Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates Page 1

by Crystal Dawn

  Big Cat Series

  Book 4


  By Crystal Dawn

  @ Copyright 2018 Crystal Dawn

  Cover by Cynthia Lucas

  Editor Eagle Editing

  This book is a work of fiction. All contents, including names, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to persons, living or deceased, or to businesses, locations or events are completely coincidental.

  None of this work may be used, reproduced, exchanged or transmitted by anyone, except the person the book was purchased for. Any reproductions of this book in any part or any form must be done with the express written permission of the author or not at all.

  Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Big Cats

  Book 1


  Sebastian is moving his pride headquarters to what he hopes will be a permanent home. Seven groups of big cats will be forming an alliance for mutual defense and to aid in the growth of all their groups. The last thing he needs right now is a mate. Too bad the goddess does things her own way.

  Andi is busy building her flower shop into a prosperous business in a town the size of a shoe box. She gave up on men, who has the time for them anyway? If only a certain arrogant alpha would get the message. Things get even worse when she's attacked repeatedly by mercenaries looking for a potential white wolf mate to sell to a customer. Will her life ever settle down?

  Big Cats series

  Book 2


  Titus supposed he should feel honored that Sebastian had put him in charge of the private school for their children. He didn’t. It was one headache after another with the interviews being the worst until Beth came in. His tiger roared in approval, she was his.

  Beth had a bad history with males. If she didn’t, the sexy tiger might appeal to her. She was tired of supernaturals trying to mate her because of her bloodline. This would be just another one, so she intended to steer clear of him.

  Big Cats

  Book 3


  Life was all about change and since he’d met Mairi, his opinion about mating had changed. He was ready for her whether she was ready or not.

  So Ciaro was handsome and could be charming when he wanted to be. That meant almost nothing to her. She didn’t want a mate and he couldn’t have her.

  Two beautiful people with a fate in common. One fought it while the other was ready to embrace it. Those things always turned out good, right?

  Big Cats series

  Book 4


  He’d entered this feline nation thing, or whatever they planned to call it, for one reason. Azrael wanted to save his kind. There was no way he was looking for a mate, but if he found the right female leopard or maybe any female cat, he might settle down. The odd human female was just not his type.

  Maddie Hawkins was not happy with her cousin Ariel. She’d agreed to help the leopard shifters for Ariel, but Azrael just pissed her off. Sure he looked like a fallen angel like his name hinted, but he was an asshole, plain and simple.

  Do opposites attract? It looks like it when you see the sparks fly between these two very different people.


  Seventy if she was a day, Maddie had been blessed with good genes and still got about like a much younger woman. Her hair was steel gray and her eyes still bright with the fire of life which was no small thing for a widow of thirty some years who had raised four daughters and a son all of which were successful in their chosen careers and had some level of happiness and satisfaction in their lives.

  Now Ariel, a favorite cousin, had given her more information on the supernatural world than she’d wanted and asked her to help the spotted leopards make their home near hers. They would come regardless of her wishes or her help, but without her the move might be a disaster causing trouble for them and her beloved town of Blue Eye.

  Once she’d hung up the phone, she’d realized she’d just been manipulated by a master. Ariel had swayed her using her knowledge of what was important to her. Next time Ariel called, Maddie would consider not answering. The problem was now she’d committed to being an assistant for this leopard called Azrael. He had a regular assistant for his work and personal matters. At least her only area would be those things that related to the move.

  It would be a paid position, not that money was her first concern. Maddie had a comfortable retirement with everything she needed and more. She would be starting the job now, so she could find jobs and homes for the incoming people. Doing everything to make the move as smooth and beneficial to her home town was what Maddie would be about. It would ease things for the incoming cats too and she was alright with that.

  The problem would be if an old woman could keep up with the workload of resettling several thousand people into her town and the surrounding area. Maddie was well connected and her husband’s family had been heavily involved in real estate, but in the Springfield area. If that was too far or not would soon be made clear. In the morning Azrael would call her to set up the schedule for the move and let her know when he would need a place to live and what his price range would be.

  Chapter 1

  For Better or Worse

  He was the undisputed leader of the leopards. They were the beautiful people. The males and females were tall and lithe. Many were models or public figures. Some were in publicity, actors, or related fields. It was true nothing had ever been hard for him a day in his life. The white wolf had warned him things would be different where he was going.

  It was hard to wrap his head around that. Secretly, he didn’t believe her but he didn’t say so because she was the white wolf. No one disrespected that woman, at least no one paranormal. She was like royalty to all of their kinds.

