A Titaness for the Titan (TITANS, #5)

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A Titaness for the Titan (TITANS, #5) Page 7

by Lazu, Sotia

  “You don’t have to growl. I didn’t sleep with any of them.” A smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

  He hadn’t realized he’d made his displeasure obvious. “I didn’t growl; I cleared my throat.”

  “Uh huh. Because you’re not the jealous type.” She arched one dark eyebrow in challenge, and he squared his shoulders, staring her down.

  “I have nothing to be jealous of,” he said, thumping his chest with his fist. “No male, mortal or immortal, can measure up.”

  He’d meant it as a joke, but she bit her lip and dragged her gaze down his body. He practically felt it glide down his sternum and land below his waist. Now would be a good time to finish what they started, but he wanted to be better than the men who were only interested in what she had between her thighs.

  “Tell me about your latest job. Mykonos, huh? Eros gave me some pretty scandalous information about that island.”

  Nikoleta blushed all the way to her belly button. “I’ve seen some things. People come to Mykonos to shed their inhibitions. I guess they tend to get a little crazy, but it’s exhilarating to watch.”

  Tantalizing too, from what he picked up from her thoughts. Half-naked bodies sprayed by seawater, bouncing to the beat of the music, grinding together... Sometimes doing more, just out of view.

  “Doesn’t sound like the kind of working environment I’d imagine you in.” But he could imagine her. In a tiny bikini. Her crazy hair clinging to her face with sweat. Starlight reflecting off her hauntingly beautiful eyes. Of course, in his mind, they were alone on the beach, and her writhing was done horizontally.

  She shrugged and shifted, her knees parting to allow him a glimpse of her pussy. “A part of me wanted to rebel against my good-girl image. Same part that did this.” She flicked a violet-ended tuft between her fingers. “And I guess I wanted some time to myself. The job paid well, it was only for the summer, and it was”—far enough from home, but he sensed her guilt through their ever-growing connection—“my first chance to a vacation in years.” She rubbed her face and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Hope they still pay me, even though I’ll be missing my last two days on the job.”

  But that wasn’t what was on her mind. The part of her that chose Mykonos was the same part that chose him. That was why she didn’t trust it. Because she was afraid it was a matter of her acting out.

  “That part of you is still you,” he said softly. “So is the part that didn’t want to disappoint your mother. Or the part that resisted the thought of casual sex. You’re multifaceted, like a diamond, and every single side of you is as brilliant and flawless and stunning as the rest.”

  She pursed her lips, but not before he saw the grin trying to curve them. “Which side of me is doing this?” she asked.

  Before he could ask what this was, she slid down from the bed and crawled onto his lap. Her mental barriers, that only weakened when they were intimate, dissolved, allowing him to experience her wonder, as she raised her hips and took his hardened shaft inside, one agonizingly slow centimeter at a time. When she stopped, midway down, he thought he might die.

  “It feels bigger when I’m on top,” she said.

  He added an extra couple centimeters to his length and girth. “It gets even bigger. Scared?”

  “Only of not feeling this full again.” Closing her eyes briefly, she tossed her head back, the pale glow from outside washing the violet tips of her hair in jewel tones.

  He wanted to grab her hips and piston inside her, but recognized what it took for her to instigate this. This was her, acknowledging them. Going against all the musts and shoulds she’d been brought up with, and embracing her true potential. So he leaned back on his elbows and watched her carefully spread the tails of her robe behind her before fully impaling herself on his cock.

  Her full breasts swayed when she rose and fell on top of him, begging for his touch. He could conjure the image of cupping them, kneading them, but he wanted to really feel them. Lying back, he closed his hands over them and squeezed. Flattened one palm over her nipple and drew a circle, enjoying the puckered tip grazing his skin.

  She bowed her back, arching into his touch as she rolled her hips. Sparks ran across his skin. Her body erased the millennia he’d been trapped in stone, and breathed new life into him. But it wasn’t the way she squeezed him or how her fingers dug into his chest, or even how her gaze bore into him, promising an eternity of this coupling, that had him biting his lips and using the pain to stave off his orgasm.

