Ominous Love

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Ominous Love Page 8

by Patricia Puddle

  “Yeah,” says Tom, scowling at me. “And I think she's banging him.”

  “Really?” she says, giggling her head off. “Are they first or second cousins? It's okay if they're second.”

  My cheeks burning, I pick up a pillow and clobber them both with it. “Don't talk about me like I'm not here,” I yell, then I turn and run out the room and into the bathroom. After locking the door, I lean against it and try to get my breath back. I shouldn't have hit them. I can't really blame them for anything. Tom may be a rat, but I can't complain. After all, I did tell Francesca I was breaking up with him. And she probably told him I was chasing Devlin. Eww, what an awful thought. His black eyes are way too sinister for me. I suddenly feel nauseous and want to go home, but I can't ask Tom to drive me. Deciding to call a cab, I head out to look for Ruby and Brooke. Where the hell are they anyway?

  Holding my phone, I walk through the house and dial the number for a taxi, and as I turn into the kitchen, I bump into Tom.

  Clutching two beers in his hands, he gawks at me. “Elle, you know I love you, and all that.”

  I roll my eyes. “Excuse me,” I say sarcastically. “Can I get past please?”

  “Um, I’m sorry, babe.” He pouts and puts on his stupid hound-dog face. “We didn't have full on sex. We were just fooling.”

  I glance at the ceiling, then back at him. “Too much information, Tom, and I'm not even bothered.” I march passed him and run down the three steps to the garden. When I look in the marquee, everyone is bopping to the great beat of Ricki-Lee’s song, Do It Like That. Ruby and Brooke are dancing with the two surfie guys, so there’s no way I’m spoiling their fun. As I walk down the path to wait for my cab, I send them both a text message to let them know I've gone home.

  Standing alone in front of the picket fence, I look up and down the low-lying street. A mist has settled in the valley and I can’t even see across the road. I gaze up at the sky, but the fog is so thick, I can't see the moon or the stars. Shivering, I pull my jacket tight around my chest and stamp my feet, then as I blow on my hands to warm them, little puffs of white air shoot from my mouth. Glancing at my watch, I see it’s nearly midnight. Crap. Now Seal will be even angrier with me and I know he’ll start to worry. Clasping my hands together, I pray for my cab to arrive. If only I’d listened to Seal and stayed home tonight. He was right about Tom never being around when I need him. He may have picked me up and driven me here, but he obviously had no intentions of taking me home, or maybe he was hoping I'd stay all night, the jerk. He just planned on getting drunk and having sex, and he didn't care who with.

  A rustling noise comes from across the street, startling me from my thoughts. Then, just as I decide to go back inside to wait, I see the headlights of a car beaming through the fog. Great, hopefully it's my cab. But instead of stopping, it keeps going up the road.

  Darn it. I'll get a chill if I stay out here much longer. I grab my phone from my pocket and start walking back to the house, but as I dial the number to the cab company, somebody grabs me from behind. My eyes wide with terror, I try to scream, but my mouth is held shut by the powerful hand of a man. Something smells familiar, something from my childhood. Holy crap, no! It's the brain-numbing scent of a drug used for anaesthesia, and the last thing I smelt before doctors ripped out my tonsils. I struggle and kick and scratch at his hand, but he grabs me around the waist and lifts me into his arms. Staring into his face, I lose consciousness.

  Chapter Thirteen

  My eyes flicker open and I glance around. Where the hell am I? Adrenalin rushes through me and I bolt upright. My wrists are handcuffed and my feet are tied to the bottom of a four-poster bed. Holy shit. I've been kidnapped.

  Though I'm wearing my clothes, my boots are gone. I swallow a big lump in my throat and try to pull my feet free, but they’re tied too tightly. The only light in the room is from two candles burning on the dresser and a fire blazing in the hearth. There's a dark carved door in the corner and the window is covered with full-length crimson curtains. I've never seen this place before and I don't know why I'm here.

  Then I suddenly remember being dragged away from the party by a stranger and my world drops out from under me. Bloody hell, I have to get out of here.

