A Bold and Dangerous Family

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A Bold and Dangerous Family Page 48

by Caroline Moorehead

  Florence university 153, 370, 372; Istituto Cesare Alfieri 65, 84; Istituto di Studi Superiori 34, 62

  flying see aviation

  food shortages and rationing: during First World War 59–60; in penal colonies 196, 218

  Forte dei Marmi 309, 334

  Forti, Aldo 352, 370

  Forti, Francesco 370

  Forti, Marco 370

  France, Anatole 204

  Franco, Francisco 328, 333

  Franco, Ramón 292

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, assassination 47

  Franz Joseph I, Austro-Hungarian Emperor 14

  Frassine, Villa Il 25, 48, 75, 140, 141, 306, 307, 352, 367

  Fratelli Minori (novella; Amelia Rosselli) 71

  Fratta Polesine 116

  Freemasonry 17, 63, 127, 266, 285, 340, 343; fascists’ attacks on Freemasons 144–5, 147, 189, 362

  Freiburg, Germany 295 Frensham Ponds, Surrey 105 Fresnay, France 322

  Freud, Sigmund 15, 30

  Frosinone 189; prison 237

  Fuchs, Robert 14

  Fuga in Quattro Tempi (Carlo Rosselli) 265

  Futurist Movement 42–3, 46, 49, 68, 77, 79, 127, 269–70, 304

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe 3, 10, 87, 89, 102, 127, 143

  Garibaldi Battalion (International Brigades) 336–7

  Garosci, Aldo 331, 368

  Garvin, J.L. 89

  Gasparri, Pietro 261

  Gazzetta del Popolo (newspaper) 321 Genoa 11, 76, 114, 152–3

  Genoa university, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali 101

  Gente Oscura (short-story collection; Amelia Rosselli) 26

  Gentile, Giovanni 89, 161–2, 371

  Geographical Congress (Venice; 1882) 6

  George V, King, state visit to Italy (1923) 92

  Gerarchia (magazine) 148

  Germani, Giuseppe 305

  Ghirlandaio, Domenico 22

  Gibson, Violet, assassination attempt on Mussolini 159–60, 303

  giellisti see Giustizia e Libertà (anti-fascist resistance movement)

  Gillardoni (Milanese doctor) 166

  Ginzburg, Leone 309, 310, 311, 312, 366

  Giolitti, Giovanni 33–4, 36, 43, 46, 67, 75, 80, 83, 89, 113, 117

  Giornale d’Italia, Il (newspaper) 58

  Giovanna (maid) 2

  Giraudoux, Jean 322

  Giustizia, La (newspaper) 123

  Giustizia e Libertà (anti-fascist resistance movement): foundation in Paris 248–9, 254; aims, slogan and symbols 249, 282, 326; leafleting flights over Italy 255–8, 292, 294–5; targeted by Italian secret police 282–91, 311–14, 338–9; divisions with other anti-fascist groups 299–301, 318–19, 329; distribution branches in Italy 310; continuation after Rosselli brothers’ deaths 356; see also I Quaderni di Giustizia e Libertà

  Giustizia e Libertà (newspaper) 320, 321, 323

  Goad, Harold 240

  Gobetti, Ada (née Prospero) 95, 96, 97, 143, 150, 151

  Gobetti, Paolo 150

  Gobetti, Piero: appearance and character 94, 94, 95, 96; background and early life 94–5; editorship of Rivoluzione Liberale magazine 95, 96–7, 98, 154; marriage and family 95, 143, 150; arrested for subversion 97–8; on Matteotti’s murder and Aventine Secession 117, 118, 119; on Curzio Malaparte 127; attacked by fascists 143, 150; exile and death 150–51, 354; reactions and aftermath 151, 155, 248, 280, 319

  Goering, Hermann 304

  Goldoni, Carlo 30

  Goncourt brothers 21

  Gonzales (Milanese lawyer) 171

  goose-step march, introduction of 362

  Graham, Sir Ronald 90, 118, 121–2

  Gramsci, Antonio 93, 95, 238; arrest and trial 162, 192; imprisonment 192, 207, 319; death 341–2

