Daniel's Desire

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Daniel's Desire Page 14

by Sherryl Woods

  “We’re always willing to see that our guests’ requests are met,” she assured Daniel. “There’s a menu in the room, or if there’s something special you’d like, our chef will do his best to accommodate you.”

  “Two steaks, medium, a bottle of champagne and chocolate mousse,” he said at once. “Is that possible?”


  He turned to Molly, winked, then turned back to the counter. “Extra whipped cream?”

  Molly nearly groaned aloud. She could feel the heat climbing into her cheeks, but the young woman didn’t bat an eye.

  “Not a problem,” she said. “Will a half hour be okay?”

  Daniel caught Molly’s gaze again, held it, then said, “You’d better make it an hour.”

  The young woman remained completely unflustered. “Certainly, sir. Shall I have someone show you to your room?”

  Daniel glanced at the key. “Third floor,” he said. “Elevator’s right there. I think we can find it.”

  “Then enjoy your stay. If there’s anything else you need, call the front desk. My name’s Colleen.”

  “Thank you, Colleen. I’m sure we will,” Daniel said as he turned toward the elevator, suddenly being discreet enough to keep his hands to himself as Molly preceded him inside.

  When the doors were closed, she poked him in the arm. “Tell the world, why don’t you?”

  “Tell the world what?” he asked innocently.

  “That we’re here for a secret assignation.”

  He laughed. “I thought we were here for sex and a nice lunch.”

  “I’m rethinking the sex part,” she said, though even she could tell the claim was a little too halfhearted to be taken seriously.

  “Bet I can change your mind,” he said, already reaching for her.

  “Daniel.” The whispered protest died on her lips when he backed her against the wall of the elevator and brought his mouth down on hers in a kiss that could have convinced a saint to sin. She was vaguely aware of the elevator doors opening and closing, but the heat from Daniel’s body managed to fog her brain. He was hard against her, ready for that sex she’d insisted she was going to deny him. And the truth of it was that she was every bit as ready as he was.

  She’d missed this—the feel of his mouth on hers, the way her body molded to his, his woodsy, masculine scent, the sandpaper texture of his cheeks within hours of shaving. She’d been a tomboy as a kid, and she’d missed feeling surprisingly small and feminine next to his more powerful build.

  It felt so damned good to lose herself on a sea of sensations, to be swept away to a place beyond thought.

  This time, though, the sound of the elevator doors opening and closing was accompanied by a shocked gasp. Molly’s eyes flew open to encounter the startled look of an elderly woman whose pursed lips suggested she was not amused by their behavior. Molly nudged Daniel and tried to extricate herself from his embrace.

  “Sorry,” she murmured, totally chagrined.

  Daniel finally caught on. He recovered quickly. By the time he turned, he was wearing his most charming smile, the one that could win the heart of his sternest detractor.

  As Molly watched, the woman’s lips softened and a twinkle lit her eyes. Another conquest was clearly in the making.

  “Honeymoon?” she inquired dreamily.

  Daniel grinned. “Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

  “Not a word, but, young man, I do think you should take your bride into a room. Public displays of affection are so gauche, don’t you think?”

  Daniel looked suitably chastened. “You are absolutely right.” He grabbed Molly’s hand and hauled her from the elevator. “Have a lovely afternoon, ma’am.”

  “You do the same, young man,” she said, the twinkle back in her eyes. She winked at Molly. “Much happiness, my dear.”

  “Thank you,” Molly said, all but tripping over Daniel in her haste to get away before she burst into laughter.

  She held her breath until the elevator doors closed and the woman was safely descending to the lobby before whirling on Daniel. “Is there any chance at all that the universe won’t know about this little rendezvous of ours by nightfall? The story will be all over Widow’s Cove, if not the entire state of Maine.”

  He grinned unrepentantly. “So what? Everybody loves a romance. Besides, no one here knows our real names.”

  “We may be anonymous in the gossip, but Retta knows we’re here,” she reminded him. “She can withdraw that blessing of hers, just like that if she knew we were making a public spectacle of ourselves.” She snapped her fingers.

  “But she won’t,” Daniel said confidently.

  “Why not?”

  “Retta’s the biggest sucker of all for romance.” He leveled a look at her that made her tremble. “You can always back out.”

  Molly glanced at the key in his hand, then at the numbers on the doors. “Doesn’t seem much point to that, since our room is right here and it’s paid for.”

  When she would have taken the key and opened the door, Daniel held it just out of reach.

  “Before we go inside, there’s something you should know,” he said, his expression suddenly serious. “I love you, Molly. I know you said you didn’t want me to say that, but you need to hear it. You need to believe it.” He gestured toward the room. “That’s what this is about. It’s not just sex, not for me. I’m making a commitment to you, here and now, this afternoon. I’m not asking you to do the same, but I won’t deny my own feelings.”

  Molly’s heart pounded at the conviction in his voice. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to say the words back to him, but she’d done that once. She’d offered him everything, and it hadn’t been enough.

  She reached up and touched his cheek. “I believe you,” she said. “It’s about more than sex for me, too.”

