A Titaness for the Titan (TITANS, #5)

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A Titaness for the Titan (TITANS, #5) Page 10

by Lazu, Sotia

  Sometimes she thought she wasn’t ready for it. What did the existence of Titans—her existence—mean for the existence of the Orthodox God? Coeus said the two weren’t mutually exclusive. Maybe who they now called God was once named Chaos. Or one created the other. She’d never know for sure, and she tried to make her peace with it.

  “Ready?” Coeus asked from the doorway.

  She looked at him in the full-length mirror that came with the new, more spacious bedroom Nereus had made available to them until Eros was back and they could make other arrangements.

  In a charcoal-gray suit, the top button of his white shirt undone, Coeus looked as mouthwatering as he did spread out in bed, fully naked and erect.

  He narrowed his eyes, but the gold in them was still striking, as he said, “Keep having these thoughts, and we’ll be late.”

  Which, inevitably, made her think of crawling up his body, to rub her wet pussy along his cock.

  “Now you’ve done it.” Coeus blinked right behind her and bent her over at the waist. He pushed the hem of her formfitting pale-blue dress up her hips.

  “Hey.” She laughed. “I’m going to fall.”

  “Hmm... no underwear,” he said as if he didn’t hear her. “Naughty.”

  “I was hoping to get punished after we had dinner with my mom.” Nikoleta swished her hips. She was wet and ready for him. Why was his cock still in his trousers? She didn’t care if they were late. Not like they’d have to deal with traffic.

  One large palm landed on her bare ass with a hard crack, and Nikoleta jolted forward, as fresh liquid dripped from her pussy. “What...?”

  He kneaded the flesh of her buttock, and then leaned down to lave the skin with his tongue and lips.

  Nikoleta let her head fall forward. On the mattress? When did he blink them to the bed?

  Another slap, and she didn’t care. Her pussy clenched, as he ran two fingers along her slit, spreading her juices backward, toward her other hole.

  Okay, her first taste of anal shouldn’t be right before she introduced her lover to her mother. Why was she pushing back into his touch as he pressed his thumb to the ring of muscle?

  He withdrew his hand, and this time his palm connected with the apex of her thigh, before he buried his face between her buttocks, to lick her puckered hole. He pinched her clit hard, phantom hands sneaking under her dress to cup her breasts and twist her nipples.

  Her face burned. This wasn’t something good girls did, but she hadn’t been a good girl since she met him, and it felt so very right.

  He licked a trail to the small of her back, and raised his head, his thumb circling her asshole again.

  Nikoleta heard the sound of his zipper sliding down and tensed. Shouldn’t she be more prepared before he went in there?

  Coeus chuckled. “I’m saving in there for dessert, when we’re back.”

  So then—

  He slammed balls deep into her pussy, as he drove his thumb into her ass.

  She moaned, but pushed into the double intrusion, almost crying when he pulled all the way out. “Don’t you dare leave me like this till after dinner.”

  “Can’t say it’s not tempting. Keeping you horny may help with your stress over this meeting.”

  She thought of herself on her knees, sucking his cock down her throat, and projected the thought at him. “Fucking me will be much better stress relief.” For both of them.

  That must have been a compelling argument, because he thrust inside her again, pumping his hips against her relentlessly.

  Nikoleta wedged her hand between her legs and rubbed her clit, clenching around him. Needing more. She felt his lips around her nipple. They couldn’t possibly be there, but they felt as real as his cock inside her. He pushed his thumb into her ass once more. No, not his thumb. Two fingers. Stretching her. Hurting her so deliciously. Amplifying the pleasure that wove through every square centimeter of her body.

  She came around him, her body convulsing as her orgasm sent her hurtling out of control. Her arms gave out, but Coeus kept driving inside her until he was spent, whispering her name. He kissed up her spine and stood, helping her up before smoothing her dress back in place.

  “I can’t see Mom like this. I need to shower again,” she mock-whined. The air could take care of his spendings, dripping down her thighs.

  “No time for that.” His smirk was devilish. “I need to make a good first impression on my mother in law to be.”

  Nikoleta shook her head, ordering a breeze to fix her hair so she didn’t look as thoroughly fucked as she was. She stepped into a pair of high heels she’d brought with the rest of her stuff from her hotel room in Mykonos, when she blinked there last night, and held her hand out to him.

  Coeus took it and slipped something around her ring finger.

  Startled, she tugged her hand free and took in the huge diamond adorning the pale band. She raised her gaze to him. “Is this...?”

  “Your mother is old fashioned. She will have less of an issue with you living with me if we’re engaged.” He sounded casual, but his golden eyes were searching her face. “I made it myself.”

  “Is it titanium?” Her poor effort at a joke fell flat and did nothing to quell the surge of emotion inside. She knew he loved her, that he wanted her to be part of his eternity, but this was his way of becoming part of her life. Nikoleta’s life.