  Grand Council of Fascism 91, 148, 315, 366

  Grandi, Dino 131

  Grañén, Spain 331

  Grassini, Emma 5

  Grassini, Lina 5

  Grassini, Margherita see Sarfatti, Margherita

  Great Ormond Street Hospital, London 218

  Grenoble 339

  Grenoble Centre for Italian Studies, Florence annex 42

  Grosseto, squadristi raid (June 1921) 82–3

  Guadalajara, Battle of (1937) 337–8

  Guatelli (confinato on Lipari) 209

  Guinevere, Queen (legendary figure) 346

  Haefner, Viktor 295

  Hague Conventions (1899/1907) 42

  Haile Selassie, Emperor 318

  Halévy, Élie 322

  Hamilton, Emma, Lady 52, 110

  Hampton Court Palace 261

  Harvard University 338

  Haydée (Ida Finzi) 52

  Heydrich, Reinhard 371

  High Commission for Sanctions against Fascism 371

  Himmler, Heinrich 371

  Hindenburg, Paul von 136

  Hindhead, Surrey 104, 105

  Hitler, Adolf 181, 262, 340; coming to power 302, 303; visits Italy 302, 314–15, 314; Nazi involvement in Spanish Civil War 333

  Hobhouse, L.T. 102 homosexuality, in penal colonies 196

  Huesca, Spain 331–2

  Huguet, Louis 345–6, 368

  Ibsen, Henrik 27; The Doll’s House 15, 24

  Idea Fissa, L’ (play; Amelia Rosselli) 30

  Illusione (play; Amelia Rosselli) 26–7

  Illustrated London News 262

  Impero, L’ (newspaper) 143

  Impressionism 14

  Industrie Femminili (women workers organisation) 26

  International Brigades 336; Garibaldi Battalion 336, 337

  International Committee of Writers 319

  International Geographical Congress (Venice; 1882) 6

  interventionist movement (First World War) 48–9

  invisible ink, use of 223, 280, 281, 304, 313

  Italia Libera (anti-fascist movement) 119–21, 132–3, 281; protests and stunts 123–4, 125, 138–9

  Italian American Society 293

  Italian Encyclopedia 315

  Italian Refugees’ Relief Committee (British organisation) 230, 238

  Italian Social Republic (Salò) 367

  Jaeger gymnastics 4

  Jakubiez, Fernand 346, 349–50, 357, 368

  James, Henry 21

  Jarry, Henri 351

  Jewish Youth Convention (Livorno; 1924) 124–5

  Jews: Florentine community 39–40, 52, 154, 340–41; Livornese community 9–10; Venetian community 2–3; Viennese community 15; see also anti-semitism; racial laws; Zionism

  Jones, Lewis 21

  Joxe, Françoise and Louis 361

  Joyce, James, Ulysees 110

  Juan-les-Pins, France 310

  Kant, Immanuel 225

  Keynes, John Maynard, Baron 122; ‘A Tract on Monetary Reform’ 112

  King’s College, London 101 Klimt, Gustav 14

  Kochnitzky, Léon 68

  Konstanz, Germany 294–5; prison 295–6

  Ku Klux Klan 343; Italian fascists compared to 90, 276

  Kuliscioff, Anna 33, 73, 91–2, 91, 95–6, 99, 112, 126, 138, 167, 247; death 150, 152, 155, 166

