Zed Days [Book 2]

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Zed Days [Book 2] Page 8

by Nick Harland

  I moved the seat all the way back and said, ‘No competition, there never was, now come over here and get that bra off.’

  Eve had had some practice shuffling across to sit on me and within a few seconds she had her bra off and Esme started talking to the others. Five minutes was a long time and Eve knew it. After removing her bra Eve started tugging at her t-shirt and pulling it down tightly so I could see her nipples outlined underneath it and every tantalizing inch of cleavage she had. Then she slipped one hand under her shirt and started gently pinching her nipples then pulling it down again so I could see them go hard. This was all mere inches from my face while I was holding her bum. Knowing waiting always made it better, I dug my fingers more tightly into her bottom and pushed her against the hardness in my jeans.

  She said, ‘You want them don’t you. You want to kiss and suck and lick them, squeeze them together until my nipples meet and kiss and lick and suck them some more. Time is passing but you know the longer you wait the better it is for both of us. Perhaps you should see them at least, feel the heat rise from between them and let my nipples tell you how much they want to be sucked and nibbled.’

  Eve slowly lifted her t-shirt up until I could almost see her nipples and moved herself closer so the material was against my nose. Esme finished talking to the others and I felt her breath by my left ear as she leant over side of the seat and said, ‘If you don’t grab them I will.’

  Eve took the hint, took her shirt off and lent back as I grabbed her right breast and attached my mouth to her left nipple in a frenzy of licking and sucking. Through the haze of passion I felt Esme leaning over the seat and I heard her kissing Eve; it stirred me to new heights of excitement. Then there was a fumbling and I saw Esme’s boobs let loose beside me. I loved to see them hanging down like that. It was a strain, but I managed to twist in the seat and turn my head and she managed to position herself so I could kiss one. Eve needed no invitation to lean over and start licking the other. I wondered if Mary was rocking or steaming up from the activity but I didn’t let it distract me from sucking Esme’s very pert breast, even if my neck was going into cramp. Esme moaned and said, ‘I’m having both of you as soon as we can get back and I don’t care how conspicuous our absence is, but the five minutes is up and we have a truck to steal and tease Brad with for the next week.’

  I unlatched from Esme’s nipple and managed a final squeeze and kiss of Eve’s before she could get her bra and top back on. Esme fumbled around putting her bra and top back on and we all got our breath. Esme said, ‘Now, let’s go kick some Zombie ass so we can get back and carry on where we left off. I want you both exactly where you were a minute ago. If I’d had even an inkling of how awesome it was to have both of my nipples sucked by different people at the same time, or how good it is to suck another woman’s breasts, I think the last few years would have been quite a bit different.’

  We had parked outside the house with the truck in the drive and we hadn’t seen any movement. Esme took a breath and got onto the radio to the others, ‘We haven’t seen anything have you?’

  Marion replied, ‘No.’

  We got out of the car with the usual protocol of leaving the doors open. The others got out too and it was still quiet. We approached the front door of the house that had the truck outside and I looked through the front window which, for a change, wasn’t covered; nothing.

  Mathew tried the front door and we were all prepared, which was lucky. The moment he pulled the handle down the door exploded open and a Beefcake, larger than I had seen so far, hurtled through it. We had learned the hard way so it wasn’t luck that we were all stood to the side of the door when the Beefcake came through. It ended up a little surprised when it was half way down the drive with no one in front of it. Esme and Marion were closest and swung for it before it could turn around and Esme got it on the back of the head. Marion could only reach its neck but neither hit floored it. It roared and went to turn around but there was a single shot that surprised us all and it span on the spot and collapsed.

  Eve pursed her lips like she had done all those weeks ago and winked at me as she blew the top of the barrel of her Maxim 9. I was in the midst of thinking of a witty reply when most of the doors to rest of the houses flew open and a small of horde of Zeds converged on the street and ran straight for us. No one needed telling and we got back into the cars before the closest ones hit. One grabbed Esme’s door and pulled it open before Eve could hit the central locking but Esme jabbed it in the forehead with the end of Seven and managed to shut the door as it staggered backwards.

