Predator's Refuge (Gemini Island Shifters, Book 3)

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Predator's Refuge (Gemini Island Shifters, Book 3) Page 17

by Leo, Rosanna

  “Did I hurt you?” he demanded.

  “No,” she reassured him. “No, but you scared me a little. Were you having the same nightmare?”

  He fell back onto the pillow and she joined him, lying face-to-face with him there. He grabbed her waist, curling his fingers on her skin, and she ran her hand over the hard bulge of his bicep.

  “Yes. The cage. Always, in that damn cage. Sometimes I feel as if I never got out. And it always ends the same way. With me wanting to destroy my father.”

  “Your father? Oh, you know that won’t happen. Sweetie, he’s already gone. Istvan killed him.”

  His eyes looked so dark and haunted in the early morning light. “Something’s not right. I can’t explain, but my tiger is warning me to keep aware, to stay awake. So strong, it’s like a prophecy.” He began to rock on the mattress. “It tells me I’m going to kill. It wants me to kill. I can’t escape my destiny.”

  She shook him. “No. You make your destiny, and you would never kill anyone.”

  His tortured gaze flitted toward her. “It’s in me. I’m a predator. I’ve tried to escape it, but I can’t. It wants me to go home and kill my brother. I thought I could avoid the vile temptations here, but they’ve found me again.”

  “Anton, no. That’s not like you.” She grasped at anything that would take the fear out of his eyes. “Besides, I don’t want you to go home. I want you to stay here. With me.”

  He stared past her. “It will never stop haunting me until I fulfill my destiny.”

  Prickles of great unease tripped across her shoulders and neck. His strange words terrified her. She didn’t know what to say to bring him out of his strange funk.

  She was going to lose him after all.

  “Anton, please listen to me. I’ll take care of you. I’ll make it okay. I swear.”

  She cradled him in bed and pulled his face toward her chest. Murmuring sweet nothings, he slowly began to relax again. As she held him, she felt the tension disappear in his shoulders and arms. After a while, he fell asleep under her ministering hands.

  She knew in that moment that she’d do anything to keep him out of harm’s way.

  And as the gravity and depth of that sentiment staggered her, she nuzzled his head and drank in his alluring scent. Cuddled with him, closer than spirits mingling in air, she fell asleep again as well.

  * * * *

  Shouts in the woods caused her to wake up, and her eyes popped open. Even Anton snapped out of his dream state and bolted up in bed. And that’s when the bizarre thought hit her.

  The bonfire ended hours ago. Why did she smell smoke?

  She breathed in and swallowed a mouthful of the rancid stuff. As it choked her, squeezing her lungs, she looked at Anton. He coughed and pointed to the back window. Flames jumped outside, spreading quickly inside. Soon the entire back wall would be one of flame.

  They jumped out of bed, grabbing clothes to cover them. Within seconds, they were outside. A crowd had already gathered, and they took in the expressions of relief as they escaped the cabin. Flames singed the air, giving the whole area an eerie glow.

  “My cabin,” she whispered. “My home.”

  They heard a shout. Killian was there with several of the security guards, who were already aiming hoses at the flames. He spotted them and ran over, touching her cheek. “Thank God you’re okay. I was about to break down the door.”

  “We were knocked out. Sound asleep,” Anton confessed. He turned to her and wrapped her in his arms. “I’m so sorry.”

  She shook her head, mystified. “I didn’t smell it either.”

  Killian nodded toward a nearby cabin, where a dazed, sweaty Gabi was leaning against the doorjamb. “Your brother was one of the first ones on the scene. It all happened so fast. Didn’t you hear him calling out for you?”

  Anton stared. “I heard nothing.”

  “Well, at least you’re both out now,” Killian replied, turning to him. “We keep hoses all over the island, in case of fire, because we can’t afford to wait for the mainland fire department to get here by boat. The guys will have the fire out in no time.” He looked at Marci and then back at Anton. “Looks like you had a lucky escape.”

  Gabi, who looked like death warmed over, ran to them. Although pale, the tiger shifter was breathing normally and already rallying from the scare.

  “What happened?” he demanded. “Were you smoking in bed?”

