A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)

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A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) Page 12

by Charisee Irons

  The doorbell rang, but I wasn’t expecting anyone. When I got to the door, I peeked through the peephole and there stood this woman and a man. I opened the door, and they flashed their badges and introduced themselves. I invited them in because I was curious as to why workers from Health Department would be at my door. Inspector Brown stated that they were there because they were given my name as being involved with Eric Greyson and Andre Williamson. They needed to get a blood sample from me because both Eric and Andre had been tested and the results came back positive for HIV. Luckily, I was sitting down because my ass would have hit the damn floor. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I started crying uncontrollably. I screamed and yelled, but it was my own fault because this was the life I had chosen, and now, I was finally paying the price for it. Inspector Davis walked over and tried to console me, but I was inconsolable. All of these thoughts ran through my mind.

  “Ms. Crawford, please calm down. If you let us get a blood sample, we can have the results back in twenty minutes.” I rolled up my sleeves, so Inspector Brown could draw some blood. Just my luck when I finally wanted to turn my life around, even when I was always careful to use a condom. I just keep mumbling to no one in particular.

  The result came back negative, but I had to check in six months from now to get tested again. Oh, how I could of kissed both of the inspectors because I dodged a huge bullet. I fell on my knees and thanked God over and over. Now, I had the proof I needed that Eric was nothing more than a down low brother. And now that I looked back, it was his ass that day at the mall with Dre. Oh, this gave me all of the ammunition I needed to take his ass down! He tried to ruin me by raping me. I hoped he didn’t think I had forgotten about that night. I was gonna love bringing the great Eric Greyson down. See, I had all of the proof I need right here, the summary sheet that I took from the Inspector’s folder. There was no denying now that he liked to fuck men up the ass.

  Chapter 28


  The Mayor’s Ball was coming up in two weeks, and during my Grand Opening, he invited me to attend. Everybody who was somebody was going to be there. Even though I wasn’t in a festive mood, I promised the Mayor I would be in attendance. Jonathan finally came around, and the evening we shared was explosive. That night he showed up at my front door, I wasn’t sure if I should have been upset or glad to see him, but when he flashed that smile with those dimples, I couldn’t help but be happy. The only thing was, I wasn’t the only one happy; it felt as if my pussy was leaking like a broke pipe. He came through the door, sweeping me off of my feet. He placed a kiss on my face that made me feel as if I were going to pass out. He kissed me with so much passion that I just instantly started tearing away at his clothes. I couldn’t wait to get him inside of me.

  When we made it upstairs to my bedroom, it didn’t take him long before he found solace in between my legs. He took pleasure in devouring my pussy. With every lick he delivered, I couldn’t seem to hold back the explosive orgasm that was building up within me. He must have known I was at that point because he was so far up inside of me that it felt as though he were inside of my stomach. I missed the closeness of him, and I showed it by fucking him back. We went at it for three hours because every time he released himself, he was right back up. When we were done, Jonathan noticed we hadn’t used a condom. I was too fucking tired and sexually satisfied to worry about some damn condom. I just wrapped my legs around him and fell asleep.

  I woke up to the doorbell ringing. When I looked over at the clock, I noticed it was 11:15am. Jonathan was stilling sleeping, and I hated the fact that I had to get outo of the bed. Whoever it was wasn’t going away. When I opened the door, there stood a man and a woman.

  “Yes, how could I help you?” I asked.

  “Are you Ms. Cynthia Reid?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Well, Ms. Reid, may we please come in?” I stepped to the side to allow them entrance.

  “Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?” I offered. They both said no. “Well, okay. What can I do for you then?”

  “We’re here because your name was giving as being sexually linked to an Eric Greyson.”

  “Yes, we were involved. We broke up over seven months ago. So, what does my acquaintance have to do with why you are here?”

  “Like I said, Ms. Crawford, your name was given, and it seems that Mr. Greyson ha tested positive for HIV.”

  “Please say that again because I’m not sure I heard you right.”