  Eve started the engine and behind us Mathew and Marion got into the Q3 and started it up as well. Gill and the other two got into the other SUV but stayed where they were. The Zeds were all over us with seconds and Marion drove forwards hitting us from behind but squashing a couple between us as she did. Eve hit the accelerator and said, ‘She keen isn’t she.’

  We sped off down the road and shook off all but one Zed as we did. Eve hit the brakes and made the ABS work overtime. Marion was close behind us but as we were faster than her she had time to react and brake before hitting us again. Looking over my shoulder I could see she was fully committed and had run over two of the Zed’s that had fallen behind us, shaking off all but one of her hitch hikers as she rumbled over the bodies. Eve put it into reverse and Marion reacted and did the same. She still had one Zed on her bonnet holding onto the mesh and we had the same.

  After another run down the road in reverse Marion span the wheel at the end as she broke, spinning 90 degrees so she was perpendicular to the road, shaking off her hanger on by doing so. Eve swerved at the end of the run too and managed to hit the fallen Zed, but also smashed into Marion’s front quarter as she did so. ‘We’re not taking that one home anyway’, was her excuse.

  There were still seven or eight Zeds in the road coming towards us. The ones that had gathered around the stationary SUV got off it and joined their companions in trying to get to us. It was yet another indication that they were developing and becoming more cohesive that they did their best to unify their efforts. Marion reversed a bit then floored it, coming along side us as Eve accelerated. Marion let us get ahead to use the plough and Eve hit the pack before it could scatter. Marion was close behind picking off a couple that had managed to dodge the plough. As we both came to a halt there were only two left standing and surprisingly, Esme opened the door and jumped out, running at the two that were still up. I jumped out too and Mathew was close behind me, but we needn’t have bothered, except to finish off those that were trying to make it to their feet.

  In her most impressive move yet Esme jumped with full commitment at one of the Zombie’s while swinging Seven at the other. Although the one she hit with Seven didn’t go down it staggered back several steps and the one she jumped at with a body block didn’t really know what to do except try and catch her. It caught her elbow it its face and staggered backwards and fell. Although Esme landed awkwardly, partially on top of it, she was up in a moment and went back to basics to kill the one she had staggered. It didn’t take her long to finish the one that was getting to its feet.

  We were finishing off the ones making any attempt to get up when Esme walked over to us and said, ‘I was bored. It needs some work, but the moves got potential. Also,’ rubbing her elbow, ‘Some elbow padding, perhaps a small metal plate with a spike, wouldn’t go a miss.’

  We searched the Zeds and it wasn’t a surprise that I found the Beefcake had the truck keys on it. Mathew said, ‘So that’s the Beefcake you’ve told us about, nasty. You said both you and Bill have been hit by a charging one..’

  I replied, ‘Yes, and that’s why we have a strict no exceptions helmet policy. This one is a bit different though. I’ve seen one charge through a huge plate glass window the moment it saw us and get decapitated by the falling glass. Subtlety really isn’t their strong point. This one waited even though it must have known we were here. It’s also bigger than I’ve seen and not just becau
se the person was bigger. Look at it, it’s like it’s bloated. They’ve been busy working on their model development and I think we’re onto the mark two. It makes me wonder what a mark two Sprinter will be like?’

  When I’d finished my speech Eve sidled up to me holding her hand out in front of her. She answered my innocent look by wiggling the fingers of her hand invitingly. Then I heard Esme whisper behind me, ‘Deals a deal, or are you going to be banished to the side-lines when we get back.’

  I quickly handed over the keys to the pickup and Esme patted me on the bottom, ‘There’s a good boy.’

  Eve grabbed the keys and turned to Marion and Mathew, ‘Well that was about as good as could be expected and Marion…nice driving, full commitment and no hesitation, impressive.’

  Marion grinned and said, ‘I’m small, but when I’m in a big car I feel and think big.’ Holding her own hand out now she added, ‘I think those would suit me very well don’t you?’

  Eve giggled, ‘I suppose they would’, and handed the keys over.