  La Spezia 60, 169

  Labour Party (British) 101, 107, 115, 121, 122, 262

  Lampedusa 189

  Lamy, Alice 346, 349

  Lancelot (legendary knight) 346

  language, fascist reforms of 178

  Larchmont, New York 364–6

  Lateran Accords (1929) 266–7

  Lausanne, Switzerland 264

  Lausanne, Treaty of (1923) 90

  Laval, Pierre 297

  Lawrence, D.H. 6

  Lazzarini (confinato on Lipari) 209

  leafleting flights, anti-fascists’ 255–8, 274, 292, 293–5, 296, 338–9

  League of Human Rights (France) 245

  League of Nations 67, 108, 316, 317, 318

  League for the Renewal of National Unity 73

  Lear, Edward 21

  Leith, Scotland 121

  Lenin, Vladmir 89; Leninism 69
  Leonardo da Vinci Society 23, 52, 341

  Leonardo (magazine) 25–6, 36

  Leto, Guido 282

  Levi family 5–6

  Levi, Alessandro 70–71, 95, 138–9, 154, 170, 175, 184, 264, 275, 276, 353

  Levi, Augusto 5

  Levi, Carlo 96, 216, 243, 261, 311, 312, 313, 366; attends Fabian summer school in England 104–7, 106; Christ Stopped at Eboli 313

  Levi, Mario 310, 312

  Levi, Nina 5

  Levi, Nino 140

  Levi, Primo 367

  Levi, Sarina 138–9, 154, 211–12, 353

  Libertà, La (Italian exiles’ newspaper) 237, 247

  Libya 148, 315, 337; Libyan War (1911–12) 42–4, 50, 191

  Lipari, penal colony 188, 189, 190, 202–14, 218–31, 234–5, 240, 290

  Littorio, Il (newspaper) 157

  Livorno 9–10, 80, 130; Jewish Youth Convention (1924) 124–5

  Lloyd George, David (later 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor) 122

  Lodano, Switzerland 255, 256

  Lofting, Hugh, Dr Doolittle 322

  Lombroso, Gina: appearance and character 38; marriage and family 38; career 38; friendship with Amelia Rosselli 38–9, 212, 359; establishes children’s charity with Amelia 60; views on women’s suffrage 72; death of son 309; death 369

  London: Rosselli family banking interests 9–10; Mazzini’s exile 10–11, 102; Joe and Amelia Rosselli’s honeymoon (1892) 13; Mussolini visits (1923) 90; Italian community 90, 92, 102–4, 121, 262–3, 304, 317; Marion Cave’s early life in 99; Carlo Rosselli visits (1923/24) 101–2, 104–5, 107–8, 121–2; Marion Cave visits with son (1928/29) 218, 230; Carlo’s speaking tour (1929) 250; Nello’s research trip (1930) 260–66

  London School of Economics 250

  London, Treaty of (1915) 50, 66

  Longanesi, Leo 132

  Louisiana 191

  Lucca 82, 130

  Lucetti, Gino, assassination attempt on Mussolini 160

  Luchaire, Fernande see Salvemini, Fernande

  Luchaire, Jean 59, 70, 139

  Luchaire, Julien 42, 59

  Luchini, Alberto 100

  Lugano, Lake 11, 312

  Lugano, Switzerland 165–6, 257, 281–2

  Lupi di Toscana (infantry division) 337

  Luporini, Giovanni 145–6, 147

  Lussu, Emilio: appearance and character 206, 224, 225, 233; background and early life 206, 225; confino on Lipari 206–7, 211, 214; escape plans 207, 222–8; aborted first attempt 228; renewed escape planning 228–31; escapes from Lipari 231–5, 233; reaches Tunis 233–4, 236; travels to Paris 236–7, 248; publishes article on imprisonment and escape 240; early role in exile community in Paris 248, 253, 254, 278–9, 304; director of Giustizia e Libertà movement 249, 277, 282, 303; secret police’s surveillance of 151–2, 283–4, 311; life in Paris 299; relationship with Joyce Salvadori 299; leaves Paris for convalescence 319; last meeting with Carlo Rosselli 342; reaction to Rosselli brothers’ deaths 353; at their funeral 354; continues work with Giustizia e Libertà 356; in New York during wartime 364, 366; returns to Italy to serve with partisans 366; testifies at trial for Rosselli killings 368; at Carlo and Nello’s reburial in Florence 373; later life and career 371

  Lussu, Joyce 299

  Luzzatti, Vittorio 185, 186

  Lyceum Clubs 38; Florentine chapter 38, 44, 45, 52, 72, 110, 111, 276, 341; International Congress (Florence; 1922) 111

