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Maria (The Family Book 4)

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by Angelique Jones

  “What strength? She’s been traveling the country living the high life, partying and fucking anything that comes across her path. To tell the truth, I thought Don Salvatici was losing it to not be able to find her.”

  Confusion filled Angelica’s face. “What are you talking about? Maria left with nothing but a couple thousand dollars that she got from selling the jewelry that her husband hadn’t stolen from her. She’s been living on the streets most of the time or in shitty little hotels, working as a waitress for cash.”

  “What kind of shit are you trying to sell? She’s been using her family’s name to open doors and lines of credit to live off of. Each time I’ve gotten a report on her, it’s been the same shit.” Nero scoffed, wondering who the fuck she was trying to fool. He already said he would marry the girl.

  “Who have you had watching her?”

  “A third party I’ve contracted out.”

  “You didn’t use your own men?”

  “I don’t exactly have extra to spare at the moment. The last two years haven’t exactly been a picnic for my family. Between searching for Caterina and dealing with Basilio, I’m barely keeping my family whole.” Nero said sharply at the criticism that was clear in her tone.

  “Then you should have told me. I left Maria alone because I thought she was in your care.”

  “I haven’t been shirking my duties. The girl has been watched.”

  “Yes, she’s been watched but by whom? These men are not sending you accurate reports of what’s been going on.”

  “I’ll deal with it.” Nero growled. Fuck he hated talking to this woman she made him feel like a boy being scolded.


  “Is there anything else that we need to discuss? Because I’d like to spend some time with my niece and sister before leaving.”

  “No, Nero, other than my offer still stands if you need it.”

  “And my answer is still the same. I can handle my family’s problems. Maybe, though, from what my sister was saying, you need help handling yours. No? Well, then, this discussion is over. As always, it’s been a pleasure, Angelica,” Nero coldly told her, leaving her sitting in the room. He could take care of his own family, and if Maria was to become part of his family, then she had better learn now that she would have no say.

  Chapter 4

  “Come on, Mia, let’s go grab some lunch,” Wendy said, swinging her bags back and forth.

  Looking over, Maria laughed at the expression on her face. “Are you never not hungry?”

  “No! Now come on.” She growled, pulling Maria into the first restaurant they passed. “I have to go to work tonight while you get to go out with our hot, godlike boss. Have I told you lately how jealous I am?” she said, dropping down in one of the seats on the deck overlooking the ocean.

  “Once or twice.” Maria laughed as she gave her drink order to the waitress and snorted at the evil eye that Wendy threw her before burying her head in the menu. Maria could not believe how much Wendy ate for someone so skinny.

  Looking out at the ocean, Maria thought about tonight. She had bought the perfect dress to wear for her date with Jason. They had been seeing each other for a few months now. Maria honestly didn’t know how it had happened. One night Jason’s date for a charity function had backed out, and he had somehow talked her into going with him. Everything after that just seemed to snowball. The next thing, she knew the girls from work were dragging her out to clubs that Jason was a partner in, and somehow the two of them were always thrown together before the end of the night after the girls would disappear with hookups.

  Jason had been so sweet. They would talk for hours before he would drop her off at home. He never tried to come in, and he was always a gentleman. He was the type of man she had always dreamed of meeting. He stirred inside of her things she thought that she would never feel again.

  A few nights ago, he had asked her to come with him when the restaurant closed for the season. He told her that he owned a restaurant in Cancun that he would be opening up for the tourist season. All of the staff would be going, and he wanted her to go, too. Fear had filled her at the thought of going back into Mexico, and she had burst into tears. Jason never asked her what was wrong as he held her, and she was grateful beyond measure. She would die of shame if he ever learned the truth about her. Once her tears had stopped, Jason had quietly told her that if she didn’t want to go, then that was fine. He would help her get an apartment of her own here, and he would fly back as often as he could to see her. Then he handed her a box. Fresh tears had filled her eyes when she opened it and saw the ring inside. In a soft voice, he told her that he wanted to marry her. Pain filled her at his words. A good man like this would never want a whore like her if he knew the truth.

