Twas The Knight Before Christmas (Something Great #3.5)

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Twas The Knight Before Christmas (Something Great #3.5) Page 1

by M. Clarke

  Copyright © Mary Ting 2015

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Licensing Notes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Chapter 1


  Max stirred under the covers. He urged me closer by draping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him, and then pressing his body to mine. I loved the way we fit so perfectly, as if we were made just for each other.

  “Good morning,” Max cooed. His warm breath brushed against my ear, sending the most erotic heat wave to the depth of my core. I wasn’t sure how he could make a simple greeting so hot and alluring, but he had. I melted into him, regardless of my lack of sleep that night.

  Was it morning already? It felt like I’d just closed my eyes. “Good morning,” I replied, pressing my back to his hard chest with a smile, unable to get enough of him. When he brushed the strands of hair away and tenderly kissed my neck, my body quivered just from that simple gesture of his love. We’d been married for six years, and I felt like we were still in the honeymoon stage.

  Max had promised me that every day he would show me how much he loved me, as if we’d fallen in love for the first time. He’d kept his promise up-to-date. He had been an amazing father to our three children: Connor, Christopher, and Cassie, as well as being a wonderful husband, the kind I’d always dreamt of—but he was real.

  “Cassie is still asleep. I can’t believe she slept through the night,” he said, caressing my arm.

  I let out a snort because it was far from the truth. “Well—” I yawned, “—I wish she had, but she woke up three times last night.”

  “She did?” I could hear the confusion in his voice, but I knew he believed me.

  “Yeah, she did. She just needed to know we were here.”

  “Wow. Three times.” I felt the puff of his breath against the nape of my neck. How I loved that feeling of his warmth.

  “She’s only eighteen months,” I reminded myself as I glanced at the baby monitor. I could see her sound asleep on her back, her two hands extended over her head. The room was so quiet that I could hear her breathing. Cassie looked like an angel. Mom had told me she looked just like me when I was her age. Though it might be true, she had Max’s eyes—piercing, wise-looking brown eyes.

  Max spun me around to face him, his eyes filled with concern. His forehead was creased and his lips were a thin line. It didn’t matter what kind of expression he wore, or that his hair was disheveled, or that he had a five o’clock shadow—he was hot as hell. It was unfair that he looked that good all the time, but it didn’t matter. Max made me feel beautiful no matter what time of the day or night it was.

  “Why didn’t you wake me or wake the nanny? I would’ve helped. You need your sleep too, Jenna. She’s been doing this for the past few weeks. You can take a day off or go to work late. You are the boss’s wife, for Christ’s sake.” He chuckled. “You can do whatever you want.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “But it’s Saturday, so I can sleep in. Besides, Carry needs her sleep too.”

  I never wanted a nanny. I’d wanted to do it all, but Max insisted that we hire her, not really for the children, but to help me around the house. We initially discussed the issue right before we had our firstborn, Connor, almost six years ago. I hated to admit it, but I was glad we had. It made my life easier. While I attended to the children, Carry did the cooking and household chores. It allowed me to have more time with the kids.

  “Do you really need sleep?” Max’s eyes darkened with lust and his tone was flirty, filling me with desire.

  He had no inkling of the naughty thoughts that had been streaming through my head during our conversation. I was already kissing him and feeling him inside me in my mind. “How could I think of sleep when I have a hot, sexy husband next to me?” I teased, running my hand along the curve of his firm bicep, which I loved to touch, then down his sculptured chest, and then down…down…down….

  Max moaned and closed his eyes when my hand gently caressed his hardness. “I could say the same. How could I think of sleep when I have a beautiful, sexy, naked wife next to me?”

  “But I’m not naked,” I stressed, laughing softly.

  “You will be,” he added with conviction.

  Max anchored his elbows on the mattress and hovered over me, lightly pressing on top of my body. Feeling the warmth of his frame sent another wave of tremors through me. I wanted him. I needed him. My lust grew and I moaned when he rocked against me, teasing me.