  Ariel had recommended hiring Maddie Hawkins, some old local lady who was the pillar of the community. “Be careful with her, Azrael. I suspect you’ll try to blow smoke up her ass, but I suggest you don’t.” Ariel chuckled as she advised.

  “I actually know what that term means. Maddie will work for me so I shouldn’t have to convince her of anything.“ He replied.

  “Don’t treat her right, and she’ll quit. She doesn’t need the money and you’ll be unable to sway her at all.”

  Azrael laughed. “I can’t believe you’re giving me tips on dealing with females. I wrote the book.” He bragged.

  “That book won’t work on her or most of the females around here.” She said.

  “I’ll handle her delicately.” He promised.

  Ariel snorted. It was an odd sound but kind of cute. “She’s anything, but delicate.”

  “I’m confused.” He admitted. “I’ll work things out with her.”

  “Good luck.” Ariel said and it sounded like a prayer more than well wishes.

  Now he looked at the clock again as he wanted this call over with. He had his timeline figured out and he was ready to get things going. Maddie would be easy, he was certain of it. The old girl was probably a friend of Ariel’s and she just wanted to ease her way.

  He didn’t blame a person who tried to help a friend, but she made him uneasy when she described the woman. It almost sounded like she felt sorry for him because the woman would get the upper hand. That had never happened before nor would it now. He was alpha and she would be putty in his hands.

  The call was going through while he waited for her to answer. His laptop had a camera that would show him to her while he doubted hers had a camera at all. It was a purposeful choice as he was hoping to use his looks and his alpha strength against this sup
posedly stubborn and strong willed human. This move had worked well for him in the past so he would see how it worked now.

  “Hello?” A sexy female voice said.

  “Hello, I’m calling for Maddie.”

  “Is this Azrael?”


  “This is Maddie.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Maddie. I’m currently in New York. How are things in the Ozarks?”

  “Nice to meet you too. Things are slower down here. That’s why it’s good you are getting started early on your move.”

  “I have a timeline I hope we can manage. I plan to be there in no more than six weeks. By then, I hope to have a home of my own within easy commuting distance. The construction on the leap house will also be well underway by then.”

  “I’ve not touched bases with Ariel on any construction. You need to send me your guidelines for a home including your budget and I will get a search underway. The real estate available in this area is extremely limited.”

  “If you don’t find a house in time, I’ll just come and live with you.”

  “I’m no cougar. You’d be better served saving the flirtation for some of the younger females. I’ll do my best to find you something regardless.”

  “I wouldn’t call it flirting, just some harmless teasing.” Azrael insisted. There was a long uncomfortable pause.

  “Whatever you say. Just send me the requirements for your people as you discover them. I will do what I can to find housing and jobs for them. Was there anything else you needed?”

  He was shocked. She was bringing their conversation to an end. So far he’d not impressed this Maddie in a favorable way. For his part, her voice had reeled him in. It made him desire an in person meeting. Rarely did he feel the need to see someone up close and personal. Maybe Maddie was a witch.

  “Not at this time. I will send any other requirements to your email. Have a nice day.” He said and he saw she had already hung up.

  In the next few days, other than passing on requests to Maddie via email, he’d been too busy to think about her more than once an hour. A team had headed to Blue Eye to get ready for him. They would get their homes and families set up then start getting their businesses in place. His second would go first with his mother and siblings. Maddie had almost immediately found him a three bedroom home three miles from the leap lands. It was a rental, but that was fine for now.

  The phone rang and Azrael answered. “Azrael.”

  “This is Diniel calling from the Ozarks.” His second chuckled.

  “Are you moved in yet?”

  “We are in the process. Maddie found us some strong guys to help us settle in. Abigail is directing them and she’s enjoying it too much.”

  “Maybe your sister will find her match.”

  “They are all humans. If we keep breeding with them, our kind will go the way of the dodo bird.” Diniel replied.

  “So what is Maddie like?” Azrael asked. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t, but he couldn’t help it.

  “I’ve not seen her. It was all done over the phone. She turned on my utilities and paid my rent six months in advance. I can continue the lease by paying six more months at any time before the lease is up. The woman is friendly and efficient. This is the easiest move I’ve made so far. She set up an appointment in the morning for me to meet Mairi. That’s the crew boss for the leap house project. She also got Michael a job with a photographer about ten miles away.”

  “Your brother still wants to take pictures instead of being in them?”

  “He’s in them too, but he’s fascinated with the photography side. My brother seems to have talent. We have plenty of models, but few photographers.”

  “Okay. I know you’re right, but he’s a popular model too.”

  “He makes more by accepting fewer shoots.”

  “What of Abigail? She still models, doesn’t she?” Azrael asked.

