“Wow, I had no idea. Remi never said anything.” I always assumed Margot and Elias paid for everything since they obviously have a decent amount of money themselves. “There was money left to me after my parents died. I feel guilty using it.”
“They would want you to use it,” he tells me. “That’s why they left it to you.”
“I’ve never needed to use it other than paying for school,” I say as we head down a hallway off the kitchen, the bootie heels I’m wearing clacking against the floor, and the sound echoing off the empty space. “I’ve designed some pieces for Addison’s clothing line, and she allows me to keep all the profit from them.”
“That’s nice of her.” Ryker pauses at a pair of double doors. “Close your eyes.”
“Okay.” I close my eyes tight, careful to keep them closed the whole time he maneuvers us into the room behind the doors.
I hear him walk away for a second and move some things around. I’m tempted to peek, but I keep my eyes closed the whole time. He had obviously invested a lot of effort in setting up whatever it is, and I don’t want to ruin it.
When he comes back, he positions himself behind me with his hands on my upper arms. “You can open your eyes now,” he whispers into my ear, his voice causing chills to run down my spine.
When I do and see what’s before me, I’m speechless. Strings of lights similar to what he put in the trees out front are the only source of illumination in the room, crisscrossing over the ceiling. In front of the fireplace on the far wall, pillows and blankets are carefully placed to create a romantic seating area. I can see a bottle of wine and glasses sitting on the hearth of the fireplace next to a picnic basket.
“You set all this up?” I ask, spinning around so I can see his face.
“I had some help, but I wanted to do something special for you.” There’s a sheepish look on his face I haven’t seen before. Ryker is usually confident, and now he looks a little unsure of himself. “Is it okay?”
“Ryker!” I gasp. “How could you think this wouldn’t be okay?” I gesture around the room with my hand. “This room, this house? It’s absolutely perfect.”
“I just worried you’d think I’m moving too fast.”
I smile up at him, snaking my hands around his neck. “Like you said, we got to bypass the awkward dating phase and the time of uncertainty where we try to figure out if this is a relationship we want to pursue.” I kiss the side of his mouth softly before continuing. “We were made for each other.”
It’s funny to be the one to remind him of this since he was the one who originally had to convince me. I don’t need any convincing anymore. Even before the ritual, there was no doubting the connection I have with Ryker. And ever since my wolf was partially released that night, my feelings for Ryker have only intensified. I think it’s because it’s not just my feelings anymore. I’m feeling the adoration my wolf has for him too.
“Don’t ever forget that,” he says before placing a sweet kiss to my lips. “Come on, let’s go sit.”
He takes my hand and leads me over to the little picnic area he’s set up for us. We get comfortable and chat about everything while we eat the food he packed. I cry when I talk about Addison, and as always, he’s quick to comfort me and tell me everything is going to be alright. Even when so many things are uncertain about our future, he makes me believe everything will work out, and we will indeed be okay.
I’m warm from the wine I’ve been drinking and feel more content than I have in a while as I lay my head on his chest and cuddle into his side. Soft music plays from his phone, and the flame from the fireplace dances, creating shadows on the walls.
“I’ve been dreaming about moments like these for most of my life,” he says, his voice cutting through the comfortable silence between us, “and now you’re actually here…it's better than I imaged. I’m incredibly lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one,” I reply with a shake of my head. “Before coming to Montana, I spent my life feeling like a piece of me was missing. I thought it was my parents that I missed, and while I still wish they were here, it’s you I really needed. Ever since the morning of the rogue attack, the empty hole I’ve always had has begun to fill in.” I push off his chest so I can sit up and look him in the eyes when I speak. “Thank you for completing me, Ryker.”
I can’t quite make out the look on his face as he stares at me. Such intensity sits in his blue eyes that at first, I worry he’s angry about something I said. I don’t have much time to decipher his emotions because his hand wraps around the back of my head so fast I barely see him move. He pulls my face to his and covers my mouth in a hungry kiss. He takes advantage of my open-mouthed gasp, and his tongue thrusts inside. I don’t hesitate to match his moves, moaning into his mouth as my tongue tangles with his.
