The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix

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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix Page 31

by Ava D. Dohn

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  (“The destiny of worlds may at times hinge upon the least notable and insignificant of events that scholars discard into the dustbin of forgotten history. The pen finds the majesty of great battles won through sacrifice and horrific loss of life to be more notable, thus more worthy of consuming the written page than a quiet beginning where the choosing of a road taken may change forever the worlds of men. The taming of the Silk is a much more exciting read than the building of the caves of the PrasiaOdous, or the tale of the Charge of the Glitter Brigade a more titillating account than the that of a choice made by a postal driver, yet the former are little more than mile markers upon a long and perilous road. The latter, which are of far lesser account, changed the universe forever. For, without the caves, there would have been no battle for the Silk, and absent a pivotal choice made, there would have been no brigade of brave knights to charge to the rescue of a defeated army.

  Fate! Fate is what the heart and mind make of it. Fate cares not the outcome or the ending. The laws controlling Fate are but mindless and fickle. No, it is the mind and heart that creates the direction Fate chooses and the whimsical footfall of decisions made that build that fated road. Should a man step from the fated road, no one will know because the new path shall quickly be declared Fate’s intended journey. And yet it is the path, often decided by the ignorant and foolish, that either ends in glory or humiliation, which we choose to call ‘Fate’ as if a far greater intelligence is somehow leading us toward a grand fulfillment.

  Should that really be the case, that a god of Fate rules our destiny, then all the more are we to be pitied. What hope exists should that be the case? Where is the mastery of our own hearts and minds if all is directed by a distant power called ‘Fate’? Yet, if Fate were to rule the day, it would draw into question the final direction of history if the Maker of all things should also fall under its authority. For how can the Maker of all things not also be the progenitor of Fate, a machine build to satisfy the whims of a wanton heart? And should the progenitor of Fate… the Maker of all things… submit to what is made, then will not Fate itself be lifted above God and become greater than its Maker? Should the God over all heaven and earth, all that is elemental and ethereal, also be subjected to Fate? It makes no sense to a logical mind. Yet here, at a forgotten time in space, the most Holy of Holy is found casting the future to the Fates. In what way?

  What then, truly, is Fate? I dare not say for a certainty, but I can tell you that the Fate of Chance is a most elusive ally if relied upon. As for myself, I stood upon the high plain of decision on that day so many eons ago and watched the Master over Fate work her magic, using not Fate, but Faith, to best her adversary - a faith so strong so as to place the history of eternity upon the decisions made by a few frail children who knew neither good nor bad. The Master over Fate tossed that foolhardy ally aside and chose instead to trust innocent hearts filled with the third element, that of Love, to best the day.

  It is Love then that is the master over the Maker of Worlds. Yet, is not this third element, this Love, itself, the very essence of God? So then, this fact I have come to discern: that only God is master over God, and that Fate, the fate of Love’s decision, will always win out. It is this Fate, then, that the Maker of Worlds trusted history to, that all men must search for and then allow to guide their feet on life’s path.

  I say then to Fate, ‘To you I will pay no heed nor will I give a listening ear, for you are both fickle and deceitful. But to Love will I cast all my hope and charity, for it can never fail.’

  Here, on an unimportant desert planet in a remote part of the cosmos, there gathered the two most powerful gods known to the history of mankind. One was seeking power and glory to gain mastery of the universe, to rule as supreme king and potentate, and to fill that universe with his own new creation. The other came on a mission to bring to a finish what was started so long ago, to gather the four winds in a panting to their end. Today, this God would relinquish Her throne to a force far greater than she, herself, for this force came out of a belief - a faith that the Third Element gathered by the collective was a far greater force than the sum of its parts. This belief the Great King needed to put to the test. Into the ocean of Fate, Rhiannon was about to cast all her wonderful things. The future of the universe depended on it.” Shadows on the Moon… My life in the Rainbow ~ J. Garlock)


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