  It was as if he was reading her mind because he placed his finger to her lips and told her that whoever she was before didn’t matter to him. He was only interested in the woman that was here now. The woman that he fell in love with. Then he gathered her into his arms and told her to give him the answer when she was ready. Smiling, he kissed her hair and told her that he wasn’t going anywhere, and he didn’t. He held her all night as they sat and watched the sunrise.

  Smiling to herself, Maria knew that tonight she would put the past behind her forever. Tonight she would become Mia for good and tell Jason yes. Yes, she would marry him. Yes, she would go with him. Yes, she would be the woman that he thought she was because tonight she would truly let the past go and move on with Jason.


  He didn’t fucking need this right now. Angelica had called him screaming that he was to go collect Maria now. She was pissed. In all the years that he had dealt with her, he’d never heard her scream like a woman when she was angry. Normally she was cold, clinical. Hell, if she didn’t look like she did, he would have thought she was a man with her lack of emotions. He knew she was mad because he was supposed to collect Maria a few months ago, but shit had gone bad with Basilio. The fucker had found a way to get his product through, and Nero had been trying to figure out who was stupid enough to betray him. He couldn’t afford for Basilio to regain power.

  Impatiently, Nero waited for the car to get to Maria’s condo. The guys watching her said that she was home. That was another thing. He had sent his people down to make sure that the PI he had following Maria wasn’t fucking him over, and they told him the same shit. Maria was out at clubs every night they had been there, and she was staying in a high-end condo. Yeah, the girl was suffering. He didn’t know what type of shit Angelica was playing, but it ended now. Once he collected Maria, she was his responsibility, and Angelica would back off—period. He had told her that in no uncertain terms, and she had actually agreed. He had to admit, he was shocked at that, because once she gave her word, she meant it.

  “Are you sure that you want to do this, Nero?” Matteo asked again when the car finally pulled up in front of the condo.

  “No, but it’s what I have to.” Nero growled, tired of having this conversation. Matteo was not on board with him marring Maria. Nero knew it was because he was hoping that Nero would find a girl to love, settle down with, and have kids. Ever since Matteo had married Roseanna, he had changed, and he wanted that for Nero. They were expecting their first kid and had asked Nero to be the child’s godfather. Also, with all the problems they had, he felt that Maria wasn’t a problem that their family needed. Nero didn’t really disagree, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Getting out of the car, he motioned for his guys to follow. They would help Maria pack so that they could get the fuck out of here as quickly as possible.

  Figuring that Maria wouldn’t open the door for him, he had Matteo pick the lock to her door. Opening it, he could hear music softly playing. Going inside, he saw candles and rose petals making a path to a room. Following them, Nero placed his hand on the door and slowly pushed it open. His eyes tunneled to the people in the bed. Pulling out his gun, he quietly approached and pressed it to the back of the fucker’s head. The man
froze, his mouth releasing Maria’s tit. Slowly, she opened her eyes when the piece of shit on top of her stopped. Confusion filled her eyes until she found his.

  “Hello, Maria,” Nero said quietly, trying to hold back the unexplained rage that he was feeling at the sight of her in bed with another man.

  Tears filled her eyes and silently slid down her cheeks. Slowly raising her hand, she cupped the fucker’s head sliding it between the slight space between his head and the gun before whispering, “Please don’t kill him.”

  Reaching forward with the hand not holding the gun, Nero gripped her wrist and pulled her hand toward him. The sight of the ring glittering on her finger caused him to grip her hard. “That depends what’s this.”


  “It’s not nothing, Maria. So tell me, did you marry this fucker?”

  “No,” she said, broken only to reiterate when he squeezed harder. “No, I swear we’re not married.”

