‘“we will glorify . . .”’ Gilmour, 2011, p. 280
p43 ‘The war in Libya . . .’ see Bosworth, 2002
p44 ‘“Dearest, don’t you . . .”’ Laura to Amelia, 19 July 1909
p45 ‘She would look back . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 122
‘Some time in 1912 . . .’ Quaderni, 2006, p. 105
p46 ‘1911 and 1912 . . .’ see Bosworth, 2002
At a Futurist grande serata . . .’ See Adamson, 1993
p47 ‘“You know perfectly . . .”’ Amelia to Carlo, 6 August 1914
p48 ‘He was, she wrote . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 138
p49 ‘In October 1914 . . .’ Adamson, 1993, p. 197
p50 ‘“What I do . . .”’ Amelia, 20 December 1914
Chapter Four: Becoming a Man
p51 ‘On 23 May . . .’ see Thompson, 2008 p52
‘Angiolo Orvieto . . .’ Orvieto, 2001, p. 91 p53
‘Even now, seven . . .’ see Origo, 1984 p55
‘“If I were told . . .”’ Levi, 2002, p. 15
p56 ‘Even so, a senior . . .’ see L’Esercito italiano nella grande guerra, 1931
‘“literally a field of filth”. . .’ Thompson, 2008, p. 150
p57 ‘Three days of silence . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 153
p58 ‘“I am living . . .”’ Amelia Rosselli, 22 May 1916
‘What terrified her . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 155
p59 ‘Fuel was rationed . . .’ see Waterfield, 1961
p61 ‘“No, dear Carlo . . .”’ Zio Giù to Carlo, 9 August 1917
p62 ‘“The more the days . . .”’ Amelia to Carlo, 4 November 1917
‘Here she recreated . . .’ see Aldo Rosselli, 1983
p63 ‘They talked about . . .’ Amelia to Carlo, 1 December 1917
‘“terribilmente gelato . . .”’ Nello to Amelia, 1 December 1919
p64 ‘There was talk . . .’ Adamson, 1993, p. 227
p65 ‘He told Zio Giù . . .’ Carlo to Zio Giù, 28 November 1918
‘“I see the sail . . .”’ Amelia to Carlo, 16 December 1918
Chaper Five: The Dark Seraphim
p66 ‘As Salvemini would say . . .’ Salvemini, 1928, p. 16
‘The young diplomat Harold . . .’ Lyttelton, 1966, p. 462
p67 ‘Twisting and turning . . .’ Koon, 1985, p. 23
p68 ‘The cry of the Arditi . . .’ see Franzinelli, 2003
‘The Belgian poet . . .’ Hughes-Hallett, 2013, p. 520
‘Mussolini told them . . .’ Bosworth, 1996, p. 115
‘those they considered “degenerates” . . .’ see Banchelli, 1922
p69 ‘Leninism, he warned . . .’ Adamson, 1993, p. 227
‘Just as Amelia was moving . . .’ see Rosselli and Calloni, 2001
p70 ‘“Enjoy yourself . . .”’ anonymous correspondent, 5 March 1919
‘As Amelia said . . .’ see Quaderni, 2006
p73 ‘Salvemini, back . . .’ Caretti, 1994, p. 136; see also Origo, 1984
‘Nello, still in uniform . . .’ Alatri, 1975, p. 54; see also Belardelli, 2007
p75 ‘As Carlo saw it . . .’ La Vita, 20 May 1919
‘The new government was . . .’ Amelia to Carlo, 20 January 1919
p76 ‘“We need so badly . . .”’ Amelia to Carlo, 28 January 1919
p77 ‘Though the epicentre . . .’ see Franzinelli, 2003
p79 ‘He told his mother . . .’ Tranfaglia, 1968, p. 43
p81 ‘the new fascist members . . .’ Waterfield, 1961, p. 194
‘Writing to his mother . . .’ Ciuffoletti, 1979
‘a more Machiavellian . . .’ see Spini and Casali, 1986
p82 ‘It was becoming . . .’ Snowden, 1989, p. 194
‘Burning down left-wing . . .’ Frullini, 1933, p. 268
p83 ‘The culprits were . . .’ Franzinelli, 2003, p. 111