  What threatened to undo him was her mind, screaming into his, “Yours. Forever yours. Only yours.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  NIKOLETA’S THIGHS BURNED with exertion, and her pussy felt raw with Coeus’ intense attentions. She curled into him, seeking his warmth to drive away the chill of the stone floor.

  “Are you cold?” His voice made no echo. It was in her head, and it felt right.

  She snuggled even closer. “Just a little.”

  A blink of an eye, and they were on the bed, Coeus pulling the soft sheets over them. “You’re mine,” he said aloud.

  “I am.” It came out on a giggle. Seeing him watch her so raptly while she talked about herself, her reality, reminded her how much she loved him. How could she have doubted for even a second that she belonged with him?

  “And I’m yours.” His expression was solemn, willing her to see the sincerity of his words. “You’re my world, Nikoleta.”

  Her name sounded like a prayer on his lips. She laid a kiss on his shoulder and trailed her fingertips through the thin line of short, coarse hair below his belly button.

  “Someone hasn’t had enough.” Waggling his eyebrows, he caught her wrist and led her hand lower, to grasp his ever-hard shaft.

  She gave him a playful squeeze before skating her palm up to his chest. “I’m good for now, but hold that thought.” Her stomach grumbled. It had been way too long since she’d had a meal. Hadn’t Nerites promised breakfast?

  The clearing of a throat almost made her jump out of her skin.

  “Eros,” Coeus growled, sitting up and leaning so she was behind him.

  The god stepped into view—and could her cheeks burn any hotter? His eyes lacked their usual spark of mischief as he held up a tray of what smelled too fishy to be breakfast. “Not that I’m not ecstatic you finally saw the light, but I’m afraid I have to cut your post-coital bliss short.” He rounded the bed to place the tray by her side. “It’s seaweed... everything. Not all of it tastes good, but it will soothe your hunger until your powers kick in.”

  Right. Because the bonding would make her a Titaness again. Her robe hung from her forearms, completely open. She hurriedly pulled it up and tied the sash in a tight knot around her waist, before reaching for the crystal glass. She might be getting in touch with her inner Titaness, but it’d be a long time before nudity stopped triggering her sense of shame. She scrunched her nose and took a swig of the green liquid. Not as bad as she expected.

  Coeus cocked his head to the side, as if straining to hear something. “My brothers,” he said. “They need help.”

  Eros nodded gravely. “Kronos is completely free. His legs were shackled with Zeus’ thunder, but Rhea has undone the binding. The third Centimane is unaccounted for, but we expect to hear from him any time now. And there’s talk the Cyclopes are next.”

  “Well, fuck.” Coeus chuckled. “That’s one fine word.” He stood and turned to look at her, expression serious now. “I have to go, but I will be back for you. Always.”

  She believed him—who could defeat five fully restored Titans, without help from Zeus himself?—but her heart stammered in her ribcage. She raised her arms to him, and he swooped in for a kiss that promised forever, before blinking away far too soon.

  Eros perched on the mattress beside her, gaze steady on her face. “It will be okay,” he said.

  “I know.” But fear clogged her throat, and the words came out choked.

  Eros smiled softly. “Eat, the
n find Pherusa.”

  “Klymene,” Nikoleta whispered.

  “She’s as much Klymene as you’re Phoebe,” he said with a shrug. “Find her, and I’ll see you soon. The good guys will win this.”

  She wanted to ask how he was so sure, but he blinked away before she could. Maybe it was for the best. If she detected even a hint of uncertainty in his voice, she might lose it.

  Breakfast disappeared as fast as it had appeared. Hunger and weariness made the seaweed taste better than palatable, and she felt rejuvenated by the time she licked the last traces off her fingers. More—she felt like she could take on the world.

  Which Coeus was doing while she sat here, stuffing her face. She hopped out of bed, amazed by how strong and limber she felt. Even her pussy was no longer sore. Relief mingled with a hint of disappointment. She’d liked the reminder of her and Coeus’ coupling.

  She strode to the door and threw it open. Pherusa was probably in the council room. And which way was that? Pherusa had blinked her there, and Nikoleta wasn’t really memorizing her surroundings when Nerites helped her up to the bedroom. She could try to blink, but she was nowhere near that confident about her returning powers.