  “I love you,” Coeus said, allowing her to see the truth of his words in his mind and heart. “I’m yours. I want the world to know.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Maybe they had time for another round. Moussakas tasted just as good at room temperature.


  CIRCE TORE AT HER HAIR, Eros’ dried blood clinging to the stringy tresses.

  She couldn’t see. Why couldn’t she see?

  She’d inhaled the smoke of the bay leaves, and she’d cast her spells, and she’d swirled her cauldron until its contents had splashed out to dampen the fire beneath it, and still she couldn’t see if Eros would be all right.

  He should be. He was a god. Gods didn’t perish by a single blow.

  But the blow had been delivered by a Titan, and the wound across Eros’ abdomen and chest seemed as angry and raw now as it did when she swept him off the battle field, and that was a full day ago. He was as pale as her white sheets, where they weren’t stained by his blood.

  So much blood.

  Why was he still bleeding? Why wasn’t his flesh knitting back together? He wasn’t breathing, but he didn’t need to breathe. No heartbeat reached her ears, but again, that meant nothing. He wasn’t human. Never had been. Unlike the primordials, whose remains turned to stone, Olympians disappeared when they faded from life. If Eros’ body was still here, he was alive—or whatever this version of inanimate existence was called.

  “If you fade on me, I swear I’ll bring you back to life just to end you again myself,” she muttered as she reapplied charmed poultices along the deep cut. “You’ll come back to me. You hear?”

  “Why?” The quiet word made her snap her gaze to his face. His eyelids fluttered but didn’t open.

  Hurriedly wiping her bloodied hands on her robes, she cupped his cheeks and pressed her lips to his temple. “Can you hear me?”

  He hummed. Praise Father Helios, he was coming to.

  “Open your eyes, you stubborn god. You can’t leave me. Not after...”

  “After what?” One of his blue eyes popped open and focused on her.

  Circe wiped furiously at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “After you made me love you. You can’t leave me after you made me love you.”

  “Ha.” He sat up, pointing at her. “I knew it. You do love me.” His body gleamed with life, intact and impeccable, muscles rippling under the skin.

  Circe hissed as she backed away from the bed. “You were faking it?”

  Rising to his knees, he reached for her. “I had to. You wouldn’t admit your feelings unless I was in danger of fading.”
/>   Circe batted his hand before it touched her cheek, and glared. “So you toyed with my feelings? You wanted to see me cry?” She roared her frustration. “I hate you.”

  Eros blinked right in front of her, one of his arms snaking around her waist. “You love me.”

  “Hate you.” She tried to slap him, but he caught her wrist with his free hand and held it at her back.

  “You love me.” Closing his lips over hers, he swallowed her protests and kept kissing her until her body gave in, molding into his. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, “Say it.”

  “Okay. If I have to.” She looked at him defiantly, challenging him to make fun of her declaration. “I love you.”

  “Yes.” Eros threw her over his shoulder and turned to drop her on the bed, atop linens that were as pristine as ever, not a drop of blood marring them.

  Circe landed with a huff that turned into a giggle when he jumped on top of her. She giggled again when he pulled her ankles so her legs came up around his hips.

  “Keep saying it while I fuck you,” Eros ordered, before spreading her robes and sinking inside her.

  “I love you.” She’d chant it until she had no voice.

  Hours—or maybe days—later, she lay in his arms, legs tangled with his. She needed to keep touching him. To make sure he was here. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  He cupped her ass and squeezed. “You mean by making you come till you’re out of breath?”

  Kissing the curve of his shoulder, she said, “You know what I mean.”

  “I know. And I promise not to. At least we’re done now. No more Titans rising, yes?”

  Images flooded her vision. Enormous men, darkening the sky. Power beyond measure. Control snapped. And... love?

  Was this a set future or a glimpse of a possibility?

  Dark-blue eyes, the color of the ocean, met hers. But hers were shut.

  She blinked away the premonition and curled more tightly around Eros’ body. “No more Titans,” she whispered, “but your mother may not be the only Olympian back.”

  The End (or is it?)

  Keep reading for a taste from Peace for Poseidon – Olympians Ascending #1


  ’Cause mine certainly feels like one.

  If I pick up, I set in motion things designed long before my birth. My latest birth, at least. C can’t see the definitive future, but he sees the results of individual choices, and he’s guided my brothers and me to this version of our destiny. This is my last chance to escape the burden about to fall on my shoulders. I can ignore the call. Run. Hide.

  Like there’s a place remote enough for C to lose my trail.

  I snort and reach for the receiver, hating the heartbeat of hesitation before I close my hand over it. “This is Sei,” I say. Not that I need to. This is my private office line, and he’s the only one who could be calling at this hour.

  “Do you have to keep mangling your name?” C’s distaste stretches across the line and fills me with childish satisfaction.

  But I’m not a child anymore, and I’ve already agreed to what’s coming. “Do you have to keep protesting my choices?” I ask.

