A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)

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A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) Page 6

by Charisee Irons

“Why don’t you join us?” she suggested. Before I could answer, her dude came up behind me, rubbing his eight-inch dick across my ass as he stroked it up and down. He reached around, taking my nipples in between his fingers while his girl lifted my leg on the bed and began licking my clit. This was my first time with a woman, but I was very intrigued. She was licking my kitty while he took pleasure in licking my ass. Double penetration had nothing on this. I enjoyed the way she made my body feel. She was a pro with her tongue. The night was very pleasurable. I was well-pleased, and my thirst was truly quenched.

  Before leaving, I was properly introduced to my suitors of the night. Kiki had given me her number, “Don’t be a stranger. I would love to see you again. Give me a call anytime,” she said. She walked over and slipped her tongue into my mouth, as Mike winked at me before leaving. It was a night I would never forget; no one could have ever told me that a woman as sexy as Kiki could have satisfied me the way she did. She knew all of the right moves, and the way she worked her tongue just sent shivers straight up the crack of my ass.

  When I made it home, Eric was parked outside of my house. I wasn’t in any mood for him or his limp ass dick. I got tired of feeling sorry for his ass. If he was going to let Cyn’s whiny ass stress him out, I wasn’t the one to feel sorry for him. I had needs, and as of lately, he wasn’t fulfilling them. See, this is why I needed to move on because I found myself catching feelings, and he wasn’t giving me what I needed or what I wanted. I took my time getting out of my car, knowing this would irritate his ass, but I was over catering to his damn needs. I couldn’t get out of my car fast enough before he approached the car, snatching open the door.

  “Damn, Marcy, what the hell was taking your ass so long to get out the damn car?”

  “Good evening, or should I good morning to you, too?”

  “I’ve been sitting out here for almost two hours waiting on you. I started to leave.”

  “Well, with that fucked up attitude you should have. You are not going to fuck up my mood because you’re stressed out.” I got out of the car, slamming the door as I tried to walk pass his ass. I really wasn’t trying to hear anything he had to say. He tried grabbing me by the arm, “Who the fuck you think you’re talking to? I let you slip before with your fly ass mouth and comments, but you starting to piss me off!”

  “If I were you, I would be careful before you find yourself picking your teeth off the ground.”

  “Look, I came over here to apologize for neglecting your ass, but you got one more fucking time to come at me wrong, and you got an issue,” he warned. I snatched my arm away because I could tell he had been drinking more than usual. I knew damn well he had lost his mind, talking to me like that. I just blamed it on the alcohol.

  “Look, Eric, why don’t you go home and just sleep off that buzz you got? Frankly, I’m exhausted and just want to get in the shower and in the bed.” He tilted his head some, looking at me crazy, as he tried to pull me into him. He started groping at my ass, and to be honest, I wasn’t feeling it. I could feel his erection, but it just wasn’t turning me on.

  “Stop! Eric!” I yelled. “Just go home!”

  “So, you going to deny me this tight, juicy ass?” he said, gripping my ass. I couldn’t believe how erratic and crazy he was acting. I tried pulling away, but he was too strong, and he was being forceful with me.

  “Look, Eric, take your drunken ass home!” He slammed me up against the car, snatching my dress up and tearing off my panties. I didn’t realize he had his pants down and his dick out until he was ramming me in the ass. I started screaming, but he placed his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams.

  “See, I wouldn’t have to do this if you weren’t acting like such a bitch,” he said, pounding harder and harder. “Now, take this dick, and shut the fuck up.” I started crying because I had never felt so violated in my life. After about five minutes, he was cumming inside of my ass. I couldn’t believe he just fucked me in the ass. It felt as if my ass were on fire. I had never had anal sex before, and he just took advantage of me. “That was good,” he said, as he slapped me on the ass. Then, he kissed me roughly on the cheeks and backed away, pulling up his pants.