  She stumbled over the idea of commitment, but Daniel seemed to understand that she wasn’t ready to commit beyond this moment. She was a little surprised that he was so eager to talk about the future, but given the sad expression on his face, she couldn’t deny that he seemed genuinely disappointed that they weren’t on the same page.

  He managed to put aside whatever dismay he was feeling, though. He grinned at her as he put the key into the lock, opened the door, then swept her up and carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

  “Here and now,” he murmured. “That’s all that matters.”

  Molly gazed into the troubled depths of his eyes. “It really is, you know. We can’t control any of the rest, but we can make this moment count.”

  Daniel glanced past her at the clock on the bedside table, then grinned. “Especially since we only have about forty-five of those precious moments left before that lunch I ordered turns up.”

  Molly kicked off her shoes and reached for the buttons on his shirt. “Then I suggest we not waste another second.”

  Daniel didn’t want to be rushed. He wanted to savor everything about this afternoon. He wanted to take his time stripping away Molly’s clothes, lingering over each caress of her magnificent, familiar body. He wanted each minute to be memorable.

  “Maybe I should call down and cancel lunch,” he murmured as her fingers grazed his bare chest and made his pulse skip.

  “Oh, no,” she said. “I’m starved, first for you, then for food.”

  It was the way she’d always been, eager to make the most of whatever time they had. She could take her own sweet time tormenting him, or she could get caught up in a quick rush to pleasure that had them both gasping and breathless in a heartbeat. That was clearly her intention now, as she undid his belt and the button at his waist, then slid her hand down until his entire body jolted at the touch of her clever fingers.

  Daniel spotted the quick rise of satisfaction in her eyes, the tiny frown of concentration on her brow, as she set about making him crazy. Maybe this moment wasn’t about him. Maybe it was about Molly regaining her sense of control over their relationship. Maybe he simply needed to g
o along for the ride, let her take him wherever she wanted him to go. Being passive wasn’t in his nature, but Molly seemed to have a plan and since at the moment his body seemed more than content with it, who was he to argue?

  Her hands were everywhere and so was her mouth. He heard her catch her breath as she slid his pants down, releasing him in his full state of arousal. She touched the tip of him, sending a jolt through his entire body.

  “I want you, Daniel,” she said, looking up at last to meet his gaze. “Make love to me.”

  “With pleasure,” he said, lifting her to the high bed with its thick comforter and soft, fresh-smelling sheets.

  He stripped off his already disheveled clothes, joined her on the bed and then set to work undressing her, taking his time as he removed blouse, bra, jeans and, at long last, panties. It wasn’t so much an exploration of her body—he already knew it as well as he knew his own—as it was a reawakening, for both of them. He wanted to remember—wanted her to remember—what it was like between them, how well they fit together, the pleasure that had always washed over them like a storm.

  Already, though, she was restless, her hips seeking his touch. She was slick with perspiration, moist and ready for him to enter her. He’d waited so long for this, missed it in ways he hadn’t even realized until now, but no more. He couldn’t wait another second.

  With one sure thrust, he was inside her, surrounded by her heat, feeling her contract around him with the first spasm. He waited as the waves subsided, then began to move, slowly, teasing her, then harder and deeper as her cries of pleasure mounted and his own body tensed, straining toward the promised release. When it came, it was shattering, the way it had always been with Molly…and only with Molly.

  And with his climax came the equally shattering realization that the condoms he’d bought and kept in his wallet for this moment were still safely there. He waited for the panic to set in, waited for the awful fear that there might be another pregnancy that could come between them, but instead an amazing sense of peace stole over him. If there was a baby, so be it. Today was all about second chances. There could be no greater second chance than the opportunity to prove to Molly that he was ready for a family, that he wasn’t afraid of testing his ability to be a husband and father. Not as long as it was with her.

  Still joined with her, he gazed into her eyes. “Marry me,” he said. “Be with me forever.”

  Alarm flared in her eyes, and he could almost feel her emotional withdrawal.

  Her gaze shuttered, she said, “I thought you understood that I’m not ready for that, not ready for more than this.”

  “I do,” he said.

  “Then what was the proposal all about, Daniel?”

  “I need you to remember that I asked, that I meant it.”

  She regarded him with confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “If…” He drew in a deep breath, then forced himself to continue. “If there’s a baby, I want you to know now, this minute, that this time it will be different. I will be there for you.”

  Her expression faltered at that, then tears filled her eyes. “There won’t be a baby, Daniel.”

  For a moment his heart stood still. Was there something Patrick hadn’t told him about the miscarriage? Something she hadn’t told him? He would never forgive himself if he’d destroyed her chances of having children forever. “Ever?” he asked, his heart in his throat.

  As understanding dawned, she touched his cheek. “No, just now. I’m on the Pill.”

  His sigh of relief was deep. “Thank God.”

  She pulled away, her anger almost palpable. “So many pretty words, Daniel. Didn’t you mean any of them?”

  When she would have run, he held her tight, forced her to look into his eyes. “No misunderstandings this time, Molly. I didn’t mean I was grateful that we hadn’t made a baby. I was only grateful that I hadn’t cost you the chance to have them. I couldn’t have forgiven myself for that.”