  “Mr. Greyson gave us your name because he said you both were sexually linked.”

  “Oh, my God this has got to be a bad dream! So, you’re here because you think I may have it, too?”


  “Well, I was just at my doctor’s office recently, and I was tested for HIV and quite a few other STDs. So, my results came back negative. I hate that you wasted your time showing up here.”

  “Well, Ms. Reid, I wouldn’t say it was time wasted. Just happy to know you were tested. Sorry we had to disturb you on this beautiful Saturday morning.” I got up and showed them to the door. I tried to hurry back upstairs before Jonathan got up because I wanted to snuggle up with him. When I reached the top of the stairs, I heard the shower running. There goes lying back in the bed, but I sure could start some trouble in the shower.


  I just got my invite from the Mayor’s office to the ball. I didn’t even waste any time responding back. This gave me a reason to shop for a gown at Bloomingdale’s. I still had some money in my bank account, and I just deposited my first paycheck. The medicine that I’d been taking was making feel as if I were getting back to myself. I had my days, but I wasn’t going to let this bullshit slow me down. I still had lives to destroy. I’ve been to Dre’s house and gotten no answer. I even sat outside a few nights to see if I would catch him coming in. He hadn’t even been at work. They said he had taken some time off.

  There was a knock at my office door. “Come in,” I said. In walked Diane, she had some mail in her hand. She handed me three envelopes. One was very decorative. I opened it, and it was an invitation to the Mayor’s Ball. I gave the envelope back to Diane and told her to fill out the response card for two. I also told her to go find a gown and handed her my platinum card. In addition, I told her to make sure she got something sexy. She ran around the desk and kissed me. I thought this would be a good way to pay her back for taking care of me when I couldn’t even take care of myself.

  Chapter 29


  My plan was coming together perfectly. I had Carter eating out from the palm of my hands. He showered me with gifts and romantic dinners prepared by Carlos. He made mention that he wanted to take me away. He asked if there wa somewhere special that I wanted to go. I told him that I had always wanted to go to Hawaii.

  “Well, Lil Momma, your wish shall be granted.” I jumped up, making sure not to hit my protruding stomach and gave him a big hug and kiss. As I hugged him, I could feel his manhood getting rock hard. He tried on numerous occasions to have sex with me, but he would pull back and say not yet. Even though I felt as if I were betraying Ant, I was glad that I kept my hormones intact. As I went to sit back down, he got on the phone and barked demands at someone to make arrangements for our trip to Hawaii. I excused myself and made my way to the bathroom. I couldn’t seem to hide my excitement because this would be my way of escaping. When I returned to the room, he informed me that our trip would be set for next Thursday. He thought my excitement was for the trip, but little did he know, this had nothing to do with him. My plan was moving right along.

  “Damn, babe I can’t wait to get you away on one of those island. I’m going have my designer go out and get you some things for our trip. Hopefully, you’re up to traveling. How far long are you?”

  “I’m seven and a half months, I should be all right,” I said.

  “Okay, Lil Momma. Well, let me get out of here; I have some business to attend to, but I will stop back by later.”
He bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Okay, see you later.” I had gotten a little more freedom to roam the house without someone shadowing over me. I walked into the kitchen and asked Carlos if he could prepare me a salad. I told him I would be upstairs. I made my way upstairs and got relaxed and started talking to AJ. He was moving around as if he knew something big was about to happen. “It won’t be long, baby,” I told him, “we’re almost home.


  “Hey Patricia, I’m gonna need you to go shopping for me. I’m taking my lady on a trip, and she’s going to need some outfits. Now, you already know she’s pregnant, but I’m still going to need some sexy outfits and a bathing suit for her. You know with me that money isn’t an issue. Just charge it to my account.”