  McCall’s (magazine) 363

  MacDonald, Ramsay 115, 122, 262

  Machiavelli, Niccolò 3

  Macugnaga 47

  Madrid 13, 292–3, 333

  Maeterlinck, Maurice, The Blue Bird 72

  Maffi, Cardinal Pietro 130 Mafia 266, 267

  Magri, Mario 209–10, 222

  Mahler, Gustav 14

  Malaparte, Curzio (Kurt Erich Suckert) 127

  Malraux, André 322, 329

  Manchester Guardian (newspaper) 140, 185, 186, 238, 250, 289

  manganelli (weapons) 77, 78, 103; La Madonna del Manganello statue 130

  Manifesto of Antifascist Intellectuals 161

  Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals 161

  Manifesto of Racial Scientists 362

  Manin, Daniele 3

  Mann, Thomas 289

  Mannin, Ethel 305

  Manzoni, Alessandro 95, 143

  March on Rome, Mussolini’s (1922) 86, 87–8; tenth anniversary commemoration 303–4

  Marchetti, Ferruccio 140

  Margherita of Savoy, Queen consort (later Queen mother) 6, 88

  Margulies, Samuel Hirsch 39

  Mariani, Teresa 26

  Mariapò (maid) 140–41, 146

  Marie José of Belgium, Princess 253, 272

  Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 42, 49, 68, 79, 269–70, 316, 371

  Marseilles 227, 229, 236, 251

  Marx, Karl 158; The Communist Manifesto 214

  Marxism 11, 33, 80, 96, 214, 278, 279

  Mary, Queen consort, state visit to Italy 92

  Marzocco, Il (magazine) 22–3, 24, 25–6, 28, 38, 44

  Massa 169

  Matteotti, Giacomo: appearance and character xiii, 96, 115; member of parliament 78, 115; expulsion from Socialist Party and establishment of United Socialist Party 93, 119; marriage and family 96; with anti-fascist circle in Turin 96; anti-fascist publications xiii, 96; visits England 115–16; speech to Chamber of Deputies (30 May 1924) xiii–xiv, 116; kidnap and murder xiv, 116, 116, 126, 134; reactions and aftermath xiv–xv, 116–18, 121, 126, 131, 133, 138–9, 181n, 205–6, 248, 293, 319, 355–6

  Matteotti, Isabella xiv, 96, 116, 305

  Matteotti, Velia xiv, 96, 116, 205–6, 304–6

  Matteotti Battalion (Spanish Civil War militia) 335

  Mazzini, Giuseppe: appearance, character and career 3, 10–11, 102, 185, 204; Rosselli family’s admiration of xv, 11, 26, 40, 49, 96, 133, 155–6, 164; Nello Rosselli’s writings on 73, 100, 111, 136, 152, 173, 174, 260, 310

  Mazzini e Bakunin (Nello Rosselli) 152, 174, 260

  Mazzini Society (United States) 366

  Meinecke, Friedrich 137

  Memmi, Alberto 197–8

  Menapace, Ermanno 254

  Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia 17

  Messina 68, 222; earthquake (1908) 35

  Messina university 35

  Mieli, Virginia 17, 26

  Mila, Massimo 298

  Milan: foundation of fascist movement 68; industrial unrest 76; falls to fascists 85, 87; fascists’ suppression of local opposition 114; establishment of secret police inspectorate 182, 273, 274; anti-fascists’ leafleting flight over 255–8, 274, 294; anarchist bombing of trade fair 274, 282, 284; remaining anti-fascist networks 280–82, 310

  Milan (places and landmarks): Alfa Romeo car plant 76; La Scala 161, 165, 179; Manzoni Theatre 45; Piazza del Duomo xiv, 33, 95; Piazza Duse 167; Piazza San Sepolcro 68; San Vittore prison 155, 167; Via Borghetto 159; Via Silvio Pellico 282; see also Bocconi University; Università Proletaria