There’s an urgency in this kiss I’ve never experienced before. But I don’t shy away from his lips or his exploring hands.
Instead, my body moves purely on instinct as I swing my leg over his lap and straddle him. At his angle, I’m able to press my body completely against his. I twine my fingers into his dark hair, pulling him even closer. “I love your hair. Don’t ever cut it,” I pant between toes curling kisses.
“Same goes for you.” I feel his hand wrap into my own hair and borderline painfully tug.
“Okay,” I manage to get out between clenched teeth.
Ryker’s mouth leaves mine and begins trailing kisses down my chin and neck. My breath catches when his lips caress the spot on my neck that makes my skin burst into flames of pleasure, and I move my head to the side to grant him more access to the sensitive skin.
“I wish you could mark me,” I whimper, my voice breathless.
As he sucks and bites at the spot on my neck, my hands make quick work of unbuttoning his shirt. Each button I undo reveals more of the artwork that decorates his chest, dark swirling lines create a beautiful image of a stopwatch nestled between roses, with roman numerals surrounding the edge of a clock.
“That’s my birthday,” I say as I push back to get a better look at the artwork. Now that his shirt is completely open, I push it down Ryker’s shoulders.
“Yes.” He tugs the shirt the rest of the way off. “It was the second tattoo I got after this one.” He holds out the forearm that has the name “Grey” etched across it. “The time on the clock is the exact time my father told me you had died. I got it to represent the exact moment my heart also stopped beating.”
I smooth my hand over his chest, and I can feel his strong heartbeat under my fingertips. “Seems to be beating now.”
“Because yours is.” His gaze, now a glowing gold, locks onto mine. “That’s enough talking for now, don’t you think?”
I laugh, but he quickly swallows my amusement when his mouth collides with mine again. He doesn’t stop kissing me as he flips us in one fluid motion. I’m on my back now, and he looms above, careful to not put too much of his weight onto me. Unable to stop myself, I nip at his bottom lip. He growls at me before I swipe my tongue across the spot, soothing it.
Again, Ryker makes a trail of kisses down my chin and neck. But this time he doesn’t stop at my shoulder. Instead, he continues, leaving wet kisses all the way down my sternum. I shudder when I feel his lips caress the top of one of my breasts.
I open my eyes and look down at him. My heart skips a beat. I see he’s staring right back at me, his glowing eyes filled with lust. His fingertips tentatively make their way under the edge of my tank top, lightly running across the edge, causing goosebumps to cover my skin. He looks at me for permission, and after I give him a quick nod, he swiftly pulls the shirt over my head. I can’t keep from self-consciously trying to cover myself now that I’m only wearing a bra.
“Don’t,” Ryker speaks through the link in my head, and with gentleness, takes hold of my wrists and pulls my hands away. “You’re perfect.”
He starts kissing me where he left off, right between my breasts. My chest hea
ves, and my back arches into his touch. I tangle my fingers into his hair again, holding onto him for dear life. I don’t have much experience with men, but nothing in the past has felt like this. I gasp loudly when his tongue swirls around my navel. Liking my reaction, he does it again, and again, until I’ve melted into a puddle below him.
We spend the rest of the night exploring each other’s bodies, acquainting ourselves with each other’s curves and scars. My wish comes true, and I’m able to trace many of his various tattoos with my fingers and sometimes my tongue. All the while, both of our pants stay on. Neither one of us has to say anything, but we both know we want to wait until the mating ceremony for our first time.
I fall asleep topless and extremely happy sprawled across his tattooed chest. It’s something I look forward to doing every night in this house—our home.
