Twisted (Dark Book 1)

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Twisted (Dark Book 1) Page 12

by Ashton Blackthorne

  “I don’t want to talk about this with you anymore, Ash.” With that, she left my office.

  I sat staring after her. A strong sense of danger swept over me. There was something very wrong with Amber and that guy.

  But since she wouldn’t tell me I didn’t know what to do. I stood up and went back to my desk. I watched her working through my open door. Her eyes were so sad. I just wished she’d tell me why.



  I just couldn’t tell Ash. Ayden had been so touchy lately. And in bed he was becoming even more of an animal. My shoulders throbbed with pain after he’d pinned my arms behind my back for hours last night during a scene. And he’d taken to drinking heavily as well. The sex was still amazing, but he consistently ignored my safe word several times before stopping.

  And last night….

  It had gotten out of control.

  While Ash was taking a phone call, I raced off to the ladies’ room. I splashed cold water on my face. Ensuring I was alone, I stripped my blouse off. Angry red marks still creased my back, along with deep purple bruises in the shape of fingers marred my waistline. I was sure my ass was covered in welts.

  Sickened, I quickly buttoned my blouse up. This wasn’t the BDSM relationship I wanted.

  This was abuse, a tiny voice inside me said.

  Yanking a paper towel out of the dispenser, I wiped my face. I quickly began to reapply my makeup.

  My heart broke every time I thought of the sweet way Ash had asked me what was wrong. I just couldn’t tell him. I’d always been such a strong woman. I used to watch Lifetime movies about abused women thinking how stupid they were for letting a man violate them like that. I thought it was foolish how they stayed on and on even after he’d beaten them bloody.

  Now look at me.

  I was no better than any abused woman. Even though Ayden had only slapped me once out of rage, he still was hurting me beyond my limits. It was no longer consensual.

  It was abuse.

  Tears spilled down my cheeks ruining my freshly applied mascara. I went into one of the stalls and held myself.

  I rubbed myself between my legs feeling the terrible soreness. Last night had been beyond anything I’d ever experienced.


  “I want to try something a little different tonight, Amber. Are you ready?” Ayden smiled at me winking. We’d just finished a fabulous dinner I’d prepared of all his favorites: chicken cordon bleu, potatoes with parsnips, and a rich chocolate mousse.

  The candlelight flickered casting a romantic glow to the immaculate room. Since I was over nearly every single night at his insistence, I’d moved in a great deal of my belongings. In spite of that, he insisted I keep most of my things even my clothes downstairs in a storage area. I wasn’t even allowed to spray my perfume inside the house. At first, I thought it was because he was allergic, but he had a violent reaction to any scent of any kind. The only aromas he could tolerate were food related. All laundry detergent, hand soaps, dish soaps had to be fragrance free. All deodorants had to be fragrance free. There was only one exception: his own cologne. He did wear a light masculine scent, but he would only apply it sparingly and only after he was downstairs in the storage area. I had to shower and use fragrance free soap every time before we had sex. I found it to be quite maddening.

  “Of course, I’m ready, Ayden.” The candlelight made his deep hazel eyes glow. Despite his idiosyncrasies, he was still an amazing lover. My pussy got wetter and wetter thinking about what he might do to me.

  Taking my hand, he led me to the spare room where we usually did scenes. Quickly, he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the side. I admired his strong, well-muscled chest and six pack abs. Slowly, I began to undress for him.

  “Stop, Princess. Let me.” Ayden seized me roughly ripping my dress open exposing my bra. Reaching around, he popped the clasp of my bra allowing my full breasts to burst forth.

  “I love that,” he whispered burying his face in my cleavage. He fondled and kissed my tits as my head fell back.

  Without warning, he stopped walking out of the room. He returned in a flash holding several fat candles and a lighter.

  “Are you up for this, Princess? You want Daddy to give you some wax play?” He raised his brows waving the candles at me.

  “I’ve never tried it. Sounds fun!” He finished stripping me of my clothes and gestured for me to lay down on the bed.

