let’s go!”

  The three fanned out to help the young Guardian team now surrounded by a legion of demons and various succubae led by another Reaper.

  Maya stood in the center of the group, eyes glowing white, preparing The Summoning.

  “Lisa and King!” Sanaya called out, leading Natasha and Raya toward them, running at full speed. “You guys are strong Clairs! Lift your shield and cover her!”

  King and Lisa joined hands and the instant their hands touched, an invisible force surrounded the group, creating a barrier that none of the creatures of darkness could cross. Maya raised her palms in the direction of the surrounding legions. Black clouds covered the sky, followed by the explosions of lightning and thunder. Sanaya did not have time to witness her best friend in action, trusting that Maya would be able to hang on long enough to send the demons back. Sanaya needed to focus on the Reaper that hovered too close to her team, waiting for the shield to drop.

  Natasha and Raya covered her and more Slayers appeared to give aid to the young Guardians. Danny was completely consumed in fire, ready for the onslaught. Bullet made it rain with round after round from his magazine clip at the surrounding vampires, knocking each one down with expert precision.

  The Reaper stood off in the distance, his black eyes fixed on Maya, and Sanaya sprinted and leaped up to hack off a wing with her sword. The entity released a deafening shriek that diverted the attention of the demon army he commandeered. Blue-black blood sprayed the air as Raya came up from behind and hacked off the other wing while Sanaya plunged her blade into his abdomen. In his death throes, the Reaper swung his fist and connected with her jaw, knocking her into the steel gate in front of an apartment building. Sanaya’s head slammed against the gate, knocking the wind and consciousness out of her before she hit the pavement.

  The last thing Sanaya remembered was the chime of a Slayer’s blade followed by the thud of something bouncing on the ground.

  Sanaya awoke in the school’s infirmary next Maya, who was still sleeping soundly. Sanaya tried to sit up, but the pain the shot from her spine into her head reminded her that her body was still miles away from healing. Groaning, she tried to remember what happened.

  Louisiana. Reapers. Injured Guardians. Archer!

  She closed her eyes and sent a telepathic call to her primary Guardian. Archer? Are you there?

  She waited for a response and after a few minutes, she began to panic. Dear God. please don’t—

  Hey kid, he replied softly. I’m still kicking.

  Archer! You’re okay! In her moment of gleeful relief she tried to sit up and was once again humbled by the pain. “Ow ...”

  Sit back and relax, kid. From what I hear, you took a pretty hard hit and broke several ribs. Thankfully, that hard head of yours was difficult to crack.

  Sanaya frowned, happy that her mentor was alive and well but irritated by his snarky comment. Where are you?

  Not too far from you, kid.

  She heard him sigh and was grateful that no one she cared about was lost in another battle. What happened?

  We walked into a trap and didn’t know it until you called. Thanks, kid.

  But Eve said you were hit the hardest.

  Eve was just worried. The entire team was taken down. That level of darkness is unlike anything I have ever encountered.

  I know. When I fought those Reapers, it was like facing off with the worst of the worst of nightmares.

  Tell me about it, kid. Sanaya?


  I am very proud of you. Once again, you came through and proved that it was never you who was not ready—it was me.

  Are you getting sentimental on me, Archer? His chuckle made a smile creep along her face.

  Get some rest, kid. I will see you in a little bit.

  Okay. And Archer?


  I’m glad you’re okay.

  Me, too, kid. Me, too ...

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Sanaya awoke twelve hours later, greeted by the familiar faces of her friends and senior Guardians. Maya was still hooked up to an IV, but she was awake and laughing with Danny and Lisa.

  “Well, look who finally woke up,” King teased, sitting next to her on the bed. He kissed her forehead and pulled her into a quick embrace.

  “You guys are okay!” Sanaya chirped, examining King from head to toe before slumping back onto her pillow with relief.

  “Yeah, we barely made it out,” Trent said. “Those Slayers are awesome.”

  “Seriously,” Lisa added, yanking her dark hair into a ponytail. “We were totally outnumbered. Maya had collapsed after sending the demon legions back.”

  “We couldn’t hold the shield anymore, boo,” King said.

  “We didn’t know where you were,” Lisa said. “Vampires were coming from every direction.”

  “Werewolves came in, and me and Bullet were trying to hold ‘em off, but man there was just too many,” Trent said, giving Bullet a pound.

  “The Slayers had our backs, though,” King said. “Aklia got us out of there and told us that the warrior angels had come and were taking care of it.”