The light coming through the bare windows pulls me awake as it’s shining directly in my face. Ryker’s chest rises and falls under my head since I’m still using him as my pillow. I reach up and make sure there isn’t any drool on my face and sigh in relief when I don’t feel any. As gently as I can, I move away from his sleeping form and sit up. My back is sore from sleeping on the floor, but it’s worth it.
Best date ever!
I reach for my phone that sits on the fireplace hearth and frown when I find it’s dead. I hadn’t planned on spending the whole night away from Addison, and I need to send her a text to make sure her night was okay and she doesn’t need anything, so I try looking for Ryker’s phone in the pile of blankets and pillows we’re lying on.
“Where are you?” I mumble to myself as I throw another pillow out of the way.
“It’s right here.” I turn to see Ryker sitting up. He blinks multiple times, trying to get his sleepy vision to clear. “I think I used it as a pillow…” He looks down at the phone in his hand and shakes his head. “It’s dead from playing music all night.”
“Crap,” I curse. “I need to check on Addison. Hopefully her night with Noah was okay.”
“I bet ours was better.” He smirks.
“Even half asleep, you’re cocky.” I roll my eyes at him, but I feel my face grow warm when I think about our night. About his mouth…
Down girl.
“We all have to be good at something.” He shrugs, still grinning. His hair is standing up all over the place, and I would love to blame it on how he slept, but I know for a fact I did that. Oops. “There’s a phone charger in my truck you can use on our way back to the house. You can call her from there.”
We make quick work of loading everything into the bed of his truck, but then I can’t help but take a few moments to stand in the front doorway and stare at the empty house. I’m still completely in awe of Ryker and the fact he purchased my childhood home for us. My brain is already visualizing what our life is going to look like in this beautiful setting.
“I have a contractor coming over this week, so we can start our renovation plans.” Ryker swings a pair of keys around his finger as he walks toward me from the kitchen. “You can decorate however you want. My only request is no obnoxious colors on the walls.”
“Well, there goes my plan of having a sunshine yellow kitchen.” I pout. I can’t keep the smile off my face when I see how his face wrinkles at the idea, and I laugh. “I’m kidding. I’ve always been more into neutrals.”
“Another reason why you’re perfect for me.”
I’m walking on air as Ryker and I make our way hand in hand up to the front door of the Weylyn house. I’m laughing at something he said about Ransom when the door swings open and a panicked Remington comes flying out. I come to a screeching halt when I see her wide-eyed expression.
“What wrong?” I demand, “Is it Addison?”
“Why haven’t you been answering your phones?” she whispers, her tone harsh and urgent. “We’ve been trying to reach you through the pack link, too, but you were out of range. You guys need to leave. Now.”
“What? Why? What’s going on?” I look behind her into the house and don’t see anything.
“He’s here!” I’ve never seen Remington look scared before, but right now, her eyes are wide with fear, and I can hear her erratic heartbeat.
I raise my eyebrows in confusion. “Who—”
“Nicolai Volkov,” Remi says, cutting me off. “We’ve been buying you guys time, but you need to leave before he sees you.
A deep growl comes from Ryker’s chest, and I feel the anger radiating off of him. “I’m going to kill him,” he snarls, but Remi pushes him back when he makes a step toward the house.
“No, you can’t.” She shakes her head.
“Like hell, I can’t!” Ryker snaps. “Remington move! I’m going to rip his—”
“I’ve heard you were a charming individual,” a voice with an odd accent interrupts us from the doorway.
Our heads all snap up to look at the man who stands there in a sleek three-piece suit. Compared to the Weylyn men, he’s short and skinny. His graying blond hair is cropped close to his head, and his face is clean-shaven. His ice-blue eyes have a wicked gleam to them that set off alarm bells in my head.
“Grey. You look so much like your mother.” Nicolai’s evil gaze leers at me. “It’s a shame she didn’t get to see how beautiful you turned out to be.”
“You sick fucker,” Ryker spits at him as he moves to stand defensively in front of me.