  Anton shook his head slowly. “You know I don’t smoke.”

  “Then what the fuck happened?”

  She met Anton’s gaze, and started at his pale skin. “We have no idea.”

  “I’ll tell you what happened,” Gabi spat. “Istvan happened.”


  Gabi’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “You heard me. Our brother has found us. And he wants us dead.”

  Chapter 12

  A couple of hours later, once the fire had been extinguished and the worried guests directed back to their cabins, Marci stood outside and stared at the mess that used to be her sanctuary on Gemini Island. She knew some of her goods were salvageable, but others would have to be pitched. Her Rosemary Clooney albums had melted in the blaze, and as much as it saddened her, it didn’t hurt nearly as much as the thought Anton might have been injured or worse.

  Anton crept up to her and hugged her from behind. He rested his chin on her shoulder. His stubble rasped against an exposed patch of skin and she shivered.

  “Everything will be okay,” he murmured, and then kissed her shoulder.

  “I’m not worried about the cabin. And I know Ryland’s only concern will be whether anyone was hurt.” She turned around in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his hips. “I’m worried about you. Do you think what Gabi said was true, that Istvan somehow did this?”

  “I don’t know. Anything is possible where my family is concerned.” He ran a hand over her hair. “My youngest brother is a dangerous man, Marci. One who would not be opposed to getting his hands dirty. When Mariska was killed, he felt no remorse, acted as if he had nothing to do with it. He’s a cold shell of a beast, like our father.”

  “Do you really think he’d hunt you and Gabi down to eliminate you as threats to his position?” Fear gripped her insides and squeezed, taking hold like an anaconda. The idea Anton could be hurt terrified her. “Do you think he’s here, hiding on the island?”

  “Look, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I want to talk to Gabi and find out what he knows.” He cupped her cheek. “One thing is certain, though. I don’t want you alone. I’m officially moving you into my cabin.”

  She couldn’t help but grin, thrilled at his protectiveness. “Moving in together, huh? That’s a big step.”

  He returned her saucy look. “Would you prefer to stay at the lodge, lynx?”

  “Not really.” She burrowed closer to his chest, stealing his warmth, wanting it next to her skin forever.

  “I’m glad you have the sense not to argue because I feel rather responsible for your safety right now.” He slid a hand under her shirt and tickled her spine. With his other hand, he softly brushed the bite mark at the back of her neck.

  Despite the delicious flurry of feeling he created inside her, the warm echo of need that seemed to constantly reverberate in her core, her attention was diverted by footsteps scraping on the path toward them.

  Shawn Dixon, bewilderment on his face, made his way toward her and Anton. They both walked forward to greet the young shifter. “Hey,” he joked, motioning toward the blackened cabin. “It figures as soon as I leave, the excitement starts.”

  Anton stared the boy in the eye, frowning. “Are you okay? What happened with the police?”

  He shrugged with the carelessness of youth. “No evidence. They couldn’t keep me there.” He grinned. “My mom’s a paralegal. She started spouting all kinds of law crap and they said I could go home.”

  “But you didn’t go home,” Anton countered coyly.

  “Nah.” Shawn smiled
at his mentor. “I figured my parents already paid for me to come here. Might as well let them get their money’s worth.” He elbowed Anton. “But I wanna join your fencing class. That shit is cool. And next time my uncle gets in my face, I’ll wave my sword at him.”

  “We use practice foils.”


  Anton put an arm around Shawn’s shoulders and they chatted quietly about how his parents were handling the situation with his uncle. Marci felt a swell of warmth in her breast, watching her lover bond with the boy.

  Despite his own tragic upbringing, or lack of it, she somehow knew Anton would make a marvelous father. Strict, yet playful at times. Ryland couldn’t have hired a better mentor for the kids here.

  A chunk of charred wood fell from the frame of her cabin, bringing her back to reality. Somewhere on their island, her home, a villain lurked, perhaps even more than one. Could it be the person who attacked April and Charlotte also started the fire? Could each incident just be a horrible accident? And what of Istvan? Was Anton’s violent sibling hiding on Gemini Island, and was he responsible for any of this? It sounded as if Shawn was in the clear, but could it be the teen had any part in these crimes?

