The Virgin Madam (Dark Star Doms Book 5)

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The Virgin Madam (Dark Star Doms Book 5) Page 5

by Ivy Barrett

  Her brows drew together and a new sort of hope flickered within her eyes. “Could he be the one? Maybe he’s trying to make damn sure I sell to him.”

  “It’s possible, but not probable. He would have accomplished the same thing by doing nothing at all.” He pushed back his chair and stood, holding out his hand to her. “You’re a history professor, for God’s sake. Everyone expects you to sell.”

  In keeping with her stubborn mood, she stood without taking his hand. “Then I’m going to do the one thing no one expects. Everything my tormentor has done has been designed to frighten me and drive me away from the Dark Star.”

  A sick feeling twisted through his gut as the fire reignited in her eyes. He’d seen that look before, burning in a far different face, driving an entirely different woman. “What’s the one thing no one expects?” He suspected he already knew. He just wanted to make sure they were on the same page before he freaked out.

  “I’m going to become a madam.”

  “No you’re not.”

  She turned on him, hands on her hips, chin raised. And all he could see was Petra. “This is not your decision to make.”

  “You don’t want to go there. You have no idea what this world would do to someone like you.”

  “To someone like me? What is that supposed to mean?” Confusion softened her expression and he saw Tamara again, a vulnerable academic completely out of her league.

  He closed the distance between them and slowly took her hand. “Someone warm and trusting. Someone untainted by all this…excess.”

  “If you feel that way about your occupation, why don’t you get out?” Her fingers tightened just a little before she pulled her hand away. She was fighting it, but she wasn’t immune to the attraction arcing between them.

  He should discourage her, push her away as many times as it took until… She wasn’t the one who kept touching, kept pursuing. All he needed to do was rein in his desire and focus entirely on the danger. “Is anything ever that simple?” The question applied to so much more than his career choices.

  She crossed the living room without a word and stepped out onto the balcony. The night was cool and crisp, but the view was spectacular. He joined her at the rail and looked out over the city for a moment, trying to see New Shardrake through her eyes.

  There was a rhythm to the city, a palpable energy he’d found nowhere else. Did she sense it, or was the crisis surrounding her consuming all other sensations?

  “How does the Dark Star differ from the Fantasy Forum?” She glanced at him as she asked the question then quickly looked away. “Or do you basically offer the same amenities?”

  He turned and leaned his hip against the railing, finding her more interesting than the familiar cityscape. “There are distinct differences. The Forum deals exclusively in fantasy. I utilize simulators and provide themed settings in which couples or small groups of willing participants enjoy their sexuality. What I do not provide is someone to fuck.”

  This obviously surprised her. She looked at him, but the fall of her hair shadowed her face. “You don’t employ pleasure givers of any kind?”

  “The only pleasure givers at the Fantasy Forum are intuitive robots. The simulators create incredibly realistic sensations that allow clients to explore on their own. Still, most of the reservations are made by couples or small groups. I’ve occasionally hired live acts for the lounges, but they’re not allowed to physically interact with clients. Doing so is grounds for immediate dismissal.”

  “What’s the Dark Star like?” She whispered the question as if she were speaking about something forbidden. “What would it take to convince others I was serious about becoming its madam?”

  “Would you really like to know?” He let challenge ring in his tone. She needed to understand how unprepared she was for even a casual visit to the famed Dark Star, and he could give her that without any risk.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and light from the suite illuminated her face. Her skin looked soft and golden, her features impossibly pure. Damn it. He felt like a demon about to take an angel on a tour of hell. And the worst part was the darkest, most jaded element of his personality hungered for the opportunity to touch her, taste her—corrupt her.

  “I won’t live in fear. This bastard expects me to scurry away like a frightened rabbit. But he forgot who I am. Despite all her faults and regardless of her mistakes, Petra was my mother.” She licked her lips and boldly met his gaze. “Pretending I want to pick up where Petra left off will only work if people believe I’m capable of becoming a madam. Will you please tell me what I can expect, so I don’t make a complete fool of myself?”

  Captivated by her animation, he held out his hand. “I can do better than that. I can show you.”

  She placed her hand in his, but her surge of boldness faltered. “I’d rather you describe—”

  “Trust me.” He drew her back inside the suite and locked the door behind them. “This is the Fantasy Forum, remember? I create illusions, provide private playgrounds for people not willing to share their sexuality with the world.” He led her to the simulator connected to the suite. “You’re not the only one who has been curious about what goes on at the Dark Star but doesn’t want to actually go there.”

  “You have a simulation of the Dark Star?” She laughed—the sound light and infectious. “Did Petra know about this?”

  “Not at first, and when she found out, she tried all sorts of injunctions and law suits to make me take it off the menu. I had to alter the visual esthetics and change the name to the Bright Star, but everyone knows what the program simulates. It’s still one of my most popular programs.” She’d gone still beside him. He could almost hear the thoughts churning within her mind. “Go on. Let me have it. What’s bothering you?”

  “Isn’t this sort of hypocritical? You obviously disapprove of the Dark Star, yet you’re making money off a simulation that provides the same experience?”