  As I franticly rip at the rope around my ankles, a floorboard creaks outside the door. Oh no, someone's coming. I want to scream, but it wouldn't help. My heart is in my throat and adrenalin is rushing through me. As I take short raspy breaths, the doorknob turns. Terrified, I hold my breath.

  A dark-haired man dressed like a lifeguard walks in. All he's wearing is budgie smugglers, sunglasses and a towel around his shoulders. As he closes the door, I bite my lip and tremble. He's over six-feet tall and built like an athlete. As he walks towards me, he takes his sunglasses off and tosses them on the dresser. He smirks, his coal-black eyes gleaming with menace.

  Crap. Now, I'm in big trouble. It's Devlin Sulphurous, the sleaze from the party.

  Sitting on the bed, he smiles, his white teeth gleaming in the candle light. “So, you finally woke up, Eloise.”

  I grab a pillow and hold it in front of me. “Why have you brought me here?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm. “What do you want from me?”

  He caresses my cheek with his long slender fingers. “So many questions, my love. Be patient, you'll find out soon enough.”

  The little hairs on the back of my neck stand up, making me shiver. “I'm not your love. Let me go home.”

  His eyes flash. “Oh, yes you are. You're the only one for me, and you'll learn to love me back. You'll see.”

  I shake my head. “No, I won't. I don't even know you. Please, take me home. My parents will worry about me.”

  “Oh? Your parents will worry?”

  “Of course they will, so let me go.”

  He moves further onto the bed. “What about your boyfriend, will he worry?”

  I chew my lip. “I guess.”

  “Hmm, you guess, do you?” He strokes his chin. “Didn't he go off to make love to the beautiful Francesca?”

  My stomach churns. How did he know that?


  I gulp. “Maybe.”

  He narrows his eyes. “And is he still your boyfriend?”

  “No, but he's still my friend.”

  “Don’t you care that he went off with one of your friends?”

  I shrug. “Not really.”

  “You don't love him, then?”


  “Did you sleep with him?”

  “No,” I yell. “And why are you asking me all these questions. Just let me out of here.” I hold my wrists out. “And please undo these handcuffs. They hurt.”

  “Will you attempt to escape?”

  I shake my head. “Uh-uh.”

  “Say it.”

  “I won’t attempt to escape.”

  He walks around to the bottom of the bed and unties the rope around my ankles. Then he stares at me through thick dark lashes as he kisses my toes and massages my feet.

  Eww, he may be good-looking, but all I want to do is kick him in the head.

  “Stop scowling, Eloise. You know you like it.”

  I move my feet away. I'm tempted to poke him in the eye with my big toe, but I'm still handcuffed, so I tell a lie. “I'm just ticklish, that’s all.”

  Still holding my gaze, he unlocks the handcuffs and caresses my fingers. As I watch him, I wonder how anyone so handsome can be so evil. And I shudder, just thinking about what he will do next. Something cruel and horrible no doubt, but I can't let him know how terrified I am. Closing my eyes for a moment, I take deep breath and try to relax.

  “See how happy I make you when you let me.”

  I open my eyes. Far out. He thinks I like it. Yuck. I pull my hands away.

  He throws the rope on the rug, then looks back at me. As he swallows, his Adam's apple moves in his throat. Shoot. I don't like where this is going and there's no way I can escape, but I'll have to try. I glance at the door
and wonder if it's locked.

  Leaning closer, he whispers, “If you try to escape, you'll pay the consequences, and believe me, you won't like them.”

  I flinch. “W … what do you mean?”

  His eyes glint with menace. “I will kill your precious Seal.”

  My stomach drops and all the blood drains from my face. “My seal? I don't have a seal. They’re protected animals.”

  “Don't play stupid games with me, Eloise, it's unbecoming. Do you prefer I kill him now?”

  “No!” I swallow a big lump in my throat. How does he know about Seal?

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  I shake my head.

  “So you're innocent?”

  Ignoring him, I fidget with my fingers.

  He grips my chin. “Answer me!”

  “Um … I guess.”

  “You guess?” he growls. “What the hell does that mean?”

  I flinch. “I guess I’m innocent.”

  He runs his thumb along my lips. “I told you not to lie to me, and you know what the punishment entails. But this time, I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. Answer me again. You're not innocent, are you?”