  “Of course. We’ll be looking for a place to set up the business. Mom will be dividing time between helping out at our modeling agency and volunteering at the school.”

  “It sounds like everything in on track. Maddie’s main concern will be housing as most of our people will work for us.” Azrael supposed.

  “Looks like it. I hear loud noises now I’d best see what is getting broken.” Diniel was gone.

  He’d been Azrael’s second for fifty years. His name was often mistaken for Daniel, but he was named for an angel. Those names had been popular with the mothers of their generation. Female young were named after saints. It appealed to the artistic side of their mothers who were mostly models and actresses.

  Now Azrael was left with his thoughts. He was finding this female to be an obsession and he didn’t understand why. Females were there to use and lose. Not that he was as bad as he had been in his younger days. The lovers he took these days felt the same way. There were no tears or accusations, no one felt used when they both walked away.

  Eugenia his last lover, had stayed longer than any before her. He’d noticed a trend in keeping his lovers longer each time. Perhaps his leopard was tired of roaming from one female to another, but their mate hadn’t made herself known. His leopard wouldn’t settle for less, but he grew tired of looking. It was a bad combination, but what could he do?

  In this remote area he would soon be moving to, the odds of finding his fated one should be less than ever before, yet all the other cat alphas had found their mates in the middle of nowhere. “Alpha?” Lucia repeated.


  “I thought we could eat lunch together and get some work done. The move is a challenge and there is much to do.”

  He hesitated. Lucia wanted more from him then the relationship between a boss and his employee. She constantly tried to spend more time with him now that Eugenia was gone. Sighing heavily, he gave her a look to see if she would keep this work related. “You know I think a lot of you as an employee. I have no intention of our relationship ever being more.”

  “You’ve made that more than clear.” She replied, her hurt feelings there for any to see. “I’ve adjusted to that and simply wish to do my job to the best of my ability.”

  Nodding, he added, “We aren’t fated mates and you are not the casual type.” If ever anyone was looking to settle down, it was his personal assistant. He hoped for her sake she found her fated one because leopards were the worst about using each other for sex and moving on without the slightest thought.

  Chapter 2


  Maddie was going crazy trying to get all the work done even though she knew things were easier on her than the others Ariel had gotten to help with cat alphas. She giggled when she thought about the others cousins who were now mated to the alphas they had been assigned to help. The winning streak of matings Ariel had enjoyed would now be broken.

  Thirty years ago she would have been sorely tempted to jump Azrael the sexy alpha that had the looks of a fallen angel. These days the sole enjoyment she received was looking at the sexy cats and having day dreams. Why not? She was old, not dead. The day a male as sexy as Azrael didn’t stir her blood was the day they would lay her six feet under.

  The work she had to do was nearly impossible. She was aware of how the other girls had handled the influx of cats with nowhere to live, but she only had a few properties she owned and Azrael’s second had taken the only one she had available. The other girls were still buying up properties by the dozen and there was little left, but to build new homes.

  Maddie had the land and the money to invest in it, what she didn’t have was a construction crew to do the work. She also lacked the experience in building although she had rentals she’d owned for forty years or more and minor repairs and improvements were no problem. Her daughter, Vivian, was currently out of work and trying to decide what she would do next. All her daughters and her son had worked construction for Ariel at various times when they were younger.

  Vivian had done it the most and even been a second on a crew for a summer.
It was a surprise when she’d gone to college and become a lawyer. She’d always been active physically and Maddie had thought the job didn’t suit. Now, recently divorced with four daughters, all of which were grown, but one; she was rethinking her life.

  Never having been an interfering mother, maybe it was time to get involved. She sent her daughter an email.

  Dearest Viv,

  I hope this message finds you well. My thoughts are ever with you. I’m unsure of what your situation is, but I thought I might extend an invitation. If it works for you, come home. If you need a job, I have one you might enjoy. I plan to develop a section of the old farm and need not only construction workers with some skill, but I would offer you the job as crew boss. The choice is yours, but either way, reply quickly. I mean to get this project started fast.

  With love,

  Your mother

  It was a relief to send the email even though she doubted Viv would take the offer of the job. Coming home from Washington DC where she lived and had owned a law firm was an enormous change. Adding in a new job would be a difficult adjustment. Either way, she would enjoy seeing her oldest daughter if she decided to come even if it was only a visit.

  She thought about Diniel who she had found to be friendly and likable. Not that he hadn’t also used his stellar good looks by using the camera. Hers was covered by duct tape because even when she was young and not bad looking, she had never fallen back on her looks to get her way. Her computer pinged alerting her to an email.


  I will be coming home where we can discuss the project in detail. Carolina will come with me. Thank you, your offer came at the right time. I love you too much.”


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