  She searched his face, clearly wanting to believe him, but it was a long time before he felt her relax in his arms.

  “I love you,” he repeated. “And I do want to marry you, whenever you’re ready, baby or no baby.”

  The tears spilled then, and she curled into him, clinging to him. The storm went on for so long, he was sure there could be no tears left, but when the sobs finally stopped, she looked more at peace than he’d seen her in years.

  “We’re okay?” he asked, trying to interpret what had just happened.

  “We’re okay,” she said, then smiled at the knock on the door. “And definitely ready for lunch. I can think of all sorts of fascinating things to do with that whipped cream.”

  He frowned with mock ferocity. “Great thing to say when I have to go to the door,” he said, grabbing a thick robe off the back of the bathroom door.

  The waiter managed to keep a discreetly bland expression on his face as he set up the room-service cart in front of a large bay window. Daniel tipped him well, then gratefully closed the door behind him, barely hiding a smile at the sight of the large silver bowl filled with fresh whipped cream.

  “What?” Molly said, studying him.

  He picked up the bowl and carried it toward her. “Only the best,” he teased, dipping up a spoonful and dropping it onto her breast.

  Her eyes widened as he set the bowl aside and bent down to lick away every last trace of the cream. Her nipple was hard, her hips restless when he was done.

  “More?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes, please,” she whispered, her voice husky.

  “Our food will get cold,” he reminded her.

  “Nothing I like better than cold steak,” she insisted.

  “And warm champagne?” he asked.

  She glanced toward the cart. “It’s on ice.”

  “Ah, well, that’s okay, then,” he said, laughing.

  She leaned back against the pillows and gestured toward the whipped cream. “Come on, Daniel. Get with the program.”

  This time he drizzled a trail of the sweet cream between her breasts and lower, then licked it away. “So good,” he murmured.

  “Me or the whipped cream?” she asked.

  “You, of course. Always you.”

  Molly reached for the bowl. “My turn,” she said, scooping up a large dollop, then studying him thoughtfully. “Where to start, though?”

  Daniel fought a grin at her serious expression. “Doesn’t really matter, you know. It’s pretty much guaranteed to be a turn-on, whatever you do with that.”

  “Then maybe I’ll start with a little right here,” she said, dropping just a little on his mouth, then running her tongue over his lips. “You’re right. It is good.”

  “Very good,” he confirmed.

  After that, she began to get creative, with a little dab here, a larger dab there, and that wicked mouth of hers making him completely crazy.

  “Come here,” he pleaded when she was sitting back on her heels looking for some other part of his anatomy she could torment.

  “I’m not through.”

  “Yes, you are,” he said, snatching away the bowl and flipping her on her backside in a move that caught her completely off guard. “Time to pay up, darlin’.”

  She laughed. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really,” he said, lowering his mouth to hers and tasting her till she was writhing beneath him. “See, no need for whipped cream. You taste incredible just as you are.”

  “Good thing, because we were completely out of the stuff, and I, for one, am not about to call the front desk and ask for more.”

  “Scared people will think we used it for something other than a garnish on the chocolate mousse?” he teased.

  “I don’t think there was a doubt in Colleen’s mind about its intended use,” Molly said. “I think she was envying me because I was about to come upstairs and have wild, uninhibited sex with a very handsome man. I think our friend in the elevator felt the exact same way.”

  “She must have been
eighty,” Daniel said.

  “Doesn’t mean she can’t be having a sex life of her own or a lot of very steamy memories,” Molly said. “I think we’ll still be having sex when we’re eighty, don’t you?”

  Daniel gazed into her eyes at the admission that she saw a future for them. “That’s what I want,” he said seriously. “Sex or no sex, I want to be with you when we’re eighty.”

  Molly sighed.

  “Am I getting ahead of myself again?” he asked, even though she was the one who’d initiated the illusion.

  “No, I want that, too, but I’m scared.”

  Daniel brushed a stray curl back from her cheek and gazed into her eyes. “Don’t you think I’m scared, too? I’m terrified that I’ll get it wrong again. I don’t think we get but so many second chances in life. I want to make the most of this one. We have to make a vow to talk, Molly. If one of us is getting it all wrong, we have to get it out in the open. We can’t run from it.”

  She regarded him with an unflinching gaze. “The way you did before.”

  “Yes,” he said readily, more than willing to take responsibility for his own cowardice back then. “The way I did before.”

  She grazed his cheek with her knuckles. “Then maybe we really do have a chance of getting it right this time, Daniel.” Her lips curved. “We could toast to that.”

  He grinned. “A very good idea,” he said, getting the bottle of champagne. He popped the cork and poured them each a glass.

  “To getting it right,” he said, touching his glass to hers.

  The crystal made a sweet sound, and the motion splashed just a little of the champagne. Molly studied the droplets on his chest intently, then grinned. “Whipped cream, champagne, what’s the difference?” she asked as she put aside her glass.

  Daniel groaned as she tasted him. She was going to be the death of him this afternoon, but oh, my, what a way to go.

  When he was breathless and weak, she nudged him with her knee.

  “What?” he asked.

  “We need to get back.”

  “I don’t think I can move.”


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