The Secret Son

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The Secret Son Page 14

by Joan Kilby

  Her beautiful sister answered the door. “Hi, you must be Alex. Come in.” She led him into the living room. “Gorgeous flowers.”

  “Zoe, right? Nice to meet you.” Alex could see why she was popular but it was a look he was too familiar with: glossy hair, not a strand out of place, expertly made up and groomed, right down to long polished nails. A short, tight dress that displayed her obvious attributes to their best. He hoped Emma hadn’t gone that route. Her natural look made her unique in his world.

  “I’ll get a vase.” As she left for the kitchen, she called down the hall. “Emma, he’s here.”

  A little girl with curly brown hair and pink polka dot pajamas wandered into the living room clutching a small pink backpack. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Alex, a friend of Emma’s.” Cute kid. “What’s your name?”

  “Carly and I’m four. I’m going to stay overnight at my friend, Ally’s.” She stared up at him with huge brown eyes, waiting for him to say something.

  Alex racked his brains but couldn’t think of a response. Luckily, just then Emma appeared in a sky blue dress that glowed against her lightly tanned skin. Her long red-gold hair curled past her shoulders, drawing his gaze down. The V neckline would have displayed a delectable amount of cleavage if she hadn’t pinned a diamanté brooch at a strategic spot. Even so, there was a restrained sexiness about her that set his blood racing. “You look absolutely lovely. Perfect.”

  “Thanks.” She accepted the bouquet with a beaming smile and buried her nose in the fragrant blossoms. “I’ll put these in water.”

  “I’ve got it,” Zoe said, returning with a glass vase half-filled with water and set it on the wooden coffee table. Emma relinquished the bouquet with a grateful smile.

  “Zoe, do you need a ride into town?” Alex asked.

  “My date will be here any minute. But I appreciate the offer.” Zoe started to pull the plastic funnel off the bottom of the flowers. “Carly, come and help Mummy.”

  Outside Alex took Emma’s hand to help her navigate the steps in her black kitten heels. She was still Emma, a grown-up tomboy, but now he saw another side to her, thoroughly natural but very feminine and subtly sexy. “You’re going to be the most beautiful woman at the dance tonight.”

  “My sister—”

  “Looks nice, too.” He handed her into the car and got in but didn’t start the engine. “Why do you always put yourself down compared to Zoe?”

  She pleated the narrow strap on her black evening bag. “Have you got any idea what it’s like to grow up in the shadow of a beautiful older sister with perfect hair and teeth and a flair for clothes?”

  “I don’t know what it’s like to grow up with siblings of any kind.”

  Her eyes met his. “Sorry.”

  “I wasn’t looking for sympathy.” He took her hand and squeezed. “Don’t ever feel you’re lesser because Zoe was Miss Montana, or whatever. She’s pretty but when you’re around, her flashy looks fade into the background. You’re fine dining. She’s a taco stand.”

  “Thanks.” Emma smiled. “Now stop or I’ll have to defend my sister and ruin all the good you’ve done for my ego. Normally I’m not worried about how I look or whether I measure up. It’s just lately…” She trailed off and looked away. “We should get going.”

  Alex turned the key and put the car in gear. Did she mean, since she’d met him? If so, he felt the same. She set such a high standard that he wanted her approval. Over the past week he’d found himself trying to make choices that would result in the best version of himself he could be. Before he’d come to Cherry Lake, he’d assumed he already was the best he could be. Back in Seattle, he hung around people like himself who reflected back the same shallow egocentricity that he wore like armor. Here, all that was stripped away. No corner office, no important clients, and no models lining up to go out with him. Just him, with cherry-stained fingers and a father who didn’t want to know him. Life didn’t get more humbling.

  Strangely, though, he felt more himself than he had in a long time. Maybe because he’d grown up in a small town, maybe because he was surrounded by blood relatives even if they didn’t all know it, but Cherry Lake almost felt like home.


  Climbing the steps of the Montreau Hotel on that balmy summer evening hand in hand with Alex, Emma felt like Cinderella at the ball. Nervous and giddy and proud to busting. This was turning out to be the best festival ever.

