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Second Chances: Pleasant Grove Series Book 2

Page 13

by Lee, Tara

The doctor and nurses are talking, but I’m not paying attention until the doctor says, “Here comes the pressure.”

  She wasn’t lying. It really feels like I’m being unzipped. This odd tugging feeling happens for a few seconds. Then the most beautiful sound in the world fills my ears.

  They hold her up over the sheet. Her face is all scrunched up as she cries. It’s the best sound in the whole world.

  “Ready to cut the cord, Dad?” the nurse asks Eli

  He nods like a bobble head doll with tears glistening in his eyes.

  After that, they clean her up and place her in Eli’s arms. I gaze into her little face. She is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. I cry even more. Eli presses his lips to my forehead, then hers.

  "She's beautiful." I cry

  Eli kisses me again.

  * * *

  We’re in our room, resting and admiring our baby girl. Neither of us can get enough of her.

  "She’s the most beautiful little girl in the world. Thank you for giving me her, angel," Eli says. Tears shimmer in his eyes as he stares down at his daughter.

  She lets out a little noise, making us both laugh.

  "So, have you thought of a name?" the doctor asks as he walks in to check on us.

  Eli and I glance at each other. Only one name comes to mind. I look down at my little girl cuddled up on my chest, and I know with everything in me, she truly is my whole reason for living.


  The doctor smiles. "What a lovely name."

  Harmony cries out and waves her little arms.

  I kiss her teeny fingers.

  "You like that, baby girl?" I coo.

  Eli chuckles. "I think she approves.”

  "Harmony Grace King. Do you like that?” She answers with a little noise and the tiniest of smiles.

  I kiss her head, and Eli does the same.

  "Harmony you are loved, and you will be loved unconditionally for the rest of your life, baby girl."

  She tries to open her eyes. she slowly succeeds. She gazes up at Eli and me, taking us in. We both grin and stare back at our little girl.

  She is the light of my life, the reason I breathe, and the best thing I’ve ever done.

  I’m madly in love and have been since she was placed in my arms.

  We’re finally a family—no longer two, but three. Well, really four.

  My husband scoops Harmony off my chest, so he can get some snuggle time. Eli is going to be an amazing father. I watch him holding our little girl. Tears fall down his cheeks. He’s in love too.

  "Thank you," he whispers to me.

  "Eli." He peeks at me for a second, not taking his eyes off our daughter for long.

  "You don't have to keep thanking me for her. I should thank you."

  He smirks and sniffles before kissing Harmony's little cheek. She wraps her tiny fist around his finger.

  "No, I should thank you a million times over, baby. I know how hard this has been for you. She's the most precious, little thing I’ve ever seen, and she's all ours. I can't believe the day is finally here."

  He leans down, kissing my head. I can't help the tears that fill my eyes.

  I wanted to freeze this moment in time and cherish it forever. Every second like this will truly be magical. I know what it’s like to lose a child, to almost not have this.

  Harmony will always know just how much I adore her, how much she truly means to me. I don’t want her to grow up without knowing how much she is truly loved.

  After losing my own parents as a teenager, I want to be the best mom possible. Our little girl deserves it. I know things will change in my life. How could they not? But I know they’ll change for the better. We will only grow stronger. Raising Harmony will pull us even closer to each other.

  * * *

  Bringing Harmony home is exciting and terrifying at the same time. We’re truly on our own with her now. It’s all up to us.

  I just hope we can do this and not screw her up. As long as we love and protect her, I’m sure she’ll grow into a wonderful young lady.

  Carrying her in the house is a monumental moment in time. I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. Not that long ago, I thought I’d never have a baby to hold and raise. It’s surreal to finally be bringing our baby home.

  Eli carries our bags behind me. Still sore from surgery, I’m moving slowly. I take a deep breath as I open the front door to show Harmony her new home.

  "Welcome home, baby girl," I coo.

  She’s fast asleep, so she doesn’t even care where we are. Eli chuckles.

