Box Set: The Divine Creek Ranch Collection, Volume 2 [Book 4 - Rosemary's Double Delight (MFM), Book 5 - Spurs and Heels (MF)] (Siren Publishing Romance Collection)

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Box Set: The Divine Creek Ranch Collection, Volume 2 [Book 4 - Rosemary's Double Delight (MFM), Book 5 - Spurs and Heels (MF)] (Siren Publishing Romance Collection) Page 30

by Heather Rainier

  Juliana noticed as he sat watching the movie with her that he laughed in all the appropriate places, but he was distracted and seemed troubled.

  He made no move to hold her or play around, caught up in his own thoughts. The movie ended, and he turned to her. At least the smile on his face for her was genuine. He groaned when his phone vibrated yet again.

  “Ash, is everything all right? Did something happen at the ranch?” she asked as he lifted her into his lap, careful of her wrist and stitches.

  “An unexpected visitor showed up looking for me, that’s all.” He looked at her as if torn.

  “Do you need to go? You’ve been quiet and distracted since your phone call.”

  He sat there quietly for a few seconds, looked into her eyes, and kissed her. The look on his face told her she was in for a disappointment.

  “I should, darlin’. This is probably not something I can deal with over the phone, and I feel bad for leaving others to handle it. Would you mind?”

  Juliana could tell he didn’t look happy about it. Neither was he forthcoming with much information. “Of course not, Ash. I’m disappointed, but I definitely understand. Thank you for taking care of me this weekend.” She kissed him, and his moustache tickled her upper lip, causing a delightful shiver to race up her spine.

  He smiled at her and squeezed her. “Why don’t you go get changed, and then I’ll tuck you in for the night?” He helped her rise from his lap and patted her ass.

  A few minutes later, she slipped from her bathroom, dressed in her satin and lace nightgown, and he sighed in appreciation. Even though he didn’t have to, he gently lifted her and carried her to her bed. Juliana laid her head against his shoulder, loving the feel of his muscular arms around her. He careful placed her in the turned down bed and helped her snuggle up under the covers.

  “Ash, is there something you need to tell me about, or that I should be worried about?” She searched his eyes in the dim light but could find no hint of what troubled him.

  “Nothing for you to worry about at all, darlin’. It’s just a situation I need to deal with. You get some rest, and I’ll call you in the morning.” He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. His kiss reassured her and hinted at the plans he’d had for that night and promised of nights to come.

  Juliana wished he could’ve stayed, and doubt wormed its way into her heart even as his lips lingered on hers. She hoped he’d be a little more forthcoming in the morning.

  After he let himself out of her house, she drifted on the edge of sleep for over an hour, wondering what had happened. Who had shown up at the ranch? And why did he choose to not tell her who it was?

  There could only be one reason he’d withhold that information. It had to be another woman. He’d been distracted, sweet and loving as he usually was, but nonetheless distracted. What thoughts or memories had been in his mind as he stared off a million miles away during the movie? Whoever it was, he’d said it was an unexpected visitor. Perhaps it was a woman from his past. If it had been a male friend, she doubted he would have withheld that information from her.

  She sighed heavily, rubbing her brow, reminding herself of the way he looked at her, the way he talked to her, and the way he’d made love to her that morning. He wasn’t the type to love ’em and leave ’em, and he’d left reluctantly. If it was someone he’d truly wanted to see, he would’ve left her house much more eagerly. He’d left tonight like he did not want to go and face whatever was waiting on him.

  Finally, she drifted off, but her sleep was far from peaceful, and her dreams were troubling. She woke several times during the night and didn’t fall deeply asleep until it was nearly time for her to get up.

  When she awoke, she felt bereft of rest and a little cranky. Peevishly, she thought about calling or text messaging Grace to ask her if she knew who it was that Ash had returned to the ranch to see. Pride wouldn’t let her. She didn’t want to seem desperate, even to her friend.

  She vacillated, remembering that Grace had asked her to call, and she decided she would after she got to work. Then she decided against it again because she didn’t want to know if it was bad news from Grace. She’d rather hear bad news straight from Ash if it was coming.