  I tremble. “I don't know what you mean.”

  “You're shameless and wanton, aren’t you?”

  Staring at him, I blink. “Am not.”

  He strokes my cheek. “Are you a virgin?”

  I jerk away from him. “Yes, I am, as if it's any of your damn business.”

  He inhales, his nostrils flaring. “That's good, Eloise, it's important to me, and don't worry; I'll make it my business. You're not Seal's, you're not Tom's. You're mine.”

  Crap. I should have told a lie and said I wasn't. I'm so not his. My stomach churns and I start to feel sick. Hopefully I'll throw up all over him. Poor Seal. Why would he want to hurt him? After all, he doesn't even want me. He's already taken. I breathe deeply and search for some strength. I think about the stranger in my dreams—the mystery man. If only I could escape to one of my fantasy dreams and wake up back in my bed, back in my rickety old house, the one that I'll never complain about, ever again. I don't want to be ravished by a good-looking monster.

  Then I remember the strange silhouette in the storm and wonder if it was Devlin sneaking around our house and spying on me. He must have seen Seal and me kissing. Maybe if I tell him Seal already has a girlfriend, he won't hurt him. I couldn't bare anything happening to him.

  “What are you up to, Eloise? Are you scheming and planning to escape?”

  “No, but I don't know why you're interested in Seal. He doesn't want me. He has a girlfriend he loves.”

  Devlin steeples his fingers and smirks at me. “Does he now? And what is the dear girl's name?”

  I shrug. “I don't know. He never told me. He's a very private person.”


  “Yes, really.” I hold out my hands. “So you see, you don't need to kill him. He's no threat. I'll go out with you anyway and he won't give a rat's arse.”

  He raises a brow. “A rat's arse?”

  I roll my eyes. “It's just a saying. Where are you from, the moon?”

  “Oh, you think I'm from the moon?”

  “You're so weird, you probably are.”

  He smirks. “Well, I'm certainly not from the moon; it's much too cold a place for me. Plus there are no pretty girls like you up there. Would you like to see your new garden?”

  Thinking it might give me a chance to escape, I nod. “I suppose, but I'd sooner see my own.”

  Before I have a chance to stand up, he lifts me off the bed and carries me to the window. After plonking me down in front of the curtains, he draws them back. Oh my gosh. I hold my mouth and gasp. The brightness of the sun on the white snow is blinding.

  He puts his hand on my shoulder. “It's spectacular isn't it? And it's all yours.”

  Pressing my hands to my chest, I try to breathe. No, no! This can't be. I glance at Devlin, then back out the window. Large spires built on huge sandstones reach to the sky. This house isn't a house. It's a castle, and it's right on top of a snow-capped mountain that reaches into low-lying clouds. How did I get here? And how the hell am I ever going to escape? I’ve never felt so helpless in my entire life and I want to cry, to scream in protest. But I won’t shed a single tear, not here, not in front of this monster.

  A sudden fury seeps into my blood and I turn to face him. Glaring at him, I pound on his chest with my fists. “Take me home, you arsehole. You knew I couldn't escape. You just want to torture me. I hate you.”

  He grabs my arms and holds me tight. “Settle down. You'll grow to love it here, just as I do.”

  I pull away from him. “No, I won't.”

  His eyes grow darker, then he abruptly swoops me into arms and throws me back on the bed. As I scream, he grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. “You can forget about Seal, Eloise, because you're going to learn to love me.”

  Shaking my head, I try to push his hands away. “No, never.”

  Lying on top of me, he narrows his eyes. “I'll make you love me. Your heart belongs to me, not to him, never to him.” Holding my chin, he presses his lips onto mine, kissing me ferociously, his tongue in my mouth.

  Struggling to get free, I turn my head away. “Get off me!”

  “Shush, Eloise,” he whispers, nuzzling my neck. “Calm down, honey.” Then his hands move under my sweater, caressing my bare skin. “Just tell me what you like.”

  I dig my nails into his hand. “Get off me, you weirdo!”

  “Okay, we'll do it your way.” He roughly grips my hair with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth. Then he groans, his voice vibrating through his chest onto mine.

