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Ominous Love

Page 5

by Patricia Puddle

  I hug him around the waist. “You'll get your memory back soon, and if you’re single and free we can be together.” I stare up expectantly.

  He lifts my chin with his hand. “Don't get your hopes up, Eloise. It could lead to heartbreak.”

  Frowning, I push him away. “You're just a big tease, and I asked you not to say my name.”

  “Sorry.” He holds his palms up. “How would you like to be addressed, young lady?”

  I squint at him. “You can call me Elle 'cause I hate that name.”

  He walks over to the door and holds it open. “Okay, Miss Elle. I'm now officially your body guard, and if this is to be my room for the next two weeks, I would like some privacy.”

  Grunting under my breath, I stomp out of the room. As he closes the door behind me, I'm sure I hear him laugh. The nerve of him, and not even a sympathy kiss for my broken heart.

  The sun is starting to set behind the hills, making the house darker. I switch on the kitchen light and start to prepare dinner—not that I'm hungry, but I have to feed Seal. After all, he might need nourishment to get his memory back.

  I hear the window open in his room and I wonder what he's thinking. I know I'm acting like a lovesick fool, but I can't seem to help it. I slam around in the kitchen, looking for something healthy to cook. Seal must be starving by now. I grin to myself. My mother always says that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Huh, he's no man, he's just a boy—a boy too chicken to kiss a girl. I sigh. And I thought it would be wonderful to be in love, but this sucks. I don't have an appetite and I've been light-headed since the moment I laid eyes on him. I can't concentrate on anything but him. Jeez, I don't even want to chat online with my friends.

  After opening the fridge, I take out the packet of minced beef I'd left to defrost and toss it into a pot with some olive oil and herbs. As it sizzles on the stove, I wash my hands and start chopping some vegetables. Why did I go and make the first move? I don't know what came over me. I've never done anything like that before, ever. How embarrassing. No wonder Seal rejected me. He probably thinks I’m easy. Blushing, I throw the vegetables into the pot with the meat, then I grab a frozen garlic loaf from the freezer. As I place it in the oven, Seal walks in with the toolbox. “Mmm. Something smells good.”

  I give him a half smile. “It's spaghetti bolognaise, you'll love it. It'll be ready in an hour, but if you're hungry now, I can make you something.”

  “No thanks, I can wait. I'll just get a glass of water.”

  “There's homemade lemonade in the fridge,” I say. “Help yourself. The glasses are in the cupboard near the sink.”

  ‘Thank you, Miss Elle, that sounds good.” He smiles, his lip curving in a wicked teasing way, then he pours himself a drink.

  Pretending not to notice his mocking, I add some water to the pot and pop the lid on. While I wait for it to boil, Seal heads to the back door.

  “I'm just putting the toolbox back where I found it,” he hollers.

  “Okay,” I say, refusing to look at him. The little hairs on the back of my neck prickle and I sense he's still watching me. Smiling to myself, I set the timer on the stove and wait for the screen door slam, then I dash into the family room and peek out the window.

  Though it's nearly dark, there's a full moon and I can clearly see the garden, and Seal. As he strides confidently across the lawn, his jeans stretch snuggly across his firm backside. His sleeves are pushed up above his elbows, exposing the rippled muscles on his forearms. Oh, why does he have to be so cute? Or smile in that quirky way? I sigh. I don't know how I'll cope with him around. Why did I have to find him on the beach? I'll surely die if he belongs to some gorgeous girl, and if he is married with kids … well, it doesn't bare thinking about.

  Oh crap. He's coming back. If he sees me spying on him, he'll definitely think I'm a weirdo. I dart behind the curtain and peek out from the darkness. After locking the shed, he strolls back, but as he gazes up at the stars, he seems to be talking to himself. Is he praying? Suddenly he turns and stares right at me. Shoot! I step backwards and away from the window, but I trip, falling full pelt across the floor and hitting my head on a plant pot. “Ouch.”

  Chapter Eight

  Gosh that hurt. I run my hand across my forehead to feel for a bump. Darn it. My fingers are sticky and there's a distinct metallic smell. I quickly wipe the blood from my face and try to get up before Seal comes back and sees me sprawled on the floor, but I'm too late. The back door swings open and he turns the light on. Great, now he'll see what a klutz I am.