  “The Montreau is one of the oldest buildings in town and one of the fanciest,” Emma chattered as they entered the lobby. Tall cream pillars held up an ornate ceiling detailed in rich brown, green and red, and a parquetry floor gleamed beneath glass chandeliers. Strategically placed palms completed the old world charm. “Jacie’s engineering firm is doing the renovation of the second floor. She used to live here and is back for the summer as project manager. When it’s all done this place will be fabulous.”

  “Jacie? Is she a friend of yours?” Alex asked.

  “We went to high school together. She’s another of your cousins. She was at the barbecue with Brett and her daughter, Darcy. You would have met her if you hadn’t left so early.”

  The band hadn’t started yet. Couples and small groups clustered around the piano in the lobby or drifted through open French doors onto a patio rose garden profuse with blooms in red, white and pink. An arched doorway led to a warmly furnished room with a long, ornate hand-carved bar backed by mirrors.


  Emma tugged Alex toward the bar. “Everyone’s in here—my friends and some of your cousins. Let’s go get a drink. I’ll introduce you.”

  A tiny frown creased Alex’s brow. “Okay.”

  She threw him a sympathetic glance. “This must be weird for you.”

  “If I could tell them who I was it would be great but since I can’t, I feel like an interloper.”

  “You’re not an interloper,” Emma said. “You’re with me.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Lucky me.”

  His words, and the way he looked at her, warmed her right down to her core. If only he was staying for good… She pushed that vain thought away. While he was here, she would make the most of his company. When he was gone, she would allow herself to feel sad for a bit and then she would get over it. He would be an affair to remember, romantic but doomed.

  She squeezed his hand for courage and he squeezed back. Likely they were both feeling a touch nervous about the evening. Then she led him to the group clustered around the bar. “This is Alex. He’s helping out with the Jacksons’ cherry harvest.”

  “Good to meet you. I’m Brett.” He leaned forward from the circle to shake Alex’s hand. The others introduced themselves in turn and welcomed him to the town. Will arrived with his date, a woman from Grand Fork he’d been seeing on and off for several years.

  Alex bought Emma a glass of wine while he had a scotch on ice. Before long he was chatting to Jacie about some glitch in the renovations and getting an earful about Mayor Calloway’s interference. Emma, meanwhile, was dismayed to learn Carrie had been having trouble with her photography business after someone had hacked her website.

  Over the next hour the crowd in the lobby grew and the hubbub of several hundred voices made talking increasingly difficult. Emma had leaned closer to catch what Carrie was saying when the twang of a guitar drew all eyes to the make-shift stage set up in front of the staircase. A country and western band was tuning up. The lead singer, with a scruffy beard and a black button-down shirt, said a few words of welcome and launched into a cover version of a Blake Shelton tune.

  Alex put down his glass and turned to Emma. “Dance?”

  “My pleasure,” she said, beaming at him.

  Whatever demons Alex was facing, he put them behind him and for the next couple of hours they burned up the dance floor. It was a rare treat for her to be out with a guy who not only liked dancing but was good at it.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Emma said, panting after a pa
rticularly fast song ended. “I need a break to cool down.”

  “Let’s grab a cold drink and go out to the patio.” Alex put a hand in the small of her back and guided her off the dance floor.

  They stopped at the bar for a couple of frosty beers and stepped outside into the rose-scented night. Most of the tables were occupied but they found a bench in a quiet corner.

  Emma sank gratefully onto the curved wooden seat and stretched out her legs. “My feet are going to kill me tomorrow. I’m not used to heels.”

  Alex laid an arm along the back of the bench. His fingers brushed her shoulder and neck, sifting through her hair. “If you’ve had enough we could leave.”

  She leaned against him, savoring the closeness and the warmth of his body next to hers. “Whatever you want.”

  He gave a low chuckle next to her ear. “You might not say that if you knew what was going through my mind right now.”

  She glanced up at him through her lashes. “Try me.”