  Releasing her, Nero grabbed the fucker by the hair and pulled him from the bed, ignoring Maria’s shouts. Defiantly, the fucker glared at Nero as his naked ass stood up. When Maria, wrapped in the sheet, tried to get to him, Nero caught her and pushed her to Matteo. “Grab her some clothes, and take her in the other room.”

  “No. No. Nero, no! You have no right!” she screamed at him.

  Swirling around, Nero reached out and grabbed her by the face. “I have every right. You were given to me,” he hissed, releasing her before he hurt her.

  Dispassionately, he watched as her face paled, and she shook her head in denial. “No. You’re lying. They have no right. I left. I left it all. I have a new life.”

  “You never had a new life, Maria, only the one that I allowed you to have. You know better than that. You’re the property of your family until they decide on a new life for you, and darling, that new life is with me.”

  “Never, you fucking piece of shit! I’ll never marry you.”

  “Yes, Maria, you will. Neither of us has a choice.”

  “You fuckers! I hate you all!” she screamed, her voice echoing in the room.

  “That, Maria, I am well aware of, but it changes nothing.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” the little prick demanded, cutting in.

  Looking back to him, Nero cocked his gun. “Her fiancé.”

  Ripping herself free of Matteo’s grip, she left the sheet behind and threw her naked body in front of the fucker. “No, Nero. I’ll go with you, but you don’t hurt him,” she begged, uncaring of her nudity.

  Lowering the gun, Nero grabbed the sheet from Matteo and threw it at her. “Cover yourself. Now.” Nero spat as his bride-to-be gave his men a good look at what he was getting.

  Shame filled her face at the look that he was giving her. “I’ll go with you, but you will let Jason go. He has nothing to do with this.” she said, defiantly meeting Nero’s eye.

  “Maria, you don’t give me orders, and you will be going with me. Period.”

  “Yes, you can make me go with you. You can even make me stay, but I swear that if you kill him, you’ll spend the rest of your life watching your back, because one day I will sink a knife deep into it.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “No, I’m telling you how it will be. I will never forgive you if you kill him.”

  “Come here, Maria,” Nero told her. Slowly, she approached him, refusing to be intimidated. When she was a foot away, fast as lightning, Nero’s hand shot out and dug painfully into her hair, bringing her face close. Touching his lips to her ears, he said softly, “Go and get your ass dressed, and do not say another word. If you so much utter a sound or look at that fucker again, I will slit his throat.”

  He released her. Putting his gun down on a table next to him, Nero gripped Maria’s wrist. Bring it up to eye level, he pried her finger up from the fist that she was making and slid the ring from her finger before dropping her hand like it burned. Tears filled her eyes as she stared despondently at the ring for a long moment before going to her closet. Grabbing some clothing she left the room without another word or look at the fucker still there.

  He motioned to his guys, who pulled out the single suitcase in Maria’s closet and quickly threw her shit into it. Once they were finished, Nero told them to get out and close the door.

  “So, how are we going to do this?” the fucker asked cockily as soon as the door was shut.


  This couldn’t be happening. Why would her family do this to her? Why couldn’t they just let her live in peace? Hadn’t she suffered enough? Why couldn’t they just let her go? Sliding to the floor of the bathroom in Nero’s plane, Maria curled her body into a ball and softly wept. God hated her. He hated her so much that he had stolen the one good thing that she had. Jason, her sweet Jason. She had been forced to sit there quietly and listen to the sounds coming from her bedroom as Nero beat him. She watched in horror when Nero finally came out. Blood dripped from the hand that grabbed her and brought her to the bedroom to see what he had done. In no uncertain terms, he told her that if she didn’t do exactly what he told her that he would come back and finish him. In a daze, she agreed as he led her from the condo, her safe haven, and put her in the waiting car. In silence, they drove to the airport and got onto the plane. She didn’t bother to ask him where they were going because it didn’t matter. She was now his property. As soon as the plane took off, she hurried to the bathroom to throw up her dinner, and there she stayed.