  Of course, the candles were unscented as he lit them. He straddled my waist as the candle burned brightly. I felt a bit uneasy as I watched the wax pool near the burning wick.

  “Remember my safe word, Ayden,” I whispered.

  “Daddy,” he corrected.

  “Daddy, please remember my safe word,” I whispered in the little girl voice he adored.

  “Of course, Princess. Now don’t be scared. This will feel so good.”

  I watched bracing myself for a brief flash of pain as the liquid dripped from the tilted candle onto my nipple. There was a moment of searing pain, then it eased as he leaned forward to kiss me deeply. Again and again he dripped the hot wax on me as kept his lips on mine. The pain from the wax quickly turned to pleasure as he reached to caress my throbbing clit. I’d never experienced such powerful sensations before. I arched my back willing him to pour even more wax upon me.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered. I opened my eyes to gaze into his deep hazel eyes. The soft glow of candlelight softened them into lipid pools of desire.

  Obediently, I spread my legs revealing my glistening wetness.

  “You’re so wet, Princess.” He ran his hand tantalizingly between my legs. I moaned softly wanting to feel him inside me.

  “Princess likes Daddy’s game, doesn’t she?” He placed the candle in the holder as he bent his head toward my nude body. Running his hands over me, every inch of my body tingled with pleasure as he played me like a fine instrument.

  “Of course, Daddy,” I murmured as his lips trailed my body setting it on fire with lust.

  Finally, he reached the apex of my legs. I was so wet I could feel my own juices soaking my thighs. Ayden traced his fingers lightly up my thighs swirling them around until he reached my pussy. Lightly, he swiped them over my pussy. I jumped as if electrified at his touch. With one hand, he opened my pussy up so that he could stroke my aching clit with his other.

  “Ayden,” I murmured, rolling my head side to side with pleasure.

  “Not yet, Princess. Daddy has something special in mind.” He turned away from me a moment as I raised my head to see what he was doing.

  “Ayden, I want to feel you inside me.” I moaned, trying to catch his hand.

  “No, Princess!”

  I noticed the burning candle in his right hand. He was completely nude, perspiration glistening on his muscled chest, his huge cock so hard it pointed up.

  “Pull your knees up. Then I want you to spread your pussy lips open.”

  Quickly, I did as he requested. His eyes glowed nearly black as he brought the dripping candle toward me.

  My stomach tightened. He was my boyfriend. He loved me. He’d never really hurt me…

  My eyes never left the candle as the hot wax pooled then he tilted it.

  “Trust me, Princess. You’ll love this.”

  My whole body tensed as the wax dripped from the candle falling into tiny droplets.

  Suddenly, a sharp, searing pain exploded all through my pussy as the hot wax poured upon my delicate folds. I screamed loudly.

  I clamped my legs shut immediately crying in pain. Screaming my safe word over and over again, I rolled over on my side.

  “Amber! Spread your legs now. I told you to trust me.”

  With that, he forced my legs apart. The pain was so intense my mind was reeling. He leaned forward after slipping something into his mouth. The wax had already begun to harden on my pussy.

  Suddenly, I was enveloped in a very cooling sensation. His mouth engulfed my pussy giving me instant
relief. It was strangely freezing cold yet so very soothing.

  “Oh my God, Ayden.”

  Over and over, he ran his tongue up and down my sore pussy. Soon what had been terrible pain became delicious pleasure as the ice cube in his mouth melted. I entwined my fingers through his hair as he continued running his tongue softly over my throbbing clit bringing me to a thunderous orgasm.

  After I came, he kissed his way up my body.

  “See, Princess, I told you to trust me. How do you feel now?” He grinned as he laid his head on my breasts.

  Gently, I touched my pussy. It was still quite sore, but oddly enough, it didn’t hurt.

  “Amazing,” I whispered.

  “Of course you do, Princess. Daddy knows best.”

