by Ed Sikov
Petrified Forest, The (play), 74
Philadelphia Story, The, 103
Phillips, Tom, 204
Phone Call from a Stranger, 316
Photoplay, 208, 244, 264
Piano for Mrs. Cimino, A, 381
Pickford, Mary, 249
Pidgeon, Walter, 209
Pinewood Studios, 388
Planet Hollywood, 297
Plummer, Christopher, 391, 394
Pocketful of Miracles, 329–30
Polito, Sol, 76, 88, 95, 215, 253
Pollack, Charles “Chuck,”285, 331, 347, 373, 374, 396, 400–401, 406
Ponti, Carlo, 348, 350
Poole, Ernest, 175
Popularity Crown “Queen of the Movies” awards, 414
Porter, Cole, 187
Portland Children’s Theater, 315
Powell, William, 61, 106, 196, 249, 367
Price, Bridget, 109–10
Price, Vincent, 409
Prince, Dr. Ivin, 333
Private Life of Henry VIII, The, 85, 90, 314
Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The, 151–56, 361
Producers Studios, 344
Production Code, 56, 56n, 72, 100, 162–63, 204, 213, 258, 272
Prouty, Olive Higgins, 198–99, 201
Provincetown Playhouse, 29–30
Quigley, Juanita, 200–201
Quirk, Lawrence, 73, 136, 168, 227, 230
Rader, Dotson, 99, 401–402, 407–408
Raft, George, 223
Raine, Norman Reilly, 151, 235
Rains, Claude, 147, 149, 196, 200, 233
Deception, 257, 260, 261
Rakoff, Alvin, 360–61, 369
Raleigh Studios, 344
Rapper, Irving, 200–204, 215, 219, 238–40, 242, 299, 312
Deception, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262
Rathbone, Basil, 158
Ratoff, Gregory, 293
Rattigan, Terence, 335
Raymond, Gene, 58, 59
Read, Piers Paul, 324
Reagan, Ronald, 139–40, 185, 186, 196, 344, 405
Redbook Trophy, 414
Redgrave, Michael, 249, 360
Reed, Donna, 220
Reed, Rex, 377
Reid, Beryl, 366
Reilly, Michael F., 245
Remick, Lee, 347
Renoir, Jean, 130
Republic Studios, 368
Return from Witch Mountain, 387
Reynolds, Burt, 398
Reynolds, Debbie, 267
Rhodes, Leah, 241
Rich, David Lowell, 380
Rich and Famous, 214
Richards, Kim, 387
Rich Are Always with Us, The, 45, 46
Riese, Randall, 381
Right of Way, 381
Riley, Corporal Lewis A., 243–44, 245, 247, 250
Ripley, Clements, 120
Ritter, Thelma, 289, 293
Riverbottom (BD home), 178, 193, 206, 220, 224, 259, 264
purchase of, 174–75
RKO, 78, 83, 248
BD loaned out to, 40–41, 64, 65
Roach, Bert, 37
Robbins, Harold, 351
Robbins, Jerome, 308–309, 311–12, 313, 347
Roberts, Beverly, 89
Robinson, Casey, 104, 143, 144, 156, 201, 203
Robinson, Edward G., 74, 75, 102
Rogers, Ginger, 78, 167, 194, 199, 209, 223
Roland, Gilbert, 38–39
Rooney, Mickey, 220, 230
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 52, 210, 242–43, 244, 245
Rope, 241
Roshanara, 26–27
Rowlands, Gena, 382
Rubber, Violla, 369
Rudee Valley Hour, The, 89
Russell, Rosalind, 172–73, 192, 194, 214, 248, 249, 354–55
Russo, Jimmy, 308
Sade, Marquis de, 157
St. Johns, Adela Rogers, 227
St. Just, Maria, 336
Saint Luke Choristers, 239
Sakall, S. Z. “Cuddles,”221
Sandburg, Carl, 326
Sanders, George, 289, 291, 293
Sangster, Jimmy, 360, 361, 380
San Sebastian Film Festival, 282, 408–409, 414
Sartin, Hank, 223
Satan Met a Lady, 78, 84
Sayers, Jo Ann, 107
Scapegoat, The, 315, 324
Schafer, Natalie, 335
Schallert, Edwin, 87
Schiff, Harold, 281, 365, 395, 396, 409
Schlitz Playhouse, “For Better or Worse,”316, 332
Schneider, Ann Kaufman, 184, 185
Schnitzler, Arthur, 363
Schoell, William, 73
Schwartz, Arthur, 222
Schwartzwalder, Reggie, 370
Scott, Hunter, 24
Scream Pretty Peggy, 380