  “Max,” I said, lacing my fingers through his thick dark hair. An erotic feeling was taking over, making me lose all my reasoning. There was a possibility Connor or Christopher, or both, could wake at any minute, and I didn’t know if our door was locked.

  “Jenna,” he groaned, taking my lips.

  Oh God. He felt so good, tasted so delicious. My body tingled with pleasure traveling every inch of me. I was overcome by his hands all over me as his mouth moved lower and savored my breast. Our bodies danced together in pleasure and play.

  “Did you lock the door, Max?” I thought I asked, or at least I was trying to. My mind was delirious, my body craving his—and God help me—I needed this man I loved inside me straightaway. When his hand slipped inside my panties and took my lips again, I spread my legs to give him easier access, but that was about as far as we got. Becky and I had talked about guys having blue balls and wondered if women could have blue vaginas. I was convinced of it. The pain of unfulfillment was agonizing.

  “Mommy. Daddy.” Connor burst through the door, looking upset. Still in his Star Wars PJs, he rubbed his sleepy eyes. His dark-brown hair looked perfect as if he’d combed it. I was glad Max had taken him to get a haircut the other day. Trying to tame Connor’s hair every morning was a hassle and time consuming.

  Max flew off me in a state of panic, panting. “Connor.” He tried to play it off like nothing had happened, and I was sure in Connor’s eyes nothing had.

  I sat up, fixing whatever part of my PJs Max had disheveled. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m late for school. It’s eight.” Connor frowned, then looked baffled, ruffling his hair. “Why are you still sleeping? Don’t you have to go to work?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Come here, sweetie.” I gestured with my hand for him to come to me. “It’s Saturday.”

  He took several steps closer and stopped. “Saturday?” He arched his eyebrows and looked like a mini Max. I could tell he was going to be as handsome as Max when he grew up. Of course I was biased, but my children were beautiful in my eyes. They’d always gotten compliments in public.

  “Ohhhh,” he finally said, smiling and looking relieved. “No wonder you’re still in bed.” With a light slap on his stomach he chuckled out loud. He had such a jolly laugh. When he stopped, he looked over his shoulder. “I’m going to wake up Christopher and watch TV. Can I have chocolate pancakes for breakfast please?” He didn’t wait for our response, which would have been yes anyway.

  Connor took off, running toward his four-year-old brother’s room. I wanted to tell him not to wake him, but it was too late. By the time I could have caught up to him, he would have already jumped on Christopher’s bed. So instead, I exchanged glances with Max and started laughing with him.

p; “I really need to remember to lock our door, babe.” He shook his head and then gazed at me in the most predatory way.

  I swallowed, loving how he was looking at me. “You know I don’t like closing our door. I can’t hear the boys.”

  “Then we’ll get a monitor for their rooms too, even though I think they’re old enough not to have one. You can’t baby them. They’ll grow up to be mama’s boys,” he teased.

  “And what’s wrong with that?” One of my legs slipped out and planted on the beige carpet. I had planned to get out of bed and start making pancakes.

  Max had fast reflexes. His hand yanked me just before I could put my other leg down. “Where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you yet.”

  With my body pressed to his, I retorted, “So, Bossy-But-Hot Max—”

  He gave me a devilish grin. “I love it when you call me hot.”

  “I bet you do, Mr. Arrogant.”

  “Arrogant. I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong, Mrs. Knight. I’m confident. There’s a big difference.” He winked. “Now, no more talking. Back to making Mrs. Knight feel good.”

  “Max,” his name left my mouth when his lips conquered mine as if I were tasting my favorite dessert, but in truth I was savoring the most delicious kiss. Max never had morning breath, which was totally unfair. “We need to lock the door,” I managed to say between our kisses.

  Max pulled away, panting, and raked his hair back. “Okay.”

  Before he could get out of bed, Cassie started crying.