  As Shawn said good night to them and walked away, she turned to Anton. The questions racing through her mind must have been written all over her face.

  “Don’t worry, angel. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  She allowed her gaze to pan out over the scene, and swallowed down the pain in her gut. “I feel as if we can’t trust anyone.”

  He wrapped her in his arms. “Do you trust me?”

  Thump, thump went her heart. “Yes.”

  “Then trust we’ll discover the truth.” His fingers curled around her neck and he brought her closer for a soft kiss. Sweet and reverent and captivating. He ended it with a small groan at the back of his throat. “Come. Let’s go talk to my brother. I want to know exactly why he thinks Istvan is behind this.”

  She nodded and they left, hand in hand.

  * * * *

  Anton didn’t think his brother had ever looked so white. Gabi had never been the sort to cower. Indeed, even when father and Istvan were dishing out their best, neither Anton nor Gabi took it lying down. However, Gabi was pale as paper now, and there was a shadow in his eyes that hinted of defeat. As they entered the cabin, he looked at them with the haunted eyes of one who’d seen far too much.

  That shadow of hurt turned to a glint of determination and he rushed them at the door, grabbing Anton by the upper arms. “We can’t let him get away with this mental torture. We need to end this now!”

  He coaxed his brother to sit on the bed. “Calm down. You don’t know this is Istvan’s doing.”

  “Don’t I? I saw him.”


  “Outside my cabin.” He took a deep breath, no doubt to help him clear his head. “Sometime during the night, I was startled awake by a low growl. As disoriented as I was, I got out of bed and made my way to the window. I looked out and saw, as clear as day, our brother’s tiger standing there. Taunting me. The foul beast grinned and then disappeared.”

  Marci lay a gentle hand on his arm. “It sounds as if you were dreaming.”

  “What do you know, lynx?” Gabi lashed out and slapped her hand away.

  Anton was on him before Marci could even react with a gasp. He collared his brother, seething. “If you ever lay hands on my woman again, you stupid shit, I will fuck you up. Do you understand me, Gabi? I don’t care if we do share bloodlines. You. Don’t. Touch. Her.”

  Gabi crumpled. He raised his gaze to Marci. “Please forgive me. My temper got the best of me.”

  He could see she was holding back out of respect for him, but Anton saw the fiery glimmer in her lynx’s eyes. If he hadn’t been there, he knew without a doubt Marci would have punched Gabi in the teeth. “It’s okay,” she whispered.

  Part of him would have been pleased to see her punch him. What was his brother thinking? There was no excuse for such savage behavior. Had he learned nothing over the years?

  As he let go of his brother’s shirt, he gathered his thoughts and calmed his racing heart. His nerves pinched and anger coursed through every vein. Seeing Gabi’s hands on his woman’s skin set his blood to boiling, and he was winded just from thinking what he might do as retaliation if anyone ever hurt Marci.

  He’d kill anyone who touched her with malice. Hell, he felt ready to maim anyone who even happened to brush up against her in the supermarket.

  As rage made his tongue thicken and his fists clench, Marci leaned over to him and placed a soft kiss on his neck. She rubbed his back and his angry tiger purred.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, offering a sweet smile that had him breathing in deeply and puffing out his chest. “Down, boy.”

  He grasped her to him, sat on a chair opposite the bed, and pulled Marci onto his lap. He only felt any measure of calm once he could snake his arms around her waist. Putting his nose to the back of her neck, he breathed her in and his throbbing blood vessels once again knew peace. His body settled and his heartbeat regulated. He closed his eyes and nuzzled her shoulder, drinking her in.

  So remarkable.

  She squeezed his arm and he remembered Gabi was sitting in front of them, hanging his head. He narrowed his eyes at his brother, still pissed. “Marci’s right, you know. You could have been dreaming.”

  “I’m not stupid. I know the difference between awake and asleep. Give me some credit.”

  “All right, then.” He motioned around the room. “Where is he? Why would Istvan hide? It’s not his style. He was never the sort to shy away from an attack. He prefers a full-on assault.”