  “Man, that was the fastest evac if I ever experienced in my life,” Bullet said with a grin. “Aklia vacuumed all of us in the white light, and the next thing I knew we were all back on campus.”

  “I guess she notified the other Guardians that we were coming,” Danny said, “because as soon as we hit the ground, everyone—including the Archbishop—surrounded us. Man, I nearly drowned in holy oil and wa
ter.” Danny shook his head.

  “Natasha and Raya and a full squadron of Slayers brought you guys back,” King said. “They also brought the other Guardians from Louisiana here for help.”

  “And Archer is fine,” Bullet added, sharing a glance with King.

  “I know, I spoke with him,” Sanaya said, looking down.

  “Yeah, but uh, shawty, he was hurt pretty bad,” King said.

  “How bad, King?” Sanaya demanded, searching his face.

  “Like he will be in a wheelchair for a while bad,” King said after a long moment.

  “What? How?”

  “They said that he took multiple blows trying to protect Eve,” King said slowly. “The Reaper hit him with dark charges that came directly from the pits, his left leg was literally broken in half, and his back, plus he lost a lot of blood. They said it will be months if not longer before he recovers and even then he may not be the same. He’ll have to retire from the field.”

  Sanaya shook her head, receiving the sentimental stares of her friends and the senior Guardians. “No.”

  “Archer is a fighter,” Lois assured her, wiping away her own tears. “He will be fine.”

  “When can I see him?” Sanaya pushed away from King to get out the bed.

  “Not right now,” Lois said. “They are not allowing many visitors at this time. He needs to rest.”

  “Maybe I can help him,” Sanaya said.

  “I don’t know if he is beyond even your abilities,” Lois said. “I will suggest this to Eve, but at this time, he needs to heal naturally.”

  Sanaya fought back tears that desperately wanted to fall. Archer was hurt and possibly near retirement, and all for what? This meant war. Cain had warned her in enough time and that definitely saved Archer and the other Guardians’ lives, but what Cain asked of her was more than what he had given. Sanaya needed to find and kill Selene to stall out whatever ambitions The Beast had to give her team enough time to prepare. But if Sanaya killed Selene, the world would feel The Beast’s rage because she had thwarted his plans.

  Decisions, decisions ...

  One by one the senior Guardians left with the promise to check on Archer and to keep her up to date with his status. King remained by her side until the doctor emerged to discharge her. Maya had to stay another night because of severe dehydration, and she let everyone know she was not pleased.

  As Sanaya changed from the hospital gown into a pair of sweats and a long white shirt, she sensed some commotion outside the clinic. Dressing quickly, she summoned the Millennium Blade into her hand and ran ahead of Eve, who shouted for her stay back. Sanaya didn’t care. Someone or something had violated another cosmic law and was on hallowed ground.

  Sanaya rounded the corner of the sterile white halls before reaching the exit. She pushed the doors open to find a hologram image of one of the three vampires she saw in her vision. Guardians surrounded the image, weapons aimed. Of course, there was no way for them to inflict real damage to the entity because he was not really there. Supernatural attacks involving telepathy or silver would do the trick, and as the silver took over her irises, his eyes whipped around to meet her glare.

  The vampire smiled, exposing a set of fangs that could easily decapitate his victims with one bite. He adjusted the cuffs to his business suit and raised a hand. “Before you attempt to maim me with those powerful eyes of yours,” he said, “I am only here to introduce myself.”

  “How about I introduce this stake to your heart, you bastard!” one of the senior Guardians threatened.

  “As much as that hardens my dick,” the vampire chuckled. “No. I will pass. I wanted to meet this millennium Slayer, and my, she is quite a beauty.”

  “What do you want?” Sanaya demanded, increasing the heat in her silver gaze.

  The vampire’s image began to smolder, and he glanced at her panic. “Turn off the silver, and I will tell you.”

  “Don’t do it, Sanaya!” another Guardian cried. “Finish him!”

  The silver in Sanaya’s gaze faded to the dismay of The Guardians. “Now answer my question. What do you want?”

  “My name is Petronius, leader of The Darkness Organization,” he began coolly, waving his hands for theatrical effect. “We have been around for thousands of years, and we have been watching and waiting for the prophesized Slayer to be born.”

  Sanaya folded her arms. “Hi. I’m Sanaya, and I will one day kill you.”

  “Oh, child, I am older than your eldest ancestor, and believe me, you are not ready to deal with what I’ve got,” Petronius said.

  “Get to the point,” Sanaya growled. “What do you want?”

  “I want many things, Slayer,” Petronius said, examining his nails. “Your body as an offering to me. This magnificent school turned to rubble. Each Guardian’s head served to me on a pike. You know, the usual.”