  Gill and the other two got out of their car but stood a few feet away looking nervous. Eve elbowed me in the ribs and whispered, ‘Leadership please.’

  I walked over to the group and put my hand up when Gill went to speak, ‘Sorr….’

  I said, ‘It’s ok. In fact, three of us hurtling around would have been a nightmare and it was really useful to see how they acted when you guys stayed put. These are narrow streets. You guys will have plenty of chances to fight but right now we have a groove going and like I say, three cars moving at the same time would be bad. Why don’t you guys go back to the airport and wait for us. If you see any stragglers use the car but don’t get out, understood?’

  Gill spoke, ‘Ok, you’re right about three vehicles on these streets. You know where we are if you need help.’

  Gill and the others got back into their SUV and drove slowly off.

  Marion opened up the pick-up and got straight in. Seconds later the engine roared into life and she revved the nuts off it for a moment before killing it. Getting out and holding a shiny brochure she said, ‘3.2 litre V6 limited edition, not bad. Shame it’s an automatic but you can’t have everything. I think I’m going to have to ask Bill to do some special work on it to keep it pretty.’

  Eve turned back to Esme and I and said, ‘I guess that’s that, looks like none of us are getting hold of it for a while.’

  Chapter Ten – Survivors

  We carefully searched the houses for anymore Zeds but there were no hideaways, I didn’t look forwards to the day when they stared doing that. We cleared out the houses on the street and filled the back of the pickup. There wasn’t really the room but Marion found a couple of nice leather recliners and insisted on ramming them in the back of the pickup saying, ‘There are twenty of us now and some of us are getting on a bit, two couches and a load of camping chairs isn’t cutting it.’ She wasn’t wrong.

  We were just talking about going to the street with the Discovery on when the radio crackled into life, ‘Checking in. We’re on our way back, we’ve made contact with a group of survivors.’

  We gathered excitedly around the radio, ‘We dropped a radio and spoke to them. They are off a flight and there are twenty-five of them left. They’ve been hiding out in a large garden centre a couple of miles outside the airport. They lost a lot getting out of the airport and clearing the garden centre, but it had loads of food and other supplies, and they’ve done a little scavenging, so they’ve been ok. They’re starting to struggle now though.’

  ‘They said they’ve had problems scavenging at the housing estate near them and lost three people recently. They were hiding for a while without going out because they had the supplies, so they weren’t prepared for how much more dangerous the Zeds are now. They told me a Talker organised a horde at the housing estate and they’re worried if they get discovered the garden centre could get overrun. They have some vehicles and are willing to try and make the trip to the airport if you’ll meet them there.’

  Esme replied, ‘Ok we hear you. That’s good news, when are they leaving?’

  Edward replied, ‘They’re on their way. I flew up the main road to the airport and it’s not completely blocked anywhere. A couple of them said they know the way and they have a big eighteen wheeler cab with some pushing power. They could be with you in the next couple of hours at the earliest, but obviously it depends on what they encounter on the way. They seemed pretty keen to leave where they were and they have weapons in the form of lots of garden tools so I think they can make it. There is no major housing to drive through on the way. They could be in radio contact with you on this channel within an hour or so. Almost forgot the good news, one of them is a retired general surgeon and they have a third year trainee doctor. They have two builders and an HVG driver used to the really big stuff. They’ll bring anything they can fit in the cars. I’ve got the gas so I’m going to double back now and fly low over their route to see if I can spot any trouble. Hopefully you’ll hear from them next not me. Any questions?’

  Esme looked at us and everyone looked as blank as I felt. She replied, ‘No Edward, good luck. Tell them we’ll be waiting.’

  I was still stunned by Edwards news. We knew flights full of survivors were likely and some might have made it, but I was still stunned. I thought with a bigger airport, although there would be bigger flights and more survivors, there would also be hundreds of Zeds to get through and that without weapons it would be impossible.

  Mathew looked at me and said in a rather stern voice, ‘You never really believed they would find anyone alive did you. I can see it on your face.’