  “I want to take you back to my cabin,” he whispered and snaked a bent finger down her neck, across her collarbone, down to the dip in her bodice. “I want to unpin that brooch and kiss your naked breasts. And then I want to make love to you for the rest of the night.”

  “Oh.” She seemed to have lost her voice.

  “I wish I could take you to a five star hotel but the cabin with its creaky spring bed is all I’ve got.” He brushed her lips with his. “You can say no. I completely understand if you don’t want to…invest in a man who won’t be around for long.” When she still didn’t reply he added, “Just don’t leave me hanging, babe. I come across as a player and normally a night with a pretty woman would be par for the course. But with you, well, I’m putting myself out here, more than you know.”

  Emma felt a lump in her throat at this glimpse of vulnerability and the sweet way he’d offered himself to her. She realized she’d made her decision a long time ago. Maybe even the moment she’d looked in her rear view mirror and seen his handsome cocky face for the first time. He wasn’t cocky now.

  She reached a hand along his jaw, felt the faint stubble and his pulse ticking, and kissed him on the mouth. “Your creaky bed will do just fine.”

  Chapter Ten


  By the time Alex pulled up to his cabin it was past midnight. A three quarter moon was rising over the lake, shedding a silvery radiance on the water and illuminating the trees lining the shore.

  He led Emma up the creaking steps. He’d never noticed before they were so loud. The rustic wooden door creaked, too, when he unlocked it and led her inside. By the time they’d crossed the wooden floor that creaked with every step to the bedroom, they were both holding their sides to stifle the giggles.

  Emma plunked herself down on the bed. The rusty springs emitted a loud metallic shriek. She convulsed with silent laughter. “Oh my God!”

  “I never noticed this place was so noisy before.” He turned on a lamp on top of the dresser. The thirty-watt bulb cast a soft glow over the bedroom, making it appear almost romantic. Grinning, he bounced on the bed, making it shriek and groan. “Do you think Margery’s listening?”

  “If she is, it’ll be all over town tomorrow that we spent the night together.”

  His laughter faded. He could leave town whenever he wanted but Emma would be the one to face the music. Her mom and sister being who they were, Emma would be tarred with the same brush. In the city no one noticed a couple hooking up for a night but in a small town… “If that bothers you, I can still take you home.”

  “It bothers me that people can be so narrow-minded.” Her eyes were calm, her expression serious. “If I go, I’ll always wonder what we would have been like together.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I can’t wait to find out.” He angled his head for a kiss, tunneling his fingers through her hair to cup her head while he tasted his fill. The first stroke of his tongue against hers made his groin tighten. He stroked his hand down her neck to the brooch. “I’ve been wanting to unpin you all night. Find out what’s underneath.”

  Her huge green eyes darkened. With each breath, her breasts rose and fell, straining at the brooch holding her dress together. “Now’s your chance.”

  He undid the clip and slid out the metal pin. The stretchy fabric sprang apart, revealing two softly curving mounds of pale flesh above a green lace bra with a cluster of pink rosebuds at the center. His erection swelled and strained against his pants. Dipping his head he kissed the valley between her breasts then rasped his jaw along both sides, nuzzling, nipping and licking. Caressing one breast, he found her other nipple with his mouth and sucked. At her low moan he slid his hand inside the bodice and pushed her lacy bra aside to squeeze her other nipple between his thumb and fingertip.

  He pulled her down on the bed so they were facing and nudged her legs apart, pressing his thigh between them and stroked her and kissed her. Their bodies moved against each other, arousal building quickly. After a bit he pulled back, breathing hard. He smiled at her and bumped her pretty freckled nose with his. She smiled at him and his heart filled his chest. Their lust was layered with friendship and respect and maybe something more.

  He slipped her dress down over her shoulders, exposing her breasts, naked above the bra. He traced a finger across the firm flesh and watched the nipple tighten and pucker. He bent and kissed it, tugging and scraping lightly with his teeth. If this was to be his only chance to make love to Emma then he wanted to do it right.