  November 30, 2013

  The past few months with Ayden had become unbearable. Everywhere I went he followed me. If I went out shopping, I would turn to see him watching me from a distance. If I didn’t return his calls immediately, he would text me with exact details of where I was at, what I was wearing, and who I was speaking to.

  He even began to affect my work. Ayden would send me a huge bouquet of roses to work every single day signed with the same salutation:

  To my beautiful Princess,

  Forever your loving Daddy

  I cringed the day that Ash noticed the card on the flowers before I could hide it.

  “Amber, how nice of your father to send you flowers. But it’s not your birthday.”

  Blushing furiously, I took the card and stuffed it into a drawer.

  “It’s not. They’re not from my father,” I muttered.

  He looked puzzled furrowing his brow.

  “Ahhh, the boyfriend?”

  I nodded looking down wishing I could disappear.

  “No need to explain,” he’d said giving me a wink.

  Ayden had also become obsessed with Ash. He’d constantly ask me about him, what he was like personally, how was it working for him, why didn’t Ash and I ever get together. It was beginning to wear me down.

  His obsession with me calling him Daddy started to worry me. Each new game he introduced me to was becoming less and less kinky, and more and more twisted.

  But one day, that fateful day in November, he went too far completely breaking me.

  After waiting for me to get off work as usual, we went back to his house. All the lights were dimmed and he had candles lit everywhere.

  Oh no, I winced, thinking of the painful pleasure that the burning wax had given me last time.

  “Wax again, Ayden?” I tried to laugh as I slipped my heels off.

  “No, Princess, it’s Daddy. And Daddy has a special surprise for you.” He smiled wickedly.

  I began to get a sinking feeling in my stomach. What was he planning?

  He held out his hand to me. I expected we would be retiring to the bedroom, but he took me downstairs to the basement.

  We’d never played down here and I was starting to get worried.

  What was going on?

  The basement wasn’t finished and all that was down there was the washing machine, the dryer, and boxes of clothing. There was also an old wood burning fireplace. But when he walked me down the stairs, I stood shocked as I saw he’d brought down a long table covered with red satin sheet. There were candles all around and soft music playing. He had a fire burning in the fireplace. There was a wooden bondage rack and a leather bench. Another smaller table contained several sexual accoutrements such as a flogger, whip, riding crop, restraints, and a spreader bar.

  I looked around in amazement. Something this elaborate must’ve taken him all day to prepare.

  “Oh, Daddy,” I sighed, melting into his arms.

  “Daddy wants Princess to be happy. So, Daddy got a special surprise for her.”

  “What Daddy?” I clapped my hands like a little girl.

  “First, put this on.” He handed me a brand new short pink dress. Quickly, I slipped out of my work clothes and donned the tiny dress. It barely covered my ass and breasts.

  “How do I look, Daddy?”

  “Beautiful, Princess.” He kissed me atop my head. I noticed he was wearing a long sleeve blue thermal shirt. I’d never seen him in one before.

  “Here, Princess. Let Daddy sit you up on the table.” He picked me up and put me down on the table. The red satin sheet felt cool against my bare ass.

  “What’s my surprise, Daddy?” I asked in my little girl voice.

  “This.” He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a brand new tattoo bearing the words, ‘Forever Amber’ in bold, swirling black letters on his left bicep. The skin was bright red surrounding it.

  I gulped. What did this mean? Here I thought we were close to breaking up, and he goes and….

  Permanently puts my name on him.

  Slowly, I scooted to the edge of the table. Something told me I wasn’t going to like this game.

  “Don’t you like it, Princess? Now Daddy and Princess will be together forever. Everyone knows I’m yours.” His smile appeared distorted to me. My eyes glazed over as I gripped the table.

  “It’s wonderful, Daddy. Didn’t it hurt?” I pouted.

  “Not at all. I’ve had others, but this one means something. Now, Princess, let’s play a new game.”

  I hesitated a moment.

  “Give me your hands, Princess,” Ayden commanded.

  Glancing around, I didn’t know what he could have in mind. Still, it was likely his usual spanking games, so I complied.