  Proud of herself for following through on her promise to not go in early, she didn’t get to the store until nine-thirty. She should’ve felt out of sorts for arriving at a time she would normally consider late. When she walked the sales floor and checked the stockroom, she was pleased to discover that everything looked as it should.

  The stock had been rotated onto the sales floor properly, and the display racks were all full, neat, and tidy. Employees were already busy getting ready for the day.

  After her usual morning meeting with Evelyn and Leah, the day went on without a hitch, almost boring in its quietude. At least it was until the theft detection alarms at the front door went off.

  Chapter Eleven

  Juliana turned in her chair and watched the front doors on the security monitors behind her desk as a petite blond darted out the door, a leather jacket in her arms, followed swiftly by two male employees.

  Just as they were trained to do, they stopped her peaceably, cutting off her escape down the sidewalk. They held up their hands and gestured to her to return to the store. Juliana rolled her eyes, watching as the girl first tried the scared-little-girl tactic, but when it didn’t work, quickly switched to flirt as she tried to bargain her way out of returning to the store and certain retribution. She applauded Harry and Joe when they shook their heads and pointed up at the security camera.

  “Yeah. Smile, bitch, you’re on candid camera.”

  Harry and Joe escorted the shoplifter back into the store while Juliana called Hank Stinson, the sheriff.

  He told her he’d be right over to deal with the girl. Juliana waited in the bed and bath department as they escorted the thief to the back of the store. She looked petulant and angry, mouthing off at a customer who stared in disgust at her.

  She’s talkative. Great.

  Harry and Joe escorted her carefully into Juliana’s office. Juliana returned to her desk and took a seat as Evelyn stood in the doorway observing.

  Juliana looked quietly at the girl, trying to determine if she’d ever seen her before. She had shoulder-length blonde hair, was petite, and had pink-tinged cheeks and didn’t look unkempt or down on her luck.

  Curious, Juliana finally asked, “Are you from Divine?”

  She received a sullen, monosyllabic reply, “No.”

  “Are you living on the street and have no way to stay warm?”

  Again with the negative reply.

  “Did you take the jacket for someone who needs help?”


  “Why did you steal it then?”

  No reply.

  “Do you have someone you would like me to call for you?”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “So that someone who cares about you knows where you can be found. That leather jacket sells for four hundred dollars. That’s a Class B misdemeanor in Texas. You’re going to jail. You’ll have a fine to pay, plus Mr. Woodworth will probably pursue civil charges against you. I have security footage that proves you’re guilty. Is there someone I can call for you? A relative or friend?”

  The girl sat there and glowered at Juliana, and then she teared up and bawled. The girl was incoherent for about five minutes, during which time Juliana, Harry, Joe, and Evelyn had all grown completely weary of her presence. Once the melodrama was over, after having received no encouragement from any of them, Juliana took out a notepad and paper and handed it to the shoplifter.

  “Write your name and a phone number down if you’d like me to call someone for you. If not, you’ll still get your phone call once you get to the county jail.”

  The young woman took the pen and pad and jotted down a phone number and her name. Juliana took it from her as Hank walked into the office and proceeded to question her.

  Juliana had a strong su
spicion that this young woman had stolen the jacket for the kick, for the adrenaline rush, or to act out at someone, or out of boredom. She’d stolen from the wrong store, though, and in the wrong town.

  Juliana stepped out of the office, removing her phone from her pocket, and dialed the number that was written on the piece of paper, wondering why the number looked so familiar. Then she stopped in her tracks in the hallway as the line started to ring.

  A sweet, gravelly voice came on the line right away. “Hello, darlin’. How’s my girl doing?”

  Juliana paused for a split second, biting back the words that fought to erupt from her lips.

  She turned to look at the girl and caught her eyes as she spoke into her phone, “Hello, honey. I’m doing great, or I was until just a few minutes ago. We’ve detained a Brenda Sanderson in the store for shoplifting. She gave me your number to call. Could you come up to the store if it’s not too much trouble?”

