Ominous Love

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Ominous Love Page 6

by Patricia Puddle

  I head back to my room and grab my iPad, and as I carry it to the kitchen, I tap on my favourite shuffle of songs to distract me from brooding about Seal.

  Singing along with Reece Mastin singing, ‘Shut Up and Kiss Me’, I dish the food onto two plates and place them in the oven to keep warm. Now, to set the table. After throwing a lace tablecloth over the dining table, I place some candles in the middle and set out the cutlery and two crystal glasses. Perfect. Tapping my lips, I wonder if I should go into the cellar and grab a bottle of Dad's wine. I giggle. Maybe that's not a good idea, not with my teenage head going crazy already, and who knows what Seal would do. We’re both bad enough sober. Instead, I pour chilled sparkling cranberry juice into two crystal glasses. I smile. All I need now is for Seal to come in.

  But where is he? I march to the sunroom and look out the window. I can't see him, but a flash of lightning illuminates the garden, making me jump and reminding me of when Seal and I were struck on the beach. I remember the pain and how it knocked me unconscious. Jeez, what if Seal gets struck again. I shiver at the thought and run to the living room at the front of the house. As I peer into the garden, a loud thunderclap rumbles above the house, rattling the windows again, but I can't see Seal anywhere. My stomach turns. What if he's left me because I asked him to make a promise? Holy crap. No! I dash into my bedroom and stare outside. Though it's dark and starting to rain, I can just make out a figure under the large gum tree. Surely it must be Seal. It has to be him. No one else could look that good in jeans. But why is he standing in the rain? There's plenty of chopped wood in the shed, and if he doesn't come in soon, he'll get wet, or worse. He could get struck by lightning again. I open the window and lean out to call him, then I freeze. He's pounding his fists on the trunk of the tree and yelling up at the sky. Whoa. Please don't tell me he's got his memory back and found out he's married? My world falls from under me and I hold my face with dread.

  A blaze of lightning hits the tree and opens up the sky. My eyes pop wide open, then I blink. Did I just see a silhouette of a man up in the clouds? I look again, but it's not there. As a tremendous thunderbolt cracks above the shed, my eyes dart back to Seal. Holy cow. He's on his knees with his head in his hands, and he looks so distressed. My heart sinks and I hold my chest. What's wrong with him? I want to go outside and comfort him, but I can't seem to move, and when I open my mouth to call his name, no sound comes out. I seem to be paralysed, and frozen in time. All I can do is watch through the window, like an old black-and-white movie that's set in slow motion.

  As James Morrison song, I Won't Let You Go, blasts from my iPad, I'm mesmerised by the brightest lightning I've ever seen as it dances and flashes in the black clouds. A few seconds later, an ear-splitting thunderbolt reverberates above the trees. Though it's beautiful to see, I look at Seal and tremble with impending doom. He's sitting on his heels on the grass with his face in his hands. He suddenly looks up at the flashing sky and shouts, "NOOOOO!"

  His voice is so loud, it echoes through the trees and across the valley.

  Chapter Ten

  The sight of Seal in pain tugs at my heartstrings. What’s the matter with him? Has he got his memory back? Is his loved one dead? I can't bear to see him like this. I have to comfort him, but as I'm about to go out, he gets to his feet and runs off into the woods across the street.

  My stomach twists into knots, and as I peer out the open window, I holler, “Seal, come back!” But he doesn't answer me. Twirling a curl around my finger, I wonder where he'll go. He has no money or even a jacket, and he's bound to get a chill. My heart is breaking for him. I want to cry, but what good will that do? I have to go out and look for him. What kind of person would I be if I didn't?

  After grabbing an umbrella and a flashlight, I shrug into my jacket and dash down the hall to the front door. As I unlock it, the phone rings and I run back to answer it. My heart is thumping against my ribs, and though I pray that it's Seal, I doubt it's him. He doesn't even know my number. Breathless, I pick up the receiver. “Hello.”

  “Hi, Elle, you sound out of breath. Is everything okay?”

  Frigging hell, it's Tom.

  “Elle?You there?”

  “I …I can't talk right now, Tom,” I say into the phone, trying not to scream my head off.