  As I scramble to my feet, he rushes towards me. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  I pull my hair over my eye and sit on the couch. “I'm fine. I just tripped over a stupid plant pot.”

  A hint of a smile plays on his lips. “A stupid plant pot?”

  Oh, so he thinks I’m stupid? I open my mouth to reply to his sarcasm, but I soon change my mind when a trickle of blood runs down my face. Hoping he doesn’t notice, I turn the other away.

  A concerned scowl on his face, he kneels in front of me. “Eloise, your head's bleeding.”

  I cover the wound with my hand. “It's just a little cut, nothing to worry about.”

  He pulls my arm away and brushes my curls from my eyes. “Keep still a minute. I need to see if you need stitches.”

  As he inspects the wound above my brow, I quiver at his touch.

  “Sorry,” he says. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shake my head. “No, but I hope I don't need stitches. I told you I'm squeamish, and don't like hospitals.”

  He gets to his feet. “It's okay. It's only a small cut, so you won't need stitches. But let's get you a plaster because head wounds tend to bleed a lot. Do you have a first-aid kit?”

  I stand up and head towards the hall. “Yeah, it's in the bathroom.”

  “No, I'll get it,” he says, grabbing my arm. He pulls a tissue from the box on the cupboard and hands it to me. “Apply pressure. It'll stop the bleeding.”

  “Thanks.” I press it to my forehead, but as soon as Seal leaves the room, I peek at it. Ewe, why did I look? As always, the sight of bright red blood makes me nauseous and dizzy. Oh, please don't let me throw up. Not now. As I begin to shake, I take deep breaths, hoping to stop myself from fainting. But as Seal comes back, my vision blurs and the room begins to sway.

  He grabs me around the waist. “Are you okay, Eloise? You're as white as a ghost.”

  Before I can answer, the blackness takes over and I lose consciousness.


  My head is pounding and the flow of water echoes in my ears. Am I dreaming? My eyes flutter open to the bright light and the familiar itchy fabric of our green couch in the sunroom and the beautiful voices of One Direction singing their hit song, ‘You Stole My Heart’, on the radio.

  As I look at my clothes, I'm relieved to see I wasn't sick this time, at least I hope not, but a tap running in the laundry has me worried that I was. Shoot. Don’t tell me Seal had to clean up my puke? How embarrassing. As the tap is turned off, I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be unconscious again.

  Seal comes back into the room and sits down next to me. Gosh, he smells delicious, and it's hard not to sigh. Bending over me, he pushes my curls off my forehead. Oh, no. My heart is banging against my ribs and he's leaning on my chest. He must be able to feel it, or hear my heavy breathing. As he washes the cut above my brow, my heart thumps even louder. I'm sure I'll have a stroke from pure embarrassment. Then I feel it. Whoa! Seal’s heart is thundering like a drum right on top of mine.

  “Eloise?” he whispers.

  Far out. He just breathed my name. Does he know I'm awake? My insides are on fire, but I don't want to answer him. I'm enjoying his attention and don't want it to stop. He dabs something cold on my wound, and oh boy, does it sting. My eyes pop wide open. “Awww!”

  “Oh, I'm glad you're awake, Miss Elle. You passed out on me. Sorry about the ointment, but it'll stop an infection.” His lips twitch w
ith amusement. “Guess it worked like smelling salts.”

  My face flushes and I squint at him. He knew I was awake. He did that on purpose. I try to sit up, but he holds me down by my shoulder. “Don't move, just rest for a while. You've probably got a concussion after hitting your head. So now, I'll have to get you to a hospital.”

  Leaning back on my elbows and stare up at him. “No, Seal. I don't need to go to a hospital. I'm fine. I told you I faint at the sight of blood, especially my own. I'm just a wimp. It's so embarrassing. Anyway, you refused to go to a hospital when I offered to take you, so you can't force me.”

  He frowns. “I don't like seeing you hurt. Now, I'm not sure what to do.”

  “Well, now you know how I felt when I found you unconscious on the beach.”

  “Okay, I give in, but keep still while I put a plaster on your wound.” As he sticks it on my forehead, I gaze at his soft full lips. He's so frustratingly close that I'm tempted to kiss him, but I don't dare. He'll only reject me again, then I’ll truly die of embarrassment.