  He shook his head, having debated the issue long and hard within his own mind. “It’s not the same. When the Dark Star opened, the club wasn’t that different from the Fantasy Forum. Their emphasis was BDSM, which I have no problem with. Petra provided an environment where her clients felt safe and free to explore their sexuality. And the Masters and Mistresses were instructors. They taught others how to attain greater pleasure than they’d ever experienced before, but they experienced it with other clients. The day Petra allowed her Masters and Mistresses to fuck their clients, she crossed the line. It opened the door for escorts, pets and slaves. I don’t even want to think about what goes on in the basement now that Matthias is gone.”

  “Matthias. That’s the man named in Petra’s will. Who was he?”

  “Petra left her holdings to Matthias?” That made sense. Petra had gone to great lengths to keep Tamara insulated from scandal. Petra would have realized a sizable inheritance would put a target on Tamara’s back.

  “The probate council awarded me her estate because her chosen beneficiary was dead and I’m her only progeny. Now who was Matthias?”

  “The Toymaker.” He paused, waiting for any sign of recognition. When she gave none, he explained, “Matthias engineered most of the equipment in both clubs, including my simulators. He and Petra were lovers off and on for years. He died a few months ago. He’ll be missed.” There was much more to the story, but now was not the time to fill her in on the twists and turns.

  “So you have no problem with anything that goes on inside your simulators as long as no one is paid to participate?”

  He chose his words carefully, not wanting to give too much away. “It has been my experience that paying anyone for the use of their body objectifies the person regardless of what they say at the time. I’ve spoken with escorts who charge extremely high fees and claim to be happy in their situation. But inevitably it creates a void, an emotional disconnect that makes it hard for them to form an intimate connection with anyone.”

  “It seems like you know a lot about
it.” Challenge tinged her tone as she asked, “Have you ever paid for sex?”


  Her gaze collided with his and the compassion in her gaze was so compelling, he had to look away. “Oh Jericho, did someone pay you to have sex with them? Is that why you can’t stand the thought of it now?”

  Of all the conclusions her curious mind could have led her to, why did she have to land on the truth? “It was a very long time ago.” Needing to regain control of his emotions, he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and tilted her face up. “You’re just dying to hear all the sordid details. Aren’t you?” His fingers curved and his thumb stroked the side of her neck. So soft, so fragile. “I guess we’ve finally found the setting for our barter. I offer a glimpse into my past, a story so shameful I’ve never shared it with another person on this planet.”

  She wanted it. He could see anticipation in her eyes. She’d just shared the intimate secrets of her past and now she wanted to understand who he was and the forces that had shaped him. But how badly did she want it?

  “What must I offer in return?” He couldn’t tell if anticipation or fear had caused the breathlessness in her tone.

  “Your obedience.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers before he added, “You do whatever I ask inside the simulator.”

  Excitement crashed through Tamara, making her pussy clench and her breath hitch. But uncertainty threaded through the wave of desire. Could she really do anything he told her and allow him to touch her in any way he chose? This was Jericho James! His sexual repertoire was bound to be expansive. “How sophisticated is this simulator? Can it produce other people?” He’d said people explore on their own, so the simulator must be able to trigger all sorts of realistic sensations.

  He just smiled and shook his head. “You either trust me or you don’t. The offer is my past for a few hours of your present. No exceptions, no limitations. You’re mine.”

  Excitement tingled through her, intoxicating and decadent. She’d clung to her principles for twenty-eight years, refusing to compromise for anyone. She’d waited for her handsome prince, the other half of her soul, to waltz into her life and look where all that goodness had gotten her. She was alone and miserable. Worse, she was a virgin, yet thanks to her tormentor, everyone thought she was a whore. Just like her mother.

  If she hoped to regain control of her future, she needed to take control of her present. This wasn’t just about her curiosity. She needed to experience a bit of their world if she hoped to convince anyone she had a legitimate interest in running the Dark Star. She needed to learn, to experience it all for herself, so why not learn from one of the best? She took a deep breath, trying to accept her own decision.

  “Two hours,” she rushed on before she could change her mind. “But I get to ask three questions before we start and you agree to tell me anything I want to know about your past when we’re finished.”


  Damn. That had been way too easy. Why did she care about his past anyway? Because you just told him about yours. She sighed.

  She wasn’t ashamed of her humble upbringing. Her accomplishments spoke for themselves. But she seldom discussed the details of her childhood with anyone. With her educational background, everyone presumed she was a citizen of Halley Prime. She’d never seen a reason to correct the misconception. So why had she trusted Jericho with the truth?

  Why didn’t really matter. She was trying to establish an equal footing, and his disinterest in her property had made that goal almost impossible. If she knew his secrets and he knew hers, it would give them a common ground.

  “The computer will verify our vaccination history before it activates the simulator, but what about birth control?”

  His question made what they were about to do unavoidably real. This wasn’t a fantasy. Jericho was about to take her virginity. “I’m covered.” She’d gotten the injection because things were getting hot and heavy with her last boyfriend. But as usual, she’d been unable to surrender completely and they’d broken up as a result.