  Was the stairway to the right? Yup. She took the stairs down two at a time, and after losing her way and being turned around a couple times, burst through the double doors and into a room full of somber-looking men. Pherusa was with them, as were Circe and a blonde woman Nikoleta hadn’t seen before.

  Pherusa caught her looking and whispered, “That’s Christina. Not one of us, but really cool.”

  The blonde’s eyes went wide as saucers, as she watched what unfolded in the swirling water bubble.

  Circe pursed her lips. “I have to go back up.”

  “What about Vythos?” King Nereus asked.

  Circe waved off his concern. “The threat is above for now. If Kronos isn’t stopped, Vythos will be lost too.”

  Nereus ran both his hands over the braids in his beard. “Can’t you see—?”

  “No.” Circe’s voice came out shrill. Her form wavered and solidified to that of the gorgeous young woman Nikoleta’d glimpsed before. “I can’t see how to stop him, or even if we’ll manage to. I know this is our only chance, and I need to be there.”

  “Take me with you.” Nikoleta jumped in front of the witch, as if she could stop her from leaving.

  Circe looked from her to Pherusa, who said, “Me too.”

  “No.” Nereus shook his head. Your brother—”

  “Nerites must stay here. He’s your heir.”

  “You’re not ready.” His voice was hard, but his eyes implored her to listen.

  “I am, Father.”

  A breeze with no obvious source circled Nikoleta and bypassed her, to tousle the king’s hair.

  Pherusa gave him a smug smile. “See?”

  She’d done this? “How...?” Nikoleta was acutely aware she was opening and closing her mouth like a fish. Eh. She was among the right crowd for that.

  Circe arched an eyebrow at Nikoleta. “Can you do that too?”

  “How?” Nikoleta asked again.

  Pherusa shrugged. “You focus on the air. Feel it. Tell it what to do. I can’t describe it any better than that.”

  “Remember.” Fast as lightning, Circe touched her index finger to Nikoleta’s temple.

  It worked. Nikoleta remembered how natural it felt to command the elements. It really was as simple as Pherusa said. The wind felt like the least destructive thing to experiment with. She focused on feeling every molecule that touched her skin, and then expanded her senses throughout the room. This was amazing. A little push, and—

  Three of the males in the room flew backwards to land on their asses, as if slapped by a gigantic invisible hand.

  Nikoleta brought her hand to her mouth, partly to hide the grin that stretched her lips. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” Did she sound properly mortified? Because she totally was mortified. And only a little proud of herself.

  “That’ll do.” Circe grabbed her wrist, and Nikoleta barely had time to see the witch close her other hand over Pherusa’s shoulder, before the council room melted away.

  This time wasn’t as disorienting, and Nikoleta’s legs were steady as she climbed over a boulder, following the witch to the razed area where Mount Olympus used to be. The destruction around them was devastating. Enormous chunks of rock had crushed buildings and cars to pulp, and the air was thick with smoke. Dust clung to her nostrils with every breath. She didn’t need to breathe, but she couldn’t break the habit of years within a few minutes. At least she still had a choice. What about the people who lived here? Had they gotten out in time?

  As if she read her mind, Circe said, “The Titans cleared the area of humans and animals before Kronos broke out. Now come.” She gave Nikoleta a scrutinizing look. “I changed your outfit to something more suitable. You’d better go big, though.”

  Nikoleta looked down at herself. She was in a T-shirt and yoga pants. Cool, though an armor might be more useful. And... go big? A large shadow fell over Nikoleta, and she turned to her right, to see Pherusa’s left pinkie toe. Which now came up to Nikoleta’s waist.

  Ah. Go big.

  “Same thing you did with the air, but inside,” Pherusa boomed from what seemed like a few kilometers up. “Clothes will adjust.”

  Nikoleta stepped back to make room, and focused on the particles that made up her body. It was easier than with the air, her flesh and bones seemingly eager to unfold to their full size.

  The next moment, she was shoulder to shoulder with Pherusa.

  “Now get in there,” Circe barked, her voice oddly carrying loud and clear, despite the noise and their difference in height.