  “All done,” he says, wiping my face with a cool flannel. The touch of his hand on my cheek sends shivers down my spine. There he goes again, the big tease. I look away to hide my desire and to stop the temptation of his beautiful eyes. I used to think that being in love would be wonderful, but it's not. It sucks. It's like sending a kid to a candy shop without any money.

  He puts his hand on my brow. “Eloise, are you sure you feel okay? You're burning up.”

  Groaning at the mention of my name, I glare at him. “No, I don't feel okay. You keep saying my name and making me burn up. You're the biggest tease, ever.” Uh-oh. Now, he's staring at me with a strange fire in his eyes and he's breathing heavy. Crap. Now what?

  He abruptly pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I’m tingling all over and as his tongue swirls and whirls around mine, I close my eyes and taste his sweet mouth. Strange muscles are clenching inside my belly and as I melt into the couch, he runs his hands through my hair, tangling and tugging my curls. Then he pulls away and groans into my neck. “Oh, baby.”

  My heart is pounding, trying to leave my body and stars are flashing in my head. I've surely died and gone to heaven, or why would a dreamboat like Seal be interested in me? I love him and so want to tell him, but I'm afraid he'll laugh. But before I have a chance, he buries his face in my curls. “Oh, Eloise, what have you done to me?” he murmurs.

  Passion burns my soul and I just want to die in his arms and stay here forever and ever. I’m floating on air in a place I’ve never been. I’m burning up and about to spontaneously combust. Squeezing my eyes shut, I gasp as a strange thrill releases in my belly, sending ripples through every inch of me and making me week at the knees. Jeez, I'm fully clothed and he didn't even touch me. Breathless, I lean against his shoulder to hide my face.

  When I open my eyes, he’s staring at me with a knowing smirk on his face. I flush with embarrassment and look away. Surely he can’t know what just happened to me. Could he?

  He hugs me close. “I’m flattered.”

  My face grows even hotter. “What?”

  He grins. “Babe.”

  Huh? He called me babe. Smiling, I hug him tight. I’ll love him forever and ever.

  “Say it,” he whispers huskily.

  Crap. Can he read my mind?

  He looks at me through lush black lashes. “Say it, Eloise.”

  I bite my lip. “I love you, Seal …” But before I get to finish my sentence, the walls start to vibrate and the windows rattle. Jumping with fright, I wrap my arms around his neck. “What’s happening? Is it an earthquake?”

  He covers my body with his. “Maybe. I’m not sure.”

  Suddenly a flash of lightning lights up the room and the loudest thunderbolt I’ve ever heard roars above the house. Large objects crash onto the tin roof and smash against the door.

  “I guess not, it’s just a really bad thunderstorm,” he says.

  I start shaking. “It's so scary. It sounds like the roof’s going to blow off.”

  He looks towards the window. “I'll go outside and check to see everything is okay. And I better bring some wood in for the fire.”

  I hold his face. “No, Seal, please don't go out there. The last time there was a bad storm, I saw a strange man in the garden.”

  He goes rigid. “You did?”

  I nod. “Yes, he was under a gum tree outside my bedroom. I don't think I imagined it, but I might've.”

  “Show me.” Taking my hand, he pulls me to my feet and strides towards my room.

  As we walk into my bedroom, I point out the window. “He was under that tree.”

  Seal peers into the garden. “What was he doing?”

  I shrug. “Nothing, he was just leaning against the trunk. I only saw him when a lightning flash lit up the garden, then I couldn't see him anymore.”

  “I don't like the sound of this,” he says. “You'd better be extra careful.” With a worried look in his eyes, he pulls me close, trapping my hands against the hard muscles of his chest. “Thank goodness I'm here to protect you until your parents come back.” He kisses my forehead above the Band-Aid. “I couldn’t bare it if anything to happen to you, honey.”

  As he glances out the window, I snuggle into his arms. “I feel the same way about you, Seal.”

  He holds my head between his hands, forcing me to look at him. “Listen carefully, Eloise. I'm going to look around outside and make sure there’s no one sneaking about. Lock the door behind me, but don’t open it until you’ve checked through the window that it’s me. I’ll knock on the door when I’m ready to come in, but I’ll collect some wood for the fire first, okay?”

