Twas The Knight Before Christmas (Something Great #3.5)

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Twas The Knight Before Christmas (Something Great #3.5) Page 8

by M. Clarke

  Max and I had rented the same house we’d rented since we started coming here after Christmas with our family about three years ago. It was starting to become a tradition. The house was grand. It was a ten thousand square-foot home with enough bedrooms to accommodate both of our families and then some.

  “We’re here!” Addy squealed, racing out the door with Mason not long after I parked the truck I’d rented. She was such a great big sister, always looking after Mason.

  “Addy, be careful. Don’t run in the snow,” Becca said, getting out of the truck.

  The cool breeze nipped my nose when I got out, but the air felt fresh. I loved the smell of winter. “They’ll be fine,” I reassured her, going to the trunk to get our suitcases.

  There was definitely a difference between moms and dads. Moms seemed worried about little things, like falling down, while dads’ thoughts were more along the lines of fall down, feel the pain, learn their lesson and they won’t do it again.

  We were greeted by Max’s family upon entering. The heater was already on and the fireplace was crackling, inviting me. After dropping the suitcases in our bedroom, I went straight for the sofa and tossed my jacket aside, while Becca followed Jenna and the children to the kitchen. I had heard something about making hot cocoa.

  “How was the trip?” Max asked, handing me a bottle of beer. After we tapped our bottles together, Max sat beside me.

  “It was fine, and yours?” I took a sip.

  “Fine,” he replied. “We’re taking Addy and Connor for skiing lessons tomorrow, right?”

  I took another sip. “Yeah. Addy is looking forward to it. I’m assuming the girls will take the younger ones to play in the snow?”

  “That’s the plan.” Max paused to take a gulp. “So, looks like we’re going to Kauai together this spring break.”

  “We sure are. You’re stuck with me.” I chuckled, giving him a light punch in his shoulder.

  Max rolled his eyes playfully. “I guess I’ll have to deal with it.”

  Max and I turned to the sound of our children’s steps coming toward us, each with a closed lidded cup in their hands, followed by their mothers. With them sitting around us, I took in the warmth not only from the fireplace but from the love I felt at that very moment. I couldn’t believe how fast time had flown by and how much older our children were. Addy and Connor were going to take their first skiing lesson tomorrow. I remembered when Max and I had taken our first lesson together like it was yesterday.

  I kissed Becca on her head when she snuggled up to me, and Max did the same to Jenna. We were both lucky men. We had everything we wanted. All the struggles Becky and I, and Max and Jenna, had at the beginning of our relationships were a thing of the past. They seemed like they happened ages ago. We were at a new stage in our lives, sandwiched between taking care of our kids and making sure we were there for our parents. But what a great place to be.

  Turning to Becca, I stared at my wife with all of my love. I would go through all of our hurt, fights, and make-up sex all over again. Then I looked at Addy and Mason. My family was my home, my everything. And I would treasure every precious moment, counting my blessings.


  The children had already finished their hot cocoa and were begging to go outside. So I put on my thick winter jacket and zipped up.

  “Snow fight!” I yelled. Opening the front door, I was the first one out, followed by Matt who was delayed from slipping into his jacket.

  “Yay!” the children screamed, putting on their winter coats and dashing outside.

  Jenna and Becky were last, closing the door behind them.

  I got down on my knees to build a fort and tossed a small snowball at Matt.

  “I guess I’m not on your team.” Matt grabbed Addy and Mason and started to build a fort, while Connor and Christopher got down close to me and started to make snowballs as fast as their little hands could make them. Those thick waterproof gloves came in handy. Cassie clung to Jenna, while they kicked back and watched away from the danger zone. Then it was chaos.

  We threw snowballs at each other as fast as we could. We laughed, shot out “bombs away,” and laughed some more. My boys and I even came out of our security and went closer to the opposing team. Matt’s group also came out of hiding.

  “Wait,” Matt said. “Let’s team up. We have some party poopers by the door.”