  “Let the nanny get her,” he suggested.

  “I can’t.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “She has the day off. It’s Saturday, remember?”

  He ran his hand down his face, sighed, and got off the bed. “Go get Cassie,” he said softly. “I’ll go make us breakfast, but first I need to cool down.”

  My eyes lowered to his bulge and my lust flared again. “Okay.” I snickered, loving the power I had over him. Cassie’s cry got my attention again. “I’m coming,” I said under my breath. Heading out, I turned to gaze at Max.

  He was looking over his shoulder and gave me a naughty sexy grin. “I wish those words were for me.” He winked and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Chapter 2


  I woke up with a pounding headache, a way of my body letting me know it was that time of the month. I groaned and turned to look at Matthew, but he was already out of bed. Matthew had incredible energy. Maybe I needed to work out like he did. We had a room full of exercise equipment that was easily accessible, but I was always too busy and lazy. Deadlines sucked.

  Feeling like crap, I pulled myself up and stepped onto the plush beige carpet. How I loved the feel of my carpet. I wished I had a carpet bed and blanket, not that I had any right to complain. Our bed was the most expensive money could buy, and our sheets and blanket felt like silk. Shaking that thought of the carpet, thinking how ridiculous it sounded, I went to use the bathroom.

  When I got a chance to look at the time, I flashed my eyes open even wider. Shit! It was already nine in the morning. Our thick blue curtains blocked any sunlight from penetrating. Addison and Mason were most likely up and—I relaxed, reminding myself it was Saturday, and I was pretty sure Matthew was downstairs with them because it was too quiet on the second floor. I had given the nanny the weekend off.

  After changing into my sweats and tying my hair up, I went downstairs to check on my family. Matthew had his head tilted back on our leather sofa, looking calm and content. Addison was on his right and Mason was on his left, with his arms draped around both of them. The kids were watching the Disney Channel while Matthew was sound asleep, snoring softly. My poor husband. He’d been working hard and staying late most nights. Since the launch of M. Knights men’s clothing line their schedules had been hectic, but now with the introduction of the women’s line, it was one deadline after another.

  I tiptoed so the children could see me and placed my index finger over my lips. “Shhh.” I winked. They both pointed at Matthew with a soft giggle.

  I nodded with a smile, holding back my laughter. “Did you eat breakfast?” I whispered.

  They nodded, rubbing their tummies. They looked so adorable, I wanted to bite their cheeks. Addison was six and Mason was almost three. Although we’d just adopted him recently from China, he was adjusting well and understood more than we thought possible. His nanny, who spoke both Chinese and English, was a big help as well. We wouldn’t have been able to communicate without her. And I was sure that hearing Addison talk all day was stimulating his mind too. I had to give her credit, even though she had no idea.

  Knowing that they’d had breakfast, my mind was at ease. I knew Matthew was a good dad, so I wasn’t worried. Reaching to the other sofa, I grabbed a light blanket and placed it gently around my most favorite of beings in the whole wide world. Now it was time to take care of me with a cup of coffee.

  I breathed in the scent of pine as I passed by our freshly decorated Christmas tree we had picked out after Thanksgiving. Having high ceilings, we always picked the tallest one we could find. Most of the ornaments were within Addy’s and Mason’s reach. The fireplace mantel was adorned with stockings with our names printed on them. Christmas wreaths and poinsettias embellished the marble hearth. With the rest of the Christmas decorations around the house and the wrapped presents under the tree, we were all set.

  Matthew was a great cook, but he was terrible when it came to cleaning. I normally wouldn’t mind cleaning up after him, but with the mindset I was in and having my period, I became a bit irked when I saw the mess. Bits of scrambled eggs were on the stove and the pan hadn’t been washed. Cereal boxes had been left out. The cabinet doors were open. Bread crumbs were scattered over the white granite countertop. But at least the dishes had been put in the sink.