‘“Today”, he wrote . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 18 January 1921
p84 ‘Mussolini spoke of . . .’ Rosengarten, 1968, p. 17
‘In one place . . .’ Salvemini, Il Ponte, 1952
p85 ‘“Either you give me . . .”’ see Garosci, 1948
‘Other cities . . .’ Gilmour, 2011, p. 231; see also Snowden, 1989, and Alatri, 1975
p87 ‘Mussolini, shrewdly . . .’ Bosworth, 2002, p. 169
‘Rome was described . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 56
‘It was to be another . . .’ Pickering-Iazzi, 1995, p. 19
p88 ‘“on the verge of madness . . .”’ Salvemini, Il Ponte, April 1952
Chapter Six: Planting a Tree
p89 ‘Mussolini could now . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 57
‘The Times was more . . .’ Bosworth, Journal of Contemporary History, 1970
‘Even the legendary . . .’ Observer, 6 May 1923
p90 ‘This was a man . . .’ see Lamb, 1997
‘“The Italians seem . . .”’ Bosworth, 2002, p. 184
‘He was still a bit . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 61
‘both shared . . .’ the US Daily Express, 4 January 1923
p91 ‘“What can save . . .”’ Anna Kuliscioff to Turati, 28 February 1923, Turati and Kuliscioff, 1949
p92 ‘October 1922 . . .’ Waterfield, 1961, p. 189
‘“An enormous black . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 28 February 1923
‘In the Circolo . . .’ Ernesto Rossi, 1957
p93 ‘As Rossi said . . .’ Garosci, 1948
‘Having played . . .’ Cullen, 2011
p94 ‘Carlo had heard . . .’ Allason, 1976
‘When he spoke . . .’ letter to Ada Gobetti in Morro et al., 1976
p95 ‘Youthful, enthusiastic . . .’ see Cullen, 2011
p96 ‘Carlo met Gobetti . . .’ Paolo Treves, 1940, p. 24
‘Another frequent visitor . . .’ see Garosci, 1948
p98 ‘“He was planting . . .”’ Pugliese, 1999, p. 31
p100 ‘“At that moment . . .”’ Marion to Aldo Garosci, n.d.
‘Three days later . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 2 March 1923
‘Carlo, said Salvemini . . .’ see Garosci, 1948
p101 ‘But once he had . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 25 July 1923
p103 ‘In the winter of . . .’ Gentile, Storia Contemporanea, p. 961
p104 ‘“What, then, is . . .”’ Il Commento, 30 September 1923
p105 ‘The weather was . . .’ Fabian Summer School Log Book, 1923 London, LSE
p107 ‘The only blight . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 6 August 1923
‘“If you but knew . . .”’ Salvemini to Umberto Zanobbi Biano, 4 September 1923
p108 ‘“Do they not realise . . . ?”’ Carlo to Amelia, 2 September 1923
Chapter Seven: Moral Choices
p109 ‘Amendola, the principled . . .’ see Salvemini, 1928
‘though he insisted . . .’ Cesare Rossi, 1960, p. 191
‘The stairs and corridors . . .’ see Origo, 1984
p110 ‘Moravia would later . . .’ Moravia, 2009, p. 15
‘I am a supporter . . .’ Il Popolo d’Italia, 12 November 1922
p111 ‘They needed, the organisation . . .’ Pickering-Iazzi, 1995, p. 33
‘He was also working . . .’ see Belardelli, 2007
p112 ‘He was asked . . .’ Tranfaglia, 1968, p. 219
‘the London Times . . .’ Lamb, 1997, p. 62
p113 ‘The fascist ticket . . .’ Bosworth, 2002, p. 91
p114 ‘The “new politics” . . .’ Antonicelli, 1961, p. 77
p115 ‘Carlo called him . . .’ Pugliese, 1999, p. 41
‘In the late spring . . .’ Daily Herald, 12 February 1924