Screen Actors Guild, 220–21
Screen Gossip, 141
Screen Guide, 168
Screen Guild Show, 196–97
Seagull, The (play), 195
Sedgwick, Eve, 139, 205
Seed, 39, 159
Seiter, William, 40
Sellers, Peter, 382
Selznick, David O., 107, 108, 138
Sergeant York, 179
Serlin, Oscar, 34
Sermak, Kathryn, 283, 284–85, 359, 398, 408–409, 415
Seth Parker, 40
Shaffer, Anthony, 388
Shanghai Gesture, The, 81
Shannon, Peggy, 386
Shary, Dore, 335
Shearer, Norma, 73, 107, 195, 199, 215
Shell Chateau radio program, 87
Sheridan, Ann, 171n, 186, 187, 222, 225, 335
Sherman, Richard, 172
Sherman, Vincent, 196, 214, 215–18, 219, 228–30, 353
affair with BD, 228–30, 231, 343
Crawford and, 343, 353
Mr. Skeffington, 231–37, 249
Sherry, Marion Richards, 288, 297
Sherry, William Grant (BD’s third husband), 227–28, 258, 266, 284
divorce from BD, 287, 288, 296–97
marriage to BD, 246–48, 259, 262–63, 264, 268–70, 288
mother of, 247, 248
as physically abusive, 247, 262, 269
Sherwood, Madeleine, 336
Sherwood, Robert, 74
She Was an Acrobat’s Daughter, 223
Shingler, Martin, 67, 126–27, 337, 338
Shore, Dinah, 222
Show Business at War, 225
Shumlin, Herman, 213, 232–33
Siegel, Don, 312
Sight and Sound, 353
Silent Woman, The (Malcolm), 123
Silver, Alain, 344
Silver Screen, 81
Simonetti (designer), 349
Simons, John, 164
Simpson, Marie (later Robin Byron and Brown), 28, 33, 159, 170, 175, 304, 370, 407, 415
Simpson, Reggie, 33
Sinatra, Frank, 225, 347, 348
Sisters, The, 132–35, 168
Skelton, Red, 220
Skipworth, Alison, 78
Skirball, Jack H., 287
Skolsky, Sidney, 80, 170–71, 206
Skyward, 389–91
Smith, Alexis, 196
Smith, Dame Maggie, 388, 389
So Big, 45–46
Socialist Leader, 300
Solid South, 34–35
Sondergaard, Gale, 163
Sontag, Susan, 361
Sothern, Ann, 409, 411
Spaak, Catherine, 349, 350
Spada, James, 136, 227
Special Agent, 71, 72
Spelling, Aaron, 394
Spiegel, Sam, 364
Spielberg, Steven, 297 “Spin a Little Web of Dreams,”61
Springer, Gary, 378, 410
Springer, John, 378–79
Springer, Mrs. John, 380
Squall, The, 33
Stacey, Eric, 239, 240
Stack, Robert, 323
Stage Door Canteen, 207, 210
Staggs, Sam, 291
tahl, John, 200
Stanwyck, Barbara, 13, 46, 173, 177, 186, 195, 248, 249, 257, 267, 290
Stapleton, Maureen, 391
Star, The, 240, 301–303, 403, 413
Stark, Ray, 335
Star Spangled Rhythm, 220
Stein, Jules, 210, 230, 254, 255, 322
Steiner, Max, 143, 257–58, 266
Stella Dallas (Prouty), 198
Sten, Anna, 173
Stephenson, James, 149, 163, 166
Stevens, George, 108
Stevens, Stevens, Jr., 405
Stewart, Florence, 329, 357
Stewart, Helene, 307
Stewart, Jimmy, 223, 381, 414
Stine, Whitney, 78, 80, 81, 96, 167, 175–76, 182, 352, 383, 407
Stokes, Elsa “Coksie,”306
Stokowski, Leopold, 223
Stolen Life, A, 240, 249–53, 255, 271, 329
Stompanato, Johnny, 320
Storm Center, 271, 315
Storm Warning, 271
Story of a Divorce, 286
“Story of Our Daughter, Margot, Retarded!, The,”357
“Strange Career of Bette Davis, The,”256
Strange Interlude, 347
Strangers: The Story of a Mother and Daughter, 382, 413
Strange Woman, The (Williams), 194
Strauser, Bertie, 268
Streep, Meryl, 5, 96, 398
Stricklyn, Ray, 316, 332, 405, 406
Strictly Dishonorable, 36
Stubborn Wood, The (Harvin), 363
Studio 57, “Starmaker,”316
Studio One, 406
Sturges, Preston, 36
Styne, Jule, 312
Sudden Fear, 303
Suddenly Last Summer, 363–64
Sullavan, Margaret, 107, 115, 120, 129, 213, 215