  Tenderly, I place her in her bassinet and watch her. I can’t take my eyes off her. It might not be normal to just stare at a new baby, but I want to make sure she’s okay.




  I ROCK ON MY heels. My hands are tucked in my jean pockets as I stare at my mother’s tombstone.

  Why am I here? I don’t know how to explain how I ended up here. I just am here.

  I gaze at her grave, knowing she’s under there. It’s my fault. I’ve been angry for so long. It’s easier to stay mad than forgive her. As long as I can remember, I wanted to stay mad at her, to hate her.

  I was wrong. All she wanted was forgiveness before she died, and I couldn’t even give her that. I was just so hurt that she never tried to be the mother I needed her to be growing up, the mother she could’ve been. Everything always seemed more important to her than me. And then all the stuff her scummy boyfriends did. All while she stood back and did nothing. That’s when my hatred started.

  Today, I’m here to leave it all behind, leave it with her, every part of my childhood. I have to stop blaming them. I’m a man now. Back then I was just a boy. So, what? I’d been dealt a shitty hand, and my childhood was one big fucking nightmare. But what I have now, what I’m living for, is worth everything. I need to be a better husband, a better father.

  I run my fingers through my hair and let out a deep breath.

  “Goodbye, Mom. I forgive you. Not for you, not for me. But for Charli. For Harmony.

  I say goodbye to her, say goodbye to my past.

  I let out a sigh when I start up my truck. I drive out of the cemetery and make my way home.

  Charli’s starting dinner. The wonderful smell drifts through the house.

  Then the heavenly scent of cookies hits me. She’s been baking.

  She grins at me as I enter. When she opens her arms, and I don’t hesitate to wrap myself around her.

  I sink my head into the crook of her neck and inhale. She smells divine. Her fingers clasp around my neck, and she kisses my cheek.

  “You okay?” she asks against my hair.

  I nod because right now I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to hold her.

  She’s always been my light. She’s kept me going when I thought I should give up. Back in the beginning, she didn’t know I’d been in love with her for years and just never acted on it because I thought she deserved better. Before her, I was lost, but she brought me out, showing me what love really is.

  I was a fragment of myself, just drifting through the motions until her. I was a miserable, bitter, gloomy, damaged portion man until she became mine.

  I hated myself for how I treated women in the past, for how I treated Charli. Thankfully she wore me down, broke down all my walls. She saw what I couldn’t—that I was a better man than I was making myself out to be.

  I lean back, taking her lips in mine. I need her. Frantically, I pull her skirt up, revealing her lace underwear. She’s seductive, a sultry goddess.

  I hiss when I’m met with wetness.

  “Fuck, baby. So fucking wet. I need to be inside you. I can’t wait. I need to fuck my pussy. Hard,” I rasp.

  I hoist her up onto the bench. We need to be quiet, so we don’t wake Harmony from her nap. But I’m going to fuck my woman hard.

  Unzipping my pants, I tug my length out and slip it near her entrance. Slowly, I
push inside. Her walls clamp down around me.

  I groan as I slide in and out. She leans back, letting me fuck her tight pussy as hard as I want. Her legs are up near my ribs as I slam into her. She cries loudly. I clasp my hand over her mouth as I fuck her.

  “Oh God,” she mumbles around my hand. I thrust into her once more and let out a strangled cry as I detonate inside her. She comes around me, her walls convulsing.

  I nibble on her neck, tasting her sweetness after our lovemaking.

  I pull out slowly

  I move my tongue down her neck, my lips brushing against her tits. I peek up at her, smirking. She knows what I want.

  “Eli, Harmony will wake up soon. We can’t,” she says, pushing me back.

  I raise my eyebrows. “Baby, she’ll be out for a little while longer. I want to fuck my hot wife again.”

  She smirks and shakes her head at me. My lips crash against hers, and I slide back inside in one swift move. We both groan as I fill her.

  Her fingers scrape across my back as I slam into her.