  All of our eyes slowly and steadfastly shifted to Becky and Jenna.

  “Leave Cassie out of this,” I said. “Go!”

  Becky and Jenna had no idea what was happening. They were too busy talking. Cassie started to shake her body in Jenna’s arms, anticipating and knowing we were running toward them.

  “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,” Cassie shrieked.

  It was too late. Snowballs slammed into the lower half of Jenna and Becky’s bodies. The looks on their faces were epic.

  “You’re getting it now.” Becky ran after us.

  Jenna placed Cassie down and followed suit.

  Loud happy screams filled the air as snowballs flew across the space. How I loved to hear the sound of my happy family. It was the greatest sound of all. When Jenna was too occupied running after Connor, I tackled her from the front and landed on top of her with my hands steadied so as not to slam into her. Laughing, we crashed into the thick, plush snow.

  Jenna grabbed me and planted a quick kiss on my lips. “I love you,” she said, smiling. “But I’m going to get you back for this. Next time I’m going to be on top.”

  I waggled my brows. “I hope you are,” I said flirtatiously. Then I started to tickle her, but it was short-lived. Everyone else piled on top of us, even Matthew and Becky who was holding Cassie, but they were careful not to put too much pressure on us.

  We laughed and giggled some more, until it was getting too cold for Jenna and me. “Snow-angel time,” I said. That got their attention. Everyone got off and the children lay on the ground and started to flap their arms and legs.

  The four adults and Cassie, now in Jenna’s arms, watched the children laugh and enjoy themselves. They might not be angels all the time, but they were our gifts from above. They were our angels. They bound families together. They gave us hope and joy words could never describe.

  I turned to my brother standing beside me, looking at his children with love in his eyes. I was so proud of how he had changed for the better. Becky had raised him from the dead and made him a better man. I loved spending time with him and his family. These were the treasured moments; the unexpected moments I would have never imagined possible a few years earlier.

  As I shifted my gaze to Jenna, I saw how much we had changed for the better as a couple and as parents. I was so amazed by how we’d grown together through each different stage of our lives up to this point. There would be more challenges ahead, but together we would be strong. Who knew what awaited us in the future? But for now I would enjoy these precious moments and soak them up as much as I could.

  Matt and I had made a promise to each other that we would call and visit our parents more often. Now that we’d hired more help, we would delegate our responsibilities so we could have extra time with our family and friends.

  Becky clapped her hands to get the children’s attention. “It’s time to go in.”

  The children stood up hesitantly. “Awww,” they whined.

  “Boooooo,” Matt chimed in.

  “No, not awww,” I mimicked the kids. “It’s swimming time. Get your water guns ready. Max Vader is coming to get you.”

  “Yay!” They started to run toward the house.

  Having an indoor heated pool was the best. Wrapping my arms around Jenna, I kissed both my girls.

  “Come to Daddy.” I extended my arms to Cassie, and she jumped right over. With Cassie on my left hip, Jenna wrapped around my right arm, and Becky in Matt’s arms, we strolled together to the front door. The Christmas lights around the house stood out brightly now that it was starting to get dark, but it couldn’t compare to how much m
y heart was glowing from all the love and happiness. And though this vacation wasn’t over, I was looking forward to our trip to Kauai together, and many more to come.

  After we entered, I closed the door, locked it. I changed into my swim trunks, giving the kids enough time to change, and headed for the pool with Connor’s lightsaber. “Max Vader is coming! May the Knight force be with you!” I hollered. I could hear the laughter and the splashing sounds from the children.

  After pool time, we had dinner, and read bedtime stories. The children were tucked in bed while the adults went to the family room to enjoy each other’s company by the fireplace. We drank hot teas and ate cookies while we talked about the events of the past year.

  “Well, I have to say, this year’s Christmas was definitely something great,” Jenna said, sipping her tea.

  “I agree,” Becky said. “It was something wonderful for sure.”