  “Good. Now ask your questions. I can’t wait to get your hair down.” His smile was playful, but his gaze drifted lower.

  “Was your client male or female?”

  He chuckled. “Why do you presume there was only one?”

  She covered her mouth with her hand. Maybe she didn’t want to hear about this. Jericho seemed so likeable, so… “How many?” she whispered behind her hand. Damn her curiosity.

  “You are so incredibly naïve. I should be arrested for being in the same room with you.” He sighed and shifted his gaze away from her face. “My first client was female. My second paid extra so her husband could watch. Eventually he joined in.” Her eyes widened and he laughed. “Are you positively scandalized?”

  “I’m not that naïve.” She lowered her hand and squared her shoulders. He already thought she was an innocent fool. How would he react if she told him the truth, that her sexual experience wasn’t limited, it was nonexistent?

  “Oh yes you are.” He placed his hand against the wall, above the control panel for the simulator. “You have one more question. Make it count.”

  Pissing him off right before he took control of her body was probably a bad idea, so she kept it fairly simple. “How long did it go on?”

  “Each session, each orgasm, each client?” She slapped his arm and he laughed, but she didn’t miss the flicker of pain deep in his eyes. “It was the longest sixteen months of my life.” He turned to the control panel and placed his hand on the scanner pad.

  A beam of light swept across his hand then the computer said, “Vaccinations current. Proceed.”

  Jericho motioned her toward the scanner and she placed her hand on the trigger. “Vaccinations current. Proceed.”

  The unit came alive with a low hum and the door slid open a few seconds later. “After you.” Jericho motioned her inside.

  Oh boy. She felt as if she were about to slide through a wormhole into another reality, but at least it was a reality of her choosing. She paused and looked at Jericho. “I have a really low pain threshold.” She needed to tell him she was a virgin before they began, but she was afraid he’d refuse to touch her if he knew. She was almost thirty, for god’s sake. Who would believe she was still a virgin?

  His smile was dark and wicked. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Don’t I need a safe word or something?” She was pretty sure that was how it worked.

  He moved forward, forcing her to step back, and the door slid closed behind him. The room sealed and the simulation began. “I’m no good at games. I’ve always thought no meant no. If you want me to stop, say stop.”

  Which meant they were equally responsible for everything they did. Wasn’t that what she’d wanted? To be treated as an equal?

  Despite her confusion, the thought made her smile. He took her by the hand, his gaze narrowed yet bright. “What’s funny?”

  “This isn’t what I expected.”

  “Really?” He laughed. “We haven’t done anything yet.”

  He had a point. She looked around. They stood in a lobby not unlike what she’d seen at cineplex or other entertainment venues. “Is this to scale? It seems rather small.”

  “The full-scale version only runs downstairs. This is more like a sampler platter of Dark Star treats.”

  The doors across from them opened and a tall blonde hostess walked forward. “Welcome to the Bright Star. Do you have a reservation?”

  As Jericho gave the hostess their fictitious name and listed the selections he wanted to access, Tamara studied the hostess. She seemed perfectly real. Her movements were natural and every detail of her physical appearance led the visitor to believe she was a living, breathing humanoid.

  “Is she a hologram?”

  Tamara didn’t really expect an answer, but Jericho said, “Considering the purpose for these simulators, that wouldn’t work for long.” The hostess smiled at her then walked back through the dou
ble-door entrance. “You’ve never been in a simulator before? Not even a gaming or sports simulator?”

  “I’ve never had time for frivolities.”

  He turned her to face him, his hands lingering on her upper arms. “I would laugh if that wasn’t so sad. Every child needs time to play, and every teenager should rebel against something. There is so much more to life than digital libraries and long-dead heroes.”

  Not wanting to delve any deeper into what her life lacked, she motioned toward the doors. “What’s through there?”

  One of his hands moved to the small of her back and he motioned her forward with the other. “The program is set for fully integrated action. If you openly stare at someone, don’t be surprised if they speak to you. No one will touch you without permission, but the Pleasure Masters and Mistresses will offer their services.”

  Her steps faltered as they emerged in a cavernous room that seemed impossible, given the confines of the simulator. The vaulted ceilings were intricately sculpted and inlayed with massive mirrors and gilt. From the tone-on-tone wall coverings, to the privacy curtains, to the plush carpeting, everything was done in crimson and gold. Her gaze skimmed over the naked and half-naked bodies as she tried to concentrate on the elegant décor.

  “How much of this is real and how much—”

  “Stop thinking about the specifics of the simulation or this experience will accomplish nothing.” His tone was gruff enough to draw her full attention. “Matthias was a master of illusion. Yes, much of what you see is achieved through image layering and manipulated perspective, but that’s not the point. We’re not here to redecorate. Allow yourself to imagine what they’re feeling. See if you can figure out what brought them here.”

  The Pleasure Master nearest them had a woman bound to a spanking bench. He stood at her side, calmly warming her upturned ass with a paddle. The woman moaned and wiggled her bright red ass.

  “Have you ever been spanked?” Jericho asked.

  “Once or twice,” she lied, not ready to admit that her experience was even more limited than he presumed.


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