  “That will teach your ass to reject me!” he taunted, and he walked away, getting in his car. I just stood there shocked because I couldn’t believe what had just occurred. This bastard raped me! I don’t know how long I stood there, but it eventually started raining. I slowly made my way to house, still in shock. When I finally made it upstairs, I got in the shower and cried while scrubbing at my body. I just felt dirty all over. With disbelief in my heart, I was so hurt that Eric would violate me the way he did. He had no remorse for what he did. I scrubbed away at my body until my skin felt raw and started to burn. I couldn’t understand how my night went from being on Cloud Nine to being raped by someone who I thought cared about me.

  Sitting up, not sure I ever fell asleep, I laid in bed lost in thought. Eric was going to pay for this, even if it was the last thing I made happen in life. My phone buzzed, alerting me to a text message. It was from Dawn, wanting to know if I was free for lunch. I texted her back that I wasn’t feeling well and we could maybe get together some other time. Hope you feel better soon, she texted back. I just wasn’t in the mood to be out in the public. My house phone rang, and I let voicemail pick up. “Hi, mommy we miss you. When you coming over to see us?” I started crying again because I hadn’t seen my babies in three weeks. I couldn’t believe how I had let my life get so out of control. I lied here, thinking of how fucked up my life was. I was neglecting my kids, lying around on my back, and accepting money from men for sex as if I were some common whore. Here it was, I raped by a man I had fallen for, who just so happen to be one of best friends’ ex-boyfriend. I knew it was time to get my life together. My daughters needed me, and it was time I started acting like a mother.

  “Oh, God! Please give me strength, show me mercy and forgive me. Please fix this!” I just sat in the bed, crying and talking to God.

  I knew life had to get better.

  Chapter 11


  This damn case had gotten me stressed the hell out. I’d been working late hours here at the office, trying to put together this appeal. Carter Barnes really thought his money was that long. He’d been serving time for drug trafficking, possession of drugs, possession of an illegal firearm, attempted murder, corruption of a minor, and several other charges. To think this was the motherfucker, who violated Dawn when she was a young girl. Jerry Kindred, one of the partners here, had passed his cases onto me when he took ill. After reading over Mr. Barnes’s file, I learned that his crime sprees began when he was just eleven. As a juvenile, he stayed in trouble, from stealing cars to assault. He’d been locked down for over fifteen years now, and every time he filed an appeal, it was denied. He was ordered to serve twenty-five to life. At the time of his arrest, the gun found on him had two bodies on it. I was set to pay him a visit in a couple of days. Jerry warned me that he could be an arrogant son of a bitch. Even though he claimed his innocence from the beginning during his murder trial, he was still guilty of something. It was said that he was a big time drug dealer who ran the whole tri-state area. Plus, he never got his hands dirty unless he needed to. He knew to have other people handle his dirty work. He was one ruthless motherfucker.

  It had been over three weeks since I heard from Marcy. I had tried contacting her, but she changed her number. I knew what I had done was wrong, but she needed to be taught a lesson. Dre hadn’t been blowing up my phone, and Cyn moved. Somehow, I was losing control of my personal life. I started drinking heavily, and it was showing in my work and in my appearance. My boss was threatening to take me off of this case. He said, “Greyson, either get your shit together, or you’ll be unemployed. Do you think you need some time off? Is this workload too much for you? Whatever it could be, I advise you to fix it, and quick.” I figured once I filed this appeal and the jury came back with their vote, I was going to take some t
ime off. I needed a vacation.

  I received a text from Dre, asking me to come by this evening. I was up to my eyeballs with work, and I wasn’t sure when I could get there. Let’s just say, he wasn’t too happy with my response. I asked him if he could give me until the weekend, but he never responded.

  Chapter 12

  Three Months Later…


  Business had been flourishing. I was getting big as a house, and just last week, I found out we were expecting a baby boy. Ant couldn’t have been even happier. At this point, it was just a question of what we were naming him. Anthony Lamar Hunter Junior. Once I learned the sex of the baby, I contacted my mother, so she could start decorating. She had been quite busy, getting prepared for her wedding. She came by the house to take measurements of the nursery and to check on me as well. I fixed some lunch and we talked. She informed me that she received a notice in the mail from the DA, stating that Carter had filed for another appeal. She was telling me how his last two appeals were denied.