  Matthew leaned back into the sofa and took a bite of his chocolate chip cookie. “Those precious memories will be something to treasure forever.”

  I swallowed the chunk I’d bitten off and drank my tea. “It will be something amazing to remember when we reminisce about the years passed.”

  “Yeah,” Jenna agreed, gazing at me. “Something precious for sure.”

  I gave her a smile. With a soft kiss on her lips, I said, “I’ve searched a lifetime for you. I’m lucky to have found my something great.”

  Jenna’s eyes lit up and so did her smile. Leaning her head against my shoulder, she snuggled closer. And all was right with the land of the Knights. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night. After all, ‘Twas the Knight before Christmas.

  Read the prologue for Sexiest Man Alive-Knight Fashion (Spin-off to Something Great)

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  Release Date 2/22/16

  Join me for Movie Book Trailer & Giveaways 2/11/2016

  Read the prologue for Sexiest Man Alive-Knight Fashion

  Release Date 2/22/16


  Tonight was the night. The night my whole life would change. It had only taken me a week to prepare, but I knew what I was doing—what I wanted. Most women planned their weddings when they were little girls. Most men delayed them as long as they could—more like avoided them like the plague, but I had planned my proposal from the second I first saw her.

  The proposal would be simple but romantic. I had gotten the idea for a perfect spot when I ran into my landlord. We had started talking. I’d told her what I was planning, and she told me about the roof. No one was allowed to go up there, but she would make an exception for me. Well, more like my smile and my charm got me the roof.

  As I sat on the rooftop, I listened to the love songs I had picked out for that evening. Ed Sheeran was Olivia’s favorite singer, so I made sure to include his music. Below, I could see the amazing city lights of downtown Los Angeles. All the hues of blue, red, and yellow popped out at me, and I was mesmerized by them. I couldn’t help being excited about the proposal. It made that night even more exhilarating.

  I’d strung white mini lights around a couple of small trees and along the border of the brick walls that gave enough protection so we wouldn’t fall off the ledge. Thank God the entire area wasn’t that big, but big enough for what I needed to do. With the glowing battery candles everywhere I looked, it was perfect…enchanting even. She was going to love it. It was even better than I’d imagined it would turn out. Toward the back, I had placed a table and chairs for two. The food had already been arranged on the table that was covered with black linen. All I needed was Olivia.

  I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate, and took it out of my back pocket to check my texts.

  Olivia: I’m coming up.

  Me: You have to knock.

  Olivia: Okay. We need to talk!

  Me: OK.

  Olivia: Why did you tell me to dress up? Why am I going to the roof?

  Me: To save me. I’m locked out.

  Olivia: Haha. Not funny.

  Me: I guess you’ll have to wait and see.

  Since she had to go ten flights up in the elevator and then take the stairs to the roof, I expected it would probably take her a couple of minutes or so, but those minutes seemed like a lifetime. I had been as calm as the night’s soft breeze, but now my heart was pounding so fast I couldn’t keep up with the pace. Olivia and I had been together for almost a year, and though we were practically fresh out of college and just starting our careers, I didn’t see the point in delaying the inevitable. After all, I was only asking her to be mine forever. We didn’t have to get married right away. Some couples waited several years to tie the knot after the engagement.

  Thump! Thump!

  I took a long, deep breath. How long had I been staring at the old rusted metal door?

  Thump! It was another knock.

  I blinked and checked my back pocket to feel the small box. Opening the door just enough for me to slip out, I bolted through and then closed it behind me. I didn’t want her to see what I had done just yet. I wanted this moment with her, before I showed her my surprise.

  “Nate.” She giggled softly. “What are you doing?” Her eyes gawked up and down my body. “You look ravishing in your gray suit. You know what you do to me when you wear one.” She tugged my red necktie with her lips twisting and her eyes narrowing as if she were angry. “Locked out, are ya?”