  “Fuck, baby” I hiss.

  She squeezes around me, making me shoot forward. What the hell did she just do?

  She does it again, and I nearly come.

  “Fucking hell, baby. That feels incredible,” I say as I throw my head back.

  She bites her bottom lip, and her walls squeeze me again.

  “FUUUCCCKK,” I roar as I empty my load into her again.

  She shudders and comes with me.

  “Fuck baby. What the hell was that?” I say through heavy breaths.

  She giggles, leaning into me and whispers in my ear, “I fucked you really good.”

  I chuckle. My girl is naughty and dirty. And I fucking love it.

  I pull out, my semen coating her thighs.

  I run my finger along her thigh, rubbing it in.

  “So hot, baby,” I tell her as I lean down and kiss the inside of her thigh.

  She moans.

  And just as I’m about to take my wife for the third time, a little cry stops us.

  I chuckle and help Charli down. We wash up. She goes back to what she was working on in the kitchen and I go get my daughter.

  I grin when I pick up Harmony. She makes everything better. She’d never know how much she saved me.

  I may have visited my mother’s grave but that doesn’t mean I’m over everything that happened. Charli’s always helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was my decision, but she helped me make a choice. I don’t know what I’d do without this woman. She truly is my blessing. Everything that has happened has been leading to this moment right here. Everyone always says everything happens for a reason. I’m not so sure if I believe that. They also say people deserve second chances. Not so sure about that one myself either. Come to think of it… I think Charli gave me more than two chances, but I’m not going to argue that point.




  COMPLETELY IN LOVE, I stare down at my little girl cradled in my arms while Charli sleeps. Our daughter is getting so big. Time is flying. Harmony starts to stir, stretching her arms out in front of her. Her face screws up in a scowl like she’s about to cry. “Shh,” I coo, holding her close to me and kissing her full head of dark hair. She tips her head back. Her eyes flutter open. She stares up at me with her beautiful, green eyes. She looks just like her mother.

  “Hey there, beautiful girl,” I murmur to her as she keeps her eyes on me

  For the longest time, we can’t take our eyes off each other. I keep kissing her little head. Time doesn’t matter as I share this moment with my baby girl.

  With our anniversary approaching, I need to start planning something special for her.

  “Hey, baby girl. What do you think I should do for your mom to celebrate our love? She deserves some fun. Don’t you think?”

  * * *

  Tonight is our anniversary. I have something special planned for my wife. But first I need to recruit a babysitter. I drive Harmony over to her uncle Jensen’s place.

  “How’s my beautiful little niece,” he coos at her when we walk in.

  “She’s good, man. And she’s excited to spend the evening with her favorite uncle,” I inform him.

  “What? No, way. I have a date tonight,” he protests.

  “Please. I’ll owe you one. Today’s our anniversary. Charli and I really need a night out.” Really, I need to fuck my wife to the point she’ll have trouble walking tomorrow. We haven’t had sex in a while. Harmony has needed all of Charli's attention. By the time she puts Harmony down for the night, she’s too exhausted to even kiss let alone fuck. But I’m hoping some time away from the baby will help her see we can still be intimate even though we’re parents now.

  “All right, I’ll do it. Just shut the fuck up. I know that look. I don’t need any details about how you plan to fuck my sister,” he says, covering his ears.

  “Watch your language around the baby,” I tease and hand him Harmony’s bag.

  After he takes her from my arms, I slap him on the shoulder. “Good luck. Instructions are in the front pocket of the bag,” I shout as I practically run out the door.

  “You owe me big time,” he calls after me.

  I chuckle. Yeah, I do owe him one. I’m sure he envisioned his night going a little differently.

  I pull into our driveway and wait on Charli. She knows we’re going to dinner to celebrate, but she doesn’t know what else I have planned.

  The door opens, and my jaw nearly hits the floor of my truck. My eyes are bulging out of their sockets. Fuck! My wife is stunning. And she’s about to get herself fucked in the back of this truck, very fucking hard.