  The night had started off so beautifully. She had planned it perfectly. Jason thought that he was picking her up to take her out for dinner, but she had surprised him. She had set the candles and roses up so that as soon as he got there, he would know. His ring had been displayed proudly on her finger. She belonged to him, and she planned to show him that she belonged to him in all ways. It took every bit of her courage to strip in front of him and allow him to lay his body on top of hers, but she did it. She did it because she loved him and was willing to fight her fears for him. He had been so gentle, so unlike the others who had used her body that she had been able to focus on him and fight back her demons.

  She had thought her demons were long gone until she opened her eyes and found one hovering over her. Why? Why now? Why when she finally found happiness did he have to come and rip it from her?

  The pounding on the door pulled her from her pain. Unable to hide her tears, she called out hoarsely, “What?”

  “We’re going to land soon. Get in your seat,” the voice said sharply.

  Pulling herself from the floor, Maria turned on the water and washed off her face before leaving the bathroom and taking her seat. No one tried to speak to her or looked at her when she passed. Quietly, they all spoke to one another, but whatever they said, she didn’t know. She was too lost in her own misery to listen.

  When the plane landed, she was led to a waiting car. After a short drive, she was told to get out, and she did, following docilely behind Nero into a building. By the time she realized what was going on, she was in front of a minister in a cheap Vegas chapel near the airport. In a dead voice, she said the words that would tie her to Nero Genovese for the rest of her life. Tears fell freely down her face the whole time. When he pushed the ring onto her finger, she had to fight back the sob that threatened to burst forth. It was over. Her one chance at happiness was gone. A little hysterical laugh escaped when the minister said, “You may now kiss the bride.” She’d throw up on him if he tried.

  A disgusted sigh met her laugh as she was dragged back to the car and the waiting plane. Looking down at the ring on her finger, she began to laugh hysterically until those laughs turned into sobs of pain. The sharp slap that hit her face made her sober just long enough to look at Nero and say, “Ah, the love of a Genovese,” before the insanity of the day gave way to the sweet lure of the oblivion of darkness.

  Chapter 5

  It’s done. Staring at her phone, Angie let out the breath she had been holding for the last two years. It was done. Maria
was now married. It had been the only play that she could make with Caterina on the loose and their enemies stacking up against them. Tori had been kept safe within the compound, but Maria, Maria had been the wild card. She had been tense not because as Tori had thought that she blamed her or the family for Maria being gone. It was so much more than that. Maria had been the weak link that could topple them all. Maria was the one play that her enemies could make that would bring her out to fight and give truth to what people already suspected.

  Leaving the kitchen, Angie went to join the others in the family room. Everyone had gone there to play with the children and relax after dinner.

  “Felix, can you take the children upstairs, and would the rest of you please excuse us? I need to have a few words with my family,” Angie said, immediately causing the tension in the room to increase.

  Looking to Lucca, who had as of three days ago been passed the mantle of leadership of the family for permission, they quickly did as she asked at his nod. Following behind them, she closed the door. This was a private matter for now. If Lucca decided to inform his men, then he could later.

  Turning to face her family, she said, “There is no point in dragging this out. As of twenty minutes ago, Nero and Maria were married with my blessing.” She waited for the explosion that she knew was to come.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Maria would never marry Nero. And how the hell did he find her? She’s been missing ever since the funeral!” Dom yelled.

  “How could you? I told you where Maria was so that you could bring her home, not to be married off to that bastard,” Nico cut in, not giving her a chance to answer Dom.

  “What are you saying? Son, you’ve known where Maria was all along, and you didn’t tell us?” Angelo asked his youngest son in shock

  “Not all along. Only a few months. I saw her when I was with my friends when I went on that trip. I called Angie and told her. She told me not to approach Maria and to just forget that I saw her. That she would deal with it,” Nico told Angelo, pleading with his father to understand.


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