  If C hears the impatience in my voice, he doesn't show it, instead prattling on about how names have power, and shortening mine is turning my back on my history as well as my future. I won’t point out the irony in our situation, when he goes by a single freaking letter.

  “Is it done?” I grind out, striving not to sound aggressive toward the man who raised me. Times like this, with a past I didn’t live pressing down on me, I almost forget how much I owe him.

  He sighs. “It is. Kronos is incapacitated again, Zeus is out of the picture for good, and the Titans are stabilized.”

  I hear what he doesn't say—my time has come. This is it. This is what I was raised for. This is where my ascension begins. A mix of relief and trepidation tightens in my gut. I coil the cord of the phone around my index finger. “And Rhea?”

  His hesitation is palpable. Then— “I’m sorry.”

  Seems I won't be meeting my original mother after all. “Did she suffer?”

  C sounds pained when he says, “No. She chose to go into stasis, to help beat Kronos. If anything, she’s getting some peace and quiet, at long last.”

  Of all the Titanesses, she alone remained immortal for millennia, doomed to keep walking this world alone, thanks to my selfish brother, Zeus. Stasis may be a welcome reprieve.

  “My jet is ready and waiting. I can be in the air in two hours.” I should be feeling elated. The world is about to become mine. Instead, weariness seeps into my bones.

  “About that... You don’t want to seem careless with resources. Hermes has you booked on a commercial flight. First class, of course. You’re flying out at one fifteen in the afternoon, from Terminal 5. Your brother tells me your ticket is in your inbox, whatever that is.” For someone who likes to pretend technology hasn't evolved since the nineties, C’s always surprisingly on top of things.

  I want to protest the inconvenience of flying commercial, but I mumble an, “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

  “Have a safe flight.” He chuckles. “Oh, and before I forget, Ms. Anastasaki’s interview has been arranged for Monday morning.”

  Like I could forget. Like he’d let me forget.

  I end the call with a grumbled goodnight.

  Need to make arrangements for the morning. “Kelly.” I could use the intercom, but where’s the fun in that, when I can yell instead?

  My secretary nudges open the door to my office and pokes her full head of curls inside. “Are we finally going home?” Her arched eyebrow says she’s not happy, still being at work at ten in the evening. But the deal is she’s here while I’m here, and she gets paid enough not to complain.

  “In a minute. Tell George to bring the car at ten tomorrow. Then you may go.”

  A grin stretches her full lips. “Want a ride tonight?”

  “Nah. I’m good.”

  Kelly’s been offering since I first hired her, six years ago. I’ve never once said yes. Mostly because she doesn’t have a car.

  “Goodnight, boss,” she says with an exaggerated sigh.

  I chuckle at the theatrics. “See you in a week. Hold the fort while I’m gone.” Which shouldn’t be long.

  All I need to do is fly to Athens, fuck Irine Anastasaki, ascend, and return to London, to take over the world.

  Need to know if Sei will get his way? Peace for Poseidon will be out on November 15.

  Make sure to sign up for Sotia’s newsletter, and get a reminder on the day!

  WANT MORE TITANS? Get the FREE prequel, Under, HERE and make sure you’ve read Book 1, A Nereid for the Titan, Book 2, A Maid for the Titan, Book 3 – A Guard for the Titan, and Book 4 – A Seer for the Titan.

  Sign up for Sotia’s Newsletter, and get your FREE copy of Breathe – TITANS 2.5

  Curious about Nerites’ mom? Read about it in Book 3.5 – Above: A TITANS Novelette

  INTO VAMPIRE URBAN Fantasy? Read the Vampire Cherry series!

  #0 Cherry Pop – FREEBIE, #1 Cherry Stem, #2 Cherry Blossom, #3 Cherry Pie, #3.5 Cherry Christmas - FREEBIE (a Vampire Cherry/Paranormal Vampire Investigator crossover)

  And continue with Paranormal Vampire Investigator #1 Cherry Stem and the Pissed-off Ghost

  IN THE MOOD FOR CONTEMPORARY Ménage? Threefold is what you need!

  #1 Colin – FREEBIE, #2 Brad, #3 Becca


  Sotia shares her life and living quarters with her husband, their son, and two rescue dogs, one of which may be part-pony. Sappy movies make her cry, and she wishes she could take in all the stray dogs in the world.

  Sotia spent her formative years reading anything she could get her hands on, including steamy romances her grandma would frown upon—nah, Grandma would totally approve.

  Hailing from the land of Olympians and Titans, Sotia could only resist writing about mythical immortals for so long. Her myth
ology romance boasts hot, powerful Alphas, who can handle sassy ladies and will stop at nothing to make them happy.

  True love exists, and Sotia is determined to give her fated couples a happy ending!

  To know more about Sotia, get your hands on freebies, and be the first to hear about new releases, click HERE.





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