Sullivan, Barry, 286, 288, 326
Sullivan, Ed, 108
Summer, Donna, 414
Summerville, Slim, 38
Sunset Boulevard, 227, 282, 299, 300, 343–44
Suspicion, “Fraction of a Second,” 320–21
Swanson, Gloria, 138, 299, 300, 363
Swanson, Pauline, 244
Sweet Bird of Youth, 347
Sydney, Sylvia, 173
Talbot, Lyle, 52
Talk of the Town, The, 210
Tallichet, Margaret, 107
Tannenbaum, David, 319
Taplinger, Robert, 159, 170–71, 210, 312
Taradash, Daniel, 315
Taylor, Bertrand, 224
Taylor, Elaine, 361
Taylor, Elizabeth, 183, 364
Taylor, John Russell, 353
Telephone Time, “Stranded,”316
Temple Players, 32–33
Tennille, Toni, 414
Teran, Judge Carlos M., 319
Thank Your Lucky Stars, 220–22, 231
Theatre Guild on the Air, 290 “They’re Either Too Young or Too Old,”222, 231
Thin Man, The, 78
This Is Your Life, 331, 332
This ‘n That (Davis), 269, 285, 341, 354, 358, 385–86, 389, 398
Thomas, Bob, 342, 344, 353
Thompson, Kay, 312
Thomson, David, 134
Thousands Cheer, 220
Three Came Home, 290
Three on a Match, 47–48, 75
Thriller, 340
Tierney, Gene, 209
Time, 130, 264, 350
Timmons, Betty, 107
Todd, Michael, 312
Todd, Richard, 314, 315
Toeplitz, Ludovico, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96
Toland, Gregg, 163, 184
Tone, Franchot, 72–73, 74, 111, 215
Tonight Show, The, 283
Tracy, Spencer, 54–55, 143, 197, 223, 335
Travers, Henry, 133
Travis, Richard, 186, 187
Treacher, Arthur, 78
Trenholme, Helen, 69
Trevor, Claire, 107
Trilling, Steve, 173, 232, 234, 259, 265, 275
Trog, 353
Turner, Lana, 107, 320
Turney, Catherine, 249
Twentieth Century, 103, 299
Twentieth Century–Fox, 240, 256, 352
20th Century–Fox Hour’s “Crack-Up,” 315–16
20,000 Years in Sing Sing, 52, 54–55, 64, 101
Two’s Company, 308–13, 332, 353, 370
Tynan, Kenneth, 354
Tyson, Cicely, 405
“Uncertain Glory,”193, 195
Unforgiven, The, 364
United Artists, 71
United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc., et al., 83
Universal Pictures, 116, 220, 340, 341
BD with, 36–42
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 50
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 284, 355, 356
University of Southern California, 122
Ursini, James, 344
Ustinov, Peter, 388
Vanderbilt, Mrs. Alfred Gwynne, 146
Vanderbilt, Gloria, 391
Van Druten, John, 214
Van Enger, Willard, 252
Van Fleet, Jo, 363
Vanity Will Get You Somewhere (Cotten), 273
Variety, 38, 104, 256, 321
Venice Film Festival, 414
Verneuil, Louis, 257
Vidal, Gore, 363–64, 408
Vidor, King, 275, 276, 277
Villiers, James, 359
Virginian, The, 318
“The Accomplice,”348
Virgin Queen, The, 313–15
von Arnim, Elizabeth, 232
von Stroheim, Erich, 343
Wagner, Robert, 332, 381, 398, 402–403
Wagon Train
“The Bettina May Story,”318, 341
“The Elizabeth McQueeney Story,”318
“The Ella Lindstrom Story,” 317–18
Wald, Jerry, 171n
Wallace, Henry, 242
Wallach, Eli, 382
Wallach, Roberta, 382
Wallis, Hal, 63, 70, 75, 79, 85, 89, 100, 101, 102, 148, 150, 151, 152–53, 158–59, 172, 173, 191–92, 194, 195, 196, 207, 213, 251, 379, 404, 405
Dark Victory and, 139, 140–42, 145
Jezebel and, 116, 120
The Letter and, 163–64, 166
The Man Who Came to Dinner, 185, 186, 187
Mr. Skeffington, 232–33
Now, Voyager, 199, 201, 203
Wallis, Martha Hyer, 379, 404
Walsh, Raoul, 191, 271
Walters, Shirley, 176
Wanger, Walter, 192, 193, 194
Warden, Jack, 388
Warhol, Andy, 366