  Milazzo 204, 208, 218

  Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale (MVSN) 91

  Milne, A.A., Winnie the Pooh 322

  Mitterrand, François 344

  Mitterrand, Robert 344

  Modena 3, 54

  Molfetta 34, 109

  Moll, Carl 14

  monarchy, Italian 34; and fascist regime 90, 253, 272–3; see also Umberto I, King; Victor Emmanuel III, King

  Mondo, Il (newspaper) 126, 247

  Montanelli, Giuseppe 340

  Monte Amiato, Siele mercury mine 69

  Monte Carlo 13; casino 18, 229

  Monte Pelato, Battle of (1936) 332

  Montecatini 144

  Monteleone, La Madonna del Manganello 130

  Monteverdi, Claudio 7

  Montreal 362

  Montreux, Switzerland 264, 336, 359

  Moral Hygiene, Decalogue of 276

  Moravia, Alberto: childhood and early life 46, 80, 110; suffers tuberculosis of the bones 46, 110; treatme
nt in sanatorium 110, 158; writing and publication of Gli indifferenti 158, 263; visits Nello and Carlo Rosselli in London and Paris 263; burns Rosselli letters to avoid arrest 312; response to sacking from Gazzetta del Popolo 321; silence following Rosselli brothers’ deaths 357, 369; Le ambizioni sbagliate 321; Il conformista 369

  Morgan, Thomas B. 240

  Mori, Cesare 84

  Morpurgo, Giacomo 54, 57, 58, 66

  Morzine, France 327

  Mosley, Lady Cynthia 30

  Mosley, Sir Oswald 304, 344

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 2, 14

  Munich 136

  Murray, Gilbert 250

  Mussolini, Arnaldo xiii, 118, 125, 181, 269

  Mussolini, Benito: appearance 36, 68, 86, 113, 241, 272; background and early life 36; editor of Avanti! 36–7, 46; marriage and family 37, 67, 271, 272; mistresses 37, 171, 181, 271; opposition to Libyan War 43; imprisonment for public order offences 43; secures dominance over revolutionary wing of Socialist Party 46–7; resigns from Avanti! and founds Il Popolo d’Italia 49; adopts interventionist position on Italian entry to war 49; foundation of fascism 67–9, 73, 103; failure in 1919 elections 75; challenges Gaetano Salvemini to duel 75; elected to parliament 80–81; rise to power 83–7, 99; marches on Rome 86, 87–8; becomes prime minister 87–8; first cabinet and early months of government 89–92, 101, 104, 110–11, 113, 119–20; suppression of opposition 101, 109, 112–13, 114, 117–18, 125–6, 143–4, 145, 148, 152, 182; Corfu incident 108; Acerbo Law and 1924 election victory xiii, 113–14; murder of Giacomo Matteotti xiii–xv, 116–17, 118, 126, 131, 134; triumphant speech to Chamber of Deputies (3 January 1925) 130–32; new fascist-dominated cabinet 131; development of personality cult 132, 178, 303–4; Zaniboni assassination plot 152; l’anno Napoleonico (1926) and establishment of dictatorship 159, 160–64; further assassination attempts 159–61, 303, 310–11; anger at Filippo Turati’s escape from Italy 167, 169; development of totalitarian state 177–83, 188–9, 266–76, 302, 304; response to ‘Trial of the Professors’ verdict 187; agrees to free Nello Rosselli from confino 199–200; issuing of confino pardons 221; reaction to escape of confinati from Lipari 234, 235, 237, 240–41, 250–53; and anti-fascists’ leafleting flights 257, 294, 296; moves personal office to Palazzo Venezia 270–71; targeting of anti-fascist exile groups 285, 286, 289, 290, 319; relations with Hitler 302, 314–15, 333; speaks at Exhibition of the Fascist Revolution 303–4; Abyssinian war 315–18; banning of Moravia’s new novel 321; ally of Franco in Civil War 328, 333; response to defeat of fascist forces at Battle of Guadalajara 337–8; views on Jews and anti-semitism 340, 362; introduction of race laws 362; ousted from power 366; Salò Republic 367; death 368


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