  I push at his shoulders, but they're much too powerful and I can't get him off me. Closing my eyes, I try to imagine I'm in another place, a safe place, but it doesn't work. I'm stuck here with a monster. I'm lost, helpless, trapped, and worse, nobody knows where I am, not my parents, not Tom, and not Seal. Tears cloud my eyes, but I blink them away. I know now, Devlin will only let me live if I give in to his demands.

  My blood boils. I'd rather die! If I can't have Seal, I don't want anyone, especially not Devlin. With all the strength I can muster, I bend my knee and try to knee him in the groin, but he's much too strong. He yanks my leg down, then pushes his hand up the back of my jumper. As he fumbles with my bra, I dig my teeth into his bottom lip and bite down hard.

  Yelling in pain, he pulls away from me, his eyes blazing in the candle light. “Damn you, Eloise.”

  I gulp and stare up at him as bright red blood drips from his mouth and splatters onto my face. Oh, no! What have I done? If I faint from the sight of his blood, I'm a goner.

  Gritting his teeth, he wipes his mouth with the towel draped around his shoulders and it falls onto the bed. As he reaches for a tissue on the bedside table, I suck in a breath and gape at his naked back. There are two huge scars, running from his shoulders to his waist. And though I fear for my life, curiosity gets the better of me. Slowly, I run my hand along them, but instead of stopping me, he gasps and closes his eyes. Something sharp pricks my fingers and I jerk my hand away, then as I look closer, I gulp. Holy moly. There's something growing from his welts. Blood feathers.

  I jump off the bed and to run, but before I can get away, he seizes my hand and stares at me, and for the first time, I see fear in his eyes.

  “What happened to your back?” I ask.

  His brow furrows. “It’s best you don't know, Eloise.”

  At the sight of the blood now pouring from his mouth, I start to feel nauseous and dizzy. Oh, please, I beg the heavens, don't let me go unconscious. I don't want Devlin doing whatever he wants to me. Oh, why didn't I listen to Seal? And what's with the blood feathers?

  The room starts spinning, and as it fades away, Devlin catches me in his arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I stir in my sleep and feel around for my pillow. My bed feels hard and I’m cold. Shivering,
I run my hand along the mattress in search of my blankets, but all I can feel is cold hard stone. I bolt upright and look around. Holy crap! I'm not in my bed—I'm on an altar—a cold stone altar in a church. Then I remember I'm being held captive in some weird castle on top of a snow-capped mountain. My stomach twists into knots. No wonder I'm shivering.

  Staring up at the stained glass windows and a high ceiling, my heart sinks. I was hoping it was all a dream, but instead, it's a living nightmare, and to make things worse, there's some creepy organ music coming from somewhere on the mezzanine floor above the entrance.

  When I look down at my body, my jaw drops. What the hell? I'm wearing a long white gown and it's showing my cleavage. Shoot. Where are my jeans and jumper? My heart lurches and I run my hands down my hips, caressing the soft silk of the gown to feel if I'm still wearing underwear. Thank goodness I am, but the thought of Devlin taking my jeans off and dressing me in a gown gives me the creeps, and I doubt he put me on this altar for any good intentions. Jeez, is he going to sacrifice me? I shudder. Will he stab me with a dagger as I lie helpless on this slab, or will he take my virginity? Shit I've got to get out of here, and fast.

  I glance around to make sure nobody's watching, then I leap off the altar and hurry down the steps. Holding the dress up, I run bare foot down the aisle towards the exit, not that I know where to go, but anywhere is better than here. The music suddenly stops and I glance up at the mezzanine floor to see who was playing it. I can't see anyone. Great, they must have seen me and are on their way down the stairs. Sprinting faster, I reach the open doors and run outside into the cold fresh air. My feet and arms are freezing, but before I make it to the first step, I'm grabbed by the waist from behind. “Whoa.”

  “Eloise, what happened to your promise?” Devlin turns me to face him.

  Gasping for breath, I look up. “I … I haven't broken my promise. I was just going out for some fresh air.”

  “Really?” He squints at me, a glint of mistrust in his striking, but ominous eyes. Then abruptly, he scoops me into his arms and carries me towards the lookout.


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