  “But I miss you, babe, and there's a great party going on at Richie's place tonight. Can I pick you up? I promise I won’t try anything.”

  “Sorry, I can't make it.”

  “Why not, Elle, and why haven't you answered any of my emails or sms messages? Is it 'cause your naked cousin is still there?”

  “Tom, I have to go.” I have no time for his bullshit and I hang up. I run back down the hall, but as I reach the open door, I smack into Seal.

  I look up at him, relieved that he's back. But he just stands there, dripping wet. His hair is plastered to his forehead and his arms are dangling at his sides. He's looks so pale and forlorn and I want to hug him, but he's staring at me with such an intense look of terror, he's scaring me.

  My chest hitches and as I try to speak, my voice chokes with repressed tears. “W … what's wrong, Seal?”

  Still staring at me, he raises his brows, his eyes widening, then he parts his lips and breathes heavily through his mouth, but he doesn't answer me.

  I move towards him and wrap my arms around his waist, but instead of hugging me, he closes his eyes and inhales, his chest expanding and contracting. I lay my head next to his heart and listen to it beating, but he goes all rigid and clenches his fists. He obviously doesn't want me to comfort him, so I drop my arms and gaze up at him. “What's the matter, Seal? You’re scaring me.”

  After kicking the front door shut and locking it, he grabs my shoulders and glares at me. “I'm not Seal. Don't call me that. I can't be Seal anymore. And stop looking at me that way.”

  Trembling, I back away from him, my lip quivering. I bite it hard to stop myself from crying. “Did you get your memory back?”

  He throws his head back and sighs. “Yes, but I don't want to talk about it.”

  I swallow a lump in my throat. “You have someone else, don't you?”

  He strokes my cheek, his eyes softer. “You're so young and beautiful, Eloise. You can have any guy you choose, and I would choose you if I could, but I can't, not ever. I'm so sorry, but I have commitments.”

  Uncontrollable tears trickle down my checks and I angrily swipe them away. “Are you going home tonight?”

  He shrugs. “I don't think that's possible. I live a long way from here and I have no money. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'll have to get a job.”

  “You can stay here until you find work. No strings attached, I promise.” I'm mad at him, but I can't leave him out in the cold. I care for him too much. I touch his hand, and as usual, tingles run up my arm and into my heart.

  “Thanks,” he says. “I appreciate it. And I'll still take care of you while your folks are away.”

  Blinking away a tear, I suck in a deep breath and ask the dreaded question. “Are you married?”

  He shakes his head. “I can't talk about it right now.”

  I pout. “Who is she? I bet she's beautiful.”

  He closes his eyes for a moment. “Oh, she's beautiful, Eloise.”

  My blood boils. How can he be so cruel? He could have lied and ignored me. Pressing my lips together, I glare at him. “Why did you have to say my name just then? Now, I know why you wouldn’t make that promise. You knew you had someone else, didn’t you?”

  His lips twitch with amusement. “Fiery little thing, aren’t you.”

  My jaw drops. “Fiery? You make think this is all a joke, but I don't. How long have you known who you are?”

  His face drops and he looks sad again. “Since tonight's storm—it brought my memory back.” He sighs. “There was a storm when I lost it.”

  I hold my hands out. “But where were you? I found you on the beach stark naked …. Crap. Who were you with? Her?”

; The smirk returns to his face. “I'm not discussing my love life with you.”

  That's it. I stamp on his foot. “No? But, you didn't mind letting me fall in love with you, did you?”

  He closes his eyes for a moment. “Please don’t say that, Eloise.”

  I squint at him. “Okay, I take it back. I hate you. And stop calling me Eloise.” Turning on my heels, I run down the hall to my bedroom and slam the door. And to think I was so happy an hour ago. Now, I just want to die. I throw myself on my bed and punch my pillow as hard as I can. Beautiful is she? Well, I don't believe he's married. He's much too young. It's probably some bimbo that will break his heart anyway. I bolt upright. Well, I'm not giving up without a fight. He may have met her first, but I know he loves me, too. Though tears fall onto my cheeks, I giggle into my hand. And I have a good weapon. I grab my cell phone and dial Tom's number. He doesn't answer so I leave a message. “Hi, Tom, it's Eloise. I've changed my mind and I'd love to go to the party with you. Pick me up in a couple of hours. Bye.”