  “Baby, I’m praying his ass never gets out. He was a sick bastard for preying on little girls, and I’m ashamed that I even let him near you. No telling how many other young girls fell victim to him.” My mother could see the pain in my eyes. She reached over, rubbing my hands and she changed the subject. We started talking about the venues and flowers that I ordered for the wedding. Just talking about the wedding, you could see a glow in my mother. I could tell my mom was truly happy and she was so blessed to have another chance at happiness. The last few months we were been getting better acquainted with one another and making up for lost time. I appreciated the fact I had my mother around now. I had longed for the affection of my mother for so long—too long. I thought all hope was lost and that the drugs had overpowered her life. As for the rest of my family, my sister, Deja, had given birth to beautiful baby girl, Aniyah Patrice Cooper. Everybody was so excited when Deja gave birth. Grannie told me, “You’re next, baby girl.” At that moment, I felt as if the spotlight was now on me, and I couldn’t wait to see my little man.

  Ant had just walked into the kitchen, bending down to kiss me.

  “Hey, babe, you’re home early,” he called out. He walked over, hugging my mom.

  “No, I’m just picking up some files out of the back office.” He came back towards me to rub my stomach. “Hey, lil man. It’s me your dad,” and the baby responded by stretching his arms and his legs. Ant had been in euphoric bliss since he learned of the baby.

  “See, babe, he knows my voice.” Me and my mom laughed, getting a kick out of Ant. He was a proud poppa, and I knew the baby was going to be spoiled rotten. The nly thing he hadn’t done yet was buy out the whole mall in preparation for the baby’s arrival, but some of his clients had given him plenty of gifts already. In his line of work, his clients were extremely rich. He received a couple of jerseys and and some money. This baby was raking in the dough, and he wasn’t even born yet! Ant walked to the back to retrieve his files and was headed towards the door. He yelled over his shoulder, “Love you, baby! See you later, Ms. Julia!” as he closed the door behind him.

  “Well, baby, I need to get going, so I can get started on my grandson’s room.” I walked her to the door, where we exchanged hugs and she left.

  I was on my way to the back office to do some work when my doorbell rang. I wobbled my way to door, even though I wasn’t expecting anyone. When I opened the door, there stood Marcy.

  “Hey, girl, where your ass been?” I questioned, as she walked in rubbing my stomach.

  “Hey, big momma, I see pregnancy is agreeing with you.”

  “Don’t go changing the subject, heffa. Where you been? We been trying to get in touch with your ass. Had it not been for texting, we wouldn’t have known if your ass was dead or alive.”

  “Oh, hush! Been hanging with my babies and searching for a job.”

  “Well, girl, you know that offer still stands to be my assistant. I’m going to need someone I can trust to take over while I’m out.”

  “Girl, that news in music to my ears! I was in numerous interviews. I was underqualified for the positions I was interviewing for. Thank you so much, Dawn, I’ve been a total wreck with this job search. Plus, I’ve doing some soul searching and had come to some serious conclusions. Dawn, I’ve been thinking of getting my babies back. It’s time I made some changes and become the mother that they need. Not the part-time parent that I’ve been for the past six years.”

  “Marcy, I’m truly proud of you. I know the girls will be so excited.”

  “They will be; I just haven’t said anything to them yet. I have some unfinished business need to attend to before I can bring them home.”

  “You know, Cyn has been worried about you, too.” I couldn’t help but notice Marcy’s expression when I bought up Cyn’s name. She said it’s been hard to reach you over the phone.”

  “Yeah, I know, I’ve just been real busy that’s all.”

  “Well, she just recently moved and opened her own real estate company.”

  “Oh, wow! She’s been talking about opening her own business for quite some time.”

  “Can I ask what happen between you two?”