  I pulled up to Fibber’s Sport Bar for a meeting I had because it was time to tie up some loose ends. I met with my boy, James. I gave my name and was seat in the back. I ordered drinks while Pedro and I waited for James to arrive. I forgot to mention that Pedro was more than my driver; he’s one of my bodyguards, too. When I looked up, James was coming through the door. He slid into the booth and shook hands with us. The waitress returned with our drinks. James placed his order and the waitress was off again. We wasted no time getting down to business. I had James following Dawn’s mom because that bitch had to pay for her hand in setting me up to serve fifteen years in jail. I told him that I wanted her ass snatched and taken care of by next Thursday while I was away. That way I wouldn’t be considered a suspect in her killing. I also had him tailing her husband because his name was ringing bells in the street. It was said that he was looking for me, but it wasn’t too hard to find me. I wasn’t hiding, and if he really wanted to see me, he could set up a meeting because his people knew some of my people.

  “He wasn’t too good at what he does,” I said to my audience. “This pussy don't want no real trouble!” We all laughed. We placed our orders for something to eat. We just sat back, making small talk until our food came. When we were finished, I paid the bill. We shook hands and went our separate ways.

  I felt good knowing that that little business would be handled while I was away. I also told James to off the hubby.

  It was time to make Dawn mine for good.

  Chapter 30


  The Evening of the Mayor’s Ball

  It was like the award shows; people were getting out of their cars and their limos to walk the red carpet and have their pictures taken. I was sporting a red and black Donatella Versace dress, with some black Christian Louboutin shoes. Jonathan had on an all-black Calvin Klein two-piece suit. We were looking sharp. When we walked into the banquet room, it was wall-to-wall with people. I spotted the Mayor and his wife, and I made note to thank him later for inviting me. Jonathan grabbed us some champagne off of a tray as the hostess walked by. As I was standing there, enjoying my champagne and some h’orderves, I thought I heard a familiar voice. When I turned around, I came face to face with Eric. He stood there with some attractive woman on his arm, who seemed to be of mixed descent.

  “Well, look who it is, Diane,” he said, with a smirk on his face. “It’s Ms. Cynthia Reid,” she gave him a perplexed look, as if to say, “Who is she?”

  “This is a very good friend of mine.” She extended her hand out, so I shook it.

  “Hello, my name is Diane Anderson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He stood there, mugging Jonathan, but of course, Jonathan didn’t seem fazed at all. He knew who Eric was, so there were no introductions made. Jonathan grabbed me by the hand and led me away. I thanked him as we walked off. I could still feel Eric’s eyes on me, burning a hole in the back of my head.

  “So, that was the infamous Eric Greyson.”

  “Yeah, that’s the asshole. He better be glad I didn’t slap that smirk off his damn face. The nerve of him to even breathe the same air I’m breathing.”

  “Well, babe, you might not have to worry about him breathing your air too long. With his lifestyle he won’t make it.”

  The rest of the night was very eventful. The food, the dancing, the mingling was all great, and I just enjoyed my time with my amazing, sexy man. Eric tried to approach me when I was coming out the ladies’ room, but as I told him in that note, he needed to stay away from me, or he would regret the day he met me.

  “Bitch, I don’t take to kindly to threats!” he said, through gritted teeth. Jonathan must have spotted Eric as he approached me when I was coming out of the bathroom. When Jonathan walked up, Eric never heard him coming as he called me a bitch.

  “That isn’t the way you should talk to a lady.” Eric turned around, and he was almost shy of three inches smaller than Jonathan.

  “Man, I’m gonna need you to step the fuck back from me. See, this bitch-” and whap! Jonathan knocked the hell out of Eric. He never even saw it coming. I pulled Jonathan away before he commenced to whooping Eric’s ass. As we were leaving, I thought I saw Marcy standing in the background, observing the whole altercation. I knew that bitch didn’t want any trouble. As the limousine pulled up, Jonathan opened the door and we got in. As we were leaving, I could see Eric standing in front of hotel, looking around. I got a good laugh looking at him clearly trying to see if he could spot us. It served his ass right because I fully warned his ass. As I sat there relaxing my mind, I felt Jonathan’s hands inching up my gown. I looked over at him as he licked his lips. When I looked down, I could see his dick straining against his pants.