p117 ‘When it refused . . .’ Alatri, 1975, p. 115
‘“Time is working . . .”’ Turati to Anna Kuliscioff, 24 June 1924
‘“The enemy has caught . . .”’ ibid., 13 July 1924
‘With the death of . . .’ Allason, 1976, p. 45
p118 ‘Was Mussolini . . .’ Canali, Jo
urnal of Modern Italian Studies, 2009
‘Mussolini clung on . . .’ Bosworth, 2002, p. 20
‘Matteotti, he said . . .’ Lamb, 1997, p. 65
‘It was their duty . . .’ see Ernesto Rossi, 2001
p119 ‘Post-war Italy . . .’ see Caretti, 1994, p. 141
an energetic, youthful . . . Giustizia e Libertà, 8 June 1934
p120 ‘“We do not wish . . .”’ Alatri, 1975, p. 379
p121 ‘A young supporter . . .’ Enrico Bocci, Una vita per la libertà
p. 46, Florence, 1969
‘A “Friends of Italian . . .”’ see Bernabei, 1997
p122 ‘As The Times . . .’ The Times, 21 June 1924
‘Closely following . . .’ Tranfaglia, 1968, p. 180
‘“For me, at least . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 15 September 1924
‘Would his mother . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 9 October 1924
p123 ‘The inspector, seeing . . .’ Waterfield, 1961, p. 214
p125 ‘By late 1924 . . .’ see Canali, 2004
p126 ‘“We live”, wrote . . .’ Addis Saba, 1993
‘As Salvemini wrote . . .’ Salvemini, 1928, p. 381
‘But the squadristi . . .’ Bosworth, 2002, p. 199
‘As Ernesto Rossi would . . .’ see Ernesto Rossi (ed.), 1955
Chapter Eight: ‘Non Mollare’
p127 ‘Just as the city . . .’ Palla, 2006, p. 120–21
p128 ‘Of the several different . . .’ see Cantagalli, 1972
p129 ‘A small plane . . .’ see Ernesto Rossi, 2001
p130 ‘In Pisa the damage . . .’ see Alatri, 1975
‘It was known as . . .’ see Franzinelli, 2003
p131 ‘Matteotti was, lamentably . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 85
‘It was now a question . . .’ Lamb, 1997, p. 70
‘When the Chamber . . .’ Garosci, Il Ponte, July 1957, p. 1024
‘It was indeed . . .’ Lyttelton, Journal of Contemporary History, 1966, p. 197
p132 ‘Across Italy . . .’ see Fornari, 1971
p133 ‘Then Nello . . .’ Belardelli, 2007, p. 42
p134 ‘“I sense”, wrote . . .’ Carlo to Salvemini, 12 January 1925
‘What both statements . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 47
p136 ‘Hearing that he had been . . .’ Segreteria Particolare del Duce, Carteggio Riservato Busta 48
p137 ‘In his diary . . .’ Nello Rosselli, Diary, 8 April 1925
‘Whenever he was alone . . .’ Nello to Amelia, 10 June 1925
‘“It seems to me . . .”’ Nello to Amelia, 23 May 1925
‘“It was enough . . .”’ Calamandrei, Il Ponte, 1945
p138 ‘“Things are going . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 4 May 1925
p139 ‘“To such provocations . . .”’ Alatri, 1975, p. 396
‘For the first few weeks . . .’ Origo, 1984, p. 216
‘The judge . . .’ see Ernesto Rossi (ed.), 1955
p140 ‘Amelia was with . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 52
‘next morning . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001
p142 ‘“But I feel extremely . . .”’ Nello to Maria, 23 July 1925
‘There was now a thought . . .’ Origo, 1984, p. 218
p143 ‘In Critica Fascista . . .’ Critica Fascista, 1 May 1925
‘The prefect did . . .’ Salvemini, 1928, p. 295
Friends who saw . . . see Allason, 1976
p144 ‘“This time . . .”’ Zani, 1975, p. 183