  “Shit,” he said with a gusty sigh. “You pressing charges against her?” he asked in an even voice.

  “I have to. It’s non-negotiable with Mr. Woodworth. All shoplifters are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Hank has the security camera footage, and he’s talking to her right now.”

  “Okay. I’m already getting in my truck. I’ll be there in five minutes. Darlin’?”


  “I’m sorry you’re in an uncomfortable position. I suspect that inside you’re furious.”

  Juliana looked at Hank and pointed at the phone, verifying that it would be okay to step away from the doorway for a few moments.

  “I have to admit that my first reaction was anger when I recognized the phone number. I’ll even admit to being a little green-eyed. I kept myself awake all night imagining what could call you away from my place right before bed and could only assume it was an old flame. She’s quite manipulative.”

  Ash scoffed. “That little twit has nothing on a woman like you. She’s a buckle bunny from Denver. She’s by no means an old flame, but I am sorry to say she is a woman from my past. She tracked me down through one of my sisters. I set her straight when I got home then found out she hooked up last night with one of the ranch hands back at her bed and breakfast. She moves fast.”

  “Was she trying to get even with you?”

  “I don’t know, probably just looking for the next thrill. Evidently, tangling with the law was also on her to-do list. She’s a conniving little thing, so I wouldn’t put much store in what she tells you, darlin’. I’ll be at the side door in a few minutes.”

  “Okay. See ya.”

  She returned to the office, listening to Harry describe what happened. Brenda looked over at her with narrowed eyes.

  “Why did you give Ash Peterson’s phone number?”

  “Because up until he threw me away last night, evidently for you, I was his girlfriend, and he’s the only one I know in town. You’ll see. He’ll find someone else he likes the looks of, and he’ll toss you aside, too, just like that,” she said, snapping her fingers.

  “Whatever, sweet cheeks. He’s on his way.”

  As Juliana sat listening to them, she cringed inwardly, thinking of what the options were for Brenda when she went before a judge. Jail time, community service, a stiff fine. Jail time and community service meant the little crook would have to stay in the area.

  Juliana wondered who this little thief would go to when it came time to pay the fine. Hopefully, she had a rich daddy somewhere. Having seen her in action, Juliana could imagine the ruckus she must’ve stirred up at the ranch last night.

  She heard the side door open, and then Ash walked down the hallway, greeting Evelyn as he approached.

  Juliana smiled at him but wouldn’t reveal how relieved she was to see him for Brenda’s benefit. She didn’t rise from her chair but simply looked over at Brenda. Brenda looked up at Ash, and her limpid-blue eyes filled with tears, and her little chin quivered dramatically. She hitched a sob, and it was all so damned “tragic” all over again as she bawled her eyes out.

  Ash looked over at Juliana and rolled his eyes, shrugging. “I called your daddy, Brenda. He’ll fly in to San Antonio and be here late tonight. I don’t know why you called me when he’s the one you’ve got to talk into bailing you out.”

  “How did you find out how to contact with my daddy?” she asked, shutting off the waterworks so suddenly it was almost comical.

  “I used the same search engine you used to track me down. Some people look up Google, and some people call my sister Donna. Mrs. Warner asked me to tell you that after the stink you made last night, if you set foot on the Divine Creek Ranch again, she’ll meet you with a loaded shotgun.”

  Hank and Juliana exchanged a big-eyed look, and Juliana did her best to hide a wide grin. Curiosity got the best of her, and she had to ask. “She pissed off Grace enough to say something like that? What did she do out there?” Juliana didn’t miss the jealous glare Brenda shot her.

  “After Brenda was done screaming at me, she tore down the drive in that gigantic, hot-pink dually pickup parked outside and took out all of Grace’s newly planted crape myrtle trees by the ranch house. Grace was fit to be tied.” He looked down at Brenda then frowned, tilting his head in puzzlement. One eyebrow arched, and Ash smirked. “Girl, what is wrong with you? Open your jacket and take it off.”

  Hank looked at her expectantly. “Little lady, we were going to get to the moment of truth eventually. Open your jacket and purse, too, please.”