  Emma started undoing the buttons on his shirt and only got half done before she slid a hand inside to explore. He finished the job for her and his shirt fell open. She made a sound of appreciation in the back of her throat and moved both hands over his pecs and abs. Her eagerness turned him on even more.

  Every movement they made elicited creaks and groans from the bed but he was past noticing or caring. He slid his hand up her calf, stroking behind her knee, then up her thigh, pushing up her dress. Green lace panties with pink rosebuds clung to her flaring hips. His hand splayed across the juncture of her thighs and pressed lightly on the moist heat. Her eyes fell shut and her head dropped back, her breath audible now. He kissed her, wet and hot and rotated his palm, pressing and releasing. She shivered and moaned. Unbelievable that she could be so close, so quickly. He was about to stop and get more intimate when she gave a muffled cry, shuddered and went limp in his arms.

  His body was still rigid with tension but he held her close, pressing her face into his chest, feeling her heart beating and his own pulse thundering in his ears. Who would have thought a saggy bed in an old cabin could be the setting for such an intensely emotional experience? Or that a woman he wouldn’t have looked at twice a week ago had given him the biggest hard-on he’d ever experienced? Or that instead of wanting to get himself off all he could think about was making her come again and again.


  Emma pressed her hips against the hard bulge in Alex’s pants, savoring the delicious sensations coursing through her. She stirred restlessly in his arms, ready for more. Her surprise orgasm had only taken the edge off her arousal and she hadn’t even had the pleasure of seeing Alex naked.

  She eased back and went to work on his pants, popping the clasp and unzipping to reveal an impressive package in his black knit boxers. “We need to get rid of these clothes.”

  “Up,” he commanded and rolled off the bed, taking her hand to tug her to a standing position. He dropped his pants and shucked off his shirt. Socks and underwear followed.

  Emma dragged the dress down and stepped out of it, flinging it heedlessly onto a chair in the corner of the room. Arrested by the sight of Alex’s broad shoulders and muscled chest in the warm glow of the lamp on the dresser she stopped, her hands on her bra clasp. The angles of his face were strong, too, but his full lower lip and bedroom eyes betrayed a sensitivity she hadn’t suspected when she’d first glimpsed him in her rear view mirror. She couldn’t believe she’d flipped him off.

low me.” Reaching around her, he undid her bra and let it fall away. His erection nudged her belly, causing heat and moisture to flood her core. His gaze caressed her as thoroughly as his hands skimming her breasts, waist and hips.

  He pulled her closer, his hips grinding into hers as his tongue thrust and slid in an erotic dance. He slid her panties down her leg. She was wet and hot for him, her knees weak. She clung to his shoulders as he lifted her leg and wrapped it around his thigh, nudging his cock between her legs.

  His high cheekbones flushed red and his dark eyes burned in the lamplight. She reached for her purse at the same time as he burrowed into his back pocket of the pants on the floor. They both pulled out a condom. Then laughed together.

  “Save yours. We’ll need it.” He rolled his on and pulled her to the bed and down, the springs creaking and groaning.

  His hands were everywhere on her body. His hard, thick erection pushed at her entrance and retreated, driving her crazy with the musky smell and the slick heat. She lifted her hips, trying to pull him inside. He slid in slowly, stretching and filling her till she was wild and burning with the need to move.

  “Harder,” she whispered. “I want you so badly.”

  The guttural sound in the back of his throat she took for acquiescence. He brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waist. Half on his knees he pushed inside her, hard and deep. He pulled back but only briefly before he rammed home again.

  Oh, yes. This was what fantasies were made of. Except Alex was real. Solid flesh, blood and bone. So hard. So hot. Right here, inside her, pumping and thrusting.

  The bed thrashed and creaked, the legs thumping on the wooden floor. She matched his rhythm, their bodies moving together, tense and taut. Then she started to lose control and all she could do was hold on as he carried her up and up and up. Heat and sensation coiled inside her, building tension higher and tighter until she couldn’t hold back any longer. She came on a tide of sensation that went on and on. He thrust twice more before going rigid in her arms. She held him tightly, inside and out, and whispered his name in his ear.


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