  I was taken aback by the accusation and sensed Eve about to speak for me. I stopped her and said, ‘I didn’t know what to think. If I hadn’t thought it was possible I would have voted against it. I just figured getting out of a large airport alive through what must have been hundreds if not over a thousand Zeds would be near impossible. I’m glad I was wrong.’

  Mathew recognised his tone had been off and said, ‘Sorry, that was out of order. I just…I just remember what it was like for us and I…’

  Marion put her hand on his shoulder, ‘It’s ok Mathew. We’re all screwed up with what we’ve been through. It’s ok that you survived and didn’t go on that last scavenging mission, we needed people to defend the plane as well. What’s important is that we can help others like these folks helped us. So let’s get on with that and not dwell.’

  We opted to go to the shop next, it was on the corner of a crossroads and my although my Zombie senses didn’t tingle, my gut wrenched inside me when we pulled up. I radioed Marion and Mathew, ‘This looks like a death-trap to me. Half the houses on the four streets from here can see the shop. If one charged into the street and the others followed we could have fifty or more Zeds on our hands, that’s too much for four of us and the trucks windows aren’t protected yet.’

  Esme leant over, held my hand on the radio and added, ‘He’s right, but I think we can see what happens. How about we reverse up to the shops door and open the tailgate. They don’t tend to charge cars at the moment. If we can see any inside Eve can shoot them. If we’re lucky we can clear the shop and get inside without attracting much attention. If any charge and it turns into shit storm we can always just run.’

  Mathew replied, ‘I’m ok with that. It will have lots of food and drink and we’re going to need it soon. We can stay on your flank and run interference if there’s a charge.’

  Esme looked at us and Eve nodded. I said, ‘Ok, but at the first sign of danger we run.’

  Eve reversed Mary up as close to the shops door as she could and still allow us to get the boot open. We arranged the stuff we had dumped in Mary to one side and in the foot wells and Eve climbed into the back with Esme. I sat in the driver’s seat and popped the tailgate. Eve got out a Maxim 9 and Esme opened the tailgate. A Zed in one of the isles charged immediately, closely followed by another, but Eve took them down expertly. Despite her l
ack of practice recently she hadn’t lost her touch. They fell in the isle and didn’t make too much noise. We waited, but no more came. Esme said, ‘I’m going in to look, there can’t be many more places they could be hiding and they don’t tend to hide when one has charged already.’

  Eve replied, ‘I’ll be right behind you. If I say duck, don’t hesitate.’ Then she turned to me, ‘Be ready.’

  Esme jumped out of the back of Mary and it must have been almost impossible to see her do so from any of the other houses. She moved slowly with Seven at the ready, half crouching. If she had been in black and not had a dumb looking grey cycle helmet on she would have looked like a ninja from some movie. Eve stayed a few steps behind her. I shook my head and concentrated again.

  I could just about see a door in the wing mirror to what must have been a small back room in the shop and Eve and Esme stopped either side of it. Eve stepped back a little and pointed her gun at the door then nodded at Esme who opened it. There was one shot and after poking her head inside briefly Esme turned and gave me the thumbs up. I sighed in relief and became less aware of the thumping in my chest.

  It occurred to me that all this constant tension must be putting a real strain on us, damaging hormones and all that; constant excessive adrenalin. I figured it didn’t matter because we had no choice and because we would be lucky to live long enough to die from a heart attack anyway. Then I thought of Marion and some of the others who were older and wondered when our first non-Zed related death might be. I didn’t and couldn’t include Eve in those thoughts even though she was over fifteen years older than me.

  I radioed the others, ‘All clear but…..’

  I saw the passenger door of the truck open and Mathew step out. My senses tried to pull the hairs off the back of my neck and I shouted down the radio, ‘Get back in the car.’ But he didn’t hear me. I watched in horror as the door to a house close to the truck opened and what must have been a Sprinter sprang out. I dropped the radio, opened my door for a moment and yelled, ‘Run’, but Mathew froze. The Sprinter was on him in a second and jumped headlong at him from about eight feet away. It hit him full in the chest before he could even turn around. That was our first encounter with a Sprinter mark two, its speed and the distance it could hurl itself from were truly scary.


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