Waring, Richard, 233, 234, 238
Warner, Albert, 42, 272
Warner, Ann, 43, 91, 240, 243
Warner, Harry, 42, 43, 57
Warner, Jack L., 47, 91, 138–39, 148, 154–55, 157, 172, 186, 190, 191, 199, 200, 213, 215, 217, 228, 240, 241, 249, 256, 275, 344, 364, 405
BD’s relationship with, and struggles against the studio system, 2, 44, 64, 69, 77, 79, 80, 82, 84–99, 106, 107, 109–10, 128, 130, 152, 153, 174, 195, 209, 224, 232, 236, 249, 252, 255–56, 259, 265, 270–72, 277
described, 42, 43
Mr. Skeffington, 232, 233, 234, 236, 248
Warner Bros., 344
BD hired by, 43–44
BD loaned out by, 64, 179, 181
BD’s 1943 contract with, 224–25
BD’s 1946 contract with, 255, 270, 271
BD’s 1949 contract with, 271
BD’s lack of control over her career at, 59, 60–61, 69, 78–97, 107, 109–10
BD suspended by, 69, 77, 88, 109, 223, 259–60
BD’s years with, 43–48, 50–277, 286, 411–12
described, 42, 43
lawsuit killing the studio system, 83
see also Warner, Harry; Warner, Jack
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., v. Nelson, 92–95
Warner-Seven Arts Association, 345
Warren, Doug, 63
Wasserman, Lew, 2
15, 259, 270, 271, 275, 340–41
Watcher in the Woods, The, 283
Watch on the Rhine (film), 212–14
Watch on the Rhine (play), 212–13
Waterloo Bridge, 39–40, 53n, 90
Waters, Ethel, 253
Watkins, Linda, 123
Way Back Home, 40
Webb, Margaret, 379–80
Webb, Roger, 379
Weinstein, Jeff, 139
Weiser, Marty, 268
Weiss, Julie, 394
Welles, Orson, 186, 220, 225, 242, 253, 405
Welles, Rebecca, 328
Wellman, William, 46
West, Mae, 401
Westmore, Ern, 40
Westmore, Frank, 133, 248
Westmore, Perc, 133, 148, 149, 151–52, 176, 181, 191–92, 200, 230–31, 235, 239, 248, 276
Weston, John, 91
Whale, James, 39, 138
Whales of August, The, 281, 380, 405, 409–12
Wharton, Edith, 225–26
Wharton, Jim, 354–55
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, 3, 72, 340–45, 347, 353, 404, 405, 413
What’s My Line, 325–26, 338–40
Whelan, Arleen, 107
Where Love Has Gone (film), 352
Where Love Has Gone (Robbins), 351
Where’s the Rest of Me? (Reagan), 196
White, Miles, 309
White Banners, 130
White Mama, 381, 413
Whiting, Margery, 15–16, 29
Whitney, Mrs. Jock, 107
Whorf, Richard “Dicky,”195
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, 273–74, 364–65
Wicked Stepmother, 281–82, 409
Wickes, Mary, 367
Widmark, Richard, 265, 312
Wild Duck, The, 123–27
Wilde, Oscar, 256
Wilder, Billy, 89, 299
Wiley, Mason, 82, 347
William, Warren, 46, 51, 69, 78, 197
Williams, Anson, 389–90
Williams, Ben Ames, 194
Williams, Dakin, 335
Williams, Emlyn, 207, 238, 299, 300, 374
Williams, Esther, 364
Williams, Rhys, 239
Williams, Tennessee, 333–37, 363, 374
Wilson, Janis, 201
Winchell, Walter, 312, 313
Winders, Dell, 338
Windust, Bretaigne, 265, 266, 267
Winter Meeting, 265–66, 268, 276
Winters, Shelley, 336–37
“Wisdom of Eve, The,”290
Woffington, Peg, 290
Woman’s Face, A, 197
Women’s Press Corps, 414
Wood, Audrey, 333, 334, 335
Wood, Lana, 302
Wood, Natalie, 302, 367, 402–403
Wood, Vernon, 89, 109
Woods, James, 409
Woodward, Joanne, 363–64
Woolley, Monty, 185, 186, 187
“Words Unspoken Are the Ones That Matter, The,” 374–75
Working Man, The, 52, 59
World of Carl Sandburg, The, 326
World War II, 158, 194, 202, 208, 243, 255
Hollywood Canteen, 210–12, 230–31, 254, 255, 414
war bonds, 208–10, 253
Wright, Teresa, 335