  Brenda unbuttoned her jacket and a bright pink, crocodile-print handbag fell out. Hank lifted the coordinating wallet that matched the bag from the inside pocket, along with a couple of pieces of silver jewelry from one of the locked counter cases. She must’ve distracted the salesgirl that was covering for Teresa while she was on her honeymoon because Teresa would never have fallen for it. Several other accessories were discovered in the inner pockets of her coat and a couple down her boots as well as several pieces in her purse.

  “Miss Sanderson, you’re now looking at Class A misdemeanor charges. I don’t know what you were thinking. But you’d better hope the judge is feeling merciful today and that your daddy’s pockets are deep enough because your fine just went through the roof. It would be a good idea to remove any other stolen merchandise we have not already found on you before I take you down to the jail. You’re going to get searched there, too.”

  By now, Brenda’s face was splotchy from crying, and her makeup was ruined. She was no longer as pretty as she had been when they’d first hauled her in and certainly no longer innocent or waif-like in appearance. She cursed a blue streak at Ash as she pulled a long package that contained a beaded necklace from her coat sleeve and a red lace pushup bra from the back waistband of her designer jeans. Ash smiled at Juliana and rolled his eyes again as Brenda continued her tirade at him as if this were his fault.

  “We’ll need your truck keys, ma’am. I’m impounding your truck as well, at least until your father shows up. See how things shake out, literally,” Hank muttered as he guided her to stand up from the chair, turned her, and cuffed her hands behind her back, despite her protests and whining.

  Hank escorted her out of the office and through the store to the patrol car parked out front.

  Any customers who had been in the store when the girl had run out with her hands full of the leather jacket must have stayed, telling any other customers who came in what was going on in the manager’s office.

  One little, blue-haired lady said to a friend, “What a shame such a nice-looking girl is a thief!”

  “That’s right, hang your head. You should be ashamed,” the lady’s friend said. As Brenda Sanderson was walked down the main aisle of the store, everyone seemed to have something to say.

  “Off to jail with you, missy!”

  “Shame, shame!”

  “Oooh! She had a potty mouth! Did you hear all that cussing at poor, sweet Ash?” one other little lady said to her husband.

  “We don�
�t cotton to folks stealing in Divine.”

  “I guess she knows now, doesn’t she?”

  It probably wasn’t the most politically correct thing to do, but Divine was filled with people who looked after each other. It didn’t happen often, but it made petty thieves think twice about stealing from the local businesses. Stigall’s was not known as an easy mark for small-time criminals.

  Ash came to stand beside her, his arms crossed over his chest. They watched Miss Sanderson as she was escorted red faced from the store.

  “Her daddy will come and pay her fine and make it right with the judge, escort her home, and then two weeks from now she’ll be off in her big, pink dually again. She’s pulled this before. Spoiled rotten, does it for the thrills, knowing daddy will take care of it if she gets caught.”

  “So that means she’s not likely to hang around?” Juliana stood beside him, wishing this was the moment when she could ask for all the details about what had happened the night before, but there were too many listening ears.

  “Damn, I hope not! I balled Donna out for telling Brenda where I was and set Donna straight about my status since she obviously hasn’t talked to mom in a while. She says to tell you she’s ‘super sorry.’ Her words, not mine.”

  “Where is she?”

  “At the moment, she’s in Fairbanks, Alaska. She’s a travel writer, doing a piece on a local winter festival. She loves to travel.”

  One of her employees chose that moment to approach Juliana with questions about a work assignment. She answered the question then turned back to Ash, who was waiting quietly.

  “I guess I’d better get back to work,” he said as she walked with him to the side door. She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled close.

  “I wish I’d known last night what I know now. I would’ve gotten more sleep than I did.”

  “I knew she was making a fuss already, and I needed to get to the ranch. It was a bad deal all around, but I should’ve taken the time to give you a few details. I didn’t know how bad it was going to get. I’m sorry darlin’. Did she tell you what a rat bastard I am?” he asked with a devilish smile.


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