“That temper…” Nicolai scolds. “What do you say we move this conversation off the front porch?” He turns to head back inside but pauses before entering the house. “As I’ve told the rest of your family, I have a couple dozen of my associates stationed around town. If you try to leave before I say you can, or if any harm comes to me, they have explicit orders to kill the humans that reside in this charming little town. “
Remi bounces on her heels as she watches him disappear into the house. “This is bad.”
We follow Remi inside, and Ryker stays in front of me as my protector, but also blocking my view from the threat that now sits at the head of the dining room table.
Elias sits calmly at the table as well, his hands folded politely in front of him. Margot is also there, but she looks a lot less calm. Her eyes are blazing with anger, something I’ve never seen on her. She’s usually so calm and happy, but now she looks like she wants to reach across the table and tear into Nicolai.
I note Nicolai’s teeth are oddly pointy-looking when he grins, and it makes my skin crawl when I feel his eyes on me. I refuse to allow him the privilege of seeing me scared. I stand straight and tall, and bravely meet his gaze.
“So strong…” he muses aloud as he tilts his head to the side. “Your mother was a strong wolf herself. That’s why I wanted her to be mine.”
“And we know how well that turned out for you,” Remi retorts from her spot next to Ryker.
“What’s the plan?” Remi asks through the pack link.
“I say we kill him,” Ryker responds. I look down at his hands and see his claws are out, his fingers twitching in anticipation of a fight.
“It’s not that easy,” Elias calmly answers. “He didn’t come here alone. He had two enforcers with him, but he ordered them to leave when we heard your car coming up the driveway. And there are human lives on the line.”
“My mate’s life is on the line,” Ryker argues. “She comes first.”
“I agree with Ryker,” Margot adds in. “We take him out, and then we send the pack out to protect the humans.”
“Where are Ransom and Ranger?” I question.
“They went with Sawyer to check out a possible rogue attack,” Remi explains. “They’re too far away for us to communicate with them through the pack link, and this asshole had his enforcers take our phones from us when he caught me trying to call you guys.”
Nicolai clears his throat, drawing our attention back to him. “The way Grey’s eyes are moving between each of you, I would assume you are speaking throu
gh your pack link and trying to figure out if there is a way to get her out of here,” Nicolai calmly says as he leans back in his chair. “Very impolite, but I understand why you’re doing it.”
“Our apologies, Mr. Volkov.” Elias politely nods his head at the man. “You can understand, given your past involvement with my pack, why we would be trying to protect my son’s mate.”
“Yes, what happened too Genevieve and her mate was, well, unfortunate. But she knew there would be consequences to her actions when she fled from me,” Nicolai says with a nonchalant wave of his hand.
Unable to stop myself from reacting, I whirl out from behind Ryker and charge at him. “You killed them! They were innocent, and you slaughtered them!” I yell at him. My chest begins to vibrate as my power rolls off of me in angry waves. Ryker’s hands grip my upper arms, and he pulls me back against his chest, stopping me from attacking the evil man.
Nicolai leans forward in his seat, and his gaze once again scans me. “I had heard you are quite the powerful little wolf, but I had to feel it for myself.”
We all look around the room, each of us thinking the same thing. There is an informant in the pack, not just someone who divulged my presence, but someone who is also feeding information to Nicolai Volkov. How else would he know this about me?
“What is it that you want, Mr. Volkov?” Elias rises from his seat, and standing to his full height, he towers over Nicolai.
“I thought I had made it obvious.” Nicolai also stands from his chair, a malicious grin plastered on his face. “I’m here to collect what I am owned. I am here for the girl.”
That’s all it takes for Ryker to lose control. With a venomous growl, he throws himself at the vile man.
I only make it halfway across the room before the sound of breaking glass echoes through the air, and two men crash through the windows. I’m so distracted by the new additions that I turn my attention away from Nicolai. He takes advantage of this and delivers a powerful blow to my chest with his hand. He may be smaller than me, but he is strong.
Wolf Bound (The White Wolf Prophecy Book 1) Page 18