  “Why don’t we have a little fun?” he said. He raised the partition to close us off from the driver and slid onto the floor in front of me. It was hard rejecting him when he looked so damn sexy. He pulled me close to the edge of the seat, and his head disappeared under my gown. All I could feel was his lips and his tongue. I could hear the slurping noise that drove me crazy. I tried to muffle my moans, but he told me to be as loud as I wanted to, since the driver couldn’t hear us. I felt as if I were off in an orbit somewhere because of the way he had me feeling. I was on Cloud Nine. The sensations he was sending through my body had my legs shaking uncontrollable. He just kept French kissing my pussy. The orgasms were just ripping through my body back-to-back. When he finished, he came up with pussy juice all over his face, mixed in with a little sweat.

  “Now, that’s a dessert I didn’t mind having.” He reached up, and I just licked around his lips, making sure not to miss a spot. When I finally caught my breath, we were at my front door. I tried to straighten my dress and my hair out before he opened the door. I didn’t want it to seem obvious as to what had just happened in the back seat.

  “Jonathan, it looks like the driver has his work cut out for him.” He looked back at me and said, “Yeah, you’re so nasty!” and he started laughing. I couldn’t even look the driver in his face as he opened the door.

  “Good night, Ms. Reid.”

  Chapter 31


  “Man, so you telling me nobody got news on this nigga’s whereabouts? So, what the hell am I paying you for? I needed some answers like yesterday.”

  “Look, Ant, I have people all over, searching and keeping their ears opened.”

  “Well, it doesn’t seem like you got your best people out there looking because this motherfucker’s head hasn’t been bought to me nor is my fucking wife here in my presence. Your people are just as worthless as these lazy ass Philly cops! Look, I want to know where this nigga is, his momma, his kids, his grandma or anyone who means anything to him by this time tomorrow. So, you and your crew have twenty-four hours to bring somebody to me!” Jahiem got up and walked out of Ant’s office; he was on his phone cursing somebody else out for not having any clues as to where Carter could be. Ant leaned his head back in his chair and placed a phone call to his brother, Raymond. When Raymond answered, he could tell his little brother was stressed out.

  “Yo, bro. Wassup with you?”

  “Man, these motherfuckers still haven’t come up with any news on this pussy ass nigga. My wife has b
een gone damn near a whole month. I can’t eat, sleep, or concentrate on shit. I need my wife home. I need to know that her and my baby are doing all right. Man, I’m going crazy over here. I need something to happen and soon.”

  “Look here, you not gonna be any good to her when she comes home if you don’t take care of yourself. I’ll tell you what, let me put some of my people out there, and I can guarantee you either his whereabouts, or even better, that nigga himself in person. Bet! So, do yourself a favor and get some rest, and eat something, too.” They hung up the phone, and Ant felt somewhat better.

  Before he could make it out of his office, his phone rang. He looked at the screen, and Camille’s number popped up.

  “Hey, Camille what’s going on?” It sounded as if she had been crying. “Hello, Camille, are you there?”

  “Yeah, Anthony, I’m sorry to be calling you, but have you heard from my mother?”

  “I talked with her Tuesday evening when she came over to check on me. “Why, what’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Well, she was supposed to meet up with Gerald for dinner last night, but, he didn’t think much of it because she was complaining of a headache, so he figured she fell asleep. So, this morning when he called he, he got no answer. He went over to the house, and it was ransacked. He said it looked as if there had been a struggle of some kind. There was even blood all over the place. So, he called the cops, and then he called me and Deja after. So, we’ve been here at her house, calling her cell phone and hoping she would answer or something. I know it sounds crazy, but what if Carter got to her? I told her to either come here or go to Gerald’s, but of course, she didn’t listen. Now she’s gone!” she wailed, breaking down in a heart-shattering cry. I told her I would be there in a few and disconnected the call. I wasn’t exactly sure what I could do, but I could show my support. I called my brother and told him to put a rush on it because now Dawn’s mom was missing. As I got in my Benz, my text alert went off.


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