  The sounds of guns clicking followed by the angry scowls of The Guardians reminded Sanaya that she did not have much time. She needed information and she needed it now.

  “But mostly,” Petronius said, “I want Cain.”

  “Why would you come to me for that?” Sanaya demanded.

  “The Beast, has become, shall we say, impatient as of late,” Petronius said. “Especially with you and those bitches known as The Council. You all interrupted a vital hunt last night, and now you owe me.”

  “I don’t owe you shit,” Sanaya seethed.

  Petronius laughed. “Ah, so she isn’t perfect. Wonderful! But you do owe me shit, Slayer. We know every Slayer has some sort of psychic connection with the King of Vampires. It is in your blood. If you do not have it now, you will have it later.”

  “And what does that mean?” Sanaya asked.

  “It means if you help us find Cain, then we won’t rage war against The Academy and Guardians worldwide,” Petronius said. “Louisiana was dreadful. You do not want to see what will happen here if you don’t help us. Think about it, Slayer.” The hologram disappeared just as the Guardians unleashed round after round at the empty space.

  Sanaya and the rest of The Guardians remained outside of the clinic, still tense, sensing for any additional attacks that would have followed the arrival of a Master Vampire as old as Petronius. It was not until Sanaya’s eyes faded to their normal brown color that the Guardians lowered their weapons.

  “This wasn’t an ordinary social call, Sanaya,” Eve said tucking her gun back into her waistband.

  “I know.” Sanaya gazed off into the distance. The sun had begun to set, and who knew what trouble night would bring.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Daemon pulled away from Selene’s warm, wet body in frustration. Petronius would call him when he was preoccupied. He hadn’t heard from Alex or Petronius in months, and he knew an impromptu meeting meant time was no longer on his side. With Selene’s blood flowing through his veins, he was certain he would walk away from the meeting with his life, and perhaps with the heads of Petronius and his loyal follower, Alex, in his hands.

  Daemon marched to the other side of the room, showered and dressed within a blink of his eyes, and prepared to meet with the two head members of The Organization.

  Selene lazily rolled onto her side, rested on her elbow, and glanced at him with a sigh. “I take it you would leave me unsatisfied for something important,” she said, sealing the punctured wound on her neck from where he fed.

  “I’ve been summoned,” Daemon replied with a growl.

  “Then I should attend the meeting with you,” she said.

  “Are you mad?” Daemon asked. “They are hunting you for their own nefarious purposes.”

  “And you didn’t? Tell me that you were simply acting as my knight in shining armor when you rescued me from Mount Sinai that night, and I might stay to allow you to handle your own affairs.”

  Daemon only straightened his tie.

  Selene smiled. “Foolish vampire. I am not worried about Petronius or Alex. They will make excellent henchmen in my plans.”

nbsp; “But they hunt your father.”

  “Which is all the more reason why I should attend the meeting,” Selene said. “They are looking for my father, threaten your existence, and then hope to use me for their own gain. This will be interesting.”

  She rose from the bed, allowing the blood-soaked sheets to fall to the floor. “Are you watching me, Daemon?”

  Daemon nodded.

  Selene materialized a form-fitting black designer gown that exposed her curvy thighs. She finished the look with her locks piled high above her head, black Red Bottoms, and a set of diamond earrings that glittered in the light.

  She crept toward him, enjoying his hooded gaze and the effect she had on him. “Shall we?” She took his hand.

  “We shall, lovely lady.”

  They disappeared into mist, leaving the abandoned castle in Ireland and headed for The Darkness headquarters in New York.

  Petronius tapped his fingers impatiently against the glass table of the boardroom where they conducted all of their affairs. Daemon was a traitor, a mole, and someone who needed to be disposed of immediately. The Beast was on a war path. Louisiana was an absolute bust. Those pesky Guardians and Slayers ruined everything. Two of the Dark Princes lost their heads. Multiple demon phyla were slaughtered. They lost precious vampire and werewolf resources and still no sign of Cain or Selene. Daemon would explain himself, and he would do so quickly lest he find himself turned to ash.

  Alex sat across from him, lost in his own thoughts with his fingers folded into a tent and pressed against his forehead as if in deep prayer. He, too, had reason to stress. What The Beast demanded must be delivered or else. Time stretched on for an additional ten minutes before both vampires looked to the front of the room where the presence of two entities began to manifest. Both gasped when the female form revealed itself to be none other than Selene. An awkward pause followed as the two head members glared at Daemon with anger and disbelief.


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