  Quickly, he bound my wrists behind my back.

  “That’s not too tight, is it, Princess?”

  I shook my head.

  “Good, Princess. Don’t worry, Daddy won’t hurt you,” his deep voice reassured me.

  But there was something about the way he spoke and the way he was touching me.

  His voice had a sinister tone to it.

  He pushed me against the wall roughly. Kneeling down he stripped my panties off.

  “Ayden,” I whispered. My pussy tightened as I felt wetness on my thighs.

  “Shhh.” He cautioned as he then spread my legs apart. A cold metal cuff was slipped onto each of my ankles.

  “Ayden! What are you doing?”

  Suddenly, he grabbed the back of my neck and I found myself against the hard, cold floor. My cheek was pressed against the floor as his knee was thrust into my back.

  “It’s Daddy to you, Princess. I will tell you when you may speak! Got it? I’m your Daddy. You will do as I say.” His voice no longer sexy, but harshly erupted throughout the room.

  “DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” He commanded my answer by digging his knee even deeper into my back.

  “Yes,” I whispered. His knee was pressing into me crushing my ribs.

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I managed the words I knew he was looking for. My eyes darted about trying to find a way out. This wasn’t what I wanted.

  He was becoming…



  “That’s better. You may stand, Princess.” He released me allowing me to struggle to my feet. Straining to see in the dimly lit room, I noticed several bondage devices I’d never seen before. The wooden racks complete with neck and arm holes looked like something out of a medieval torture chamber. Above the racks were various whips and chains.

  I shuddered as I turned to face him. The cuffs on my ankles bit into my flesh. I could feel the slight trickling of blood running down to my feet.

  “Daddy, what are you doing?” I asked in a low, frightened voice gazing at the metal bar in his hands.

  “Oh this? This is a spreader bar, Princess. I’m surprised you’ve never seen one. I thought you’d been with a dom before.” The dim lighting cast an ominous shadow across his handsome face making him appear evil.

  “Oh, yes, I’ve seen those before.” I tried laughing, but it came out as a timid chuckle.

  “Oh, Princess, are you afraid? There’s never anything to fear with Daddy,” he sa
id, his voice thick and dark.

  I swallowed hard. He’d never spoken this way to me before. I had no idea what to make of it. My heart pounded in my chest. Tiny beads of perspiration broke out across my back.

  “What’s this about, Daddy?”

  “I’ve seen you with Ash. I know he wants you. So today I decided to mark myself with your name. And tonight I will mark you with mine.”

  Alarm sirens went off in my head. I was in real danger this time! I had to get away from him for good!

  “Ayden, I…I think I forgot my keys in my car. Just let me out of this for a sec so I can go check.” My hands struggled against the restraints.

  Ayden pivoted then laughed loudly.

  Leaning close to me, he chucked me under the chin.

  “Come now, Princess, you don’t think I’m going to fall for that old trick, do you? No, no, Amber, we’ve come this far together. I think it’s time I made you mine.”

  I could smell his scent, a mixture of perspiration and cologne. It nauseated me.

  “No, Princess, your keys are in your purse. I watched you put them there.” With that, he grabbed me by the wrists and drug me over to one of the wooden racks.

  “Oh, Daddy, I really don’t think that would be any fun.” I tried pulling backward against him.

  “How so?”


  “You know, you’re right, Princess. It would be so much better if I had you lean over this bench here.”

  Accepting that he was likely to administer a brutal whipping, I would much rather be across the bench than locked into some kind of torture rack.

  Walking awkwardly over to the bench, I bent over it. My bare breasts pressed against the cold leather. He had me place my bound hands out in front of me. Hearing a clanking sound, I then felt him spread my legs and place the spreader bar between them.

  Now I was completely spread out across the bench for his pleasure.

  “Beautiful, Princess. Have I ever told you what an amazing tight little ass you have?” He slapped me lightly.

  “I can’t wait, Daddy. What are you going to give to me first? Your crop or your whip?”


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