  I let out a short chuckle and held her close to me. Taking a whiff of her sweet flowery scent, my arm slid under her dress and up her soft thigh. “You smell so edible, Olie.” Olie was the nickname I had given her—a shorter version of Olivia. I pressed my body tighter to hers. “You smell like you want to be fucked.”

  Another round of giggles tickled my ear. “Maybe I do.” Her sultry, flirty tone sent wicked shivers through me.

  “No peeking.” I cupped a hand over her eyes, careful not to mess up her eye makeup.

  “What are you doing?” She let out a laugh.

  “Shhhhh! Be still.” I bit her earlobe playfully with my teeth. After opening the door, I dropped my hand to my side. “Surprise! Happy one-year anniversary.”

  Olie fluttered her eyelashes. Frozen in place, all she could do was stare at the setting in front of her. “Oh, Nate, it’s beautiful. I can’t believe you went out of your way, but—” She finally broke her gaze and glanced around. It wasn’t over-the-top, but it looked romantic. Then her surprised expression was replaced by a soft smile. “Our anniversary isn’t till Wednesday.”

  I twisted my fingers through hers and guided her to the table as I stared at her red silk dress that brought out her brown eyes. “I know. I wanted to surprise you.” She looked beautiful with her blonde hair down and flowing against the light wind. Though it looked darker under the night sky, she was absolutely stunning.

  Olie and I had met at the restaurant where I worked as a waiter. We had many things in common, but both of us struggling with our careers was what had bonded us. She wanted to be a model and I wanted to be an actor. We understood each other. We were each other’s support. At that point in my life, she was everything to me. I never knew I could fall this fast and hard, but it had happened, and I wanted to embrace it and hold on to her forever.

  “You’re too good to me, Nate, but you really didn’t need to do all this for me.”

  I helped her ease into her seat, and I got into mine. I pushed “play” on the special playlist I had created on my phone of all Ed Sheeran songs, which made her smile. In front of us were plates of food covered in tinfoil. I’d had Chinese food delivered—Olie’s favorite—just before she arrived. I had thought about asking my friends to be the waiters, but I wanted tonight to be just Olie and me.

  “The dishes are not pretty, but—”

  “It’s perfect. It’s more than perfect,” she gushed. Her eyes were pooling with tears. They sparkled against the glow of the candles.

  A wave of pleasure seeped through me. Knowing how much s
he appreciated what I’d done so far meant the world to me. I still had another surprise for her resting inside my back pocket. We’d discussed marriage before, but we both knew it would have to wait until later on in the future. I might have jumped a little ahead of schedule without her consent, but it was only a proposal—my declaration of my love for her. We didn’t have to rush to the altar.

  Olie placed her hand over mine as her smile disappeared. “Nathan. We need to talk.”

  I didn’t like the sound of my name and her tone. I figured it had something to do with her waitressing job. She had mentioned how unhappy she was and how she wanted to look for another one.

  “Okay, but before we do, let me ask you a question.” I’d planned on asking her after dinner while we were dancing, but my nerves got the best of me. I had to ask her now!

  She nodded, pulling back her hair in the sudden gush of wind. Luckily, it was toward the end of summer and the weather was mild. I took out the little black box with my trembling hand and got down on my knees. After I opened the box, revealing a one-carat diamond ring, I peered up to see Olie with her hands covering her mouth and tears in her eyes. I had wanted to give her a diamond larger than one carat, but this was what I could afford at the present time. Hopefully, if my acting career kicked off, I could replace it with something bigger.

  With my pulse skyrocketing and my forehead breaking out in a slight sweat, I said, “Olivia. We’ve been together for only a year, but you’re the one. I knew the day I met you. I love your smile, your humor, and your genuine heart. You’re everything I need and love. I promise to be the man you deserve, the man who will be by your side through the hardest parts of life, and I’ll take the hard times and turn them into the best times of our life. Every day, the sun rises because of you. Every day, I’ll love you more than I did the day before. Will you marry me?”


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