  The tight black dress she has on shows off every curve she owns, including the ones she gained courtesy of our daughter. The fabric hugs her body to perfection while the heels she wears make her legs look like they go on forever. Her hair is swept over one shoulder. When she opens the passenger side door, she doesn’t notice my expression because she’s fiddling with her clutch.

  “Fucking hell, baby. Are you trying to fucking kill me?” I hiss, breathing deeply through my nose.

  She slides her seatbelt on. It causes her tits to push against the fabric of her dress even more. I’m done for. We aren’t going to make it to dinner or more. At least not without me sporting the biggest woody ever known to mankind.

  “What? Does this not look okay?” she asks, panicking and looking down at her outfit.

  “Hell no, baby. It’s gorgeous. No,” I say, stopping and blowing out a breath and trying to calm my dick down. “You’re gorgeous. You're so goddamn edible right now, all I want to do is drag that dress up your thighs and bury my cock deep inside you.”

  She giggles. “Down boy. Maybe later. We can make it through dinner first.”

  I let out a huff. “Maybe you can.”

  She tugs her lip between her teeth, taking small nibbles, and her eyes dart to my very hard, very obvious arousal.

  “It has been a while, hasn’t it?” she asks, looking sad.

  She feels guilty for not making time for us. But I understand. Having a newborn is tough. Charli is exhausted most days to the point she falls asleep before I even make it to bed. When Harmony first came home, she had trouble sleeping and would end up in bed with us most nights. Now that she’s four months old, that is better. But Charli is a very involved mother. I can’t remember the last time we had sex.

  She sniffles, like she’s holding back tears.

  “Baby, it’s fine. Really. Let’s enjoy our night. Yeah?”

  She nods, but I can tell she isn’t entirely up for wining and dining tonight. She’s exhausted. Maybe I’m an ass for trying to force this on her. I swallow, ready to suggest that we just stay home and order takeout.

  “Maybe we should stay in tonight,” I say, looking at her.

  “No, I want to go out. Plus, you went to all the trouble of setting this up. That wouldn’t be fair to you.”
  “Are you sure? I don’t mind, baby. Yes, I set everything up, but if you want to stay home in your pj’s, eat pizza, and watch a movie while I rub your feet, we can do that too. “

  She smiles the biggest smile, and I know that’s what we’ll be doing to celebrate our anniversary. I hop out of the truck and walk to her side. Quickly, I open her door and hold my hand out to her.

  She slips her hand in mine slowly, unsure of what to do.

  “Eli, what are you doing? We’re going to be late for dinner.”

  “No, dinner will be here in twenty minutes. You go get changed, take your makeup off, and bring me some oil to rub your feet with.”

  I kiss her soft lips then he forehead as she lets out a sigh.

  “You went to all the—”

  I raise my hand, stopping her. “Baby, it’s fine. It can be rearranged.”.

  It couldn’t, but I wouldn’t tell her that. I know my wife, and I know she wants nothing more than to just relax at home with me while we watch movies and eat junk food.

  In no time, she’s curled up next to me, eating her third slice of pepperoni pizza. A bowl of popcorn rests on the floor next to the couch. We spend the night cuddled on the couch. It’s actually a great way to spend our anniversary. The fancy dinner and slow dancing I had planned for tonight will just have to wait. Maybe next year.

  I rub her feet, making her sigh with pleasure. When I’m done, I tug Charli towards me and kiss her full lips. I swear, every time we kiss, I fall in love with her a little bit more.

  No matter what happens at the end of the day, if she’s what I get for taking chances, it’s completely worth it.

  We kiss like horny teenagers, both ripping at each other’s clothes. I’m, eager to reconnect with her as she moans and rubs over me.

  My cock jumps. I hiss as she brushes over me.

  “Fuck, baby. I need you now, naked and writhing under me.”

  She smiles against my lips as she helps frees my hungry cock. Then she slides her panties aside and sinks down over me.


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