  “I don’t know. He’s fucking with us, toying with us. He always liked a game of cat and mouse, the sick pig.”

  “Well, he’s not here now, and I hate to say it, but the fire could have been started by almost anything or anyone.”

  Gabi stood and paced. “I won’t stand for this. Whether I dreamed him or not, I refuse to let the threat of him hang over my head any longer. We spent years cowering as children in front of our father.” He looked at him, full of rage and desperation. “We’re not those children anymore, Anton, and I will not cower in front of our brother. Look at us! Tigers, in our prime. Both of us exceedingly strong and gifted. There is no reason to want to escape any longer. It’s time for a showdown between us and Istvan. It’s time to go back to Hungary.”

  What? No.

  Anton could not miss how Marci stiffened in his arms. Even though he ran a hand over her back, she pulled away and slid off his lap. White in the face, she moved to a dresser and perched there uncomfortably.

  “Our people expect it of us,” Gabi continued. “Those who are left will need help. They will want guidance and will look to the princes of the house of Árpád. We need to take a stand.”

  He shook his head, dazed, sure the hand of destiny had him by the nuts. “I can’t. In my dreams…”

  “Fuck your dreams!” Gabi growled and his eyes burned as bright as Blake’s tiger. “Stop trying to escape your fate. You think you were born to destroy our father? Well, father is dead and Istvan has stolen your role, the role of Grand Prince. Don’t you see? You were born to kill our brother.”

  Marci’s head wobbled from side to side. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.”

  “Oh, come now, Ms. Lennox,” Gabi drawled. “The world is a vicious place. Kill or be killed. Have you never heard that?”

  “You have it wrong,” she whispered.

  “Well,” he countered. “For years, I thought our father had it wrong. Now, I’m beginning to see he may have been right all along.” He turned to face him, and Anton’s blood chilled. “Brother, why do you think I came all this way? I’m here to fetch you. Back to responsibility, back to our former way of life. I need you to help me take back the Gaspar throne. Don’t you want it?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “You need to make a decision
. And fast. How am I supposed to plan my attack if I don’t even know your intentions? You are my brother and you owe this much to me.” He opened his mouth to snatch a breath and Anton fancied he saw his brother’s predator canines pushing through his gums.

  He stood, gritting his teeth, and moved over to Marci. How she shook! He pulled her to him and held her close. “Whatever I decide, I will not desert Marci in her time of need. We still have no idea who attacked the women here, and have no clue how the fire started. If you think I’m going to leave my woman alone, you’re a lunatic.”

  Gabi stared at him for the longest time, running his tongue over his canines, easing them back into his gums. “Of course. I ask too much of you right now. I understand you wish to be with your mate.”

  Mate? Anton wove a little on his feet at the word, so old-fashioned and absolute. He hadn’t really considered the implications of biting and marking Marci, but he supposed it meant they were mated, at least in some way.

  Mate. It implied forever. Was that what he’d been offering Marci when he cut through her skin like a drooling monster? Would she even want forever with someone like him? Someone rough and moody and greedy?

  His crazed reverie was disturbed as Gabi babbled. “Maybe Istvan wasn’t here in person to start the fire, but one thing is certain. He is in my head and I know he is in yours. And until I take care of him, until I free our people of his sick influence, he will remain there.” He gaped at him. “It’s time for me to go home. I’ll ask once more. Are you coming?”

  Anton just stared, cut to the core, torn between lover and brother. Mate and brother? Marci turned in his arms, clearly horrified. She understood the turmoil in his soul, and no doubt comprehended his tremendous guilt too. She sucked in a breath and curled her fists in the front of his shirt.

  Fuck. No contest.

  He loved her.

  “I’m sorry, Gabi,” he replied. “Maybe one day I’ll go back, but I’m not leaving now.”

  Her eyelashes fluttered and her small fists relaxed and smoothed down his shirt. She licked her lips, gazing at him, and her sweet breath fanned out over his face. He’d made the right decision. No matter how they classified their relationship, he wanted to be with her and explore it further. Her pretty brown eyes crinkled and he spied relief in the fine lines at the outer corners.


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