  I punch the air with my fist. That'll give Seal something to think about. But now, it's dinner time. I hop off the bed and head to the kitchen. Seal isn't in the kitchen or lounge room, so I tap on his bedroom door.

  “Come in,” he hollers.

  Turning the handle, I peek in. He's sitting on his bed, resting his elbows on his knees. He's changed into my father's pyjamas, but his eyelids are swollen as if he's been crying. Maybe he's worried what ‘Miss Beautiful’ will say when he goes back to her, especially if she finds out about me.

  I give him a half smile. “Dinner's ready, you must be hungry.”

  He shrugs. “I guess so.”

  “Okay, come and sit at the table.” I walk back to the kitchen and take the plates out of the oven. As I place them on the mats, Seal sits down and stares at the flickering candles. After selecting a song on my iPad, I sit opposite him and sprinkle parmesan cheese on my pasta, but as Guy Sebastian starts singing, Battle Scars, I nearly burst into tears. I blink them away and offer the bowl to Seal.

  As he spoons the cheese onto his food, he watches me twirling spaghetti around my fork, but when he twirls his, it drops from his fork and plops onto his plate. Scowling, he chops it with his knife and eats it with his spoon.

  Holding my mouth, I chuckle. “Haven't you tried spaghetti before?”

  He smiles. “Well, of course I've seen it, but I never had the inkling to try it.”

  “I can make you something else if you like.”

  “No thanks, it's really delicious, especially with the savoury mince and cheese.” As he sips the sparkling cranberry juice, the flames from the candles reflect in his eyes, making them even more dazzling.

  I sigh with yearning. “Do you like cranberry juice? I can get you some wine if you prefer.”

  He shakes his head. “No, this is fine, Elo … Elle.”

  Holding my crystal glass, I roll my eyes. “It's okay, you can call me Eloise. I'll get over you, don't worry.”

  He raises a brow. “Really? Is that why you're trying to free my inhibitions by offering me alcohol?”

  My face grows hot. “No, I was just being a good host. Anyway, you haven't told me your real name. What is it?”

  “Nathaniel, but you can call me Nathan.”

  I lean on my elbows. “Okay, Nathan, but what's your surname?”


  “Hmm, Nathaniel Burns.” I twirl another string of spaghetti and say, “Well, I’m still calling you Seal.”

  He looks at his hands. “Suit yourself, Elle.”

  Ignoring his rebuff, I continue eating my dinner. At least I know his real name. Now I can do a web search, and who knows, I might find out if he's married.

  We finish our food in silence, and I look at the clock. I've only got an hour to get ready for the party. I collect the dirty plates and carry them to the sink.

  “Leave them, I'll wash them. You cooked a wonderful meal, Elle.”

  Leaning on the sink, I stare out the window. If I stay near him much longer, who knows what I'll do. I hand him a tea towel. “Okay, Seal. The dishes are all yours. I'm off to have a shower.”

  “It's Nathan.”

  Heading out the kitchen, I look over my shoulder. “You're no more Nathan, than I am Elle.” As soon as I'm in the bathroom, I lock the door and let out a long breath. Life is cruel sometimes. I want Seal, but I know his wife or girlfriend must be worried about him. I wish he'd tell me why he ended up here though, and why she's so far away. Maybe she ran off with another man. My spirits lift for a second. I can only hope. After tossing my clothes into the linen basket, I hop in the shower and wash my hair.

  After wrapping my long hair into a white fluffy towel, I dry myself and put on my robe. As I brush my teeth and moisturise my face, I can't help worrying what sort of a night I'll have with Tom. What was I thinking? I grab my hairdryer out of the drawer and pad out to my bedroom.

  Seal passes me on his way to his room, his head buried in a book. Craning my neck, I try to see what book it is, but he hides it behind his back. How strange. Frowning, I go into my room and close the door. I search for my tight black jeans and wriggle into them. Then browsing through my wardrobe, I pick out a bright red pullover and put it on. Perfect. I pull the sticking plaster off my forehead and gently dab on some foundation to hide the wound. Then I comb my lashes with heaps of black mascara and paint my lips and nails bright red to match my jumper. As I glance at the clock, I realise I have twenty-minutes before Tom turns up. After blow-drying my hair, I pile it high on top of my head and clip it with a silver comb. Perfect.