  “All right.” I hug him around the waist and rest my head on his chest. “It’s so nice having you here to protect me.”

  He sniffs. “I can smell smoke.”

  “Oh, crap!”


  “I've burned dinner.”

  Chapter Nine

  I bolt out of the bedroom to the kitchen. Holy Moly, something's definitely burning. What's wrong with me? How could I have forgotten to check dinner? Chewing my lip, I peek into the pot on the stove. Most of the liquid has boiled away, but at least I can salvage the mince and vegies. Sighing, I add more water and leave it on the hotplate to simmer, but when I look in the oven to check on the garlic bread, a cloud of black smoke billows out, setting off the smoke alarm. Great, that's all I need. Coughing from the fumes, I grab an oven-mit and yank the tray out. Shoot! The garlic loaf has turned to charcoal.

  Seal comes up behind me holding a tea towel. “I'll take it, Eloise, you'll burn yourself.” He lifts it from me and puts it on the sink.

  “I didn't burn myself, but I nearly ruined dinner.” Scowling, I hand him the broom and point at the ceiling. “Can you hit the button on the smoke alarm to stop that horrid noise? I’ll try and salvage what's left of our meal.”

  “Sure, babe.”

  I smile. He called me babe again. I turn to face him, but he's busy poking the alarm button. Humming Justin Bieber’s song, As Long As You Love Me, I toss the burnt loaf in the garbage and throw some spaghetti into a pot of boiling water.

  The beeping stops and Seal leans the broom against the wall. “Anything else I can help you with, Miss Elle?”

  “Oh, I'm Miss Elle now?”

  He raises a brow. “Well, you asked me to call you Elle.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You're not funny.”

  Smiling, he holds his arms out. “Aw, come here, Eloise.”

  I don't need to be asked twice. I'm there in a heartbeat, and as I wrap my arms around his waist, he leans over and kisses me gently on the mouth. I'm floating on air, he's so deliciously dreamy. His hands are in my hair, twisting my curls, then he presses me against the wall and kisses me harder, his tongue seeking mine. The heat from his thighs is burning through his jeans, making my pulse race faster. I’m overheating. I want to tear his clothes off and run my hands over his bare skin.
I want more of him, all of him, though I wouldn’t know what to do.

  He suddenly lifts me into his arms and carries me towards my bedroom. I lean against his shoulders and gaze up at him. His lids are heavy, his eyes smouldering, and his lips are luscious and swollen. As he lays me on the bed, he puts his hand on my forehead. “Eloise, are you okay? You're burning up. Is your head hurting?”

  Looking into his beautiful, but serious eyes, I gulp. Oh, I thought he was going to make passionate love to me. “I'm fine, Seal, but I’m burning for you. Make love to m.…”


  I jerk with fright as a deafening roar of thunder cracks above the roof.

  Seal glances at the window. “That sounds ominous. The storm's getting worse. I'd better bring the wood in and check around the house like I was going to.” He smiles at me. “You’re such a delicious distraction, babe.”

  My shoulders slump with disappointment. I didn't even get to tell him how much I love him. Just as well because I would have let him make passionate love to me. Jeez. What was I thinking? I’m only sixteen. And what if I fell pregnant? My parents would be mortified. I blow out a big breath and jump off the bed. “While you're getting the wood, I'll dish dinner out. You must be starving.”

  He kisses my cheek. “Only for you, Eloise.”

  I stare up at him. “Promise?”

  Smiling, he pulls away from me and dashes out of the bedroom. “Lock the back door after me,” he hollers from the hallway.

  I jump off the bed and pad down the hall to the sunroom. Lock it? I feel like locking him out for the night. I slam the door and turn the key. Why does he have to tease me? I never know where I stand with him. I peek out the curtains and watch as he loads logs into a bucket. Why didn't he say promise? I pout. He knew I was going to ask him to make love to me. He's not deaf. The big tease didn't say anything back though. I scowl. I bet he's still wondering if he has a wife or girlfriend. I hope not because he said I made him love me. I don’t want to make him love me. What sort of love is that? I want him to love me unconditionally, like I love him. It’s a good job I didn’t sleep with him. I won’t until he says those words and means them. Men are weird sometimes. I don’t think I’ll ever understand them.


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