Working ever more . . . Franzinelli in Ernesto Rossi (ed.), 1955
p. 22
p146 ‘From his headquarters . . .’ Salvemini, op. cit., p. 270
‘Just after midnight . . .’ see Barilli, 1991
p147 ‘In the streets . . .’ Palla, 2006, p. 142
When Amelia . . . Rosselli and Calloni, 2001
p148 ‘Mussolini announced . . .’ Gerarchia, October 1925
p149 ‘Marion Cave, writing . . .’ Marion to Salvemini, 20 October 1925
‘Rossi had become . . .’ Salvemini, 1985
p150 ‘Turati had to be . . .’ see Paolo Treves, 1940
‘Next to die . . .’ see Gariglio, 2009
p151 ‘At a memorial . . .’ Antonicelli, 1961, p. 134
‘“I weep for you . . .”’ Carlo to Ada Gobetti, 7 April 1926
Chapter Nine: Breaking Free
p152 ‘Nello told Maria . . .’ Nello to Maria, 7 November 1925
p153 ‘“The only man . . .”’ Carlo to Salvemini, 29 September 1925
‘Telling his friend . . .’ Salvemini to Calamandrei, 19 September 1925
‘They were singing . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 197
p154 ‘Carlo was convinced . . .’ Garosci, Il Ponte, July 1957
‘Unlike most . . .’ Zucàro, 1977, p. 10
p155 ‘Then they would navigate . . .’ Visciola and Limone, 2005, p. 84
‘In April . . .’ ACS Min Interno, Dir Gen, PSA.ge.r 1926
‘“I too have . . .”’ Garosci, La vita di Carlo Rosselli, p. 48
p156 ‘Perhaps choosing . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 26 April 1926
p157 ‘Carlo was described . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 61
p159 ‘“I beg you . . .”’ Amelia to Carlo, 20 September 1926
‘Mussolini called 1926 . . .’ Zucàro, 1977, p. 18
‘The first attack . . .’ Frances Stonor Saunders, The Woman Who Shot Mussolini, London, 2010
p160 ‘The third event . . .’ Bosworth, 2002
p162 ‘The task of implementing . . .’ Dollmann, 1967
p163 ‘What obsessed . . .’ Franzinelli, 1999
‘Soon, Bocchini’s . . .’ Fucci, 1985, p. 87
p164 ‘Another casualty . . .’ Rosengarten, 1968
‘Carlo, wrote another friend . . .’ Paolo Treves, 1940
‘The fact that . . .’ Salvemini, 1937, p. 18
p165 ‘One night . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 200
‘Two routes . . .’ Barilli, 1991
p166 ‘He found the perfect . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 72
p169 ‘Turati, standing . . .’ Schiavi, 1956
Chapter Ten: Defying the Barbarians
p170 ‘In Milan, where the train . . .’ Levi, 2002
‘Carlo was “noisy . . .”’ Ernesto Rossi, 2001, p. 89
171 ‘A note from the prefect . . .’ ACS Confinati politici, Busta 883
p173 ‘Like Carlo . . .’ Nello to Amelia, 11 June 1927
p178 ‘The time for history . . .’ Koon, 1985, p. 7
‘In theory, freedom . . .’ Flora, 2003, p. 35
‘In order for . . .’ Salvemini, 1936
p179 ‘Under the Dopolavoro . . .’ de Grazia, 1981, p. 173
‘Toscanini, who had . . .’ Bosworth, 2005, p. 197
‘A new sport . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 116
‘The new Italian . . .’ Koon, 1985, p. 12 and p. 30
p181 ‘Two of his mistresses . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 114
‘Content, declared . . .’ de Grazia, 1981, p. 225
‘With the laws . . .’ Flora, 2003
p182 ‘But in 1927 . . .’ Canali, 2004, p. 70
‘On 26 May . . .’ Franzinelli, 1999, p. 33
p183 ‘What quickly became known . . .’ for the best accounts of the Savona trial, see Pugliese, 1999; Levi, 2002; Salvemini, 1937.