  Looking at myself in the mirror, I smile. I look much older with my hair done up, but knowing Tom, he'll soon have it in a tangled mess. I decide to stay away from him once we get to the party. I've no intensions of putting up with his shenanigans. Plus I'll have more fun with my girlfriends. I know Brooke and Ruby will be there because they'd never miss one of Richie's parties. I'm sure one of them will give me a lift home.

  As I spray perfume on my wrists and neck, I hear a car pull up near the house. Shoot. My heart leaps to my throat, and as I slip into my black, knee boots I wonder what Seal and Tom will say to each other.

  When the doorbell rings, my stomach does somersaults. It's not as if I want to go out, and definitely not with Tom. I just want to stay here and melt into Seal's arms as we listen to music like we planned. But I know in my heart if I stay home tonight, that's what will happen. Seal couldn't look at me the way he does if he didn't have feelings for me. Could he? Oh, what would I know, I'm just a hot-blooded ignorant sixteen-year-old. Plus Seal is committed to ‘Miss, or Mrs Beautiful’, and surely I don't want to be responsible for stealing someone else's guy, do I? I tap my teeth with my fingernail. So why am I trying to make Seal jealous by going out with a bozo like Tom?

  Hearing voices coming down the hall, I freeze. Darn it. Why did I leave that message on Tom's phone? I could tell him I've decided not to go, but then he'd think Seal talked me out of it. Oh what have I got Seal into? I smack my forehead. ‘Ouch. That friggin hurt.” I look at my hand and it’s covered with blood.

  Someone taps on my door, but I'm can't bring myself to answer it. I feel nauseous and I'm going to be sick. As I dab my head with a tissue, the door knob turns and Seal walks in. He takes one look at me and his mouth drops open.

  Chapter Eleven

  I gaze up at Seal and my heart dances. He's looks so cute in my dad's pyjamas. The top is undone displaying his wide muscular chest, and the pants, oh my goodness, they're barely staying on his deliciously slim hips. Without thinking, I lick my lips. He must have seen me ogling him because he's gone bright red and he's hitching up his pants.

  Shaking his head, he closes the door and walks towards me. “Tom's here,” he whispers. “He said you phoned him and asked him to take you out. Please tell me you didn't so I can order him to leave.”

  Biting my lip, I stare up at him. Crap, don't tell me they're going to fight again. If they do it'll
be my fault. I wanted to make Seal jealous, but I should have thought of the consequences.

  “Eloise, answer me.”

  “Oh, I'm Eloise now?”

  He glances up at the ceiling as if he's annoyed. “Don't play games, just answer me.”

  “Okay, I did ring him, but why do you care?”

  His runs his hand through his hair, an exasperated look on his face. “Why? You know what he's like.” He looks at my clothes and frowns. “And why would you go out with him dressed like that?”

  “Dressed like what? You sound like my father.” I stand up and shrug into my black denim jacket.

  He grabs my shoulders and glares at me. “Eloise, your father's not here, and if he was, I'm sure he wouldn't let you go out with Tom. How old is he anyway?”

  “Seventeen, why?”

  “I don't think your father would like you getting in his car. What if he drinks or takes drugs? And why have you put all that paint on your face?”

  I pull away from him. “Well, my father isn't here and you're only a kid yourself. By the way, now you know who you are, how old are you?”

  He takes my hand. “My age doesn't matter, Eloise, but your safety does. Now please, go and tell Tom you're not going out with him tonight, or ever.”

  My heat skips with longing. I so want to stay with Seal, but who knows what will happen if I do. I grab my purse. “I have to go, but I'll be back before midnight. There's heaps of DVD’s in the cabinet, or you could read and listen to music, oh and help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”

  He holds my face between his hands, forcing me to look at him. “Eloise, I'm begging you not to go. Tom isn't trustworthy, and midnight? I doubt your parents would let you stay out that late.”

  His thumbs are touching my face sending shivers down my spine. I don't want to give into temptation, so I pull his arms away. “Well, my parents aren't here, are they?”


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