  “Nothing happened, I just told you, I’ve been extremely busy.” Her voice had gotten an octave higher, and I tilted my head some, looking at her ass sideways. “You may wanna use your damn inside voice with me. Are you okay? Because you seem to be agitated.” She stood up, grabbing her keys and her purse with tears in her eyes. I stopped her before she could walk off. “Marcy, what is wrong with you?

  “Nothing, Dawn. Just let it go, damn it. I’ll call you later, so we can discuss the job details. That’s if the offer still remains.”

  “Yes, it does! Why wouldn’t it? I don’t know what you’re going through, but I’m here for you.”

  Chapter 13


  Thank God, I was finally home home. It had been a long day with holding interviews, and the contractor was still working. I couldn’t wait for the grand opening. I was so anxious to get this business off of the ground. Suddenly, my phone rang, and it was Dawn on the other end.

  “What’s up, girl? How are doing?”

  “I’m doing fine, just had quite a strange visit from Marcy today.”

  “What you mean, ‘strange’?”

  “You know how her ass is. You never know what’s going to come out her mouth. Well, I offered her that assistant position that opened up, and she accepted.”

  “Now, that’s is strange. Whatever happen to, ‘I don’t need to work, I can just lay on my back while men throw money at me’?”

  “She claims she’s been doing some soul searching and she wants her girls back, so that’s why she was job searching.”

  “That must of been some serious soul searching she was doing!”

  “But wait, there’s more to it. So, I bought up the fact that you were worried about her, and she began rolling her eyes, like hearing your name made her sick. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but she been acting funny towards me for a minute, too. I tried to get her to open up, but she left out of here like satan himself was on her ass. I kep saying I was gonna stop pass her house, but I always got sidetracked, but after talking with you, I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Well, let’s just pray for her.

  “Enough about Marcy’s psychotic ass, how’s my godson coming along?”

  “Girl, he doing all kinds of flips and stretching up in here. I can’t wait for him to get here!”

  “Just a few more months, honey, you better enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.”

  “Yeah, Deja said Aniyah is up every four hours like clock work. Something my ass isn’t looking forward to. So, what you got planned for the rest of the night, girl?”

  “Jonathan decided to prepare dinner for us tonight at his place. So, I’m going to try to get some rest until it’s time to leave. Damn!”

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I forgot to ge
t the mail out of the mailbox. Plus, I got this damn box of knickknacks sitting by the door. I’ve been neglecting to unpack it.”

  “Well, you go ahead and get yourself together, I’m about to take a nap. Just give me a call tomorrow maybe we can do lunch.

  “That sounds good to me. Love you, Dawn.”

  “Right back at you, girl.”

  After hanging up with Dawn, I went outside to retrieve my mail. I should have known it was nothing but bills and junk mails. I laid the mail on the table in the foyer and started towards the box I still needed to unpack, but I stopped in my tracks when I noticed a big manila envelope that had fallen behind the table. My instincts were telling me to open it, but I had a gut feeling something was wrong. I tried to shake the feeling I had. When I opened the envelope, out fell some pictures. I instantly became sick and started crying. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. It was Eric having sex with some guy. No wonder Eric didn’t have interest in me. He was too busy sticking his dick inside of another man! I didn’t even make it to the bathroom before my lunch was all over the floor. There were more pictures, and when I got to this one particular picture, I grew angry. It felt as if someone had snatched my breath away. It was Marcy’s trifling ass sucking on the same guy’s dick while Eric was fucking her from behind. I slid down the wall in total shock. How could this bitch who called herself my best friend do this? My mind was racing so fast, I got an instant headache. I picked up the lamp and threw it across the room. I wished like hell it was that back-stabbing, man-stealing whore. No wonder her ass was acting all standoffish. Her stank ass was fucking my man! From what I could see, they were enjoying themselves. This bitch, I was so ready to whoop her ass. I practically cried on this bitch’ shoulders, telling her how I thought his ass was cheating and all of this time it was with her fucking ass!

  Chapter 14



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