p184 ‘Carlo was well . . .’ Marion to Amelia, 9 September 1927
p185 ‘Parri’s lawyer . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 83
Chapter Eleven: Il Confino
p188 ‘To the Italians . . .’ see Dal Pont, 1975; Mantelli and Tranfaglia, 2010; Dal Pont et al., 1975; Vito Modugno e Massimiliano de Pace. ‘Lipari’ (thesis)
‘In 1926 . . .’ see Scaffidi, 1997–8
‘“We will remove . . .”’ Mussolini, speech on 26 May 1927
p189 ‘Soon, there were well . . .’ see Ghini and Pont, 1971
p190 ‘Nello reached Ustica . . .’ Il Ponte, 1946, No. 4
p191 ‘One of the first . . .�
�� Pino del Greco, conversation with author
p192 ‘“We read, we discuss . . .”’ Nello to the Ferreros, 18 July 1927
‘It was, he said . . .’ Nello to Lella Ramonino, 20 July 1927
p193 ‘The clock in the square . . .’ see Non a Ustica sola . . . , 2000
‘Nello was captivated . . .’ Belardelli 2007, p. 86
p194 ‘To his mother-in-law . . .’ Nello to Luisa, 3 August 1927
p195 ‘“You might say . . .”’ Nello to Amelia, 11 September 1927
‘“Bring what you . . .”’ Giulio Montaleci to his family, March 1927
p196 ‘Nello, Amelia wrote . . .’ Amelia to Zia Gì, 2 October 1927
‘This was, wrote Nello . . .’ Nello to Zia Gì, 29 November 1927
p197 ‘The prefect warned . . .’ prefect to police in Rome, 25 September 1927
p198 ‘Though it took some months . . .’ ACS PS.1928.Kl.b.20, Palermo
p199 ‘His facial expression . . .’ Rosselli and Calloni, 2001, p. 225
‘To his uncle . . .’ Nello to Gabriele, 17 January 1928
‘Boselli duly wrote . . .’ Boselli to Mussolini, 9 January 1928
p200 ‘As the boat pulled . . .’ Il Ponte, 1946
p201 ‘Against all the odds . . .’ Nello, diary p. 22, personal papers
‘Later, he wrote . . .’ Nello to Enrico Greppi, 21 February 1928
Chapter Twelve: The Island of Winds
p202 ‘“I arrived . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 29 December 1927
‘The port of Lipari . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 31 December 1927
‘Within days . . .’ Fiori, 1999
‘It had a terrace . . .’ Pino del Greco, conversation with author
‘Writing to Parri . . .’ Carlo to Parri, 6 January 1928; see also Parri, 1975
p204 ‘Anything with the word . . .’ see Tindaro, 1971; Pagano, 2003
‘At dusk . . .’ Scaffidi, 1997–8
‘On Lipari the most . . .’ Zogami, 1970
p205 ‘“The desire to . . .”’ Ernesto Rossi, 1957
‘Carlo had few . . .’ Carlo to Max Ascoli, 20 February 1929
p206 ‘Another new friend . . .’ Fiori, 1985; see also Lussu, 1992
p207 ‘He longed only . . .’ Nitti, 1930, p. 186
‘“Dolci does . . .”’ Vito and Gialdroni, 2009, p. 32
‘The Liparesi continued . . .’ Rijtano, 2009–10
p208 ‘Among the newcomers . . .’ Busoni, 1980
‘And among the political . . .’ ACS Confinati politici 904; see also Mariani, 1982
p209 ‘Vera Santoni . . .’ ACS Confinati politici 912
p210 ‘Binazzi was . . .’ Busoni, 1980
A Bold and Dangerous Family Page 45