  I had to quickly remind myself that he was taking care of two demanding children and at least I should be grateful he’d let me sleep in. He could have woken me up. Reading a manuscript that needed to be finished, I had worked late into the night while I waited for Matthew to come home. He too had had a stressful week.

  After I set my favorite mug from Hawaii under the spout of the coffeemaker, I dialed my cell that was on the counter. I’d forgotten to take it upstairs and charge it the night before. After coming down for a glass of water close to midnight, I had spoken to Matthew on the phone. He had called to let me know he was on his way home. I must have forgotten to take it back up.

  “Hey, Becky,” Jenna answered. Her greeting was too cheerful, but I liked it. She was happy to hear from me. We’ve been so busy that we hadn’t had lunch together in a month. For some, a month wasn’t that long, but for Jenna and me, it was. We’d promised each other that even after we got married and had children, we would keep nurturing our friendship. Jenna and I tried to see each other, just the two of us without our families, at least twice a month. We found out that life could get in the way.

  “Hey, stranger,” I answered.

  “Stranger?” She giggled and released a heavy sigh. “I know. It’s been, what? A month?”

  “Almost.” I took out my mug when the beeping sound alerted me. I inhaled and took a sip. That first sip of hot coffee was just what I needed.

  “I’m free this Tuesday for lunch.”

  I quickly scrolled through the calendar on my phone. “Crap. I can’t. I have a conference call at one.”

  I heard the disappointed sigh from Jenna. “How about Wednesday? I can move my schedule around.”

  Crap again. I didn’t have to look. Mason was scheduled for a doctor’s appointment to get his shots. “I can’t,” I said in an apologetic tone and took another gulp of coffee. “How about Thursday? I’m free.”

  “No,” she replied. “I have a meeting.”

  “How about Friday?” I said, tracing the outline of the beautiful orchid on my mug.

  Jenna was quiet. I imagined her scrolling her calendar on the phone just like I�
�d been doing.

  “Fudge, Becky. I have another meeting. I can’t miss that one. It’s for the M. Knights women’s line. I’m in charge of it.”

  Jenna was so freakin’ cute. She made me smile when she used that word. Till this day, she could never say fuck. It was not in her vocabulary. The word didn’t exist to her. “Tell Matthew I said to move the meeting. You have to have lunch with me,” I joked. “I’m his boss. He has to do everything I say.” I let out a laugh, but secretly I was disappointed. Just then, my heart skipped a beat, feeling warm lips on the side of my neck and hands tenderly grabbing my ass.

  I closed my eyes and relaxed against Matthew.

  “Good morning,” he purred, nipping my ear as he continued to massage my ass. “Tell Matthew what?” Oh God! I moaned quietly. His hot breath brushed against my neck and his deep and heated domineering tone sent shivers through all of me.

  “Hold on,” I said to Jenna and spun around to face Matthew. “Jenna and I are trying to figure out a day to have lunch together.”

  Matthew’s devilish expression made me all hot and bothered. I wanted us to get naked and fuck right then and there, but we couldn’t. Also, there was the fact that I was on my period.

  Matthew cupped my cheeks and caressed his thumb ever so softly along my bottom lip. “You have sexy lips, Becca. I want to suck them.” He paused, watching me smile, and then I lightly licked his thumb. A soft growl escaped him.


  Oh crap, Jenna!

  Matthew’s eyes were still staring piercingly into mine. “Why don’t you go today? I’ll take care of the kids. Take your time. And tell Jenna to tell Max that I’ll be over there soon with the kids. We’ll take them to Chuck E. Cheese or to the park or something.”

  “Really?” I squealed.

  Matthew stopped me from bringing the phone to my ear. “After I have my way with you.” He waggled his brows playfully.

  “I think I’ll let you, Mr. Knight.” I ran my hand over the curve of his toned bicep and spun back so that my back was pressed to his firm chest. He continued to tease the side of my neck and his hands went back to caressing my ass.


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