  Nikoleta ran to where Coeus, a freaking cloud wrapped around his waist, was fighting a one-eyed giant. So the Cyclopes’ awakening too was more than talk. Damn. She couldn’t throw a decent punch to save herself, so instead, she called for the air to slam into the Cyclops’ chest. That did as much good as a mosquito flying into him, but when he shifted his attention to her, Coeus drove a slab of concrete into his single eye. The point jutted out of the Cyclops’ head, covered in brains and blood, and the Cyclops collapsed like a humongous sack of rocks.

  And then he turned into just that—a pile of rock. Neat.

  Nikoleta looked around. Two more Cyclopes flanked Kronos, keeping Atlas and Prometheus from reaching him. Epimetheus and Hyperion stood away from the fray, the former gently cradling a human woman in the cupped palm of his hand. All Titans other than Coeus and Kronos, who was naked, wore clothes similar to what Circe had dressed Nikoleta in. Supernatural black ops. Ha.

  Pherusa and the other Titanesses, also in all black, circled Kronos and the Cyclopes, sending alternating blasts of air, water, earth, and fire whenever they found an opening in Kronos’ defense.

  Atlas drove his fist into the chest of one of the Cyclopes. No. Through the Cyclops’ chest. When he pulled his hand out again, the Cyclops’ bleeding heart was clenched between Atlas’ fingers.

  “Two down, one to go.” Coeus snaked an arm around Nikoleta’s waist and kissed her fiercely. He tasted of something metallic. Blood. His?

  Nikoleta didn’t have time to linger on the thought.

  He broke the kiss and yelled, “Duck.”

  She did, and a fireball hit Coeus on the shoulder. He growled and made a thrusting motion around her, returning the fire toward Kronos.

  “Hey, watch it.” Atlas leaned to the side, swiping the remaining Cyclops’ legs under him.

  Before Atlas could land a blow, the Cyclops blinked behind him and caught him in a choke hold. Atlas reached over his head and jabbed one finger in the Cyclops’ eye, making him roar. It sounded more like anger than pain, but it made the Cyclops let go. Atlas swiveled and managed to knee him in the groin. As the Cyclops doubled over, Atlas grasped him by the ears and twisted, snapping his neck. And another hill was formed.

  Kronos stood unprotected again, surrounded by
five of his brothers, four of their soulmates, and a handful of sea daimons. Rhea was on his side, but she was busy trading blows with a Titaness who was at the moment kicking her ass, and there was one more Hecatoncheiras somewhere, but even if he appeared now, the Titans would have them outnumbered.

  Or not.

  A dozen more one-eyed giants shimmered into existence around them. And of course, the remaining Hecatoncheiras was with them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  THIS WAS THE MOMENT Coeus feared. With so many adversaries, the Titanesses could no longer rely on fighting from a distance. They had to engage in physical battle, and he didn’t know if Nikoleta could handle herself.

  Atlas’ mate was easily holding her own against Rhea. Their fight seemed personal, judging by the insults they hurled at each other. In his head, Coeus heard the faint echo of Prometheus’ directing his woman through hits and kicks that dropped the Cyclops she was fighting to his knees. The Titaness’ movements flowed effortlessly. Was her mind that synced with Prometheus’, or had she been training?

  Coeus mechanically rained punches on the third Hecatoncheiras—Kottos, which meant the one he’d chopped to bits on the seabed had been Gyges; Coeus had been too rage filled to notice at the time—avoiding the hundred hands clutching and raking at him. It wasn’t easy, keeping an eye on Nikoleta at the same time, but he wasn’t made for easy.

  He landed a hard kick in Kottos’ stomach, enjoying the multitude of groans escaping Kottos’ throats. The beast had an advantage, with so many appendices, but synchronizing fifty brains to control them made him slow.

  And one of the Cyclopes lunged at Nikoleta.

  Oof. Coeus’ head was thrown back by a fist that packed the force of a comet. He had to focus on his fight, or he’d be of no use to his female anyway.

  Speaking of— Nikoleta raked her nails down the Cyclops’ face, while aiming a fire ball below his waist. Nice. Also, brutal. Coeus couldn’t have been prouder.

  A white ball of light swirled into being to Coeus’ right. Eros?


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